Sorry about the post count today

| June 27, 2013

Someone tried to kick us off of the internet today with threats to our internet provider, so we’re in the midst of moving to a new server. I already lost one post today and I’m not sure this one will show up here. When we move, you’ll need to clear your DNS cache to get into the site. In Windows, you type “cmd” at the “Start” menu and then “ipconfig /flushdns” at the cursor on the box that opens.

So here’s hoping that this posts.

Category: Administrative

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Threats, eh? Wonder who might have done that . . . .


so this is what he’s been doing with his time instead of trolling the thread about “him”. guess we’ll have to wait for the ARR to be posted after the move. Like to know what threats he used against the internet provider, after all, everything he has threatened in the threads has been laughable.


Shitbirds, that’s who. Time to fill the old shotgun full of rock salt and clean this place up.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Stuck pig still crying like a little b1tch….guess he’ll still not get his wish….karma’s awaiting for ya dude…and she’s p1ssed….


I see a drunken tirade coming in the near future… “They call me Psul”


Do you know when your move will be completed?


That’s nuts. My politics are quite different from most here, but never for a second would I want this site taken down.


It’s that Crunch bastard, isn’t it? Go on, you can tell us…

If it is him, I’m gonna eat his ass for breakfast…


ipconfige doesn’t work. Use ipconfig/flushdns


Jonn, that’s going to be “ipconfig/flushdns”



Zoofed by Sparky 🙂


Put a space between ipconfig /flushdns. Rebooting should work as well.

Who is the current ISP so we can make sure we don’t give them any money for being cowards?

Pineywoods NCO

Certain nameless bastards…you don’t want to rile us up…oh wait, you already did.

Turds….bypassed Turds first class and now are Master Turds.

Good luck getting by the shitstorm heading your way.

Green Thumb

Dig in, Jonn.

Fix Bayonets!


he did say that he would have us shut down in a week. Right on time. Nice try, Psul.


Silly trolls. Don’t you know you can’t stop the signal?


Sure am glad I didn’t have to type all that in a command….And I am damn sure glad this joint didn’t go down. So, fuck you Paul K. Wickre and the little red wagon you rode in on. *SPIT*

Virtual Insanity

So…will we get “the rest of the story” later?


I can still pick this up. Does this mean I won’t tomorrow? I’m not an IP geek. It this still going to come up as dot US?


I have no idea how to go about this.


PH, you and I have the same problem, although I understand what it supposed to be done. I post from a work computer, and those instructions go directly into an administrative controlled function in our system — changes to which are a big no-no for us worker-bees. This, unfortunately, may be my last day on here, although I’ll tinker around tomorrow and see if I can continue to pester Jonn and Co.


I think my search engine can pretty much pick up what I want to find. If nothing else, I’ll just send Jonn a request for a direct link, and delete the add-on that I sometimes use. After the virus attack I went through last year, with the Russian extortion virus, I’m reluctant to fiddle with my computer.


Oh, yeah, I don’t actually have a ‘start’ menu for Windows. It just boots up and puts me to work. We’ll see what happens. There’s something else. Just because you’re moving to a new server, it doesn’t mean we can’t find the blog. There’s another site I go to a lot that switched to a new server and had some ‘lost’ stuff and some issues, but it’s back up and running full-fledged now.

If this is who I think it is, he’ll be sorry. Really, really sorry.

Virtual Insanity


will you tell us more about the threats, and how your provider reacted?


When you say, “In windows”, do you mean just IE. I run Firefox, same instructions? I’m not sure WTF I’m doing, beyond clicking on an icon.


PNag–IIRC, that command is just a DOS-based way to clear your IP cache. You’re not making any admin-based changes to your computer, so you shouldn’t (emphasize SHOULDN’T) get into any trouble for it.

PH2–what version of Windows are you using? In Win XP or Win 7, you’d click the “Start” button, then “Run” prompt. When that comes up, type in “cmd” and wait for the DOS window to pop up, then type in the command. I just got a computer with Windows 8 on it, so if you go to the desktop screen, you should be able to do the same thing from there.


Jonn if you need hosting let me know .. it will be a cold day in hell when someone makes me shut down my servers…

Frankly Opinionated

If y’all are using a PC or a laptop, you do have a start button. It is in the lower left corner. In windows XP, I hit start, then in the pop up, click “run”, then you will see “cmd” in a box. hit “OK”, a black box should open. Then, where the curser is, paste in “ipconfig /flushdns”, without the quotation marks. Then hit “Enter” on your keyboard and Voila, you are up and running.


OKay, I’ll try that, Sparky, but so far, I’m having no trouble finding it. I copied the instructions to Word, in case I can’t find TAH tomorrow, but I’m not too worried about it.

However, if it’s our little fiend, this will bounce right back on him.


Paul Wickre you’re a cockeating yardbird and your wife dreams of real men when you stick that pig in a blanket in her.

not julie wEir(wink)

Lets take a moment and remember who brought us all this fun, PHIL MONKRESS. He just had to a SEAL…
Mr. Shipley, can I have a moment of your time?


Roger in Republic

@ #3; I find #4 buck works a lot better than rock salt. I’ve never had a complaint when I use #4 buck. Some rock salt recipients have raised the issue of pain. With #4 buck they never do. Noumsayn?


And don’t know how accurate this is, but Microsoft say the ipconfig/flushdns is only applicable to Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 Server platforms. No idea how it would work on Win7 or 8 if that is in fact the case.

And if you’re using 98 or Vista, well, sucks for you anyway.


Can’t believe he’d pull something this shitty.

Oh wait–yes I can. I very much can.

Hope you’re ready to reap the whirlwind, Paul K. Wickre (GH!) you mouthbreathing fucktard.


Okay, well, I’m not having any trouble locating TAH. I did follow the instructions and I got a response that it ‘can’t flush DNS’, so I’m fine.

However, it seems to me that it’s about time to file a real complaint with the FCC for this, Jonn. The person who did this needs to be held accountable.

Sam Naomi

You mentioned that your new web is going to be alittle more expensive then the one we now have, so if that be the case and you need some little support don’t hold back, to many of us are not ready to be shoved under the bus by some shit head.
Sam Where the Tall corn grows

Frankly Opinionated

Paul K. Wickre, has failed again. It must really suck to be him. How about it Pauli Weak Ree, have you succeeded at anything meaningful in your pathetic life? Are you seeking to gain infamy? Your childish acts, however useless, and wasteful of time, are accomplishing nothing but to show the world what a Weak sac of pus you really are. You are washed up, and about to flush yourself down the drain.
LOSER really doesn’t fully describe your pathetic ass.

Joe Williams

Everything posting fine here. Paul K. Wickre and P_hillip Dale Monkress failed again. Joe PS what happened to the Euro vacay? Joe


Since we now have confirmation that it’s Paul K Wickre, a/k/a the Wickre Man, who tried to bring this place to its knees and failed, we can also surmise that he went the weakest route possible, vis-a-vis making empty threats toward an internet service provider, which also failed.

I’d like to know, out of curiosity, what those threats consisted of, but more important is that he failed again.

MOLON LABE, Wickre, you useless piece of trash.


Im sure Paul was sitting there laughing like a mad man thinking he had sunk the site . Think again Paulie. I thought you promised law enforcement were coming for the site. instead its you spooking some desk jocky at a internet host.

Frankly Opinionated

It is 9:35 PM in Bethesda MD, and in a lonely room, one Paul K. Wickre, (Pronounced WEAK REE), pours a water glass full of cheap wine and opens his MOTHER’S Bible, seeking, searching, looking for something relevant to his dumbassery. Not finding a suitable parable, he downs the glass of wine and as he reaches for the bottle, on the floor beside him, he realizes that he has spilled cheap grape wine on his wife’s carpet. Now he is really fretting. Nothing to post for those who read his little words of wit as he eats his little balls of shit; and the added dread of screwing up his wife’s carpet.
Pauli Boi, your Weak ass has a major problem. How will you now unring that bell that you have so foolishly rung? And now that you have stumbled here, you find that your threat was empty, and that Jonn Lilyea is actually profiting from your foolish shit. It must suck to be you.


Memo to Paulie boi:

Izzat all you got, bitch?


Haha fuck you psul!


I don’t know about the commands y’all were talking about I had no trouble getting here or seeing anything. But I’ve got a new super machine from a very lovely person.(wink)

Jonn, as far as anything else. I can’t speak for everyone here nor would I try but maybe think about a “membership only” special part of the blog. I would be more than happy to pay a membership fee to you. Maybe member’s can have the ability to say bad words and non-members can’t? Or I don’t know I mean still have it a public blog but Ah, hell someone smarter then me take over and help me explain what I mean.

As far as Paul goes there some stuff that’s been held back, but if he wants to start a war I do believe you fine people here know about that and we can have us an all out war if that’s the games he wants to play. He’s broken (or claimed) to have broken a few laws and maybe it’s time he’s reported.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Paul Wickre FAILED AGAIN, but that’s no surprise. He’ll be mumbling to himself about it while he’s sitting somewhere around his local Bus Station after his second or third bottle of MD20/20 or Thunderbird!


Speaking of war, Psulieboi tried the sapper’s approach: undermine the foundation of the fortress by digging under and weakening it.

He miscalculated the possibility (100%) of a countermeasure on the part of his target (TAH) and failed miserably.

He could have tried the plague approach: toss in a virus, but we all have protection for that, don’t we.

The odds have never been is favor of his triumphing over us. If necessary, we can engage in the pincer movement againg by flanking and then surrounding the dastardly scum and piling it on.

A big, fat pot of vile-smelling liquids on the head of Paul K Wicker the Weak.


Ex-Ph – Don’t know if you seen my “go ahead” from the other post.