Wittgenfeld week

| September 5, 2012

So, apparently, we’re not the only ones who are fed up with Dallas Wittgenfeld’s antics. The Special Forces Association has expelled him for abusing his membership in their organization.

The Special Forces Association has amended their requirements for membership since Wittgenfeld joined, so I’m pretty sure that we won’t see phonies clinging to their membership there as some sort of proof for their funny business again. You’ll notice the date of the letter is August 6th, so it was probably the thing that sent him over the edge in the last few weeks.

I wonder what his doctor at the VA will advise him to do as legal recourse. I can hardly wait to hear.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Muhbe his doctor will tell him to “dumb it down”? lmao! Real sad when Special forces Association kicks your ass out. Just saying.


Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.

Anyway, just one more group to “procecute”

Hack Stone

If he can learn how to pass out basketballs at the base gynasium, maybe he can join the Special Services Association.


Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy……..


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…maybe I’ll just laugh until I cry.


Finally…..after the day I’ve had, something to bring a smile to my face.


Alligators do bite, don’t they just?


Ouch…. Just reading that… It gives me great joy to know his mouth and actions are finally catching up to him.


He’s gonna get you guys for this one.



ahh, the truth is setting him free!!! LoL.


Some Enchanted Evening keeps rolling around in my head, so here goes:

Some god-awful evening
You will hear a blowhard
You will hear a blowhard
Drowning himself in booze

And you’ll understand
That Fate’s heavy hand
Has smacked down his phony
Baloney at last.

Best I could do on the spur of the moment.


Gee . . . that’s just too bad.

Wonder why they decided to do that? (smile)

Bubblehead Ray

Heartbreaking. (snort!)


Glees, glees, glees!!!!!!

Sagarius DeLeon

can someone clear up with background on how afterbirth disrepected a family/widow at a funeral?

2-17 AirCav

Bingo! No one stands up for you, you are a loser’s loser. Stamp “REJECT” on his forehead.

Shame on You TAH

Mr. Leayli,

TAH has reelly dun it now. The procecuters will use the ponderosa of evidence to littergate this inflaction. My cleyeant DullAss Wigetfield clearly has a case and he will judgeishshly move to file a rit of habeeus corps’s. See you in kort on arrangement day and you better be ready to give testamoney.


Iam A. Dumfuckski, Eqs.
Consiller at Law

NAMBLA Natioanal Consiller
VA Klames Consiller
Expert Whitless
Crime Seen Investagayshuns


In case anyone thinks Wittgenfeld will go quietly into the night, he’s taking shots at me again.


And he clearly doesn’t understand the word conspiracy. Yes dummy, numerous people engaged in Tortious Interference together is by definition a conspiracy.

FLyInG AsScLoWn 51

That is it…consider yourselfs “on notiss”!

The RTO commith!!!!!!

Green Thumb


Shame on You TAH

@ TSO. Their you go dragging in innacint tortoises and turdles into the argument.

Yat Yas 1833

Ya know guys, I’m actually feeling a “little, teeny, tiny, itty bitty sorry” for dullASS. His psychotic world is coming down, crashing around his demented head. Even this Jarhead knows about the “Special Forces Association” and count them as a very legitimate veteran’s association. That they would toss dullASS says something very serious about that sh1t head! dullASS, you chickensh1t, lying, coward, son of a b1tch, you are finally, totally busted. Why don’t you come to Arizona and throw your disgusting self in to the Grand Canyon so I can piss on your empty dead skull.


@ Yat …. tell us how you really feel!

Hack Stone

“And Cyber-stalkers like yourselves who belong to those stalking/hunter groups on Facebook who took the SVA to the extreme are the ones who made the issue mute.”

So, the issue has no ability to speak?

Yat Yas 1833

Master Chief, LMAO! This is the on-line home of many honorable men and women. That whatthef€ck comes here to disparage and insult these many honorable men and women really ticks me off!


Trying to get through a vodka and tonic here, and you guys are making it just about impossible, unless I really want to spray my monitor and keyboard.
Too bad for DullAss. And, for that website you linked to,TSO, all I can come up with after reading that is,that’s some serious crazy there.


I just finished watching the DCN Comedy Special. Slick Willie was the feature comic tonight.


@ 24. Mute vs Moot.

Silly Dallas, it is not mute.

Here, I can help you remember this one.

It is like a muddy boot.


There you go, Dallas … good boy!

Mr. Blue

“I’m sorry, Mr. Wittgenfeld, but you did order this truck load of payback, retribution, and reckoning here… no, I’m afraid you can’t send them back… and now I don’t care to hear about your alligator.”


Wow, this guy is a grade A douche nozzle.


Archslayer? Warrior of God?

Geezo Pete, has anyone told the Roman Empire he’s off to slay their arches?

And what did poor old God ever do to him?

Scottys Hideaway

Damn TSO, You can feel the butt hurt in his blogspot. And to think that Cookie South using that type of language & he being an Ordained Minister.Tsk Tsk Tsk. I wonder what the idiot will be expelled from next ?


I don’t know who put the “ponderosa of evidence”, but I’m going to need an autographed photo (prefereably 8×10) to put on my shrine.


Where is Dullass? He hasn’t ranted on this yet. Someone should check and see if he is ok…


@28 MCPO “Sadly Dallas, you are not mute.”

There I fixed it for you.


@ 33 ROS …. that was me. Satirical writings of a “Freckled Faced Dumb Ass”.


JP–maybe he finally did forget the parachute when he jumped.

“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly…”


I found this paragraph absolutely hillarious… he could easily be speaking of himself and no one else.
“You abused it, molded it to fit your bullying of fellow veterans and those suffering from PTSD and similar mental disorders. Just because you suffer from the same disorder does not make you the authority on it, nor does it allow you to behave badly as you do, attacking veterans.”

Dallas, you are an idiot.


Beats being a freckle-assed dumbface. 😀


@ ROS, I resemble that remark…

Frankly Opinionated

One measure of reality has just slapped his lyin’ thievin’ ass. There is plenty more to come to him.


Can we all agree that mute issues are our favorite kind?

Good on these guys for doing what was necessary. So sad that it became necessary, but it was not their choice to eject someone who went to such lengths to force them to do it.


Im kinda glad that ol Dullass has gone mute. Maybe he went to the VA looking for legal advice and they decided to up his meds and make him inpatient for a while.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

I am not mute… I am being muzzled… like in Communist countries…

El Marco

duffle bag drag……


I don’t know about any of this, but he has an awfully pretty watercolor background on his website.

OIF 06-07-08

If only stupid could hurt.


Obviously TSO’s and Lilyea’s reach goes far deeper than Wittgenfeld realized, if they can get him kicked out of the SFA.


Aw, fuck man, like a bad case of herpes, he just keep popping up, popping up, popping up…