Just because I’m curious.

| October 22, 2013

With all the news about the horror of the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare being a complete dud, I’d like to hear from you.  How many of you have actually signed up?  If so what state, and how was the experience?  Right now we can only get anecdotal information so I want to hear actual numbers.  If you’re not going to sign up, why?  Do you think it’s going to fall apart?  If so what will be the result for the country?


I ask, you answer.

Category: Health Care debate, Media

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No, I will not sign up. I’m a DOD civilian, so I have health care.

If I wasn’t a DOD civilian, would I sign up for this shit? Not in a million fucking years!


1) Surgery in a Soviet hospital, tied up with a sheet and no anesthesia while a “doctor” hacked away at my tonsils, watching bloody chunks that were my tonsils falling squishily into a kidney dish under my chin. Never again.

2) I can’t afford it, and I make too much to get subsidized. Even if I qualified for subsidies, I’m not in the habit of forcing other hard working Americans to pay for a service. So no.

3) It will burn in flames. The clusterfuck that is the rollout is just the beginning. Wait until demand exceeds supply of doctors. It will be interesting.


I did not sign up, and I make no plans on signing up. I already have the VA, and the VA is bad enough as it is. The VA can’t handle 1% of the population, so why would I rather sign up to a healthcare system that’s supposed to help the other 99%?

Fine, he can tax me or fine me, I don’t care. I won’t sign up.


Currently have a health plan, so no I do not intend to sign up for Obamacare.

That being said, if I ever went the contractor route I’d look there LAST, not first.


No, I will not sign up. I have Medicare and the VA.

Is it going to fall apart? Yes, because the length of time between passing the bill and the startup date is 3 years, and nothing was done to promote it or give people a heads up-type of website (info only, here’s how, etc.) until the very, very, very last minute. Incompetence is the hallmark of this administration. It has already fallen apart.

The result will be more people getting fined or whatever it is than buy insurance. The exchanges don’t work properly, the website itself is a disaster, and did anyone besides me notice that no one actually accepted any responsibility at all for the mess that the ACA has created? No, it’s only been ‘we’re not satisfied’. What is that?


No way. Retired and have TRICARE…atleast for the time being. Plus am a DoD (Army) civilian.


Hell no won’t sign up. Fts.


I did not have to sign up, I use Tricare for my family and I.

I am glad I didn’t have use that broke website to sign up; the thing stalled on the welcome site.


I work in healthcare and was just at a large conference to discuss ACA implementation and did not hear a single positive comment or success story. My own premium through my employer will rise 488% in 2014 for much less coverage due to the “reform”.

Also seems plans are being asked not to release enrollment numbers… http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/obama-administration-asks-north-dakota-insurance-company-to-stop-reporting-embarrassing-enrollment-numbers/


No, I have not nor will I sign up, and no I don’t have health care. Why you ask? Cause that’s just how lazy I am, plus I don’t understand it at all, and I believe it will fall apart.
Is there a chance of the next PONTUS doing away with it? I think that will happen so no need to sign up. (Remember I just learned that there is a whole world of politics and stuff going on that I had no clue about so I’m still trying to understand it all. Go easy on me.)

Green Thumb

I have other options.

Common Sense

Everyone in my immediate family is covered by employers except for my daughter who has Tricare – thank God. Doesn’t mean our premiums won’t go up though. We’ll all find out next month during open enrollment.

There are plenty of first hand experiences profiled at Twitchy, among other sites. In general, much higher premiums, much higher deductibles, and less coverage.

It depends on the state. Only 5 states have premiums that went down, on average. Some states don’t have any doctors or hospitals available. Millions have lost their current plans because they didn’t cover all the mandates.

And this is only the first pass. Next year, premiums (and penalties) go up again, even for people in employer-paid plans. Someone has to pay for those subsidies and mandates.

As for the websites, one developer’s estimate is that they have to re-write 5 million lines of code. That doesn’t happen in a few hours over the weekend. They used 55 different contracting companies with non-IT Medicare officials acting as system integrators – LMAO!! They didn’t do ANY system testing until 4 days before launch. As usual for government IT projects, the requirements weren’t pinned down and kept changing, a death sentence for any project. On top of all that, the phone number crashed and if you could get through, it refers you back to the website.

They need 7 million people to sign up before the end of the year to make it viable. Ain’t gonna happen.


My current plan costs about $750/yr.
On the Govt Website a similar plan in NC is $3995.
Nuff Said

Joe Williams

No, I have the Va and MEDIAID. MY draughter says she will pay the TAX fine. THEY CANNOT AFFORD ACA. THIS IS ANOTHER ponzi scheme. JOE


I have VA, which sucks. But it qualifies as appropriate health insurance under Obamacare according to the letter I got from the VA, which pretty much told me that no further action is required on my part in order to be in compliance with the regs set down by the ACA. Sure VA health insurance sucks, but everywhere is going to suck just as bad in the near future, so whatever…..


Not me. I am already signed up in socialized healthcare called “Medicare”.
Will Obamacare fall apart? Could be, and it will all be Bush’s fault.


I have excellent care through my employer, but I did look at the site (and got through!) and it quickly directed me to a state-run website which offered plans that were actually quite decent. Most were between 250-300/mo, if I recall, and had low enough max-pay figures that anything catastrophic wouldn’t bankrupt me. I don’t recall what credits, etc., would come into play to lower the costs. I guess this varies considerably state by state.

I also may be one of the fortunate ones – a prior fight with cancer has made getting insurance difficult, uncertain and expensive, so for me, the ACA does some genuine unqualified good.

2/17 Air Cav

Nope, not me. I did, however, visit the site a few times and had some fun in the old comment box. Personally, I would have preferred Affordable Car Care. Damn car repairs are so expensive.

Tom Huxton

If you had to choose between Nixon and Obama……. Which would you buy a used car from?


On Tricare Prime…won’t be shocked if premiums get jacked up significantly, as Obama Admin gets desperate for funds when the 7 million youngsters needed to enroll to susidize the ACA never materializes.

OK, so the adminstration is gonna push a “tech surge” to fix the website problem? Well…here is an interesting Wiki piece called the “Brook’s Law” coined back in 1975.

E-6 type, 1 ea

@18 – I’d rather buy a bicycle from Dan Quayle.

As far as insurance goes, I get free health, dental, and vision from my civilian employer, plus the option of tri- care through the Guard. I went to the ACA website, and it seemed to work for me, albeit at 5:15 am. I didn’t qualify for anything, because my income was too high, and the cheapest option on the website was $109/mo.

Unless there’s some magical part of this law I’m missing, there’s gonna be a huge sticker shock to all these people next year who suddenly have another $75-$100 bill every month for health insurance, that hasn’t been there in the past. That’s a considerable chunk of change to someone making $20k/yr. The way I understand it is if someone doesn’t have insurance after next year, the cost will automatically be taken from their taxes. Is this right? I think the biggest problem with Obamacare is that no one REALLY understands it, including the people who are implementing it.


Heard about this article on the radio on my way to work. It seems Kathleen Sebelius is distancing herself from the Obamacare on-line debacle, as if in response to Jay Carney, who refused to answer questions at the latest WH briefing, and referred folks to HHS:


To answer the question, NO. I presently have Tricare Prime and am relatively happy with it, and won’t go near the web site. I’ll hold on to my current plan unless I can find a good supplement through work (no open enrollment period yet).


Like USMCE8Ret, I’m pretty happy with Tricare prime as well. No plans to change.

The Lurker Formerly Known As Curt

They can kiss my ass- not gonna sign up, visit the site, or try to learn more about it. If the insurance I have now goes away, I will fuck with their heads and pay for my check ups with cash. That should throw a wrench in the gears!



…and if nothing else, I can just call the veterinarian and get an appointment with him.


I will not sign up. First, because of the info leaks, second, because of the high prices (lower than my now-cancelled solo policy, but that will change soon), third because no physicians in my area are part of the plans so I’d have to keep paying out-of-pocket for everything anyway.

I’m eligible for a policy via an affiliate of USAA, so I plan to look into that, but if that falls through, I’ll just put my old premium payment in savings and pay the fines. And I’m one of those “healthy young people” that are needed to keep this Titanic wreck afloat.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m not signing up, I work for a private sector employer (Vietnam Veteran, Bronze star paperwork signed by tricky Dick Nixon) who believes that taking care of the people who make his business work well and generate profits is the right thing to do so we have health care that is subsidized as part of our compensation package.

With the cost of ACA for families approaching the outrageous I am grateful to find myself where I can buy individual insurance from my employer and my wife can do the same from her employer. Instead of a family plan for just two people we both have separate individual plans which is considerably less money each week in our combined payments than a single family plan payment would be at either employer.


My wife is has a long term illness. She tried several times to sign up and has been unable to complete the process.

Do I agree with Obama care? No. Will I take advantage of it because we have no other options? Yes.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@27 the part that sucks is legislation to address the situation you are in would be easy to implement if you could find some legislators with the intestinal fortitude to get the job done. It would also be easy to provide a subsidized insurance plan for low-income or no-income families at risk.

There was no need for this debacle known as the ACA, I believe the idea behind ACA is to kill the insurance business surrounding health care and force a single payer system to fill the void.


I have health care through my employer — for the moment. They’re being non-communicative as to what will happen to the deductibles and premiums next year, so we’ll have to wait and see. We have a good plan right now — but that might change.


VA and employer-paid insurance – so far, so good.

Someone sent me a picture of Obama saying “Obamacare – it’s the law for three years – stop trying to change it” below which was another pic and “The 2nd Amendment, it has been the law for 222 years – stop trying to change that”. May be my next wallpaper.


I haven’t signed up and don’t plan to. I’m a county employee in Arizona with passable health care through my job. If I wasn’t a municipal employee with benefits would I sign up for this? Not just no, but hell no. Like PH2 said, if things got bad enough I’d just hit up the local veterinarian, I love rural America! 🙂
It’s bad enough that the implementation of this abortion on the part of the Federal Government is pushing up my premiums on my dependent coverage through work, approximately $80 a month extra.

I think the ACA is going to crumble under its own weight faster than any government program in history. The result for the USA? An additional zero added to the deficit, thank you Obama & Co.


On the spouses Feb Blue Cross.
No changes that I know of YET.

The second order effect of this experiment will be a massive wave of ID theft of the folks that can least afford the hassle.


Not going to. Have a good retirement plan from over 40 years in aerospace (Medicare plus medi-gap). Just want to sit back and eat popcorn as I watch this train wreck unfold.


Didn’t sign up but am curious on the pricing.

Turns out there is a link to see the official pricing without going through the whole account setup process.

google healthcare gov data for a link.

Also linked on some of the right leaning sites. Don’t want to post links without permission.


I wanted to look at the prices, but I wouldn’t get on the site. I tried calling, but couldn’t get through. I went into one of the offices, but it was closed because of the shut down.

Now, I’m finding out that if you want to look at the options, you have to enter and send all of your information (including any checking or savings account numbers) just to view the options. Screw that.

For now, I’ll pay the tax on my tea and buy the stamps for my book… at least until the people decide that enough is enough.

2/17 Air Cav

Unless you plan on not filing fed income taxes, you will be found out pretty quickly if you avoid obamacare and do not otherwise have health insurance. You don’t think that 16,000 IRS positions were created under obamacare just to write thank-you notes to taxpayers, did you? The fine is small the first year (2014) but goes up, up, and away thereafter. You have until the end of March 2014 to obtain approved health insurance or sign up through the exchange. For young, healthy folks who aren’t accident prone, it’s much cheaper to forego buying it the first year, at least. There are cases filed against obamacare whose outcomes will impact the penalty, among other things. They’ll take a while to run the route to the Supremes and that jerkwad John Roberts. Hey did I just call the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court a jerkwad? Yep. I calls ’em as I sees ’em.


I recieved a letter from the VA stating that the care I recieve is a qualifying health care plan.

What is next?

NO doubt … my insurance will be cancelled!

2/17 Air Cav

@37. I before E except after C…. Dammit chief. Three years in fourth grade and you didn’t learn that?


“Eye was edumicated at Cadolick Shcool!”

My wife can’t stand my seplling habits!

2/17 Air Cav

@39. So was I. Evidently, you weren’t whacked with a metal rules on the palms and knuckles as often as I was. Sister Mary Xavier never drew blood but, brother, could she cause pain. A true artist she was.

That Guy

As the demographic that is supposed to be supporting all the old and the lazy, I took a look at the federal website (Ohio doesn’t have a state exchange, so we have to buy from state providers at the federal exchange). I made an account under a fake name so I could take a look without being harangued by our asshole government. Before I was shown the prices, however, the site demanded that I confirm that my information was all correct and made me verify such under penalty of prosecution, which I refused to do. Something I DID notice is that, while I had to enter values for questions like my birth date and my address and phone numbers, they never forced me to give my Social Security number. So I couldn’t even tell you what the forced exchange prices would be. I’m not going to sign up because I think its wildly unconstitutional and because I know it will be poorly run for the short duration of the program. I know that the program won’t be around long because I know that, among people my age (mid twenties), NOBODY is signing up. Literally. Of 200 friends who regularly talk to me, no one has any interest in signing up for health insurance on the exchange. And we’re the people this crap is built on the backs of; the young who will have ridiculously high premiums even though we’re the healthiest portion of the insured. When only a small percentage (if you find double-digit enrollment from my age group in any portion of the insurance exchange besides the high risk, I would be astonished) of us enroll, you’ll see a skyrocketing premium rise, and thousands upon thousands of people in federal courts arguing cases against this garbage. And the best part is that a lot of them will be the idiots who voted for it thinking it would be free for them, so fuck the rest of the voters. What will be the outcome of its collapse? God willing, the death of the moronic ‘single payer’ ideal, with a lot… Read more »


Off topic a bit, but what kind of responses will TAH readers give their physician if he/she asks if you possess firearms?

Isn’t that supposed to be something embedded with the ACA?


USMCE8Ret – “Yo Doc: Two words, and the second one is ‘you!”


@42. Simply, it’s none of his damn business. But then, my doc has already said he won’t be asking that question.


@29–Sounds like what’s going on with our company. They’re playing the whole premium/coverage thing VERY close to the vest, which is kind of funny considering open enrollment starts next week.


I live in NJ, 2 weeks ago I got the letter from Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield that after Nov 1 (meaning, because of obamacare) they will no longer be offering my current plan. Imagine that.
2 years ago my husband changed jobs and has insurance through his new company, we’re going to see how much it will be for me to get on his plan.
I will do everything possible not to sign up on any Obamacare website. I don’t want these people to have any of my information, especially after hearing that there have been no background checks on the navigators, and in some cases people are being directed to call planned parenthood offices because they’ve been designated as navigators??? There will be no accountability for the safety of information. Seems like a lot of people are going to get screwed in so many different ways, identity theft being a big one.


@ #42

Why doc? Looking to sell one?

I might remind him that under the law he/she has to ask the question, I am not compelled by law to answer it, and the only way they gets to find out is by trying to break into my house some night. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

@42. You make like a rug and lie. The gov’t doesn’t need to know where to go to get the guns when that day comes.

Do you have any guns in your home? No.

Do you use tobacco products? No.

Do you drink alcohol? No

Do you swear or affirm that your responses are true and accurate to the best of your knowledge? Yes.


@ Air Cav … NO I was not beatin’ by Sister Mary Scary.

I was taken to a small special room with Father Peter O’Colon!


Paying the fine.