I’m a level 90 dwarven priest…..

| October 23, 2012

Go ahead, hit me with your slings and arrows….

Nonetheless, I am actively looking for a Guild/Server that does raiding.  I can’t guarantee a day of the week, I don’t play late at night, and I can only guarantee I won’t be the cause of catastrophic failure.  But, if anyone out there lurks or comments and is in a raiding guild that isn’t overly ridiculous, let me know so I can transfer.  Right now I am Holy, but I am open to going Discipline.

So, anyone out there, use an email I can reach you at in the comments below.

As an addendum, anyone wanting to look me up, it is SGTCV on Moon Guard, and my iLevel is 358 as of last night I believe, so I have some work to do before I can actually raid.

UPDATE: How can you guys say it is gay? I mean, look at how awesome my character is….


Category: Politics

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I used to be embarassed when you would talk. The words, phrased, anecdotes and aliterations left me realizing how uneducated I was. I’ve never been so glad to not understand you before.

Virtual Insanity

Was TSO hacked?


Going “Discipline”, eh TSO?

What’s next – Bondage? (smile)


For the Horde!


So TSO, you DO live in your Mom’s basement?!?! Praise the Cheetos and Pass the Mountain Dew. LOL!!


WHAT the fu*k? Dude … go to the Emergency Room … RIGHT NOW!


Leererroooyyyyyyy jenkins!!!!!

Zero Ponsdorf

I’m so proud to say that; although I understood every word in TSO’s post I have no idea what he is talking about.


Hey I found a video of TSO.

2-17 AirCav

@9. Zero, I undetsood the words too but my mind saw this:

“%%%^^&&^^&&^$$$$$$%$%$$%%%FF &*&UJJUUFK %^^$%E$%^&R&I : I U&*&^^%$#%$#%$^%(())&^%^%$$!@#@!%&”




Zero: not positive, but I think TSO’s talking online cooperative fantasy (fantasy as in magic, not sexual) gaming that involves combat, styled after something along the lines of Tolkien’s Middle Earth.

Don’t participate in same personally, but many do and seem to enjoy same.

TSO: if I’m way off-base, please clarify for Zero.


First the ghey postcards, then gay chicken, and now this. I’m starting to have some serious questions about TSO.


@15, How dare you mention the devils name to a Colts fan!


Oh, I also shot you an email yesterday with some contact info.

John Curmudgeon

Ahh, WoW. I can feel my hand trembling at the thought of re subscribing to play my DK Tank. Not gonna happen though.


I’ve always been pretty ‘meh’ on WoW. I started on EQ, back in ’99. I just returned to it after a 7 year absence.


I have zero time for games.


I did try Lord of the Rings Online in Iraq in 2009 since the new SOFA left me with nothing better to do.

Zero Ponsdorf

I play single player Call of Duty. Takes a man’s man to face that harsh combat alone in the wee hours of the morning.

It is the REAL DEAL… no magic involved. AND I once spilled hot cocoa in my lap.

I won’t discuss my awards for fear of offending lesser men.

I printed them out here on my own printer as well. That way a fire somewhere, or some bureaucratic screw-up, won’t prevent me from crowing at times.


I understood everything TSO said. I have never played but I’m looting as much as possible with my Level 33 Commando and Level 9 Mechromancer. Tonight I’ll be busy with the new Medal of Honor and Dishonored.

Old Tanker


World of Warcraft the online version of Dungeons and Dragons if you will….


Grats on 90, my character is still 85, been spending all my time levelling pets:{…and I dont play as much as I used to.


Haven’t played WoW in about a year, but I’m still in touch with my old guild. I’ll shoot you an email for the guild’s website. They have information on their play times, and for what they are looking as far as raiders.

I miss playing my Dwarf rogue, Barleystout. But, my work schedule isn’t friendly towards raiding anymore.


Old Tanker: thanks for the correction. As I said: don’t play personally, so I’m only passingly familiar with the genre.

John Curmudgeon

TSO: Put down WoW and pick up Borderlands 2.


Come over to Shandris. It’s PVE; look for Legion or Dressed for Success. We tell war stories in Guild Chat, we’re already raiding, and the tanks and heals will help you gear.

Now I feel gay and like I live in my mother’s basement. In my defense, my wife plays, too. It’s what we did to stay in touch sometimes with the Guard and all.

The Dead Man

I can check with a couple of friends still stuck in that pit. Doubt it’s true, but supposedly at least two of them were in one of the biggest guilds/biggest guild on their server. Might still have ties to them.

I think I’ll stick with Borderlands 2 myself though.

2-17 AirCav

@31. “Now I feel gay…” Brother, you’ve come to the right place! I don’t know what the hell happened but it started when Jonn went to Bethesda for most of yesterday.


“For Narnia!”


What the hell are you guys talking about?



@34, I’m starting to have my suspicions that he is so far in the closet that he is having adventures in Narnia.


I play over on the Horde side of Alexstrasza so my priest is Undead and of course shadow. There are some really good raiding guilds both side of my server, but in all honesty (as much as it pains me to say this) your best bet would be the Alliance side. Ill ask around when I get around to logging in later tonight. Should you wish to check out the my priests profile his name is Jonthebaptst. Felt that was a fitting name for an undead shadow priest.


@37 – I’m sure I’ve seen you in a battleground, making me bite my keyboard in frustration. Please tell me if I’m wrong. You’ve probably killed so many night elf huntards that they all blur together.


And TSO, is your toon throwing gang signs?


The only battleground I ever run is the Alterac Valley, and all I do there is kill the first dude, cap the West tower, and then attack the last dude.

(You can tell how close attention I pay by the fact I can’t remember any of the names.)


@39, I think that is his “Oh shit, OOM and probably screwed now” look.


@BK: Maybe,maybe not. Im usually not paying attention to names or even classes when Im BGing it up. The only time anyone gets any special attention is when Im yelling “Will you tards just kill the effing healer FFS!!!!” More often than not Im in vent with my guildees bitching about the stupid that seems to be rampant in my battle groups horde component.

Virtual Insanity

Okay, gotta say this. I work in simulations on a daily basis, and this…this is just…disturbing.

I’m with the Master Chief…Pong.


Moon Guard, huh? Spend much time in Goldshire?


So funny to hear about WoW on here, I just joined though so who knows. Politics brought me here, at least it’s a break from arguing with people who don’t listen. I agree Borderlands is great too. AREA 52 is where it’s at if your horde, last I checked there were 45,000 characters on our server and people were transferring off.

We could use a holy/disc priest =P but were horde 2/3 about to be 3/3 just need the right people to complete out 10m (10m is rumored to be leaps and bounds harder then 25m. My Husband plays with out guild also and he is MSFS Air force, so his schedule is never the same and we know how it is to not always be able to raid. We do raid lateish though 10-1am server. Insomnía…This site is great btw thanks for it


What I think of whenever anyone tells me they’re in Moon Guard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIsIHgVWP7g.

Azjol here.

Zero Ponsdorf

Zork with graphics.


I started playing WoW because a bunch of us from my unit were looking for a way to stick together when we all went our separate ways. Was good for a while but times change and I think Im the only one left from the original group that started playing together. Ive been on my server since it went live (damn that seems so long ago) and Ive met some damn good people along the way. The folks I went on vacation to see near Detroit, the family I went to see after I medboarded out of the Army (their little boy was pretty sick and I had promised him I would come see him as soon as I could), the Canadian couple whose wedding Im going to in August of next year, and the list goes on. Ultimately Im still playing simply because I have some really good friends who play and we have a tight knit group, if it werent for that I would have quit a long time ago.


This post made me sad. I’ve been playing CIty of Heroes since it started, and it’s shutting down at the end of next month. It’s like all those years playing superhero and supervillain were wasted or something.