Morons in the gun debate (UPDATED)

| April 3, 2013

The most disturbing part of this whole gun debate is the fact that the people who making these laws aren’t even familiar with what it is that they’re scared, for example take Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette, who according to her staff and the Denver Post has been very active on writing some of the new gun control legislation. Talking about magazines, she explained why it’s important to ban magazines that have more than ten rounds capacity;

“I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

I’m not even sure that is English, but I think she means that she thinks magazines come pre-loaded and after they’re emptied, you toss them. But, see, the explanation from her office is even more disturbing;

“The Congresswoman has been working on a high-capacity assault magazine ban for years, and has been deeply involved in the issue; she simply misspoke in referring to ‘magazines’ when she should have referred to ‘clips,’ which cannot be reused because they don’t have a feeding mechanism,” Johnson said. “Quite frankly, this is just another example of opponents of common-sense gun violence prevention trying to manipulate the facts to distract from the critical issue of keeping our children safe and keeping killing machines out of the hands of disturbed individuals. It’s more political gamesmanship that stands in the way of responsible solutions.”

So even her staff doesn’t know what they’re talking about. The congresswoman was clearly misinformed about magazines, and the staff doesn’t know what “clips” are, either, because Congress isn’t trying to ban “clips”. Clips are dunnage which hold bullets in little clumps so they’re easier to load into a magazine, or directly into a rifle that accommodates that method of loading. But clips haven’t been used in modern rifles since World War Two. I haven’t seen any legislation to control clip capacity. Yet.

Speaking of morons, Jim Carrey is butt hurt because you’ve been telling him to go back to Canada and telling him to disarm his body guards. So he whines in the most common place to complain to conservatives, the Huffington Post;

For those who say I’m a hypocrite because I have an armed bodyguard, lets make one thing clear: No one in my employ is allowed to carry a large magazine and NO ONE IS ASKING ANYONE TO GIVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, though it is in the vested interests of those who profit by gun sales to make it seem so.

And a guy who has released his first movie in a decade doesn’t have a vested interest in making a big noise about something which he knows nothing. But, yeah, blame the gun companies for your sudden need to be a moron.

I would trade my money, my fame, my reputation and legacy if there were the slightest chance of preventing the anguish of another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, or Sandy Hook Elementary School. I ask you, truly, what manner of human being would not?

Such a humanitarian. I used to enjoy Jim Carrey back when he was funny – when did “In Living Color” go off the air?

I have been aghast at the level of hatred heaped upon me, my family and the people I work with over a mere difference of opinion on this issue. Perhaps my words were a bit harsh at the onset, but calling someone a “Motherf*cker” is far different than wishing them to die. It is shocking to see this concerted effort to brutally intimidate anyone who speaks of a compassionate compromise.

Um, I don’t know how it is in Canada, but here in the US, calling someone a “motherf*cker” usually escalates the argument, but, I’ve only spent a few days in Canada, for all I know, there it’s a job description or a skill set folks brag about. Or aboot.

No one is allowed to own a bazooka. In a movie theater an assault rifle with a 100-round drum magazine can cause just as much damage.

Detn8r told me in the office the other day that we should issue all potential spree shooters a 100-round drum because every time one has been used in a spree shooting, the infernal thing jams after a few rounds and becomes useless. And no one is talking about banning 100-round drums, or 99-round drums – they want to ban everything with more than 8 or 10 or 15 rounds. So bringing bazookas into the conversation is mighty stupid.

Every American has the right to bear arms. But it is up to every American to draw the line when it comes to the type of guns that are considered a reasonable means of self-defense.

And we’re supposed to leave it up to someone who calls us “motherf*ckers” to decide how we can defend ourselves?

UPDATE on DeGette; In this video, from Jeff, DeGette tells a constituent that he doesn’t need large capacity magazines because he’s probably going to die anyway;

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Country Singer

Someone should ask Fucktard Carrey (not to be confused with Fucktard Kerry) exactly what he think mag cap should be limited to. And when he gives some jacked up answer like “Five” then ask him what his bodyguards carry. I guarantee that 1) it’s semiautomatic pistols with 10+ rounds and 2) the little shit has no idea what they carry or what the mag cap is.


“…because the bullets would have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

Isn’t it interesting that the only part of that whole pile of gibberish was the very end?

They just told us what the end game is. I’m buying more ammo. Now.


Oy. End of the day.

That was supposed to read, “…gibberish THAT MADE SENSE was…”



A bazooka? I thought bazookas stopped being used during Vietnam. And clips — aren’t they bits of bent wire that hold pieces of paper together? Or am I living on a planet light years from Carrey’s planet?

As for DeGette’s verbal diarrhea, can someone stuff a roll of paper towels in her mouth? Why is she not under supervision?

Now I’ve got a headache. And it was such a nice day, too…. 🙁

Old Trooper

Yeah, ‘ol Jim is butt hurt for sure. However, he thinks that he is the go to guy on what capacity firearms should be limited to? Why doesn’t he give us an example? Plus, the Virginia Tech shooting was with pistols, not “assault rifles” and Columbine used 10 round magazines for Harris’ 9mm Hi Point carbine. Of course, ‘ol Jim can’t be bothered to know what the fuck he’s talking about.


Aw, he just doesn’t like it when someone disagrees with him about sticking his oar into the affairs of American citizens. He thinks because he’s made (maybe) more money than the rest of us, that it gives him some air of authority on a subject that he knows nothing about and he gets his shorts in a wad when someone says ‘no, you don’t, you know nothing so shut up.’


My guess is that Carrey called us all MF’ers because he was trying to sound cool to an entertainment industry/audience obsessed with the goal of bringing the nation’s morals down to those of the ghetto. And in that environment, mofukka can be almost a term of endearment when used as a noun.

Of course, in the ghetto it’s also used as a verb, adverb, adjective, participle and there may even be some hip-hop dude out there whose brain isn’t completely coked-out who could manage to use it as a conjunction or a preposition. Hell, it might even have numerical properties for all I know.

Those rappers can be creative…more so than Jim Carrey for sure.


Some folks are posting educational comments on the Congresswoman’s Facebook page:

I think she needs a lot of information to make informed legislative decisions, and likely welcomes more comments on the matter.

2/17 Air Cav

I haven’t seen a large magazine in years. Some of you remember “LOOK.” Now, that was a large magazine. “Boys’ Life” was another large one. “Readers Digest” was a small magazine, but the smallest, I think, was probably “TV Guide.” Jim Whatshisname may be on to something here.


So bringing bazookas into the conversation is mighty stupid.

BAN ASSAULT BUBBLE GUM! Do it for the children!


i wonder if my knife clip is next in the line of insane weapons grabs?
friggin commie libtards.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right, this is what comes of a society that worships actor/celebrities. You pay these people obscene money and tell them how wonderful they are when what they do is pretend to be something they are not while reciting words that are not their own….then when they are left to use their own words and actually have to be who they really are you get Jim Carrey. A man who is not funny with his own words, a man who doesn’t know exactly how to fit in, a man who doesn’t really know what being a man means. He thinks swearing and acting the buffoon will impress the people who actually do the heavy lifting. It doesn’t Jim, it impresses the idiots who think movies are real. It impresses the idiots who feed off the fruits of other people’s actual labor. It impresses the folks who read the National Enquirer. I don’t hate Mr. Carrey I feel sorry for him that he has bought into his fame as proof that his life and words have value. They do not, his opinions are meaningless nonsense derived from a limited perspective on the reality of life for the very people who’ve made him famous. His words have no more merit than the folks who thought “Pet Detective” was a worthwhile expenditure of $10 a ticket. With an ever increasing number of uneducated idiots in our society people like Jim Carrey will continue to prosper, more’s the pity because they do more harm than good with their incessant mindless yammering. Please Mr. Carrey, and the rest of you actors, stick to reading words that are carefully written for you and walking to the marks in tape on the floor. It’s what you do best, and some of you are really, really good at being able to hit a mark and remember the words people with actual talent have provided you. Stop trying to explain how the world works to those of us who actually make the world work. We were here before you, we are still here, and we will continue to be here… Read more »


Let me translate:

She says, “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

Translated to what she is thinking: “I will tell you these are ammunition (I need a drink), they’re bullets (big bullet … like my pool boy), so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them (shooting anytime and anywhere), so if you ban them in the future (take sip from bottle in lower left hand drawer), the number of these high capacity magazines (God … I have not been layed in weeks) is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets (oh … my sweet pool boy) will have been shot and there won’t be any more available (I love these pink pills with wine).”


Jim Carrey thinks he has fame, a reputation and a legacy?
As for DeGette, wow, the people in Colorado must be so proud of what their ignorance has wrought.


WOW!! I’m glad the DPD has a response time of minutes and I’ll be dead anyway, wtf kid of response is that and to have ppl laugh. holy batshit batman!

Roger in Republic

What is dumber than a stupid, ignorant lawmaker? AN uninformed voter! The people who voted for this ignorant waste of air should be ashamed. Very ashamed!


Master Chief, after keeping close track of squatty Li’l Kim Fatty da T’ird all last week and over the weekend, and getting a headache from trying to keep up with his latest bits of fist pounding and insane rhetoric, you have given me, not only enormous relief, but also a laughing jag, which I really needed.

Now if we go to war with Norkland, I can die laughing. Thank you. Mockery is everything.


I am here to provide joy to all who enter … the oxycodone helps too!


@ EX-PH2 … it is time to turn off their lights (all 13 of them) and free the good pathetic Korean people above the 38th.

NR Pax

Dear Mr. Carrey,

I guess Cause/Effect is something that they don’t teach in Canadian schools. So let me help you out.

You see, when you insult a group of people by implying that their penis size is small and they are compensating by carrying guns and when you heap verbal abuse on people for exercising their rights, calling you “motherfucker” is only a start. Since you’re Canadian, I would have used “window-licking, maple sucking puck slapper” before I would have gotten mean.

But let’s face it: You came out swinging because you thought you were immune to consequences. And life stepped up to the plate and proved you wrong.

ps: Whiny little bitch, aren’t you?


@19 Master Chief, something is in the air over there. I’ve been posting whatever I can find in the ND Tantrums column. Waiting to hear from a friend in Taiwan about the atmosphere over there.

Oxycodone! That, or a good bottle of wine!!


China is posiotioning for economic reasons. We will free north Korea … China along with the new Soviets will exert regional primacy over the newly free area above the 38th.

What should happen and what will happen are two separate things.

1. Free North
2. Chinese or new Soviet influenced puppet counrty.


Agreed. Perhaps it will be more stable. Not without a fight by the Norks.

B Woodman

#16 Roger in Republic’
You cannot “shame” a low information Libtard voter. They have none, and know not what the word means to them.
Although they will try to use that concept against you.


When they outlaw “clips,” will we all be required to purchase those springy, two pronged thingies to hold our stacks of papers together? The regular ones are just so handy for a multitude of chores that I will really miss them.

Must visit the office supply just in case.


I’m concerned that I will no longer be getting the Christmas catalog from LL Bean. It is a VERY large magazine.

I should pay a visit to Bed Bath & Beyond for multicolor refrigerator magnet clips before they’re outlawed, too.

Common Sense

I am soooo embarrassed by my state. I can’t say that people here weren’t stupid before, because Diana DeGette holds Pat Schroeder’s old seat. There’s just more stupid people here. She will never be pushed out, it’s just the nature of that neighborhood.

I REALLY want someone to create a video of the stupid comments coming out of CO Dem mouths about gun control. They have Biden beat by a mile.

Obama’s victory dance in front of Denver Police officers, some of whom were on duty, was disgusting. At least we have all of the Colorado sheriffs on the side of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.



When they outlaw clips, people will no longer be able to view brief excerpts of movies or TV shows.


How on earth will skaters and gymnasts be able to hold their hair in place without idiot clips?


Bullets have been so important in Power Point Presentations. If those are outlawed, what on earth will Power Point Rangers do?


Rounds… Don’t forget the Rounds. We’re gonna be stuck with squares and other odd shapes.


If they ban clips, I won’t be able to wear ties anymore! I have a Brigade Ball coming up soon.


Without clips … finger and toe nails will grow to ungodly lengths … Oh the humanity!


Oh, the Rounds! I forgot about the Rounds! How on earth with doctors fare without being able to make their Rounds??????

NR Pax

But it is up to every American to draw the line when it comes to the type of guns that are considered a reasonable means of self-defense.

OK, I do agree with him on that. I draw the line at weapons that I can’t pay for in full at the time of purchase. I’d rather save up for something I want instead of using my credit card.

What? Was he saying something else?


My favorite gem that someone left on DeGette’s Facebook page is “oh no my car ran out of gas. I need to buy a new gas tank”.


Perhaps we could send Ms. DeGette a paper bag she could wear in public, stenciled with “I don’t DeGette it.”

I’m sorry, but I simply cannot do a proper outline without bullets. And what about resumes? Everyone has bullets on their resumes! What do we do about Roy Rogers’ faithful dog Bullet?


Poor Indiana Jones’ little sidekick Short-round is now outlawed.


So when is the hair salon Great Clips going out of buisness?


Jim Carrey had a movie coming out and needed to get his name in the news. He thought he was preaching to his choir of liberal Hollywood like minded rabble. Imagine his surprise when he found out calling gun owners “motherfuckers” did not go over quite like he had planned!!! Now the butt hurt is flowing through him at light speed and instead of just shutting the hell up he has doubled down. Moron.

As for the good Congresswoman, I took RunPatRun’s advice and went to her facebook page. She is getting Bar-B-Qed over there and rightly so. She is a friggin dolt and has been called on it. Hopefully the voters of her district in Colorado will punt her into the cheap seats the next chance they get. But probably not.


Once more, for all the Jim Carrey’s out there: How many rounds will I need to defend myself? Home invasion in the next 6 months.

1) How many perps come through the door? Three? So thats at least 3 bullets I will need.
2) Are they wearing body armor? Thats at least 3 more bullets I’ll need, once I figure out I have to aim for the head instead.
3) What if I miss, once per perp? Because head shots aren’t gimmie puts like in the movies. That’s at least 3 more rounds, bringing me up to a MINIMUM of 9 rounds.
4) Will the attack happpen late at night? 4am? Will I be groggy, have I been drinking, or taking sleeping pills? Because any of those will dull my reflexes and make me miss more often.

So in this reasonable hypothetical, I would need AT LEAST 12+ rounds. If I run out at 10 rounds, and this is all going down at close range (ie. all engagement areas in our house are less than 20 feet of space), then one of the three perps will be able to get to me before I can change to a new mag.

See, I want you to understand how insulting it is for you to tell me “I don’t need 10 rounds” to defend my life, my wife, my kids… and you don’t have the first clue what you are talking about. I want you to understand my hatred for you.


DeGette is a prime example of why political gerrymandering creates such a shitty political system. Her district has had a GOP representative exactly ONCE (for two years) in the last 65 years.

She’s also a prime example of the “2 minute rule” meaning you should study your subject for at least 2 mintues before opening your cockholster and opining on it.

2/17 Air Cav

@36. That’s funny–and you may have started somethinh with that.

“Oh, no, a light bulb blew out. I need to buy a new lamp.”


Oh no, my tire went flat. I need to buy a new truck.

2/17 Air Cav

“Oh, no, I prematurely ejaculated. I need a new —-“


LMAO!!! @45 – Do you need a new penis, or just a new set of underwear???

I was going to email you guys about this and see if you saw the DeGette quote. It made my eyes bleed just reading this shit!

2/17 Air Cav

The former is what I was going for, Nicki!


I figured I’d clarify! Either way, it’s pretty hilarious! 🙂

And besides, I like writing the word “penis!”


Oh no, my breaker just blew, I need a new house.


Durn! A shingle blew off the roof of my house. Now I need a new house.