Gunny Pinhead

| April 5, 2012

This ass clown has hash marks for 32 years of service, but he’s only an E7? I know the Army has an “up or out” program that ejects E7s when they hit 22 years.\ of service. I’m guessing that the Marines do the same. And four Purple Hearts, individually represented by a ribbon. Obviously, he’s not familiar with the way things work. Either he has the smallest head in the military, or the surplus store didn’t carry a hat in his size.

Mary writes to us: They are coming out of the woodwork. What the heck is going on?

If you scroll down from this picture, you’ll see that Mary has a name for the guy who rendered me speechless, the other day, but not enough to ID him yet.

Category: Phony soldiers

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His emblems are on backwards and look like they may actually be the officer emblems.

His hash marks are comprised of two sets of four sewn together; I guess he could not locate a set representing 32 years of service. They are also sewn on wrong.

His ribbons are a mess! At least have the decency to learn how to wear the uniform.


I don’t care where they are all coming from. This website has become a favorite within my section. We are checking several times a day for stolen valor updates. Thanks for the motivation.


Have we ever seen upside down ribbons and missing buttons? Wow.

Old Tanker

This guy could borrow some meat from the Round Mound of awesome….might help fill his hat out a little….

Yat Yas 1833

I need to see this before I finish my Cheerios?!? Yesterday Master Guns Orca, today this turd.

Where to start? Cover the wrong size. Officer collar brass, reversed. The ‘rack’ is so FUBAR my ‘puter would explode before I was half way done. Multiples, order, lack of devices, lack of awards, etc, etc, etc. Service stripes so screwed up as to be laughable. And yes, the Marine Corps has an “up or out” program. It starts at E-5! (At least it did when I was in. Of course we did close order drill with muskets then!?)

Why don’t any of these ass bags live around Phoenix? I’m on a ‘leave of absence’ from work so I have all the time I need to pay these ass wipes a visit!?

Old Trooper

I noticed that lately, the prerequisite for the badass Marine wannabe poser is to have the Recon jump wings cookin. Is that the Marine version of the 1st Cav patch with Airborne/Ranger/SF tabs all on the right shoulder? It seems that way; doesn’t it?


Oh good Lord look at this asshat. I’m tempted to photoshop him into a pecker. Jackass!!!!


Ye gods, what manner of douchebaggery is this???


Well, let’s see – a 30+ year Marine with the Air Force Cross, Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, 3 PHs, DMSM, MSM, and the Kosovo Campaign Medal and Kuwait Service Medals – but no NSDM or SWASM. And with his ribbons and service stripes completely hosed, insignia on backwards, hat that doesn’t fit, and generally looking like Josip Excrement, Collector of Scrap Cloth.

Sounds legit to me.

Yat Yas 1833

Holy crap! I was laughing so hard at loser’s rack, I missed the fact he has TWO (2) rifle badges!? One Expert and one Marksman. He’s such a badass he must have gotten one for qualifying with one M-16 in each hand, at the same time!?


Love the way the guy sucks in everything, including his cheeks.

That meth is one hell of a drug.


Please tell me this isn’t another New Jersey wannabe. The list of individuals in this state alone pretending to be military is reminding me why I’m glad I’m going on a 365 to the sandbox.

AW1 Tim

There’s not a lot that renders me speechless, but these past couple posers sure have.

Just….. dayum…..


One of the all time laziest posers so far (right up there with Soupy). Good God, man, at least have the common courtesy to Google Marine Uniforms and Marine ribbon rack. I’d like some kind of a challenge.


HOLY SHIT! Its R Lee Emery’s love child!! YOU FOUND HIM!

This has been a great day for the Army. There is a USMC office just downstairs from us (PM LAV) and there has been some nice interservice rivarly going on lately.

So far Army is up this week.

CI Roller Dude

If you check his eyes you’ll see he’s mentally ill. Should we pick on retards? Yes if they were a uniform they’re not supposed to.


I have a serious suggestion for the bloggers of TAH: Write a book about these assclowns. I’m serious. I think you could find a publisher, especially considering the fact that this is one of the more well-known milblogs. Compile all of the Rambo wannabes in one tome and see if you can find an agent to represent you. I’d buy the book in hardcover.


A coffee table book of Stolen Valor clowns?


…and of course the obligatory Jump Wings (RARE in the USMC – only 2 units jump RECON, ANGLICO).

He is missing the SCUBA Bubble….and Embassy Duty Shield…… amateur loser!



CI Roller Dude: I think that’s more the “Oh shit – what if someone with a clue sees this photo?” look.


Maybe they were at the occupy rally Ayers spoke at and want to board the aircraft first……


TSO–you gotta admit, the laugh factor of such a book would be off the charts.


#15, naah, he’s a failed auditionee for “Ernest Goes to Clothing Sales.”

Right Rev Mr. Wolf

NHS- it would be fun just to try to figure out who gets the cover shot… I mean, can you pick just ONE?

It could be dedicated to MG Soulpatch McDouche…

wink windsor

Anyone know this imposters last name??

Yat Yas 1833

@22 Sparky, who would get to do the signing at the book signing?


@Leatherneck1775……..don’t forget Air Delivery!



“Ernest Goes to Clothing Sales.”

that was good. I’d see that movie.


Yat–Jonn and TSO should do the book signings. After all, Jonn bitches that we don’t click the ads enough, so I have no problem with him getting the proceeds. It’s his website, so he has to put up with the phonies who DO bother enough to come here and try to sue for libelslander.

TSO can stand in the background and give “legal” advice like Tom Hagen did to the Corleones.

But yeah, the cover would almost have to be a collage of sorts.


@Leatherneck1775 and some RadBn

Yat Yas 1833

Sparky, I need your address so I can send you the bill for having the “Computer Geeks” come clean up my keyboard!? I don’t give a damn who you are, THAT was some funny sh¥t!?


He also has a Kuwait Liberation Medal—-BUT IT’S UPSIDE DOWN.
Look bottom row middle….


Oops. Good catch, Jonn. I should have said “Kuwait Liberation Medal” in #9 above – that’s the one I was referencing. But I did miss the fact that the tool had it on upside-down.


Damn. That should be “Jon” vice “Jonn” in #33 above.


Coffee table book is a great idea…..Volumes 1-god knows how many. With fold out pages too…from the size of some of these dw’s you would need it.


Apparently the upside-down KLM takes precedence over the MSM…


@16 and @20 CI, Hondo, I think he’s practicing for his mug shot. He needs one, at any rate.


I agree, PintoNag. A good left hook to the chin, maybe?


@38 No reason for anyone to bark their knuckles. A baseball bat would do just fine.


Good point, PintoNag. But wouldn’t the feel of a good left hook connecting be more . . . satisfying?

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, obviously you’re not an old guy!? The thought of cracking this fool in the jaw is great but the thought of swinging a Louisville Slugger and hitting the ‘sweet spot’ in this fool’s head is even gooder!


@23 Hahahaha that is a good one.

I wonder if him and Soup are related.


I for one am glad to see that Sergeant Major Mailahn (Gunny Driveway), has taken to his role of mentor with such enthusiasm. From decorations and service stripes that make no sense all the way down to the missing button, the Code of the Wannabe lives on. One thing I’d suggest based on our previous experience. If it turns out this guy has a page on a fetish site, let’s not visit.


@40 Hondo, my attempting to render a left hook to anybody would result in my sporting a cast for six weeks afterwards. Alas, it is to dream…


Yat Yas: I ain’t that young any more – the last time I was in a boxing ring was about 35 years ago. But I can still remember how landing a decent hook felt. Here, I think I’d just find that more satisfying than using a bat.

‘Course, getting good wood on a pitch does feel damn good too. Maybe both? (smile)


Probably the same here, PintoNag. But for this tool, I just might be willing to take that chance.

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, thanks for a GREAT laugh!! I don’t need your address to send a keyboard cleaning bill to!


Is it just me or does this assweasel look like he is holding in the worlds biggest turd and slowly losing the battle?


Let’s see, seems tall so long approach, narrow face means not a lot of play on the left or right, anything short of the jaw is just going to leave you disappointed… yeah I’d go with a 5 iron.


@LostBoys … yes, i left out the Secret Squirrel (Radio BN) guys… but the gist is VERY few USMC units jump and you HAVE to be in that unit TO jump….

…the Army on the other hand 🙂 lets EVERYONE (even ROTC kids) jump and get wings….lol

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