Teti’s TTP Trifecta: Challenge disabled vets to fistfight, threaten with lawsuits for “deformatation”, delete comments
Teti may have told the truth about his military record, but he can’t help but apparently lie about everything else. He’s got some self-serving bullshit up now about ”internet terrorists that feel like making slanderous remarks and death threats” which is a straight up lie and he knows it. The man is completely bereft of honor and integrity. I was going to drop it, but this guy lies, gets caught in his lie, and just makes an even bigger one.
So let’s go through the record regarding Teti’s various claims since this began. (NOTE: this one deals only with his comments, if you want to talk about his military record, search the stuff that was up before now.)
Folks, as you can see, which I totally predicted, these children obviously called FB and complained about my post. It is no longer up. I ASSURE YOU I DID NOT TAKE IT DOWN. I purposely left their post up as well. I could have deleted it…….I didn’t. I will make another offer to anyone who likes to comment on ANY web site, or any other “blog” in regards to slanderous / libelous remarks made a…bout me, or any threats you would like to make to me. My business proposition still stands, $10,000 for 10 minutes of your time. Plain and simple. I would appreciate a 24 hour heads up so that I can clear my schedule for that day in order we can have quality time together.
Let me illustrate how idiotic this one is, because he keeps saying that our refusal to respond makes us cowards. (Because, you know, we still have trial by combat today, and whoever can beat the shit out of someone else in a dark alley is God’s chosen, and obviously telling the truth.) So, I offer a counter proposition: Next time you want to beat your wife with a rubber hose, you call us, and we’ll give you 18 gazillion dollars for 10 minutes of your time to play “Go Fish.” You can see where the problem is here: it is the condition precedent. Joe can say “I never beat my wife with a rubber hose” much as we can say we never engaged in “slanderous/libelous remarks.” We know that *he* knows this as well, since he’s repeatedly threatened lawsuits for any such remarks, and yet, he has my contact info with a request to talk to his attorneys and he has yet to respond.
As for the “he did not take it down” thing….let’s review the facts. This is the email I sent him when he put that post up:
From your defamatory Facebook posting:
One blog in particular called This Ain’t Hell has a …really colorful write up on me. They were even kind enough to post it on my FB page here. THANK YOU!!!! You are making my job very easy. Folks………I highly recommend you read it if you need a few good laughs and truly see jealousy at its finest. Especially the parts where they say I have committed FELONY acts, such as arson and theft, amongst a plethora of other humorous deeds.
We have gone through each and every comment, and there is no allegation of Arson mentioned at all. The only mention of theft is from a comment that specifically cites to the source making that allegation (not us), and which Jonn expressly disavowed in his posting wherein he stated he would not engage in rumors. So what exactly is the basis for the claim that the blog This Ain’t Hell has “sa[id you] committed FELONY acts, such as arson and theft”?
10 minutes later the post he had up came down. Now Occam’s Razor: more likely that Facebook violated their own terms of service by taking down a posting on Teti’s facebook without any valid reason; or that Teti himself took it down when it was pointed out he was lying?
To my fans, don’t even waste another second of your time even responding to this. The beauty of this is that they did all the work for me, only rallied my fans behind me, showed there is not a single person amongst them that has a back bone, and lastly, proved to me how some people choose to live their lives not in pursuit of happiness and peace, but to try to bolster their miserable lives by trying to tear down others. Truly diluted people to say the least. To be honest, the true pay back for me is that they get to spend the rest of their lives like that.
“Diluted” people? What the hell is a diluted person?
Um, Joe, since you wrote that above, you’ve discussed us 3 times and deleted all of our comments. We haven’t written about you once until now. None of us writing here about you has a backbone, but he does, proven by his heroic ability to delete comments.
I must admit……these guys should all get medals for adding a new level to term……..low life’s.
Oh, that is one hell of an awesome zinger! Medal for new level to term “low life’s.” Holy shit is that hilarious! <<oh my aching ribs>> Dude, you should be on comedy central.
Obviously these poor souls can dish it out, but cant take it…..so I am being very careful on being politically correct as so I don’t upset them again and they have this post taken down to. I can promise my fans, I will find out who made the call to me threating my life, and they will be dealt with accordingly. This is the MO of these guys. Textbook. They attack, duck under their rocks and behind their computer screens and think they are cool. They skirt the 1st Amendment juuuuuuuust enough to stay in the grey………right up to the point where I got a death threat. Sorry guys……..can’t skirt that one. It will take me some time to connect all the dots and a few bucks, and I am already in the process of doing so. But it will be the best money I have ever spent. Every PENNY.
We dished it out on a blog post (which he was encouraged to respond to), and haven’t deleted a single comment from any of his fanbois. Meanwhile he’s deleted all of our supportive comments on his Facebook. Remind me again how it is us that can’t take it?
The fact that he thinks we are skirting the First Amendment shows that this moron doesn’t have enough brain power to make a Christmas tree bulb blink. We’re not even close to the First Amendment. No one here has made a statement of fact (as opposed to an opinion) which he has disputed yet. The only thing that would implicate the First Amendment is your false claims that we accused you of felonies. You know we never did, the record shows we never did, and you claimed it without support.
I’ll go a step further. I don’t believe that the so-called death threat ever happened. Maybe it did, but I doubt it. It seems a little too pat don’t you think? At this point Teti can claim water is wet and I would still demand verification. So, someone try to find the police report on this. Let’s help him find the guilty party if there is one, because I know it wasn’t Jonn or myself. My money is on Nessie or Sasquatch.
This will be my last post in regards to those blogs and individuals that love to talk crap via the internet, and don’t have the courage to face the person man to man with the charges you are placing on him. There is a term for that……..its called a coward. Wear it with pride…..your certainly earned it. SALUTE ! ! !
This will be his last post, except the three posts that follow it! Again, what charges? No one accused him of anything. He’s totally making up all these fake charges, as anyone can see from reading the previous posts. He’s a liar. There’s your statement of fact. Either that or he can’t read. And I love his definition of “coward”. We’re cowards for not meeting him in a street fight over the fact we never made “fake charges”? In what world does that even make sense? He falsely accuses us of claiming he engaged in illegal behavior, and his answer is to threaten us to some sort of idiotic duel in a dark alley? Yeah bro, here’s your sign.
Then he closes that one with a Bible passage, because as Jesus once said, if someone strikes you, the best thing to do is to challenge them to a fight and offer them $10k.
Then, after assuring us he was done talking about it, he waits three days (and has 2 other posts about us) and gives us this gem:
Folks…..after long thought I have taken down the ridiculous banter and foul language from these internet terrorists that feel like making slanderous remarks and death threats, because I could see that it was effecting a few of you. My friends on this page don’t deserve to have to deal with this type of behavior. I could have deleted them on the spot, however, I left them up for a few days so you guys to see for yourselves how sick some of these people are. I do have screen shots for future use. I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and kind words. You have my deepest apologizes for having to read this stuff, and the insulting demeanor and language these folks feel they have to use. Find it in your hearts to forgive these people, and pray that they can come to terms with their own short comings and demons. All the best, Joe
Bwahahahahahah. The good Christian is calling for prayers for us after bearing false witness against us. Now that is funny.
You can tell a lot about a guy by his reactions. Jonn write up a post concluding that Teti had substantially told the truth, and he responded by going batshit over it.
Category: Politics
This is pretty sad.
It’s obvious Teti was baited on this website, not by Jonn in particular because as I said originally he was ‘supportive’ of Teti.
But then everyone was jumping on the bash Teti bandwagon based on semantics and whatever else.
Talk about grasping for straws. I’m not going to insult and bash someone with a verified military background, that in no way approaches stolen valor territory.
I realize the never ending streams of fakers have ruined things for everyone else but this is just petty nit picking.
Tman, if he was “baited” by other commenters, not Jonn or myself, then explain to me why his now deleted Facebook post specifically attacked Jonn and told his readers to email jonn on his email addy.
I’m not bashing him for his servie, but I am going to bash him for falsely claiming over and over that we accused him of arson when we clearly did not, and then calling us cowards.
Tman, most of us were debating amongst ourselves if a contractor should be considered a combat vet. It wasn’t until Teti came in and showed his ass that people got upset.
Streisand effect.
If you don’t want to attract atterntion and make yourself look like an ass then don’t *BE* one.
If someone said crap about me, I’d say “hey…this is what I did and this is what I did NOT do…”
Would I go in to this vigorous Internet Keyboard masturbation? No, that’s just STUPID.
1. State Facts
2. Get trolled or disagree/argue on the Internet?
3.State facts again
Oh and Jonn,
The headline is spelled wrong again….it’s apparently *supposed* to be “D-E-F-E-C-A-T-I-O-N”
/ {;-D
“diluted” = delusional in context. IMHO, delusional is a mercenary who thinks he’s a veteran. Don’t recall the OP, but the key for me was the noted ability to quit anytime, which we uniform wearers didn’t have.
I suspect he meant http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/deluded
[dih-lood] Show IPA
verb (used with object), de·lud·ed, de·lud·ing.
to mislead the mind or judgment of; deceive: His conceit deluded him into believing he was important.
Tell ya what, TSO–I’m game to meet him for 10 minutes somewhere, but I’m guessing when the “lawers” get done with him he’s gonna be cutting me a check for a bit more than $10K.
Yeah, as I stated previously, this tool’s one Thai ladyboy away from being the next Michael Yon–except this one has no talent.
Even if Teti was baited by other commenters, there was no need for him to go on a virtual offensive via Facebook. His cult of personality was actively encouraged to harass the staff at TAH through the admin email, and to me his statements seem like those a childish bully would make.
#4 has it right, IMO: “If someone said crap about me, I’d say ‘hey…this is what I did and this is what I did NOT do…'”
Whatever happened to QUIET Professionals?
What I said in #3 and the fact that we didn’t accuse him of felonies is all I was saying on his Facebook page and that got me blocked.
And Tman, for the record, I was pretty much “meh” about it until he came in here with the redass.
Then it was junior rodeo on.
The bottom line is that no one here actually cared much what this guy did until the delusions went on steroids.
He and whoever else is acting on his behalf can pitch as many tantrums as they want and my opinion will not change – I still don’t care what this clown thinks. He just doesn’t matter.
The guy likes word games. Applying his penchant to the line “I ASSURE YOU I DID NOT TAKE IT DOWN” suggests to me that while he did not personally hit the highlight/delete keys, he may have prompted another to do precisely that on his behalf. It all depends on what the meaning of is is, don’t you know!
@9 and all,
I’m beginning to believe the post on the MMA website where someone in the know said “he was removed from operational status for ….an uncontrolled temper.”
He’s certainly showing that personality trait of late.
/”The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
TSO, others, Teti is my hero
“I’ll go a step further. I don’t believe that the so-called death threat ever happened. Maybe it did, but I doubt it. It seems a little too pat don’t you think?”
Yep. I was there the moment I read it. Death threat? And the source for the claim? Teti. A bald claim isn;t worth the time it takes to make it. Corroboration can come in many forms, not the least of which is a contemporaneous complaint filed with the police. Better corroboration is a writing or a recording. I saw no mention of any of these in his accusation. But perhaps I missed it.
@15, hey man, that’s fine with me. Far be it for me to pick someone elses hero. I just resent his implication that he is somehow the victim here. Absent his comment and then later Facebook things, we’d be moving on to some dopey shit about what kind of music I listen to.
Seriously, no way we would be discussing Teti 5 days later absent his response. Which makes me think it may all be a PR move on his part.
To elaborate on my last comment a bit: Teti has been anything BUT quiet from the outlook of a lowly 11B who never heard of the guy until a couple of weeks ago. First, he touts himself as the next great anti-terrorism expert:
Then he puts a misleading bio on his website–intentionally misleading or not, it is what led to his feelings getting hurt. Whether that and his post-9/11 work helped him secure his current job I don’t know, and really don’t care.
Now, he is continuing a one-way battle against a blog whose owner merely aired out his own feelings, and whose commenters (mostly) initially admired Teti’s military accomplishments while disagreeing with his use of the term “combat veteran”. Hardly quiet, and definitely not professional.
[…] UPDATE: TSO gives a devastating response to the PR hound here. […]
Can I get a Teti-triple “methinks thou dost protest too much” in the house?
TSO: found the definition you were asking about. Through the technological magic of the Internet, courtesy of http://www.HondoDictionary.org:
diluted person: An individual of formerly-normal intelligence who has begun to “lose it” through age, injury, excessive repetitive stress, substance abuse, mental illness, megalomania, or other organic or psychological cause(s). Such an individual can still function, albeit at a reduced level, in some societies. Common symptoms are inappropriate use of language (e.g., “diluted” in place of “deluded”), excessive anger when caught dissembling and challenged on that basis, making and quickly removing defamatory Facebook posts 10 minutes after being challenged, difficulty in comprehending plain and simple language, and generally acting like an ignorant ass.
Holy crap … this contractor gone Hollywood has done flipped his lid and is now “Coo Coo for COCO PUFFS”.
What is the ten minutes abouts?
Is that like a “meet me after school, behind the dumpster and I will teach you something?”
I don’t get this guy … seemingly honorable service and a decent contracting gig … and then explodes on to the scene and does not expect scrutiny.
Hell … what do I know?
@20…..in 5….4…..3….2….1…..
/less than 5 minutes.
@22, It wasn’t a real offer. I took him up on it and he deleted my post and acted like nothing was said. I wasn’t going to get in a fist fight over something so stupid, I just wanted to see what he would do/say if somebody called his bluff.
Coo Coo for Cocoa puffs indeed (so much for him posting a ‘last post’ on this topic): Joseph Teti “Dual Survival” There is one person and one person alone who originally fueled this attack on me. I wasn’t 100% sure up til now. I have emails this traitor has sent to others about me, and it matches the info he has sent these “internet terrorists” almost to the letter. His jealousy, rage and outright anger towards me simply because I am on a “survival” show has unbalanced him to a very dangerous point. He has displayed his rage and anger towards me in public on two occasions, most recently at the NRA Show in TX (where I attempted to talk to him about this entire matter), and at the Shot Show in NV. He became violently upset in front of dozens of people at these shows. He has used a multitude of criminally slanderous statements he has spread to a many people to fuel his campaign. I could go on and on about this. But I wont. One thing I want to state for the record right now is that if anything happens to me, such as what happened to on of our American hero’s Chris Kyle, the appropriate people know who to question first. Am I scared of him and his cohorts ……….hardly………..if you come, you had better bring more than a few of your friends to do the job. The death threat that was made to me on Friday is going to be the “nail in the coffin” for this guy. Criminally slandering me is one thing…………..getting someone to make a death threat call is another. Even f you were not directly involved with the call, but prompted the call indirectly, you are still finished. So……….to that person……AND I KNOW HE IS READING THIS………….I suggest you get on with your life, because once we are done connecting the dots and getting statements from folks who you called and emailed to get your little “terror campaign” off the ground…………you my friend will be in very, very serious trouble…..to put… Read more »
Even more reason not to take this guy’s show serious. He’s turned into an idiot, like the rest of those in Hollywood.
@26: Chances are he was always an idiot but his hollywood fame has put his idiocy into the spotlight.
Does Teti technically qualify for as a low seed in the Stolen Valor Tournament based on his false claim of being an OIE/OEF “combat veteran” when he was employed as a contractor?
I ask this understanding that there was a simple debate on whether a contractor can be considered a “combat veteran,” and also realize that Teti would not be under any real scrutiny if he had not proven to be a couple fries short of a happy meal. But his behavior and total insecurity appears to demonstrate that Teti doesn’t really believe the OIE/OEF “combat veteran” moniker actually applies to contractors, and instead he knows he was gaming the kids by misrepresenting the status (no combat badge/campaign medal, etc).
But yeah… this is likely a PR stunt, which is why Teti is trying like heck to steer the conversation away from his false claim as a combat vet and instead trying to portray himself as a victim.
Why didn’t he just say he was an SF trooper with the guard until 2001 and then worked as a contractor in the hot spots of the middle east after getting paid to lecture on counter terrorism during that time as well?
All of that is true and the viewing public is not going to make much of any of it….the viewing public will watch the show and it will get some ratings….how is it slander to state that truth?
If the government organizations don’t define your service as combat veteran status you’re not a combat veteran under the law….you are someone who took money from a private company to fight in a war zone…there’s a different definition for that job…
@ 25 Pat … OK
If he is “Coo Coo for COCO PUFFS” then all the celebrity magazines will want to know, whole milk or 2%?
@29, because we are allegedly part of some larger plot by some unidentified party.
I honestly don’t even know what he is talking about. I don’t have anyone sending me any info.
I don’t think even he knows what he’s talking about anymore, TSO.
Maybe he’s just pissed off cause his boss told him he needed to wear more pieces of flair in his new job at Flingers…
@25 So now this is some kind of conspiracy? I can only presume he’s referring to Dave Canterbury.
@31. I only do what you and Jonn order me to do. So, yeah, I guess there’s something to that.
Mustang, Dave Canterbury even showed up at one point and said the it wasn’t him.
When Jonn first posted about him I was at first in Teti’s corner, not really caring too much about the “combat vet” verbiage. Since then my opinion has drastically changed. This guy has gone off the deep end without a life vest.
Mustang- I stand by my very first comment on Teti: “I was more predisposed to believe you before you showed up and commented.”
He reminds me of the fat kid on the playground…
His mouth writes checks his ass can’t cash
Although I have yet to learn what sort of contractor Teti was, I can pretty much eliminate his teaching English or Introduction to Intentional Torts. He may have taught survival skills, I suppose, “How to Enjoy Afghanistan on $1,ooo a Day.” I really don’t know.
‘A guilty conscience needs no accusation.’
TSO, it is the spatula and Captain Crunch calling the shots!
There was a guy on his site saying that the dude from the first two seasons was “calling the shots”. TIN FOIL HATS abound!
Jason- The dude from the first two seasons is calling teh shots? Why would he do that on a blog which covered him lying about his service? Seems an odd choice to go public on.
That is what I said, it is like a fucking joke over there. After he deleted all of our comments and many of his fan’s comments that were kinda swaying towards the hey lets see what is actually going on here. Shit like that started popping up. Then the combat internet stalking schmuck showed up.
That dudes drive train slipped a gear or two or three…
Damn. Now I am REALLY honked off! You guys formed a grand conspiracy and forgot to tell me? And you all know that I am in charge of issuing the tinfoil.
So, what am I supposed to do now? Create some mysterious site somewhere just so I can delete comments from it? It’s all very confusing, guys. You know who you are.
@45. I know who you are. I know who I am. I may be you and you may be I. We are not necessarily one, nor two, because I is singular but you may be plural. Thus, this conspiracy may be much larger than we think.
Holy crap…
That’s twice I have had to eat crow on something I said on a web site today…
I stand corrected, I had no idea this guy was such a dumbass…
Forgive me gentlemen !!!
@46…is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
I took him up on his offer & even told him to make a $ 10,000 donation to the Fake Warrior Project.org. I have the screen save to show where I called his bluff. Instead I was banned from his fan page & he tries to play the victim. First he threatens me .( That didn’t work.) Then he tries to bully me.(That didn’t work either.). So now he blocks me & runs. I don’t have to say any more. His actions alone are proving his guilt. And he doesn’t know how to Marine up.Pathetic !
I just don’t understand why he’s such an angry bear.
I like his service record. I’d like to do SF National Guard, too. When they closed even the Guard LRSD units, that would mean driving to West Virginia for drill weekends. Maryland has units but I think they’re all HQ and not teams. But I digress. It’s not like he doesn’t have the credentials for what he does for a living. He went through SFAS at the very least, right?
And so people disagree over a precision definition of combat vet.
Dude needs a Snickers bar, or kegels. His own reaction is going to be problematic at some point if it gets any more out of hand. I understand the protectiveness over his military credentials as they’re his present meal ticket.
If he starts posting on the whole Archslayer blog, then you know it’s all over. Trail assassins is scary.