File Under Oops

| August 29, 2012

Got this via FaceBook and John Gresham:
Setting aside Starship Trooper Can YOU pass the test?

I’m kinda simple minded (and old)  and yet I got an 89.

This exercise might be trivial, however, it can also be fun.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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I got an 89 too. I guess I need to study up.


90 right. 6 wrong, of those six, two were brain farts – clicked the wrong answer even though I knew it.


You answered 94 of 96 questions correctly for a total score of 98%.

I missed the date of the Constitution (1787, not 1789) and term of office for Senator (6 years, not 4).

Thanks, Mr. Fitzgerald!
(my high school Civics teacher and a VN era Marine).


100. Not bad for a (insert the various insults I’ve been called here), huh? I’ve been told I hate America and the troops (interesting that I’m an active duty SM), among other things that don’t make sense.




Dang. I missed one.


Pretty sloshed and paying more attention to RNC speeches on Fox News – still eeked out a score of 91.


94 right/2 wrong


94, 2 wrong. I figure anything above a 75 is success, given Hannity’s Thursday interviews on Manhattan’s streets.

AW1 Tim

95 right.

Warning: Pissy history geek rant here. Question 64 has no correct answer. It involves the Emancipation Proclamation. This did NOT free all the slaves, despite all the crap you read and here.

The Emancipation Proclamation only freed those slaves in states currently in rebellion against the Federal Government. If a state or territory was held by Federal troops, then those slaves residing therein remained in a state of bondage. The whole meaning of the EP was to support and encourage slave uprisings in the CS states not under federal control, and to force the CS government and those various state governments to maintain forces within those areas to guard against slave uprisings and thus keep those forces from supporting CS armies in the field.

Just sayin’…….

Jon not to be confused with Jonn

Got 92 right….for a 96%…….

SSG Medzyk

99%. Missed #39 “What does the Constitution do?”

I put ..”defines the government”. Which it does, but they wanted ‘all of the above’. poo poo.

Is that the actual citizenship test for immigrants? No wonder great grandpa had no trouble with it 🙂


I’ll take a 90

Andy Kravetz

You answered 96 of 96 questions correctly
for a total score of 100%.

Yes, I am geek… 🙂

B Woodman

Ouch. 92 right, 4 wrong. Mis-read one (Declaration vs Constitution), the others were sleepy time brain farts. Good nite.


Some of these are tough…

Who does a US Senator represent?
a all people of the state
b the state legislatures
c only the people in the state who voted for the Senator
d all people of the state who belong to the Senator’s political party

I live in California, with Senators Boxer and Feinstein… is the answer c or d?


Okay, joking aside:

You answered 96of 96 questions correctly
for a total score of 100%.

Although I disagree with some of the answers.


96 correct.
I agree with AW 1 Tim #64 did not have a correct answer.
The Emancipation Proclamation did not do squat to end slavery.


You answered 95 of 96 questions correctly
for a total score of 99%.

Stupid Guam.

Oh, and while it’s true that the Emancipation Proclamation did not officially end slavery, it certainly set it on the path to extinction. I also reject the idea that it was only proposed to create turmoil amonst the traitorous rebels.



Don’t worry, I’m sure all those Marines will make the island tip over any day now.

One of my nitpicks was the question as to what an Amendment does. In addition to adding to the Constitution, it can also just change it.


91, geez, I missed the one on Ike, should have known it was WW2, I put WW1, he was probably in Westpoint then.


94. Can’t believe I missed Susan B. Anthony but I was hurrying to get to bed.


missed 3


#4, No one cares.


The point is that most American cannot pass this test. We all did but we’d get 1 or 2 (or 6) wrong and that’s not a real problem.

The real problem is that most of the great unwashed wouldn’t pass this test and would then claim that it’s racist.

But we really should make everyone take the test when they come to vote, if you can’t get at least a 60 you’re too uninformed to vote – go home, study, come back in 4 years.


You answered 95 of 96 questions correctly
for a total score of 99%.

Thought the speaker of the house was Pelosi, that old, wrinkled, smelly pig faced mummy looking gas bag never shuts her damn mouth.


I couldn’t sleep so I decided to give it a go (midnight here). 88 correct and 8 wrong. I mixed up the number of years senators and representatives are elected for, along with a few other things.



I also disagree with some of the answers.


@27- At least she’s not a drunkard who breaks down and cries like a little orange-colored girly man any time someone mentions the words “tavern”, “old Yeller”, “mom” or “tax cuts”. And unlike the Boner, Pelosi was actually able to keep control of her caucus.

Bubblehead Ray

Aced it, and Inspid? FOAD.


Truth hurts that bad BR?


But Ted Kennedy’s dead, we don’t have to worry about him anymore. Never heard someone call him a boner before though…

Red Ghost

100%. That was fun.


Well I waaas proud of my passing score until I came here and everyone has all these 90s and what not :P. But, it’s good to know I could totally be a citizen :).


I got 15 wrong for an 84%…

But then my excuse is that I’m Australian. My knowledge comes from watching American TV and movies and my love of history. That was fun.

Most Australians struggle with our own version of this test.

Old Tanker

Wow Scott,

For not being an American, that’s pretty good! You would probably outscore a majority of Americans…

Managed 100 here and 95 on the Stolen Valor quiz. I must admit, I would have been embarrased if I didn’t beat my Stolen Valor score…


94 of 96 for me. Missed the question on when the Constitution was written (answered 1789 instead of 1787) and the one on what responsibility U.S. citizens have that others do not (answered pay taxes instead of serve on a jury). Full disclosure-I was once a High School Civics teacher.

2-17 AirCav

I made it to question 30 and lost interest. I guess that makes me unamerican or something.


Have to admit I missed one – wrongly remembered Adams vice Madison as an author of the Federalist Papers. Oh well.

Former 3364

I’ll take a 94, only missed year Constitution was written answered 1798 and current number of amendments, answered 23.

2-17 AirCav

How quaint that there is a test for citizenship, let alone one that asks questions regarding US history, geography, and government. I thought that the only actual test is one in which the immigrant states–in his native language–that he has a GED and did not commit a felony.


I’m glad I’m allowed to stay.
91. I missed amendments and cabinet positions and one of the date questions and number of voting house members.
I got the IMPORTANT ones right.


98. Got 2 wrong. Heh


It says I got 96 out of 96, but shows I missed the question about the number of amendments,. (I said 23.) I’ll take a 99%.


Smoked it.


Aced it. But as much crap as I give the daughter and the shameful lack of civics education she gets, anything less would be a shame on my part.

Hmmmm…someone better tell Obama there aren’t 57 states anymore.

Common Sense

98% for me.


I got 94. Missed the river question (Mississippi vs Colorado [which Colorado? There are two.]) and the number of amendments. Pretty good for a US History teacher who specializes in the 19th century (which explains the amendment memory lapse).



Yeah, and Pelosi did admit that Democrats were “America’s children”. Thankfully, the adults are in charge now.