2012 Ballduster McSoulpatch Stolen Valor Champion

| August 28, 2012

I haven’t compiled all the numbers yet, since I am busy at work, but I can tell you that it wasn’t even close. Diliberto never won a day with less than 60%. He’s a special kind of dirtbag, and a worthy recipient of our award. At some point this week I will do a follow up, and maybe provide some contact info for the Veterans for Rethinking Afghanistan so they can explain to us how they have a man working for them who has continually lied about having served in the theater that they are ostensibly focused on.

Category: Politics

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Old Tanker

I rode the losing horse on this one…bye Cock Inhaler, teh crazy is strong in you!

Old Tanker

….in helping TSO seed these the Inhaler was my #2 overall so I got that right….however, I had the Dildo man at #22


ASSHOLE!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! After he knocked out Gunny Driveway I had to stay loyal to the region. Take your medicine son.

Dave Thul

Any chance there is a skilled hacker amongst the TAH readership that could add ‘voted 2012 BMSV winner by his colleagues’ to his bio on Rethinking Afghanistan’s web page?


Has anyone notified him of his victory?


Dave Thul: I trust you ARE kidding.


According to his Linkedin bio, he works at some niave-looking outfit called the Center for International Policy in DC… However, they don’t list him on their staff page of the Website (they do, however, list the office manager, so read into it what you will). He also claims to teach a seminar at the University of Birmingham in the UK.

Per guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court, I think tactful and truthful emails to all these places acknowledging this significant “victory” are in order.

Finally, I recommend that further posts about the “winner” always include the term “Jake Diliberto.” This will assist in online search optimization.


I can say yes he did teach at the Uni of Birmingham but boy is is aggressive and rude.


Diliberto is a special kind of douche, similar in scope and asshatery to Matthis, but, since he cleans up better, more dangerous, because he LOOKS believable. He needs to be public ally confronted, preferably on air, with his service record and his lies, do that he is publically discredited.


How about making a sub group award, for the tournament, like ‘Biggest Douche’ for lying about ones service on national tv?


Can I trademark “Dilberto” as a verb now?


Ballocks. Bye, Cock Inhaler. We barely knew ye.


Diliberto never won a day with less than 60%.

So I can’t claim my “Copacabana” travesty last Sunday pushed him over the top…?

When Ballduster won last year, there were impassioned cries of “SOUP!!! SOUP!!!!” I don’t think we’ll get that for “Cock Inhaler” somehow.

PowerPoint Ranger

All hail Diliberto, King Doucheous XVIII!


@PPR, I like that one and “Doucheous Maximus”. LOL


We really need a trophy for these folks. How about the Bronze Massengill Award? They could hand it off, year to year.

PowerPoint Ranger

Now we need a montage style video, set to Rocky-esque music, depicting Dilberto lying about himself on TV with shots of his DD-214 and accounts of his fellow Marines scattered throughout.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Jake Diliberto out of 64 known liars and frauds is deemed to be worst among his brethren for using his deceit to not only steal the honor granted those who actually did what he only claims to do, but also stealing the voices of those who actually served to further his career by claiming to represent their viewpoint to the public.

Certainly Diliberto is entitled to express his views, but his false claims of service are designed to lend a credibility and voice to his words that furthers his political agenda and those of his cronies. He seems to rise to the level of actual fraudulent activity as opposed to merely being socially unacceptable because of a few lies to get a woman naked, or gain an audience in a local pub one evening.


And who has two thumbs and seeded him el numero dos??



Well, I think I’ve found the proper “campaign medal” for tourney participants:

And for the winner, the coveted “Anus Maximus” award:


@Elric, Off subject, but looking at the members gallary my unit relieved you in Rawah in 2005.

After Poe lost and I had to choke down the bitter taste of defeat I threw all in for the dildocicle. Someone needs to contact Larry King and inform him of Dildo’s landslide victory.


Hahahahahaha Hondo!!!! 😀

Adirondack Patriot

I think this is great. Ballduster won last time because he looked like a beclowned phony. His image played a large part of his selection.

But today, Diliberto’s win shows that one’s clownish words and not just your image, qualifies you as the top SV moron.

Congratulations, Diliberto. You have assumed the throne left vacant by Ballduster McSoulpatch.

Maybe Pussnuts can call CNN and tell them of his ignoble coronation? You think he will?


Hondo has an eye for finery. 😉


@Twist, how about Piers Morgan instead of Larry King? Larry’s done gone and retired. How about we get Jonn (not to be confused with John) to spend some time with CNN’s gossip guy on the subject and, while we’re at it, discuss Harry’s penchant for being (considerably) out of uniform on occasion?

Disgusting wins over disturbing. Well, hallelujah anyway!!!


I liked you’re idea for a trophy too, PintoNag – but I couldn’t find an appropriate photo for the trophy. At least not in bronze. (smile)


#22 – naah, I think even last year, substance won over style – at least in the final round. For looking like a beclowned phony, you couldn’t top the Soup, not even if you huffed Kiwi for a week you couldn’t.


According to his facebook profile, Jake is back in DC today working on a blog post. Presumably his award acceptance speech.



Hey, maybe you could make up a gold paint-sprayed cowpie on a plaque, a little something he could hang in his office. Not only would it twinkle in the sun, it would smell like…well, you know.

Green Thumb

I look forward to that contact info.


@Ex-PH2, that just shows how much attention I pay to Larry King.


Actually, he’s a “stolen valor” winner twice over. I was not only saddened by what seems to be his military claims, but I was also somewhat distraught at his claim to be a “Christian Theologian.” If he lied about his military service for personal gain, that is a telling indictment of his theologic perspective.


No way in hell he doesn’t know about this, or at least hasn’t heard about this yet.

No way in hell.


@27… He also says he’s doing 1 TV interview today. I’m sure it’s for something like Russia TV, and I’m also pretty sure it’s not to come clean.


JAGC: hopefully the interviewer will congratulate him on his tourney win during the interview.


I just dropped a dime on him to the Center for International Policy. His LinkedIn profile says he’s a “national security research fellow” there.



@ 20 Twist- I believe you were. I was the Squadron S3 at the time. COP Rawah…the fond memories of 2 feet of talcum sand and the friendly folks of the Euphrates River Valley (North).


An acquaintance of mine e-mailed a photo of a hot air balloon to me last night. I can forward it to TAH, if you guys want it. It is a particularly fine image of what most of us think of people like Jake the Jackwagon Didit-didn’tdildiberto. It’s priceless.


Well, every one I backed lost. Hope this changes in Nov.


Meh. Understand the thought process, but JD is too normal to be the champion. Boring!


@36 Elric, I was B Co 2/1 IN who was attached to the CAV that relieved you. I never made it to Rawah though. I got pulled and attached to the ODA team at Al Kindi in Mosul.

Adirondack Patriot

Prig: Don’t Jake the Fake fool you! He only appears normal. Like Jeffrey Dahmer normal. I’ll bet you that at night he gets all “Silence of the Lambs,” like Jame “Buffalo Bill” Gumb, dancing in front of a video camera dressed in cammie jammies and battle rattle, with Morrisey playing loud in the background.


I truly believe a Real Men of Disingenuous song should be written to celebrate this moment in history.


Sadly, the Sharkman will fall into the dustbin of history. So even though some of us supported the Inhaler, I think we all should hail the winner by emailing everyone we know and post on all of our regular forums and blogs that Jake the Fake is truly 2012’s Biggest Loser. And liar. And fake. And thief.

For the rest of the competitors, perhaps some small consolation award. I nominate Gunny Driveway for the “Worst Diction and Use of Syntax” Award. It could be known as The Fargin’ Icehole.”

El Marco

will miss the crazy Inhaler facial hair….


2-17 AirCav

I think that the difference bewteen the two boils down to this: Vlad is a common horse’s ass who would be easily recognized as such by nonveterans of all ages. Dilbert, however, is a very special and repugnant piece of self-serving crap who is held in special disdain by Vets and those now in uniform.

Dave Thul

Yes Hondo, kidding. But I do think his actual award should be one of those Code Pink vagina costumes for him to wear.



LOL. Thanks, now you owe me a keyboard….just thinking of the SOTL scene, the music, the prancing….ehhhhhh…I’ll never sleep again 🙁


Damm…I was riding the cock gobbler all the way down >_<

Had fun though…looking forward to next year!

Green Thumb

Has anyone ever checked The Dildo’s educational claims?

Considering his character and behaviour to date, it could provide the Achilles Heel.

Call me crazy, but his educational track record and academic career path (as listed) is what I would call “unconventional”, especially with his current professional position.


I can say yes he was in 2012 a PhD Candidate in Birmingham. As of 2014, I don’t know. He has/had some special status there due to some incident

Yat Yas 1833

After serious reconsideration, a bunch of Coors Lights and a couple of Cohibas, I’ve determined that Dildoberto is the douchiest of the douchiest!?:o