Jason Truitt; phony SEAL

| January 29, 2012

AverageNCO sent us a link to the Cortez Journal which tells the story of Jason Truitt who claims to be a Navy SEAL who had been a POW in Afghanistan and wounded countless times. All of which earned him a free hunting trip and a Weatherby rifle;

It was a harrowing seven tours. He was shot 11 times. He was declared missing in action, twice a prisoner of war. Once he was MIA for two months and 14 days.

He was tortured and disfigured. He was shot in the stomach, requiring several feet of his intestines to be removed. His tattooed skin is covered in scars. He has vision in only one eye.

But he never entered a combat situation that he didn’t want to.

“I’ve been through a lot, bro,” he said bluntly. “It’s kind of hard to talk about.”

According to our buddy, Captain Larry Bailey, who himself spent 27 years as a SEAL and now spends his time busting phoney SEALS, tells us that it’s even harder to talk about when you’re “100% fake”. What set off bells for me was that I went to the publicy available list of POWs and MIAs at DoD and he wasn’t listed – that’s the same thing that the author of the story could have done.

“What’s the hardest thing about being in the military, people ask me. I simply tell them, coming home. You go through all of these Christmas’s sitting in a foxhole and getting mortared, and people are back home eggnoggin’ by the fire,” he said. “I’ve come to hate the holidays. Every year I have some kind of breakdown around the holidays.”

Truitt said every time he returned, the homecoming celebrations would fade after a while, and that the aftermath of his experiences as a soldier would resurface.

“You’re a hero for the first two months and then your problems set in and all of the sudden you become a burden to your family, and they realize what actually happened to you over there. It’s things that people don’t talk about and they never will talk about,” he said.

The hardest part about coming home is seeing all of the phonies stealing your valor.

Captain Bailey writes to tell us that he’s offered to help the author of the story save himself from criticism by busting Truitt publicly for his bullshit stories of daring do, so there will probably be a follow-up to this story.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I’m speechless


Some thoughts:

1. As always, there will never be a shortage of phonies to consider for the annual mcbeath awards.

2. In this day and age, shouldn’t such tales of “heroism” raise red flags among even the most ‘innocent’ of people, including journalists? Do we need to start sending out notices to all journalists and organizations that deal with veterans and veteran issues, about key words and phrases to look for in weeding out phonies?

3. Still, I feel badly for all those burned by this phony, especially those who donated their time and efforts.


So many thoughts on this one….I spent too much time with this yesterday when I should have been studying for my WAPS test on Thursday….I e-mailed Don Shipley & Larry Bailey to verify his claims, but I felt like I didn’t even need to…..I figured Don didn’t respond because he is sleeping off the headache he’s been dealing all week with phony psychic-SEAL Bill Brockbrader….It wasn’t until later in the afternoon and I had already made all my contacts that I even noticed he was wearing an Army ACU top…….Finally, this is one more example that Stolen Valor is not a victimless crime. Tell that to the folks that paid this guy’s gas money, paid for his hunting trip, and gave him the free rifle!

Frankly Opinionated

How many SEAL and former SEAL members do we have now? 22,500,000 or are there more. If Obama doesn’t stop publicizing his use of DEVGRU, we could wind up with more former SEAL personnel than adult males in the country.


What’s the number? 300 posers for every legit SEAL? I mean come on look at this guy, he has tattoos on his face! The author should have known better.


@4 My favorite quote on this subject comes from Capt. Bailey: “”There were about 500 SEALs that operated in Vietnam, and I’ve met all 20000 of them.”


@5 Didn’t you read the article? He had to get those tattoos to cover all his scars from combat. Actually, a certain Lady, who famous for busting fakes, has uncovered some information on Mr. Truitt which leads me to believe he didn’t get all that ink at the tattoo shop in his local strip mall. More to come………..


I smell a convicted felon about to be revealed…..

Fighting Wombat

Another ass pirate showing up in the press as a “war hero”…when will the f’ing MSM get off their collective asses and verify claims that these poseurs are making, instead of giving them their 15 minutes in the spotlight. Oh, that’s right…they don’t have to…just look at the thorough job they did with the soup sandwich that is the POTUS…


I’m amazed that organizations trying to do great work, don’t spend a tad more time to vet the recipients of their charity.


If anyone claims to have been a POW or MIA in Afghanistan/Iraq, with claims of being tortured and other harrowing tales of their gruesome injuries, this should IMMEDIATELY raise red flags in the journalism and veterans group communities.

I just don’t get why so many people who should know better continue to get scammed. I mean, yes, I do understand people’s good hearts, and this sense that one should never question a “veteran” as it is not ‘honorable.’

But come on, this is getting ridiculous!

Frankly Opinionated

I just e-mailed the ?reporter? of the article and Bcc’d the editor and others, with this:
” Brandon:
RE: http://www.cortezjournal.com/article/20120128/NEWS01/701289955/0/COLUMNISTS18/Hunting-for-a-few-good-memories
Do you call yourself a “Professional journalist”?
Did you get to this point in your life via Academia?
Did you not learn to fully research your material before putting it before the public, so as not to make you appear to be a total idiot?
Did you for even one minute believe this story?
Do you, by now, see just how foolish you look to those of us who do research for the facts?
Are you one of those types who enjoy self-flagellation?
Are you and those that you work with surprised that the Mainstream media is thought of as STUPID and a tool of the liberal left?”

Any reply will be posted here.


Looking forward to the reply – if there is one.


Okay, I’ve learned something new. There is documentation that there are times when SEALs wear ACUs. And upon further research I’ve learned that Jason Truitt is still a FAKE!


It’s not really the fact that he’s wearing ACU’s that exposes him as the douchebag that he is but the fact that he’s wearing them with rank and U.S. Navy while on a hunting trip. I’m really surprised not see a Trident somewhere, either on his ACU’s or his hat.


The Trident appears to be on his left sleeve.


@16 Good Eyes!! I missed that one yesterday too. If that is a Trident, then he can’t claim the reporter misquoted him when he called himself a SEAL. Meanwhile, the folks over on Don Shipley’s Facebook page are going ApeSh*t on this guy. Former SEAL, and phony-busting-expert, Steve Robinson pointed out that no SEAL has ever been captured as a POW.

Yat Yas 1833

I’m making a career change! Why work at a job where I’m held responsible for my performance when I can have a job where all I have to do is write a story every couple of days! The clown’s BS meter should have exploded!? Seven consecutive tours after having been gut shot and having “several feet of his intestines removed”? Oh, I know…he did the surgery himself with a P-38, youngsters Google that one, then sewed himself up with the steel wire from his garrote. He then dragged hinself to a cave to recuperate for three days before returning to duty. Even the most cursory bit of research would have shown this SFB to be a fraud.


@16. I missed that.

What I don’t get is why would a journalist not check it out. Instead of just a feel good story he could have had a great story exposing this guy as a phony and a thief who was exploiting these good people. This is a case of doing a job just good enough to get by. An example of lazy journalism by Brandon Mathis

Joseph Brown

YatYas@18, I still have MY P38 from the AF. And that sucker still opens cans like it’s brand new. I got discharged in 1966.


To those in the msm with a leftist agenda, they “win” whether the claim is or is not real. To them, a false claim reflects badly upon the military, so they feel no need to fact check.

And they do not now, and never will, understand why anyone would expect they to.


Our Hero’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003183518056&and=100000582745940

Not much there, but pretty sure that’s the guy.

CI Roller Dude

…”taken as a POW” ? wow, were the folks who gave him the Weatherby retards?


Looking at his picture, something tells me this puck stick is a prior guest of the California penal system. Them some serious indigo ink tats he is sporting…


@24 Good eyes streetsweeper. Ever heard of a place called Wasco?


Love the two comments on the site. I suspect tomorrow the article will be taken down along with a retraction/if we offended anyone “apology” from the staff.

Unless their professional pride was hurt. Or something.


As of now, the story is # 1 on the paper’s Most Read List (right side Home Page).

I asked the reporter to check this out with his local Sheriff:

From the official ATF website –
(B5) Are there certain persons who cannot legally receive or possess firearms and/or ammunition?

Yes, a person who –
(1) Has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year;

[18 U.S.C. 922(g) and (n), 27 CFR 478.32]


Third post is a charm:

To make this story even more unbelievable….How could Mr. Truitt have completed seven tours in Iraq between 2001 and 2006, when he went to Wasco State Prison in 2004 for an 16-month sentence on a variety of drug and theft charges. It’s all a matter of public record!


Please, please, PLEASE!!!

Post the follow-up article or the information of the reporter.


THIS ASS CLOWN IS FROM MY HOME TOWN!!!!! Im a Sergeant in the Army…A REAL ONE….Im on R and R from Afghan right now. Im gonna expose this FUCK for who he is.

Cedo Alteram

First, I know of only one American prisoner successfully taken in Afghanistan, the idiot from the 4/25th who walked away from his OP and is still in captivity.

Second, he’s wearing ACUs, I’ve only ever seen Navy personal wearing DSUs or Marine MARPAT.

Third, disfigurment, number of wounds, and intestinal injury are hard to believe. Anyone of these is believable, up all together and making such a quick recovery, only divine intervention could have done that.

Lastly, between the the tatoos and the flat brimmed-homey baseball cap, nevermind wearing ACUs on a hunt(why?), I would say he’s either a wannabe or a criminal of some sort. Then again with that cum-catcher on his chin, isn’t that distinctive flair of SEAL Team 69?


Chad, don’t waste your time with this. Use your R&R wisely, spend it with family and friends.


@ #25 AverageNCO; Oh yea….and Lerdo, Pelican Bay, Chino, Tracy and few others as well too, TY!

Old Trooper

First off, any tatto artist knows you can’t tattoo on top of, or next to, scar tissue for at least 12-15 years. I know this, because I asked about getting a couple tattoos to cover some rather big scars I have and was told that by several professional tattoo artists. So, I have to wait about 10 more years. This poser needs to have his ass kicked, plus the people within this organization need to have remedial training in doing background checks if they are going to be handing out firearms or cash. Plus, if he’s a convicted felon, he can’t own a firearm, anyway.


@35- Easily explainable. He took 10 shots in the mouth, by 10 different guys. The 11th guy shot a little early and hit his stomach.

The scars are psychological. It’s tough being the middle man.


“I’ve been through a lot, bro,” he said bluntly. “It’s kind of hard to talk about.”

Especially when you’ve never been there, ya fuckstick.

Dollars to doughnuts in the unlikely even the newsie ever asked what BUD/S class he was in, the reply would be, “Secret” or, “I didn’t go” or some combination thereof.


Comments turned off now…


Bakersfield and Kern County and full of losers and metheads. This does not surprise me in the least. Thank god I got out there when I did!


Tman–sounds like the newsie can’t take the heat. It must really suck knowing you can’t even do the bare basics of a job after spending four years in college learning how to fucking do it.


[…] aint Hell, but you can see it from here: Jason Truitt; phony SEAL AverageNCO sent us a link to the Cortez Journal which tells the story of Jason Truitt who claims to […]


I just looked at the link and saw this:
“Editor’s note: After receiving several comments and emails, it appears that a number of assertions made by Jason Truitt are false.With stories like this, the Journal doesn’t do a lot of fact checking. Verifying a veteran’s service records is difficult, and the reporter took it on good faith that everyone who was featured in the article was being honest and truthful about their past. and about their military record. The journal is currently looking into facts of the story and will publish a follow-up article addressing the situation.”


The ones who should be informed and counciled are the people who run that charity. Weatherby rifles are ultra expensive. They’ll probably want to know, in the future, how to verify what’s what, so this crap doesn’t happen again. The reporter probably assumed he was checked out by the people giving away hunting trips and rifles.


“Verifying a veteran’s service record is difficult”?! Guess they never heard of FOIA.


I looked up Mark Steinke’s (the NRA guy) email and let him know, just in case no one else had.


And they wonder why they’re stuck in some backwater shit-never-happens town for a paper with a circulation of ones.

Then again, most of the big city reporters are guilty of the same thing. Would have been a lot closer to the truth to just say, “Fuck it–we’re lazy.”


I showed this to my 5 year old son. He asked, “daddy why does he have tatoos on his neck?” In short a 5 year old knows better.


I just provided the luna family at Colorado Hunting Expeditions with info and POC for FBI Field Office in Denver and told them to ask for the Stolen Valor desk.


They seem like good people, it’s a shame they got taken advantage of by a total dirt bag.

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