Anna Shireman-Grabowski semi-professional assclown extra-ordinaire

| September 12, 2013

First, the story:

A 2,977 flag memorial was ripped out of the ground in front of Mead Memorial Chapel shortly before 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11 by a group of five protestors claiming that the flags were on top of a sacred Abenaki burial site.

The flags — meant to commemorate each of the 2,977 lives taken in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks — have been posted in the grass between Mead Chapel and the Davis Family Library annually in a joint effort between the College Republicans and Democrats for nearly 10 years.

Ben Kinney ’15, president of the College Republicans, spent two hours putting the flags outside of Mead Chapel on Tuesday night, and happened to be walking up the hill towards the chapel when he saw four females and one male stuffing the miniature flags into black trash bags.

“I got there just as they were taking the very last of them out of the ground and putting them in piles,” he said. “At first, I the group was comprised of College Democrats helping put the flags away before the rain rolled in, but then I realized what they were doing.”

Now the idiot chick has come forward to defend her actions.  H/t Jeff Wilkinson  (Corrected link)

Today I, along with a group of non-Middlebury students, helped remove around 3,000 American flags from the grass by Mead Chapel. While I was not the only one engaged in this action and the decision was not solely mine, I am the one who will see you in the dining halls and in the classroom, and I want to take accountability for the hurt you may be feeling while clarifying the motivations for this action.

My intention was not to cause pain but to visibilize the necessity of honoring all human life and to help a friend heal from the violence of genocide that she carries with her on a daily basis as an indigenous person. While the American flags on the Middlebury hillside symbolize to some the loss of innocent lives in New York, to others they represent centuries of bloody conquest and mass murder. As a settler on stolen land, I do not have the luxury of grieving without an eye to power. Three thousand flags is a lot, but the campus is not big enough to hold a marker for every life sacrificed in the history of American conquest and colonialism….

Today I chose to act in solidarity with my friend, an Indigenous woman and a citizen of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy who was appalled to see the burial grounds of another Indigenous nation desecrated by piercing the ground that their remains lay beneath. I understand that this action is confusing and painful for many in my community. I don’t pretend to know if every action I take is right or justified—this process is multi-layered and nuanced. I do know that colonialism has been—and continues to be—a real and destructive force in the world that we live in. And for me, to honor life is to support those who struggle against it.

Read the rest of her nonsense over at the link.  But dear God is this woman dumb.  Her response to Colonialism is to piss off people honoring their own cherished dead?  How on Earth does that make sense?

UPDATE: Same link, the President of the University is not a happy warrior….

We live in an academic community that fosters and encourages debate and discussion of difficult issues. It is also a community that requires of all a degree of respect and civility that was seriously undermined and compromised by this selfish act of protest.

Like many of you, I was deeply disturbed by the insensitivity of this act. Destruction of property and interfering with the rights of others to express themselves violates the standards of our community. The College has begun a disciplinary investigation of this incident.

Category: Politics

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Mindless word drool from an addled, damaged personality. Next, she’ll probably head out to OKC and try to pull up the chairs at the OKC Bombing Memorial.


There is that nuance thing again. We honor the dead by dishonoring the dead. Uh-huh.


/tip o’ teh hat to GT.


I think there’s a pew reserved for her at the Westboro Baptist Church.


“to help a friend heal from the violence of genocide that she carries with her on a daily basis as an indigenous person.”

Typical liberal twaddle. This girl needs her ass kicked by Miss Kansas.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Some folks have a hard time understanding the past, thus they feel some sort of “guilt” over things they had nothing to do with.

The world has always been a harsh, ugly place. Even today life for many of the people of the world is ugly, brutish, and short….

Every race, every nation, every people victimize someone during their history. It doesn’t make it right, it just makes it how it is. The reality of it is what is so upsetting to many of these kids because they’ve been so coddled since birth they have no idea what the world is.

Those of you here that have been to some real sh1tholes know exactly what I mean, how oppressive is starvation? Forced starvation as a means of control is used throughout the world….it doesn’t make what happened to Native Americans right, it just is what happens every day that humanity has existed. Someone, somewhere, killing somebody who looks or acts differently.

It’s what we are, we are not noble, we are not superior beings on the planet, we are not anything more than another life form seeking dominance over our environment. People can ascribe all sorts of romantic notions of higher powers and higher ethical expectations, but at the end of the day groups of people protect what’s theirs. Often at the expense of others. That’s just how it is, once you take your head out of your 4ss and realize that it’s much easier to be happy you are part of a group that has superior technology and powerful weaponry to keep the barbarians away from the gates.


Yeah-we all know it’s nonsense, but it’s the coin of the realm on campus. Weep for our nation, because the deranged left shapes the minds of our children.




You have to remember that these “burial grounds” are very sacred. Until it’s time to build a casino.


@9 You sir won today’s challenge!

Was the ground marked as a burial site? Or does she mean that the entire country is sacred burial ground? I guess we need to stop digging everywhere.


TSO, both links are the same. where is her full response supposed to be?

im not sure how someone can feel guilt for acts committed a hundred+ years before they were born, but i guess im not white so i cant understand what a burden it is to be guilty of every crime committed by a white person through out history. its a good thing for me that Mediterranean people never committed any crimes.

this just in, apparently i am supposed to identify myself as white, i had no clue. thank you liberals for only seeing 2 colors, Evil, and non-white. so much for the whole color blind thing.



2/17 Air Cav

That indigenous people (IP) shit always cracks me up. My definition of IP is the guys who kicked other guys out before they got kicked out. The only difference is time. As for the Lil Princess here, she picked a nice place to go on the warpath. Middlebury was established in 1800 and costs 60,000 per year (tuition, room, board, and books). The costs must be paid in US dollars. Wampum is not acceptable for payment. Neither are shiny shells.


When will these numb nuts realise that the Natives were not all like what was being protrayed in movies like “Dances whit Wolves”. They were commiting genocide, stealing each others land, practiced human sacrafice, cannibalism, rape, etc. long before they saw their first white man.


Wow!! What utter drivel disguised as twaddle disguised as ‘righting the worlds wrongs’!

Ever think Ms Hypen that your windmill of choice really doesn’t CARE for you speaking on their behalf?

The commenters on the link ( and there is one who posted her *cough* statement/justification) are jumping all over her ass. Makes for some fun reading!

2/17 Air Cav

@14. Besides, Twist, if she wants to mess with flags, she ought to focus on those of the English, Spanish, and French. I mean, we wouldn’t be here but for them. We just took over and improved the place.


WTF does Visibilize mean? Is that even a word? Did anyone tell her that she is too stoopid to be alive?


Europeans may have been the first people to settle in America, possibly more than ten thousand years before anyone else set foot there.

­A series of European-style tools dating from twenty-six-thousand to nineteen-thousand years ago have been discovered in six separate locations along the east coast of the United States.

Archaeologists previously thought that America was populated by migrants making their way from Siberia to Alaska, and then spreading through the rest of the continent.

But the first of these Asian tribes started moving there about 15,500 years ago – and there is no evidence of human activity in Siberia or Alaska from before that time.

Professors Dennis Stanford and Bruce Bradford, the two archaeologists who made the discovery, suggest Europeans moved across the Atlantic during the peak of Ice Age.

At the time, a vast tranche of ice covered the Atlantic. The Stone Age migrants would have been able to survive the journey by killing seals, hunting the now-extinct great auks (a sort of giant penguin) and fishing. The archaeologists suggest they may have even used boats for large parts of their travel.

Further evidence of their thesis is a knife discovered in Virginia in 1971. Recent tests showed that it was made from French flint.

The new hypothesis is unlikely to change what we know about the Indians who greeted the Europeans upon their arrival.

The Siberian migrants came to America for longer and in greater numbers, and were either wiped out or absorbed by the European tribes.

But it does explain the long-standing mystery of the genetic code and language of some Native American tribes that appear European, not Asian in origin.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, a few minutes of Googling and another picture emerges of those peace-lovin’ members of the Whatever Confederacy, the Iroquois. Total asskickers who slaughtered other tribes for good reason: Because they could and wanted their stuff. Perfect. Now, of course, after decades of propagandizing, it’s all tree-hugging, barefoot, happiness that is their legacy. Oh, that and tax-free gaming.

Green Thumb

Sounds like my institution of higher learning up here in the great NW.

Old Tanker

and to help a friend heal from the violence of genocide that she carries with her on a daily basis as an indigenous person.

Oh fer Crissakes….how on earth can you be healing from “Pain you feel on a daily basis” from some shit that happened, say 350 years ago? Can I feel the pain of British oppression of the Irish because of my heritage? The English treatment of the Scots? Does she even stop to think that EVERYFREAKINGBODY would have grievances if we played that game?


here is this hippies facebook…in case you decide to protest her protest:!/anna.shiremangrabowski?fref=ts


Hahahaha, Preach OT!


Mommy and daddy must be so proud, shelling out $60K/year for a kid who claims to be an anarchist, who’ll be maxing out her income at $25K/year, assuming she doesn’t screw up her tips by talking politics as she’s making my coffee.

2/17 Air Cav

Anna Shireman-Wasteproduct is exactly what Nicki said. She spends her days protesting and disrupting people’s lives. She is among the listed members of some Justice for Palestine campus org, and her real claim to fame is standing up at a graduation ceremony and shouting something or over at the invited speaker. He worked for Shell (Nigeria). PokeaHinie, you see, has a thing for oil pipelines. (Like others, she likes to use all of oil’s advantyages and products while decrying oil and cursing oil companies.)She is truly a clown who, like other student clowns,is given deference by administrators who ought to slap her silly. I guess her future is in academia or some $22,000 a year job for a nonprofit, saving whatever needs to be saved. Way to go Anna, you douchette.


This flag memorial was built on campus? On a regularly traveled part of campus? For the past 10 years? And the university is 200 years old? And in her indignation is still attending classes on this “burial ground?” Just making sure I got the facts right.

Her statement on behalf of someone who probably didn’t want the attention will likely be labeled some kind of vandalism by the university.

A Proud Infidel

It’s just a matter of time until someone catches up to her and her accomplices and “counsels” them. I just wish I could be there to help, watch, and laugh while it happened!! White guilt do-gooders, FUCK ‘EM ALL!!!


More info on the “Pictures from the 2013 9/11: Never Forget Project”

“This year, more than 200 student groups across the nation are participating in Young America’s Foundation’s 9/11: Never Forget Project. As pictures come in, we will post them here. Students, send pictures to to get them featured.”


TSO–she wants to be the next Saint Pancake? Who are we to stop her?

I wonder if her buddies will head to Denny’s or IHOP or wherever and commemorate her with a pancake breakfast like they did on Indymedia a few years back?


I went to her facebook page. She is so far left she makes Lenin look like a Centrist.


I’m pleasantly surprised at the displays on some of those campuses (Wisconsin, UNC-though I still agree with Jesse Helms that we ought to build a fence around Chapel Hill).

As for Miss Anna Shireman-Grabowski, she looks about like you’d expect: earnestly stupid and privileged without the tiniest concern that she will be anything other than sheltered and entitled for her entire existence.


This is what happens when you send children to college. I am a firm believer that the best way to turn yourself into an educated, level headed adult is to first spend 5 or 6 years working in the real world after high school, then go to college. You will appreciate the education much more.


Oh, gee whiz, I’m feeling all butthurt about how the Roman army treated my remote ancestors by chasing them to the four corners of Europe and making their worship of grass spirits and flowing springs and circles of wooden posts illegal.

Maybe someone should tell this silly bitch that is was the French who started the whole scalping process by paying the local natives to bring scalps to them. And then there was Pontiac, a rather aggressive fellow, who enjoyed slaughtering people — any tribe will do — and dancing on their corpses. He wasn’t particular — didn’t care if they were N.A. or Euro-expats, they were all equal to him. He was immortalized by GM when they named the Pontiac automobile after him. I’ll bet her daddy drove a GTO when he was a teeny bopper.


This looks like a typical tempest-in-a-teapot brought to you by your local liberal arts college, which usually has a nutty professor and an addled student or two.

College campuses are known to contain large concentrations of young people who are easily wound up, surrounded by pernicious adults who are delighted to wind them up.

The comments at the local paper disclose that the one possible student among the vandals is girl well-known for acting like an idiot, of questionable academic standing, and of the variety that should be in therapy instead of on campus. Such people can always find some high-flown social justice excuse for horrible, attention-getting behavior. The other members of the group are apparently known to the students on campus as non-students who mooch food at the campus cafeteria.


I’m gonna go with Anna is enrolled in the Womyn’s Study curriculum. With a minor in Redistribution of Wealth.


Obviously this ‘woman’ is on a quest to save the world from injustices committed in the past. Historically, it would be difficult to come up with a predecessor so steeped in invasion and wrongdoing as Persia – I vote we drop Little Miz Perfect in downtown Tehran and let her reform away.


Visibilize?! Fucking dolt.


Hyphenated last name? This is my shocked face.


You people are fuggin’ HILARIOUS!!!!

Roger in Republic

I hope she enjoys her time at Podunk State U. My hope is that her time at Middlebury College is at an end. Besides, a Woman’s Studies degree from Podunk State is just as valuable as one from Middlebury. Just about ZERO in the real world.


Was in a sociology class one of our black, ultra-liberals started going off about reparations for the ‘slavery’ his people had endured.

After getting him to admit that he was not a direct victim of slavery and neither were his parents or grandparents (his dad was a computer programer for a national bank) I finally looked around the class and asked if anyone was Italian and one kid raised his hand.

“Based on the logic I have just heard you owe me some money, motherfuker, since the Romans kicked the shit out of my ancestors.”


@34–not only will you appreciate the education more, you’ll be more motivated to finish in a timely manner, and you’ll be much less likely to blindly accept what a bunch of never-been-in-the-real-world bullshit-spewing “perfessers” are going to try to shovel into your head.

This chickee is prima facie evidence that “free” college money (including Pell Grants, etc.,) need to be done away with. Believe me, if people actually PAID the true total cost of their (or their child’s) education/indoctrination, they’d demand a lot better product for their money than what they get now.


Stuff like this makes me want to weep for the Republic …

Thank God, there are still the good ones. Hopefully, there are enough.


D’you guys know what kind of job you can get with a degree in Women’s Studies?

“Waitress! My coffee needs refilling!”


“Would you like fries with that?”

2/17 Air Cav


“Yes, Shannon.”

“Did you ever invest in South Africa during apartheid?”

“Um, er, ah–no, of course not, dear.”

“Well, what did you invest in?”

“Don’t you have something to protest, Shannon. Here, why don’t you take the Volvo this time?”

“Oh, dad! You know I can’t. Volvo is a multinational that…”



“Get the fuck out.”

2/17 Air Cav

Dammit. The one half good brain cell I had blew out. That should have been Anna, not Shannon. I had a thief on my mind when I wrote comment 47. Sorry.


One word…. moonbat

NR Pax

Hey! Why did she take her Facebook page down? I guess she doesn’t feel that strongly about her oppressed brethren?