Active shooter at the Navy Yard

| September 16, 2013

The Navy Tweets that there is an active shooter at the Washington, DC Navy Yard. No details just that. So stand by.

UPDATE: Fox5 in DC says that there are injuries.

Fox News says it’s one man with a shotgun.

From the Washington Post.


Fox News reports that there’s an DC Metro officer down on the third floor of that particular building.

UPDATE: NOT a Metro DC cop. But “officer down” nonetheless.

Category: Breaking News

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Well, there was an NCIS marathon on TV.

Yeah, that’s it.


What’s with the Fox News graphic that shows Capitol Hill and 1/2 mile? Something else happen?


Lucky, someone asked how far this was from the Capitol.

Now law enforcement saying 3-4 victims, and one officer down.


Now just “multiple fatalities.”

2/17 Air Cav

I lasted 15 seconds with the idiot TV reports “live, from the scene.”

Combat Historian

ABC News story above states the shooter is an “African-American” male. How do they know he’s “African-American”? He could just as well be Nigerian or Chadian or Somalian or Jamaican in nationality. Until his nationality is established, the media should just say “black male”; I bet the media would not be saying “Euro-American” male if the shooter was a white guy…This is PC gone amuck…


They have now dropped referring to him as “black.” It’s just an adult male now.


If the President had a son, would he look like this guy?


How can this be possible? Guns aren’t allowed on military bases, let alone the city of Washington D.C. //sarc//


@7, if he was a white male, the media would say he was a Tea Party member, or a Republican. Or, at least some of the media would be wishin’ and hopin’ that he was.

olly okbar

although not confirmed, theres been reporting that there might have been 3 shooters and that one may have been taken down. again not yet confirmed.


Response looks rather like more than a lone shooter.

“Shelter in place?” Never heard that terminology for something other than hazardous chemicals.


Omg where’s the seals to take this chump out

A Proud Infidel

The NBC article linked to Drudge Report just HAD to mention that the shooter MIGHT have used an AR15, but it wasn’t known yet.

They didn’t even have all the facts yet, but they HAD TO blame a “scary black rifle” from the start. Boy, those DC Gun Control Laws work wonders at preventing shootings, don’t they? /sarc


ABC news is reporting the suspect being a “Thin, bald, black male”

2/17 Air Cav

I am reporting that no one knows shit yet.


Your analysis has been confirmed by two additional sources, AC.


How did this ass get past the gate guard into the Navy Yard? You’d think that place would have some form of security to screen for… I don’t know… scary black rifles in the hands of people not supposed to carry them?


“Shelter in place” is used for all sorts of scenarios. Everybody gathers in a central location. Kind of like cows at the slaughterhouse.

Screw that. I’m going up in the ceiling.

Common Sense

@14 – ‘shelter in place’ is sheep-speak for ‘run and hide’.

Ludicrous that the military, on their own base, are unarmed and defenseless.

Last I heard it was 2 shooters, both were down (condition unknown), 4 dead and 10 injured.

Common Sense

@20 – We were on two different AF bases during the past year. They always checked our ids/passes, but our vehicle was never searched, not once. There was an incident last year where a poser was vouched for by his girlfriend and went around giving orders to people until an NCO got suspicious and confronted him.

Combine those two experiences and you can see how easy it is to get arms on base.

A lot of people are speculating that it may be another case of ‘workplace violence’ like Ft Hood.


They’re reporting one shooter has been killed.

Common Sense

This is interesting:

Engineers tweeting from the Navy Yard.

“Reports that the FBI is on-site at the navy yard. Seems very strange.— ”

“Reporting that the shooter used a shotgun inside building 197 seems wrong. You can’t even get a cell phone in that building.— ”

“The reports we’re hearing outside is that the shooter used an AR. Security was the 1st to be shot.— “


Wonder if the guy Peter Doucey reported seeing immediately upon his arrival at the scene is one of the shooters. Hmmm.


Ranger up’s fb feed seems to be accurate source. They are tapped I to SMS and police scanners right now.

2/17 Air Cav

More workplace violence, no doubt. We’ll know what it will be called just as soon as we learn whether John “What! I’m a senator?” McCain’s favorite Muslim phrase was yelled.

Common Sense

6 dead now, 3 critical at the hospital.

Who says this while events are still happening?

“As far as we know, it’s an isolated incident,” D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray said.



The part I liked, was the one where the news reported that Marines from 8th and I,have surrounded an elementary school a block from the Navy Yard, where students are locked down, and the Marines in full gear with locked and loaded weapons, are in a defensive position protecting said school. Gotta love Jarheads


Posted this once, or thought I did, but the Afghan Thought Police must have confiscated it:

The Navy Yard is probably the most ripe target for someone wishing to target the military in DC. In a 2-mile-radius of SE and SW DC we have the Navy Yard, along with Fort McNair (where I was stationed for four years), the Marine Barracks at 8th & I, Coast Guard HQ NCR, Bolling AFB/Anacostia Navy Annex, and the USMC Band Barracks. The Navy Yard is by far the busiest of the smaller installations, which are harder for emergency response teams to access than a larger post like Bolling/Anacostia.

All of those installations have fairly significant activities and/or senior leaders who live or work on them. This seems to be getting worse by the hour; hopefully the other two suspects are caught or confirmed as rumors soon.


“Shelter in Place”=Target-rich environment.
The one thing that stands out is that nobody in the media knows what the hell is going on. But, they have to feed the all news, all the time thing, so they babble on.


This is from MSN news:

The police chief is now reporting 12 (twelve) dead.

The shooter may be someone who worked at Navy Sea Systems Command and recently lost his job. (Speculation by news people)

This is across the Potomac from Bolling AFB and what used to the the NAVPHOTOCEN and is now Navy supply logistics.


And for the record, when I was at NPC in Anacostia in the 1960s, none of the gate guards, who were sailors or Marines, had any weapons with them of any kind.


The good news out of this is that the DC Metro PD Officer at GE Medical Center is expected to fully recover


The reason I mentioned Peter Doucey earlier was because he set off my radar when he first described the fellow he saw with a long gun. He did NOT say that it was an actual military uniform – he said a military style uniform, and had a rather funny look on his face when he said it. Perhaps he was reacting to something that he knew was not right?

Add the fact that he also described seeing people with weapons running in several different directions when he first arrived. Reporting what others say is one thing, but reporting what he saw is quite another.

Thought maybe someone else had heard his early comments this morning.


@35 The proper term for an unarmed security guard is “target.”


@37, yeah, I heard that and wondered, too. Now, either the DC Metro PD chief or their spokesperson just described the 2nd alleged suspect, a W/M, 6-0, “greyish” hair, wearing a “tan” uniform. I’m sure that fits about 70% of the people employed at the Navy Yard. She did not say who provided the description, or in what context, or when the “suspect” was seen, or where he was seen.


That suspect in the tan uniform has been cleared of suspicion, still looking for the other guy


Also, alleged gunman is ID’d as Aaron Alexis from Fort Worth, 34YOA, allegedly a former contractor


This is insane.

And what the hell is up with that prick Henry Winkie… The Fonz thinks we need tougher gun laws to prevent people from breaking them? That’s like saying we need stronger unlocked doors to prevent people from entering the house.


My guess is that the “second suspect” will soon be cleared or dismissed as well. That seems to be the way these things usually go. With the rare exception of the Columbine shootings in 1999, these types of events are pretty much always carried out by one crazy gunman.

Again, a guess, but I imagine what happens is this: Once the shooting starts, people get panicky and they mistake the arriving security personnel (who may be off-duty and thus in plain clothes) for additional shooters.

Either way, it’s a terrible thing.


I’m always amazed at the folks who get laid off or fired and return to shoot the place up – they think that’s gonna help ’em get their job back? “Oh yeah, now that you’ve gut-shot me I realize I was wrong to fire your ass – you’re reinstated.” Just sounds a little thin.

AW1 Tim

On Fox News, they showed a clip of Obama already going into full political agenda, gun control mode. The victims of this terrorist attack aren’t even at the morgue, and this ghoul is already calling upon their ghosts as props for his political theater.

Fuck him and all his enablers.

Common Sense

This explains how he got in:

Employees at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters, where both civilians and military personnel design ships and submarines, have to pass through several layers of security before gaining entrance to the premises, Rick Mason, an employee at the facility told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

The shooter used the ID badge of an employee to get through that security, NBC’s Pete Williams reported. Police had arrested the individual whose ID badge was used at his home Monday, Williams said.


There were reports of a second suspect outside, because a Navy Captain allegedly saw someone go down outside the building with a GSW to the head…


@45 What? You expected the leopard to change his spots?


The AP says the media has identified the shooter:

34-year old Aaron Alexis “He is believed to have a criminal record there and to be a holder of a concealed carry weapon permit.” And so it begins.

Um, I don’t think you can obtain a CCW from that state if you have a criminal record, though TX does have reciprocity with VA.

AW1 Tim

But but but….. Washington DC has the STRICTEST gun control measures in the nation! How is it possible that a citizen would DARE to bring a scary black rifle and a “GASP!” handgun into that fair Metropolis?

Ignoring the law? Oh the horror!

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