Did you have your bird and hot snow today?

| March 13, 2013

Claymore and MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) sent us this video which was reportedly made by the North Korean government but posted on a Chinese website. It highlights the fact that we have no more birds because we’ve eaten them all and we relish hot cups of snow and that our building materials (for our tent cities) come from North Korea;

The Daily Sun writes;

The bizarre film shows a dystopian American society where the streets are piled with body-bags and filled with homeless drug addicts.

Most people are forced to live in tents and “buy guns to kill each other, especially children”, according to the video.

It even shows North Koreans coming to the aid of hapless Americans, with the regime’s camera crew doling out cakes, blankets and “North Korean coffee”.

I don’t know how many North Koreans will see the video, though, so…[Dramatic Music]

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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This obviously isn’t real.


They had me at “Birds….They will be eaten on Tuesday….They are yummy”.


Anonymous (1): gee, ya think? (smile)


No one is posting on this because they are too busy buying guns to kill one another, especially children.


*And birds.


Here’s a little less squishy YooTube link….


Did anyone else look at the picture of the two homeless people think “Mortimar, we are back in buisness”?


kinda looks like Chicago!!


Oh and apparently we’re homosexual….KISS KISS EVERYONE!!!!

2 & 6 are me too….stoopid cookies.


Funniest prop vid ever!

I love the North Koreans for their clever comedic prose!


Well, where I come from we do enjoy “hot snow” but we call it “water.” Must be a regional dialect?

Ah, North Korea: The Community of Nation’s crazy paranoid uncle living in his Unabomber-style shack somewhere in the Ozarks.

Donny Everson

What do we drink in the summer when there is no snow ? Also we anxiously await the month of march when the hummingbirds migrate back to the united states as they make tasty morsels. They forgot to add :
Most people have no more then 2 years of education because the children are put out into the fields at age 6 to dig for grub worms to mix with their daily rice ration. But they have re-elected a president that is slowly putting them on the same track as Hitler did in the 1930’s, taking away every right they have…….little by little….slowly so as not to be noticed. Their military recently was stripped of any education assistance and a lot of benefits. Homeless veterans that were afforded a new tent to live in found themselves back on the street. What money the united states does have is used by the president for him and his wife’s vacations, politicians pay raises and frivolous spending. They usually meet once a month to laugh with each other how gullible the citizens are.


MCPO in NYC: “I love New York, we all drive European cars, the buildings all look like European buildings, everyone is white, and all the signs are in different languages.”

MCPO’s favorite food: BIRDS … “Yummy”

MCPO at Dunkin’ Donuts: “Coffee, snow water, and bird sweetener. Ah … let me have one of those bird struddle donuts … Yummy”

MCPO on a park bench … talking to blue body bags: “so what do you guys want to do tonight?”

MCPO at home: “thanks to the North Korean Red Cross, I have new curtains and walls.”


What are they smoking, and did Walter from Breaking Bad cook that shit?


So am I to understand that somewhere around here there’s a line for free Norky-cake? Until I find it, I’ll just lie in the corpse pile and try not to freeze to death.


The video was actually produced by Obama to highlight the effects of the Sequester.


All the birds are gone? You mean I don’t get any more of those deeee–lishus KFC Double Down “sandwiches”? Who ate them all (besides me?)

Although four more years of the Obamanation, we might well end up there.

That whole thing reminds me of the opening sequence of Raising Arizona where Nicholas Cage was listening to his cellmate:

“And when there was no meat, we ate fowl and when there was no fowl, we ate crawdad and when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand.”

“You ate SAND?”

“We ate sand.”


I can just picture a bunch of starving Norks sitting around their shitty T.V. and watching this and thinking “mmmmm warm snow”…….


@ Master Gunny … “mmmmm warm snow”…….



MCPO: Stay away from the yellow snow Bud!


Is this a propaganda video, or a forecast of life after Obama finishes his second term?

Southern Class

Do those sorry Nork bastards not like Floridians? I haven’t seen any offers of their good life down this way. How do I get my free stuff from them? Racist Bastards.

Mikey the Large & In Charge

Birds? What birds? Oh! The canned birds! I see….



Canned birds …. Brilliant!


@ Lucky … according to the NORKS … yellow snow would be our lemonaide.

Mr. Zappa would not approve, nor do I!


Wow–good thing I don’t live in the city, I guess.

Even if this video is faked it’s still pretty funny.


Ah, Frank Zappa – musician extraordinarie. We hardly knew ye.

In yer honor, Mr. Z:

Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow

Dreamed I was an eskimo
Frozen wind began to blow
Under my boots and around my toes
The frost that bit the ground below
It was a hundred degrees below zero…

And my mama cried
And my mama cried
Nanook, a-no-no
Nanook, a-no-no
Don’t be a naughty eskimo
Save your money, don’t go to the show

Well I turned around and I said oh, oh oh
Well I turned around and I said oh, oh oh
Well I turned around and I said ho, ho
And the northern lights commenced to glow
And she said, with a tear in her eye
Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow
Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yep, sitting in Joe’s Garage, watching the Huskies make lemonade…good times…

“Eventually it was discovered, that God did not want us to be all the same. This was Bad News for the Governments of The World, as it seemed contrary to the doctrine of Portion Controlled Servings. Mankind must be made more uniformly if The Future was going to work. Various ways were sought to bind us all together, but, alas, same-ness was unenforceable. It was about this time, that someone came up with the idea of Total Criminalization. Based on the principle, that if we were all crooks, we could at last be uniform to some degree in the eyes of The Law. […] Total Criminalization was the greatest idea of its time and was vastly popular except with those people, who didn’t want to be crooks or outlaws, so, of course, they had to be Tricked Into It… which is one of the reasons, why music was eventually made Illegal.”
– Joe’s Garage Acts II & III liner notes, 1979.


Don’t forget the Central Scrutinizer. And also Joe’s burning question: “Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?”


Beeg Blother watching you mellicans, we gots rots of nyukynukes we use on you hoomrand. You watch yousevves.


Hot snow? That sounds like stolen cocaine? Did someone rip off a delivery truck?

Roger in Republic

This is what you get when the state controls the news media. Oh , wait, except for Fox and the interweb we are very nearly there. The administration lies and the lamestream media parrots the party line and calls it “reporting”.


At’s aw-right, boys…moving to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycoon…


Mmmmmmmm,….. Birds and warm snow, I just poured some extra warm snow through some ground up roasted seeds,…..


@33 For real, Sparky? You coming this way? Or are you joshing?


PintoNag: I’m guessing you weren’t a big Zappa fan. It’s a reference to one of his songs – Montana (smile)


@36 Rats. I thought he was serious. And no, Hondo, I don’t have much time in on Zappa at all. Some oblique reference, I guess.


@36 That’s the only problem with living here. I don’t get to meet ANY of you folks in person. 🙁


@ …. 30 …. Ex-PH2 …. LMAO … “hoomrand”


@ 38 … we are not real ….


I saw Frank Zappa at the Palladium Theater on a couple Halloween evenings and other special recording nights. The Palladuim is gone and there is a PC Richards there now.


That is four-and-a-half minutes of my life I will never get back.

Most of that footage was from the recent Blizzicane that blew through Jersey. I recognized the AP shots they stole. As for the bird thing… how many birds are around in the winter?

Finally, a Republican from Oregon? Now, I know it is a work of fiction as I know all 12 that live in this state!


PintoNag–(waving hands)…you don’t need to see us, we aren’t the posters you’re looking for…we can go about our business…

Although to be fair, I’ve yet to meet up with any of the folks from here aside from Jonn, and that was just one time several years back.

2/17 Air Cav

@38. Count your blessings.

2/17 Air Cav

If there ever is a TAH convention, I’m hiring a poser to go in my place. But, then, so would a lot of folks. That would be too funny. Along the same line, I wouldn’t trust you people not to switch name tags. So, in the end, no one knows who the hell anyone is anyway. Except Joe and Sippy. We’d know which ones they were.


@ Air Cav … 2013 TAH National Convention, Best Poser Costume Contest, Prize – Case of Local Beer!


Birds they are going to eat on Tuesday with the snow? Sounds and looks like New Jersey to me.

Just Plain Jason

Now I have to wait until Tuesday for yummy birds!


TSO should be happy there aren’t regular daily meetups. If he were here, I’d be mocking him mercilessly for the fact THAT WES WELKER JUST SIGNED WITH THE BRONCOS AND WILL BE CATCHING 100 PASSES A YEAR FOR THE REST OF HIS CAREER FROM PEYTON MANNING…bwaaahahahaha!!!

Oh, and the video isn’t even a good propaganda job. Whatever. North Korean coffee? I’m no farmer, but I’m thinking the climate and soil ain’t exactly conducive to growing ANY coffee, let alone anything I’d pick up at my local Dunkin Donuts.


OMG my sides hurt! I needed a good laugh – thanks!