Million Muslim March exceeds expectations

| September 11, 2013

Well, not hardly. This photo Preston sends us from a Twitter feed.

Million Muslims March

FoxDC publishes this photo;

Million Muslims march uniformed dude

Now, I guess that an argument could be made that this isn’t a political event per se so the dude could make a speech in uniform, but I’m pretty sure someone riding their motorcycle in the other gathering today in uniform would be in trouble. Where’s your cover, dude and get a hair cut.

Category: Breaking News

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I thought dress greens were out?


That all they mustered? The group9s) behind that event are all fringe elements anyhow, and most not even Muslim. Bunch of “Truthers” who apparently are having trouble finding their way out of moms basement to get to DC.


Forget the Cover and haircut, where are your body fat standards.


Looks like Joe Sh$t the rag man. Embarrassment to the uniform.

Too bad the Mommies Demand Action didn’t show up, might make it an even 24 participants.


Oh I get now, these are all the peaceful Muslims that condem all the attacks.

2/17 Air Cav

“Okay, everybody into the phone booth!”

“Hey, Achmed, I hope you brought enough dates for everyone.”
“Sure I did, they’re in my pocket.”

“What time did you tell them to be here?”
“Three hours ago.”
“Right date?”
“Sure, it’s September 11th.”
“Oh. Well, they must all be celebrating privately. Let’s reschedule this.”

“How may you count?”
“How many?”
“Um. Should I include the cameramen, reporters, and those people over there eating lunch?.”
“Of course.”
“Then 36.”


I was about to say “WTF is with the guy being out of uniform??? I’m sure if it was some white, christian dude the Army would be all over his ass from here to next Sunday.”


What a seabag with legs.


Figures. They certainly haven’t protested in numbers in the interest of the country they reside in for the past 12 years, why should we believe they would do so now?

From the first picture, it looks like they’re about 999,978 people short.


@1, The wear out date for the greens is the 4th QTR FY 2014.


That’s probably Hassan’s rater or senior rater.


Yeah baby.. ride bikers ride!!!


The guy is just oozing pogue. I wouldn’t even designate him as a Fobbit as that would be an insult to them.


Probably a reservist


@13 & 14 – If I’m not mistaken, the dude looks like the coordinator of the event. His name is MD Rabbi Alam.

Sean Hannity smoked his ass on T.V. some time ago.


@5- best answer! “All the peaceful Muslims that condemn all the attacks”. Priceless

Mr. Blue

Note to future left wing groups planning big DC events- its a good idea to NOT use the term “Million (fill in the blank) March”.


Gee, all the bikers were getting toots and ‘wrrrrps’ from cop cars and honking horns from people along their route. Lots of bikers. Lots and LOTS of bikers.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Too bad no one was there to cut their heads off with old machetes while filming it…oh wait it’s only the muslims that do that sh1t….

Ahh well I can dream…

Combat Historian

I bet there were probably more libtards/tinfoilers/truthers present than actual mozzies, and both groups were outnumbered by the media-types, who had nothing better to do…



Guy sounds like he’s missing a chromosome or a few, yet holds a bunch of degrees, one of which is from the University of Phoenix lol!

dude is a shitbag jew hater, 9/11 truther and democratic party shill.

Apparently having worked for the Obama administration he was invited to the white house for his efforts working on the 2008 Obama campaign.

Imagine that, The Obama Brotherhood campaign involved with this shitbag.


You guys have it all wrong: this IS the Muslim protest “against all the discrimination Muslims have experienced in this country as a result of 9/11.” There are a LOT of Muslims within driving distance of this protest, and they stayed away in droves because they haven’t been discriminated against. The lack of support for this protest is meaningful.

I used to live in Columbia, Maryland, and the local mosque published a letter condemning terrorist attacks, and the Washington Post gave it a whole 2 (yes, 2) column inches, in the regional insert, not even the editorial page, and not distributed throughout the the DC area. I only read it by chance because I was looking for something else. The Post, meanwhile, was publishing letters on its editorial page by people wondering why Muslims did not condemn terrorist acts ostensibly in their names.

A Proud Infidel

I wonder if ANY actual Muslims showed up, that bunch looks like a bunch of “White Guilt liberals” that showed up mainly for some free food!


It’s hard to tell, but the guy in uniform (sorta) appears to be wearing sandals and socks.

Elsewhere it says the Muslim group only filed apermit for 1,000 people – they KNEW they weren’t going to get a lot of folks.

JarHead Pat



So that’s what a million looks like!

Common Sense

Here’s another photo of the dude in the uniform:

I’ll leave it to you guys to rip him to shreds.


Common Sense@28, is that Frederick Douglass on the left?

vietnam war protestor

9-11 was not an attack it was a counter-attack! History did not start on 9-11 2001 as fox not news said it does! Don’t bomb us back just because we bomb you or we will kill muslim children as we have already done! Most muslims in this country are afraid to demonstrate maybe a few brave colledge students thats about it. If the japenese-american activists and called for large protest march to protest their treatment how many would have showed up ? many did not protest vietnam war because of fear of retaliation. You better hide your face like the military personel have done to protest attack on syria if you have something to lose! Ask edward snoden or julius assange about that!


#30 you are an absolutely despicable person. And one clueless motherfucker.

A Proud Infidel

V-boy, that’s the best you can come up with after indulging in sterno and MD20/20 after having sex with your Sister, isn’t it? Tell us, did you even make it to the fourth grade before you dropped out of school and started drawing welfare?


Meanwhile in the darwin award land …,0,3626427.story

“Pastor Terry Jones arrested with thousands of kerosene-soaked Qurans”

Yep dude wants the darwing award sooooo bad


VNQueeflet, just shut the fuck up, you freak show.

You have nothing worth saying nor are you worth listening to.


Yes-let us ask “edward snoden or julius assange” and those two men will probably say, “I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else”.



#30 dafuq Swnoden has to do with this? And Assange is an egoistical asshole, that’s what it is you better get your stories straight and actually do some research little prick, and WTF is a vietnam protestor doing here anyway?

have some common sense and dignity on this day, if you have proof show it if not GTFO .. ’nuff said


LostOnThemInterwebs-he was arrested for “unlawfully transporting fuel and openly carrying a firearm”. Yeah, none of that sounds like the government was uncomfortable with the statement he was trying to make (stupid though it may be) and took heavy handed action to prevent him.


Lost, it’s not a Vietnam-era protestor, it’s some punk asshole what thinks it’s being cute by pretending to be one. That way, it thinks it can hide amongst its betters – the men and women who put their time in before it was hatched from its petri dish.

(Ooops! Used a wickreism there!) Note that it is, like everyone else in its generation, functionally illiterate: can’t spell, knows nothing about grammar, punctuation or sentence structure.

Also, it does not bother to get facts, when it accuses Fox News of saying history started with 9/1/01.

It’s just another asshole in a whole generation of assholes.


#37 Yeah who has in the back of his truck 1000 books covered in kerosene? of any kind but yeah I’m sure the government was not happy of his “demonstration”

#38 Ex-PH2 Yes, I understand at least we did not get the “It was a conspiracy” commenters (Or maybe Jonn already removed them?) I have to say the ignorance he displays on specific historic facts is not only laughable but sad.


Did you ever want to go to one of these things with a big bag full of water balloons?


#40 Ex-PH2 human water processed balloons? or just water balloons?

Green Thumb


Helium Balloons!!


#41, 42, Ketchup diluted with corn syrup.

Just an Old Dog

@30, If brains were C-4 you couldn’t blow your nose. Lay off the Peyote Buttons you freak show.


I may be wrong but . . .

Message for the Pentagon: “Million Muslim March organizer M.D. Rabbi Alam” is shown in 2 pictures not only participating but orchestrating a political event – while wearing a uniform! Now either he’s a faker/poseur or he is in fact a serving member of the military. In the first case he is clearly profiting, financially and otherwise, which means he is violating federal law against the wear of uniforms and the law against the wear of medals. If the second case, he is violating military law as specified in the UCMJ prohibiting direct military participation in the political process.

So, is there any senior officer with the courage to bring charges – which would undoubtedly be brought instantly if not sooner against soldiers not of the Islamic persuasion?


It says something good about most of America’s Muslims that they weren’t willing to attend this crap demonstration.

It says something bad that the U.S. military might have a Muslim who would.


Really???? A f#$%^ng buck sergeant? That’s the highest rank that they could get? What a bunch of retards. No I’m sorry that an insult the mentally challenged. @30- Get a life. Everyone here knows you are nothing but a stupid troll. A sad, pathetic loser with nothing better to do than inject your worthless comments into a subject you know absolutely nothing about. Even though it’s 0730 here in Germany, I need a beer.


#30 – STFU, moron! You must be the type that condemns rape victims because they dress too provocatively too!

And this:

Is that just a culture difference? Or is that the little 8-year old’s fault for being dressed like a slut?

Fuck off!

I second #47. It’s only 0830 in here in Germany, and I already need booze!


If it works, I tried to truncate their website addy so it doesn’t point back this way, Good ol Cornell West was present, too.


Re: #30 — Don’t feed the troll. His mommy will soon discover that he’s surfing the web without having done his homework.

AW1 Tim

Suppose you threw a “million muslim march” and nobody came?

Yeah……. it’s look like this. 🙂