Wounded Marine humiliated by TSA
The Washington Times reports that Representative Duncan Hunter is inquiring into an incident at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport last week when a Marine with prosthetic legs was the focus of Transportation Security agents’ overly ambitious search;
Rep. Duncan Hunter said in his letter Monday that the Marine, who is still on active duty and showed TSA agents his military identification, was still forced to undergo that scrutiny.
“A TSA office asked the Marine to stand and walk to an alternate area, despite the fact that he physically could not stand or walk on his own. With numerous TSA officers sitting and unwilling to assist, an officer then made him remove his legs, then put them back on, only to advance to a secondary screening location where he was asked again to stand, with extraordinary difficult, while his wheelchair was examined for explosives,” Mr. Hunter said.
Yeah, because those Marines are more likely than anyone to smuggle explosives onto planes.
The congressman asked TSA to detail its procedures to inspecting wounded U.S. troops at airports, and to consider whether agents should show “situational awareness.”
Well, they’re complying with their main directive which is to give the impression that they’re doing their jobs, not that they’re necessarily having any impact on actual security.
Category: TSA sucks
All of this is merely theater to placate the sheep. Anyone who wants to do harm is going to find a way, TSA be damned. Matter of fact, I wouldn’t trust those clowns to guard a burnt-out match without some sort of catastrophic fuck-up occuring.
Considering that last week at O’Hare airport, someone on a test run got a concealed explosive hiddend in his pants through the screening, I object to the continuance of TSA on a wholesale basis.
The blatant incompetence and stupidity of these people is appalling.
I don’t think they could find their way out of a paper bag with a map and a compass.
They owe this Marine a serious apology.
Wounded Marine–terrorist. Must be checked several times.
4-year old girl–terrorist. Must be strip-searched.
Grandmother–terrorist. Pat-down required.
Achmed, flying with no luggage on a one-way ticket and screaming something about Jihad–WHAT??? Are you kidding? We can’t search him–that’d be PROFILING!
Meanwhile TSA inspectors with simulated explosive devices strapped to their nut sacks walk through security undetected….my most recent flight saw two people from the midwest who looked to be in their early 130s pulled aside and examined by a crowd of TSA jackwagons while the 4 turbanites in front of me sailed on through with nary a second glance….
Heaven forbid we should point out that the guys who steal airplanes and use the as weapons were all middle easterners in their late 20s to early 40s….let’s keep looking at old black and white people so no one ever thinks we are “profiling”….
After all the idea of using pertinent data to track and investigate the folks who might actually be terrorists is extremely offensive. We wouldn’t want any terrorists thinking we were racists by singling out a specific group of people who have stated over and over and over again their intention to bring death to our door steps. No let’s prove to the terrorists we are not racists by examining people who don’t fit any demographic associated with violent jihadism, that’s a really sensible f#cking policy.
These are the same clowns that would not accept my temporary Texas drivers license but would accept my college ID from four years earlier that was still in my wallet.
I don’t have the words to adequately describe my disgust for the TSA.
No wonder why they’re ordering billions of rounds of ammo – – if they continue treating the American people and its Veterans like this, they’ll need every round.
“I just caught a terrorist!” Said no TSA Agent, EVER. I had the opportunity to call one a cocksucker to his face at Logan back in 2006, on the way home from a wedding. He saw an old Marine, wearing a USMC bolo, stetson, and a jacket that said Marine Corps League Marine of the Year 1961 on it, and the TSA dude said “Ohhhhh, you must be a boyscout!” I was right behind that Marine, and looked the agent in the eye, and said “Ohhhhhh, you must be a Cocksucker!” He got pissed and the other agents were rolling with laughter. My parents behind me, were not.
Wow. The TSA has gone from “Don’t Touch My Junk” to considering allowing small bladed knives back on aircraft, in spite of the airlines prohibitive posture on the matter.
Fuck ’em and the horse they rode in on.
Ah the TSA, couldn’t find water falling out of a boat, couldn’t find their asses with both hands, a buddy system and a guide. Anyone remember the what, two incidents now of TSA harassing Medal of Honor recipients? Nevermind those incidents already mentioned above. I think I’ve been pulled every time I’ve gone on a flight in recent years. I mean, sure I’m a metal head, but I don’t get on airplanes looking like an extra from Spinal Tap, must be the dreaded shaggy haired idiot subgroup.
“You never go full retard!” Looks like they just did
As far as I’m concerned, the special investigative Congressional committees and subcommittees can begin meeting now to try and learn why the next airliner was hijacked and flown into the Sears Tower or the Empire State Building. It’s all there–except for who, where, and when. The why is readily available.
TSA pulled me aside and searched me when I was flying in uniform. I was headed to Atlanta after R&R going back to Iraq.
A similar thing happened to my son’s friend. He too is still on active duty and showed his military ID. He was asked to remove his prosthetic leg in front of everyone while they inspected it.
@7 – Thank you for that!
I flew back from Korea in 2005 on my 10th wedding anniversary with a nice jewelry box inside of a cardboard box to give to my wife. The 18y.o. asshat couldn’t figure out what it was from the xray and took a box cutter to the top. This was even after I told him I would just pull the tape off to open it. He cut through the top of the jewelry box destroying it and I went ballistic! His supervisor came over, and when I pulled out my wheelbook and started to write down their names, they put their hands over their badges. I told them to drop their hands, I was taking names. I was asking out, loudly, “Is this how you treat the military?” Their response, “Sir, you need to calm down, we’ll pay for the damage.” I told that supervisor, “Bullshit! I’m paying for the damage and so is every other taxpayer, since it isn’t coming out of your salary!” No response from them after that…
I was able to refocus my Master’s thesis within a few months after that incident – “How TSA Affects Perception of Airline Service”.
I despise them!
Twist, they did the same to a planeload of Paratroopers I was attached to when we came home in 2005, right in the open terminal at Hartsfield, they tried to get us to strip down to skivvies…. We just took our boots off, gave them the thousand yard stare, and kept moving
Before they landed these jobs most of them were working service jobs. eg.”could i super size that order of fries for you”, or on welfare. So this sudden promotion to be made to feel as if they have authority goes to their heads. They like the feeling of being in charge.
The Israelis know how to run airport security, they profile the hell out of Arabs because they know where the threat is coming from. Napolitano and the TSA, with the full blessing of obama and holder, choose instead to harass our military, veterans, the elderly, children, the disabled, etc. None of whom are a threat to the country and in many cases, suffered severe permanent injuries in defense of America. Trust me, when the next attack occurs, it won’t be from an elderly disabled veteran in a wheelchair.
ChopIT, sounds par for the course Brother! We should just follow the Israeli model. I have no problem pulling AT at Dulles International, supervising my Soldiers as they screen people. American Soldiers are infinitely more educated and polite than these turd burglers!
You’re right, #17. When Arabs travel together, Israeli’s are trained to detect strange behavior, attitudes and body language. They’ll separate them and give them a good interrogation. They MUST be successful because there hasn’t been a highjacking or airline bombing since… I don’t know when. Yeah, profiling works in some cases. Perhaps the TSA needs to send some folks over and get some training.
My wife has an artifitial leg and goes through this every time she flies and has since 9/11/01. They take her behind a screen and have her drop her pants so they can inspect her leg and they always do a swipe for explosive residue.
Same thing in 2005. Returning from Iraq. Flying on a military charter with a mix of dependents and active duty military coming home from the war. When the plane lands in Baltimore, they took all the active duty returnees to one area and the dependents to another. We all had our carry on luggage searched while the dependents were allowed to continue on. Many of my fellow service members missed connecting flights due to this bullshit. If TSA ever catches an actual terrorist, it will be because the son of a bitch died of a heart attack right in front of group of the lazy shits, not from any due diligence on the part of the TSA.
In a few short years the TSA has become the most despised institution in US history. You couldn’t pay me enough to put on that uniform.
If I never set foot on an airplane again, it’ll be too soon. TSA and the sheer idiocy of their policies is one of the reasons I don’t fly anymore.
@23 Indeed my wife and I have come to the conclusion if we can drive there in 24 hours or less screw the airlines we’re driving….
@23,24: Yep, I refuse to fly, anymore, unless it’s an emergency.
Keep a tight inventory of everything in your wallet and carry ons….recently a few enterprising types got caught red handed peeling off bills and lifting electronic gadgets. Who’s screening the screeners?
And with the amount the airlines charge, screw it. $400-500 in gas there and back for four people, or $2000 in airfares, “fees”, parking/transport to the airport, etc., etc., etc…?
Frankly, when Cartman from South Park went, “Respect my authoritah!” it was kind of funny. These clowns? Not so much.
@22. “In a few short years the TSA has become the most despised institution in US history.” I would agree that TSA set a record for the fastest agency to achieved Despised Status. However, in my book, it’s TSA and Dept of Education running neck and neck for most despised, followed closely by the EPA and DOJ.
Refusing to subject myself to this garbage seems to be working. I’ve only been harrassed once since this mess began, and that was by an older gentleman who was at least apologetic about the harrassment he was forced to impose on me.
It’s pretty easy for me to avoid air travel. One major concern I have is how easily the average citizen has adapted to this nonsense.
Air Cav–pretty much anything based inside the Beltway I wouldn’t piss on if it were on fire at this point.
Although I still think for sheer get-fuck-ed-ness, I’ll still put my money on the IRS for most hated, but damned if TSA isn’t making a hell of a run for the title.
@12, Twist, DITTO!! On both of my M.E. tours, going to and fro on mid-tour leave, I was treated worse than a freshly arrested criminal by the TSA pukes when I was flying in uniform. The last time the Army told me I HAD to fly to go do an MOAQ course out West, I tried and succeeded in getting revenge on those inbreds. 45 mi9nutes prior to going to the airport, I ate two “Fiber One” Oats & Peanut butter bars, some broccoli, a pickled egg, and a bite of a sweet onion, washed down with some orange juice and coffee ( I was DEAD SET on choosing the “pat down”). After the “wonder scanner” and the usual dose of TSA stupisity, I had a big TSA puke yelling for me to come up and spread my arms in front of him (It wasn’t hard to tell that I’m Military, despite being in civs that day) I walked up, looked him in the eye, and *POOOOT!* with a big “ass-eatin'” grin on my face. I looked that TSA puke in the eye as all his bravado drained out of him, he lightly patted me on the upper arm and sheepishly told me to go on, and I did so, “cropdusting” three other prissy-assed looking TSA pukes while doing so. Fiber bars, pickled eggs, sweet onion, and some beans or broccoli with plenty of fluids to make ’em work before you go to the airport!
Obviously, the TSA is the last resort for those who are too incompetent to even cook fries at a fast food franchise!
I try to fly as little as possible. On my last PCS I drove from Alaska to Indiana.
I will have to remember to do the above next time I fly anywhere for an army school. I’m lactose intolerant too… Hehehehe….. I <3 PSYOPing those idiots. Btw, I was on a social networking site yesterday, and I caught a fat fuck civilian contractor, a FOBBIT nonetheless calling a female airmen deployed downrange a POG. While he's right, fat fucking FOBBITs have no right to speak, nor, as civilian contractors, to call anyone in uniform a POG. Needless to say? He was handed his gigantic ass on a forklift, and sent crying to Krispy Kreme as soon as the red light came on…
Last year, the TSA goons got together with Houston police to do random searches of city bus passengers’ bags and ask them where they were going and what their intentions were.
It thoroughly pissed off the people of Houston.
It’s also getting slammed for being a waste of money.
I learned a long time ago that personally-produced industrial strength hydrogen sulfide is an extremely effective defense against someone who wants to engage in unasked-for grabass.
As Ben Franklin once said, “Fart proudly!” And grin while you’re at it.
Considering the cost of an airplane ticket versus the cost of gasoline and a choice of places to stop and get food and great photos on a trip, I’d rather drive than take a plane.
I can honestly tell y’all that i was thinking about that TSA puke while he was trying to intimidate me, but it was a passing thought!!
@31: Damn that’s some funny shit!! People around me are wondering what I’m laughing at, so I told them and now they’re laughing, too.
P.S. KUDOS, Lucky, it sounds like that doughnut-guzzler was asking for it!!
If you truly want to go on the offensive against the TSA at any place along the way, these foods are extremely effective:
Bean soup from any Greek restaurant, several bowls
Raw broccoli – much higher production volume of hydrogen sulfide than cooked broccoli
Radishes and cucumbers – mass quantities
Sugar-free gum with sorbitol – aspartame isn’t as effective
Red raspberries – mass quantities
Polish sausage with chopped raw onions – pork will produce more than beef
Yellow and/or Spanish onions — always eaten raw, mass quantity, like an apple
Ex-PH2: Mexican food (extra heavy on the salsa and peppers) also works well. Roasted garlic is also good.
And Indian curried lentils or chickpeas adds an . . . interesting international twist, too.
But multiple pickled eggs with plenty of beans and onions and washed down with copious quantities of malted beverage the night before might be going too far. The other passengers on the plane need to be able to breathe after you’ve gotten past TSA. (smile)
Sounds like a damn tsa moron on a power trip. Fucking pussy.
Hondo, I frankly do not give a flying fart in space about the other passengers’ comfort. My last trip on an airplane (pre-TSA) was so obnoxious that I swore I would not get on an airplane again if I couldn’t rent the plane and the pilot — which you can do now if you have enough money.
Despite the dry heaves it induced in me, I visited the TSA website to read its we-know-it’s-bullshit-but-we-hope-you-don’t-think-so statements, otherwise known as Vison and Mission statements. The TSA’s core values include (I kid you not):
“Gain strength from the diversity in our cultures
Conduct ourselves in an honest, trustworthy and ethical manner at all times
Have a passion for challenge, success and being on a winning team”
Heave. Heave. Spit. Heave. If there is a winning team, there must be a losing team. That would be the American public, I’m guessing.
Ex-PH2, Hondo, I’m tellin’ ya, the FiberOne Oats & Peanut Butter bars will do it alone, the pickled eggs sweet onion, and broccoli add nicely, I’ve used the FiberOne bars to get revenge on others when we got stuck in the TOC!
Proud Infidel: different things react differently with different folks, I guess. High-fiber cereals certainly “moved things along” for me, but never have given me gas. Beans/onions/garlic/peppers washed down with mucho cerveza, on the other hand . . . .
And I think pickled eggs are now included in the UN Bio-Warfare Compact. (smile)
Infidel, I’ll accept your pickled eggs, sweet onions and broccoli, and counter with raw Spanish and yellow onions which have a higher sulfur content than sweet onions, hence more potential ammunition.
Almost forgot: sliders from White Castle.
Fuckin asshats. My son told me that every time he went through security between Twenty Nine Palms and Boise, he got pulled in for secondary screening. Made me think those pussies didn’t want anybody with a will on without trying to pussify them on the way.
As Infidel says: Fiber One bars are an ass bomb waiting to go off all by themselves! I call them “Fart Bars” and have proven that theory through very scientific testing, including a double blind study with regular granola bars and they don’t have the same effect. Now, you give me Taco Hell and a couple of PBRs (if I can choke that swill down) and I will light up any target, any where.
We all know had any one of us been at that airport, we would have all spoken out and said “That’s enough now. Let him through.”
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
From someone who deals with these people (term is used very loosely here), my take is they pick on those people to pad their numbers of “secondary screened persons”. Although I despise everything that is TSA and haven’t been through a nude-o-scope in years (I get a weekly grope), the newest program they have, called pre-check, is actually a breath of common sense. Frequent travelers no longer need to remove shoes, liquids, belts, etc. and just walk through a metal detector (think pre-9/11).
My understanding was ALL military was entered into the pre-check system, but in Denver last week, a soldier in front of me didn’t know about pre-check when the screener asked. If you are a soldier travelling, ask your base travel (or who ever has 2 nickels of common sense) and make sure you are in the system.