Potok crawls out of his hollow log

| March 30, 2012

I figured that George Zimmerman’s Hispanic heritage and Jewish surname would keep the Southern Poverty Law Center out of the discussion of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but no chance. CNN wants to call him an expert of some sort when they’re starting to feel uncomfortable about how they were wrong in the beginning of this story and it’s starting to look like Zimmerman had cause to defend himself;

Mark Potok, an expert on extremists for the Southern Poverty Law Center, says white supremacist attitudes often emerge during such hot-button controversies.

“You see this every time there really is something like this,” an attempt to portray victims as perpetrators and this slain 17-year-old as a “gangster thug,” he said.

If CNN meant “Mark Potok, an expert” like the History Channel’s experts on aliens and Bigfoot, then yeah, they got it right. I wonder why he doesn’t mention how every time a so-called disadvantaged child gets arrested or accused of a crime the perpetually outraged flood the television screens to tell us how he could never have done what he’s accused of doing, how he was a good kid and someone is lying about him. Or how they drag out their perpetually outraged expert Mark Potok to tell us how we’re all racist for pointing out the reasons we don’t feel much sympathy for criminals.

Potok…compared the slams at [Shirley Sherrod, the black Agriculture Department employee] with the crude doubt cast on Martin’s character and innocence.

Yeah, except that Martin was really a thug, according to the available evidence. Not that he deserved to die because of it.

Thanks to TSO for the link.

Category: SPLC

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So…if Martin had gotten the pistol away from Zimmerman, and then shot and killed Zimmerman, what would the storyline be?



Young Black Hero Kills Racist


Aren’t those the same knuckleheads that listed Tea Partiers as a terrorist group? I was waiting for them to finally jump on this latest “race crime” bandwagon and I see I didn’t have to wait long.

Funny how they can say the shit they do while completely ignoring the “bounty” from the Black Panthers on Zimmerman…no, that isn’t extremist at all.


CNN and SPLC: same employers, same message.

If the controversy was Ernie kicking Big Bird’s ass, Potok would be brought on board as an expert.


What available “evidence” reveals Martin to be a “thug”? Was it the arrest he had for resisting arrest? Oh, wait that was Zimmerman. Was it the restraining order? Oh wait that was Zimmerman.

It’s nice to know that the Old standby of Blaming the victim is still alive in right wing world. What next call the rape victim a floozy for wearing short skirts?

A racist bastard stalks and kills a 17 year old unarmed boy and you disgustingly call him a thug. That’s despicable.


A word of advice, insipid: the e-mail address goes in the second data field under “Leave a Reply” – not the first one. The first is for your screen name.

But thanks anyway for letting us all know how to reach you via e-mail.


Yeah, i noticed that, unfortunately you can’t edit. Either way, the upshot of this post is that it’s ok to go after the black unarmed victims. Miscarriages of justice are OK if the kid isn’t perfect.


What miscarriage of justice? This is in the hands of a. the grand jury, or 2. The State’s Attorney. There has been no final disposition of the case. And, Spike, er, insipid, I’d go easy on the “racist bastard”, until you know all of the facts of the case, which no one does, just yet.


I’m sorry, anyone who uses the term “fucking coons” and laments how they “always get away” is a racist bastard. He stalked, shot and killed an unarmed black kid. He lied his ass off whe ne said that he was seriously injured. The cries that i heard were not of Zimmerman but of a kid and they immediately stopped when the gun was fired.

The cops didn’t bother doing any kind of serious investigation, didn’t bother with trajectories, they basically just took Zimmerman’s statement as the account of the story. Didn’t bother calling Martin’s cell phone and left the body there for three days before they told the parents about it. None of this would of happened if it were a white victim or a black killer. They decided Trayvon was a thug and didn’t investigate and now the guy is more than likely going to walk for it. And the author of this blog has decided that’s A-ok because he too decided Trayvon was a “thug.”

Country Singer

Way to keep up the leftist ideologue race-baiting narrative there, Insipid. I am not defending Zimmerman, but I notice that you left out a few salient points, like Martin being suspended for possession of weed, having been caught with a burglary tool and women’s jewelry that belonged to “a friend” that he couldn’t name. And what does its say about his parents when they evidently don’t think something is amiss when their poor, sweet, innocent angel who would never do anything wrong didn’t return after a trip to pick up some candy?

Country Singer

Further, there is no proof that Zimmerman said “coons” (although I know that’s what the media wants you to believe). Multiple analysis, including by CNN shows that he may have said “goons” or “punks”. But that would spoil the “Vote for Obama in Memory of Trayvon” movement and would keep Al and Jesse from raking in lots of money.


Don’t bother replying to that shit head insipid, he’ll just ignore any fact that doesnt fit into his racist narrative.

AW1 Tim

Yo Insipid: Whatever. Don’t you have some filthy stinking hippies to go hang with? They don’t give a shit about actual facts either, so I’m certain you all can twinkle together right well.


“The cries that i heard were not of Zimmerman but of a kid and they immediately stopped when the gun was fired”. Well, that’s just bullshit. Trayvon’s dad said, after hearing the tapes, that it wasn’t his son on the tape. After conferring with the “family lawyer”, he recanted. So, pardon me, but I’ll take him at his original word.
And, the police didn’t leave “the body there for 3 days”. You really need to get your facts from someone besides Charles Blow or Al Tawana Brawley Sharpton. His body was in the morgue for 3 days. Maybe because he didn’t have any identification? And, maybe they held it for the autopsy, which is required by law? I don’t know, and neither do you.
Zimmerman’s injuries were noted by the responding officers, and the SFD.


Shhhhhh…insipid is interested in obtaining justice–by which we mean hanging the guy whether he deserves it or not.

I guess lynching really hasn’t gone away yet, now has it?


Hey – go easy on the libidiot, folks. After all, this is the same insipid that said he’d be back 3 days ago to defend his opinion that the 2nd Amendment did not include the right of individuals to own firearms. He’s just a little slow, that’s all.

A little slow. Just like the rest of his libidiot brethren.


The police who said he had a broken nose and two head injuries and now we can see the tapes that this never happened? The same police that stated that two women that were supporting Trayvon were supporting George? The police that didn’t give “George” a toxicology test, didn’t take pictrues of George’s injuries and leaked information about Trayvon to the press? Those police you believe completely, but the girlfriend and the father and, i presume the mother who also said it was his sons voice are all lying to you. Plus there’s no way you can tell me that the voice on that tape doesn’t sound like a black teen.

I wasn’t implying that they left the body in the streets for three days, i’m saying that if it were a white kid they’d of bothered calling the cell phone, which i’m sure had “mom” and “Dad” marked on it and probably would of had his last call on it or found some way of notifying them sooner and they would NOT of taken the shooters word for it so completely. But, for the author of this piece it’s just another “thug” so who cares?


NHSparky: at least during the Thomas confirmation hearings it was just a high-tech lynching. The NBPP, Sharpton et al. seem to be calling for the real thing.


@15 I think we’re talking about an arrest up north. I know you Conservatives like to pretend that the only racisms that exists is reverse racism.

@16- Yeah, i have a life outside of the internet. I didn’t make a blood oath or anything. I’ll try and open up a thread on the forum tomorrow. Or i may see the hunger games. Consider it foreplay.


insipid: A toxicology test isn’t routine on each and every arrest, numbnuts. So absent probable cause, the police would have no reason to give him a toxicology test. Andeven with probable cause, they generally would need a warrant or consent to draw blood for a tox screen.

Absent some evidence of possible drug/alcohol use, there would not be enough evidence to convince a judge to grant a warrant. And without a warrant, any results would be inadmissable in court.

There’s that pesky Constitution again – something about “unreasonable searches and seizures”, if I remember correctly (4th Amendment). I thought you libidiots were big supporters of that part of the Constitution.


Even the NBPP as bad as it was, called for an ARREST of Zimmerman. Apparently if the justice system works now it’s a “lynching”.


insipid: Suit yourself. Until you deliver, I’ll consider it inability or fear on your part. Or a lie.


Yeah wanted dead or alive is caliing for his arrest, jesus you really are a fuck face


After seeing Bob Rush on the floor of congress in a hoodie, I’d go along with “thug” for anyone in a hoodie, on a warm night, who wears his hoodie up, for effect. Even without my experience in law enforcement.
“and left the body there for three days before they told the parents about it”. Sure as hell sounds like you’re saying the police left the body there for 3 days.
Again, go back to the other threads, where I addressed the toxicology test. Breathalyzers are given for DUI offenses, not for shootings. Otherwise it’s a search warrant, and unless there was probable cause for a blood test, no one is going to get a warrant. And, discharging a weapon is not enough PC for a warrant.
And, please, tell me, how do you know there weren’t any pictures taken of Zimmerman?
Was the girl friend there? And, I do believe the father, he said it was NOT his son on the tapes, screaming. Then he conferred with the family attorney, and recanted. Oh, and just exactly does a “black teen” sound like?
Unless you can come up with better talking points, ones that aren’t so easily refuted, why don’t you just go over to the “Killzimmerman” twitter thread and participate?


No. The NBPP offered a substantial bounty for the unlawful detention of Zimmerman by private citizens who are not law enforcement agents. It is unlawful detention because Zimmerman has been charged with no crime as of yet. Therefore, that’s not a citizen’s arrest – it’s kidnapping (or unlawful detention) one the part of the perpetrator and solicitation of same by those offering the bounty. And if it results in a death during the attempt at unlawful restraint, it could end up as murder and felony murder, respectively.


I doubt if they even asked Zimmerman to take the test. I certainly think Zimmerman’s lousy judgment and the fact that there is an unarmed black teenager to be probably cause. There’d certainly be probable cause if it were an unarmed white teenager, even one with a hoodie.

Also i love the way all of you are admonishing ME for jumping to conclusions when it comes to Zimmerman, but find no problem at all with the author of this piece referring to Martin as a ‘thug”.


NO, as I said, and for the last time, a breath test is given for DUI arrests. See Hondo’s comment also, “Absent some evidence of possible drug/alcohol use, there would not be enough evidence to convince a judge to grant a warrant. And without a warrant, any results would be inadmissable in court”. Your statement that there would be PC if it were a white teen just shows the prejudice that you view the world through. And, your view of what constitutes probable cause reinforces one thing, you’d make a shitty judge.
You are dense.


Up North, i worked in the inner-city for years and i can tell a black teenager from George Zimmerman and i can also tell the difference between someone saying “fucking Coons” and fucking punks. And i’m sure your vast knowlege of the law Supersedes actual homicide detectives, such as Rod Wheeler who states that a toxicology test could of been done:


I haven’t seen anything but that ONE source that said that the father stated this was not his kid. That source stated that this is what the police said, the same police that claimed that two witnesses that were for Trayvon were against him.

Plus the police leaked the kids suspension records, leaked this supposed change of heart from the father, but you’re saying they wouldn’t leak exhonerating photos?

The guy CLAIMED ON THE TAPE that the kid was running away and he ran after him. If anyone can claim the “stand your ground” law it’s Trayvon.

You’ve made these dumb ass defenses before, making them again does not make them any sounder.


I just provided a link to a detective that says there was probable cause. Is he “dense” too? Mike Papantonio also claimed that a toxicology test could of been done. Is he dense.

Pointing out racism does not make one a racist. And anyone who thinks that they’d of let a black kid sit in a morge for three days without even bothering to call the cell phone numbers on the kids phone has no business calling someone else dense. You shit for brains asshole (i’m taking up Conservative-style “debate” techniques.


I’ll ask this question of you Conservatards again (love the nuance debate technique of consevatives!) why is it heinous for me to call Zimmerman a “racist bastard” but it’s completely ok for the author of this piece to declare Trayvon to be a “thug”? Because the reputation of a dead black kid is worth less than that of his live shooter?

Why does the lynching metaphor only get applied to the guy who folks want ARRESTED and not to the dead black kid?

It’s not that i’m calling you racists it’s just that…. mmm… i don’t know how to finish that sentence.

Old Trooper

@22: Um, no, the NBPP handed out wanted dead or alive posters at their press conference and put the bounty at $10,000. Then they upped it to $1 million. They also said that if the government wasn’t interested in justice, they would take justice into their own hands. What they really mean is they will take vengeance into their own hands. That’s a little different than your drooling moonbat narrative of “arrest”. Also, if anyone does grab Zimmerman, they will be breaking the law, since he’s not wanted by law enforcement; it’s called kidnapping. If Zimmerman is injured or killed; it’s aggravated assault or murder.

Keep drinking the koolaid by the gallon you stupid fuck. Maybe you should quit drinking the bong water.


#32 don’t expect a reply to anything that contradicts flying fucks narrative. And bong water is nasty.


#33 Oh, you mean like the CNN video contradicting the guys “ass whoop” lie? Or the tapes contradicting the lie that it was Zimmerman crying for help? Or the actual arrest record contradicting the lie that Zimmerman was squeeky clean? Or is your brain too bleached from Faux news to recognize reality. Oh, i’m sorry, i forgot dumb fucks like you ALWAYS assume the black guy is at fault. My bad.


insipid: the term “thug” is race-neutral and does not imply race or racism. There are thugs of all races and ethnic backgrounds. (In fact, the term originally was derived from the term for members of the Thuggee cult of India, whose members – Thugs – were assassins and thieves.) Based on what’s come out about Martin since his unfortunate demise, the term may be appropriate – although “wannabe” is IMO probably more accurate. Now, to your audio clip: I listened to it. And Wheeler did indicate his opinion that a tox screen should have been performed. With all due respect to Mr. Wheeler’s background, perhaps this explains why he’s not a lawyer – and why he apparently no longer works as a practicing law enforcement officer. He appears to be legally incorrect here. And you do realize that that audio clip you cited is over a week old, right? And that it was made before a number of relevant facts about the case became publicly known – like, oh, say, the fact that there’s a witness who saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, beating him, before Martin was shot? And before the local police indicated that Zimmerman’s story claiming self-defense was consistent with their forensic evidence? And before evidence indicating that Martin wasn’t exactly the proverbial “all-American good kid” (e.g., possessed burglary tools and possibly stolen property, had been suspended from school due to marijuana use) came to light? Again, insipid – and with all due respect to Mr. Wheeler’s background – no probable cause for a tox screen existed. The fact that a crime may have been committed by an individual, by itself, is in general not probable cause to request a judge issue a warrant to compel a blood sample for a tox screen. For most crimes, alcohol or drug use is legally irrelevant as it is not an element of the crime in question. That’s true for a shooting incident, a simple assault, a burglary, a stop for speeding, a mugging, and most other crimes you might name – because whether one is drunk or high when… Read more »


No fuckface I was talking about the new black panthers bounty and your lies about it, but keep ignoring the facts asshat. I haven’t defended zimmerman either but you can keep distorting the facts all you want, thats what you are going to do anyway.


The original wanted poster WAS for an arrest, you stupid fuck. Then they changed it to wanted. Plus i said BOTH were wrong, when are YOU going to say that calling the man a thug is wrong?


Oh now you are trying to change what you said, no surprise there.


insipid: gee you must be right. A parent would never have a motive to lie to cover for their “little angel”, or to get revenge on someone who they believed hurt their child.

Geez. You can’t really be stupid enough to believe that.

Both the police and Martin’s parents have motive to hang Zimmerman out to dry here – the latter for revenge, and the former to get out from under the magnifying glass. But the police and prosecutors there also have a motive – and a sworn duty – to investigate the alleged crime, to determine the truth, and (if warranted) to try the accused if sufficient evidence exists. And they appear to be doing exactly that, perhaps imperfectly – even if the process may not necessarily be turning out the way you want.

You’ve obviously acted as Zimmerman’s judge and jury in your own mind, and apparently want to act as his executioner tomorrow. But that’s not the way we do it in the US. If you prefer that kind of justice, please move to North Korea or Iran. Or the Pashtun regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Amd now you are equating calling someone a thug to saying someone should be killed, and you’re calling mr a dumb fuck.


insipid: There are at least 3 versions of NBPPs “wanted” poster:

Apparent original (from an Inquisitr.com article posted 24 Mar):


Altered version (from a “lezgetreal.com” article posted 25 Mar) w/”for legitimate citizen’s arrest” added, probably due to criticism:


And the final one, a screenshot from a 27 Mar “jillstanek.com” article – note the “dead or alive” language:


So, as usual, you’re blowing it out your ass again with your claim that the original poster called for an “arrest”. The original NBPP wanted posted apparently made no mention of an “arrest”; that was added in a later version. And the latest one released by members of the NBPP is a “Dead or Alive” poster – which makes it clear that the NBPP doesn’t give a shit about Zimmerman’s life.


A paramedic treated Zimmerman onscene. Wait for his legal report to come out and it will describe Zimmerman’s injuries and treatment.

Insipid: I thought about a lengthy response. But what’s the point? I will speak in words you can understand: get a life and fuck off.


insipid” You might want to research lynching a bit. I’ve read elsewhere that a rather large number of people of Oriental, Hispanic, and Caucasian descent were lynched in the US West – many prior to 1880, when the Tuskeegee Institute started tracking US lynching statistics.

As I recall, Zimmerman is Hispanic. So IMO, the use of the term “lynching” as relates to what the NBPP advocates being done to Zimmerman here is more historically apropos than you claim. Further, what the NBPP and many others are advocating for Zimmerman also appears to me indistinguishable from one of the various legal definitions of lynching (an “act of violence inflicted by a mob upon the body of another person which results in the death of the person”).


@43…Oooooh! He was treated at the scene by a paramedic. So George Zimmerman claims he was punched in the nose, knocked to the ground, had his head bounced up and down on a pavement like a fucking basketball, but STILL told the paramedics he didn’t need to go to the hospital and when all this was done STILL managed to seem COMPLETELY unscathed.


Well….. I THINK I know the paramedic that must have treated him after all of that-


It’s an appropriate video because if you believe in all of that you certainly must also believe in fairies.


The point is, shithead, a paramedic’s legal report will describe what they saw. Imagine that – a report from an unbiased source. I am not taking about a grainy video. Paramedics were there moments after the shooting. If he had injuries, they had to write a report, and it is an actual LEGAL document.

If an adult wants to refuse transport by ambulance, and they are mentally competent, they can even if they are about to die.


Oh and bleeding stops at some point, and blood does wash off. Who is to say he didn’t clean up and was then taken to the station, to the source of this very grainy video?

Love your less than reputable sources by the way.


Unfortunately for you, shithead, there are NO paramedic reports. If he had the injuries he described both the cops and the paramedics would of insisted that he be treated because they don’t want to get sued or they’d of had him sign some sort of release. Instead they looked him over and decided he was fine because THE MAN WAS CLEARLY NOT INJURED. Do you see any grass stains? And sign of even a bloody nose let alone a broken nose which are KNOWN to bleed profusely?

But of course it HAS to be the parents and your own eyes that are lying.


You like to provoke and inject emotion into everything. Ineffective. Illogical. Especially when you cite highly biased sources.

How do you know a written report doesn’t exist, or a release? Are you a paramedic/EMT/firefighter in Seminole County? Let’s say, worst case, they didn’t do one: then they will be called to testify. Then we will know.

I have personally seen broken noses, hell broken faces, that clean up and look pretty good moments after injury.

No one can assert from that crappy video that he was not injured, not even someone as gullible as you.

PowerPoint Ranger

Hey Insipid, when did you wear a gun and a badge for a living? When and where did you get your vast law enforcement and/or EMS experience? Oh, you don’t have any of those? It isn’t a surprise to those of us who have worked in those fields, because if you had you would know that people can and do refuse hospitalization in those cases. All the officer has to do is note it in the incident report.

But, please continue on and don’t let little things like not knowing what the fuck you’re talking about interrupt your little diatribes. Keep on pretending that most of us arent withholding judgment on either person until more actual facts are made known.


Thanks to PowerPoint Ranger for a pithy assessment: you don’t know what you’re talking about insipid.

Old Trooper

As I said before, but since you, Insipid, failed reading comprehension, I will say it again: There are no charges pending by law enforcement, so an “arrest” would mean unlawfully detaining someone and being that most of us (I’m not including you in this category) have critical thinking skills, the NBPP saying “arrest” in their flyer means nothing of the kind (they changed their wanted poster in order to cover their ass from prosecution for inciting murder). Plus; do you really think that Zimmerman would be peacefully led away and let himself be “arrested” by a bunch of emotionally driven hunyucks that know he would never make it to whatever “police station” they would take him to, alive?

Since you are so in tune with the facts of this case; please tell me where they want him taken to, when “arrested”? What law enforcement charges are pending that warrant an “arrest”? Would the NBPP give their million dollars to the city/county if he is “arrested”?

As for what his parents are saying: They weren’t there when it happened and most parents always say “my little Billy or Suzie would never do anything like that”, so I don’t give creedence to parental versions until all of the evidence is presented. I lived in “the hood” long enough to know that when the cameras and reporters show up, after a kid with a criminal history is shot by rival gang members or other criminals, the very first thing that family and friends say is “he/she was good kid and just turning their life around after getting out of the jug”. Even though said dead kid was right back in the thick of their previous routine after getting out of jail. So, you can sell that shit elsewhere, because I ain’t buying it.