Dick Lugar blames Tea Party for Reps not controlling Senate
Senator Dick Lugar is facing a primary challenge from Indiana state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who is backed by Tea Party groups, so Lugar took the opportunity to blame the Tea Party for his party not controlling the Senate according to Bloomberg;
“There were people who claim that they wanted somebody who was more of their Tea Party aspect, but in doing so they killed off the Republican chances for majority,” Lugar said. “This is one of the reasons we have a minority in the Senate right now.”
See, that’s why Republicans don’t control the Senate…the Tea Party isn’t about giving Republicans the majority, it’s about CONSERVATIVES being in the majority and that’s why Lugar faces a Tea Party candidate. He may think he’s conservative, but obviously, the voters don’t.
The Republicans running the Senate was no better for the American people than when the Democrats ran it. If Republicans want the conservative bloc votes, they’d better act like it.
Category: Congress sucks
I heard a part of ole Dick Lugar today, and he was whining this same dance.
You nailed it, and Lugar needs to read it, Jonn. “The Republicans running the Senate was no better for the American people than when the Democrats ran it”.
Civics 101:
Fact: The President doesn’t spend our money. Congress spends our money.
Fact: The economy didn’t begin to tank until 18 months after the Democrats regained control of both houses of Congress in January, 2007; i.e., the Democrats [own] the bad ecomomy.
Fact: When Obama won the election in November, 2008, unemployment was at 4.7%, and it didn’t begin to skyrocket up to 9.7% (or 16.4% realistically) as a vote of no confidence in Obama and other Democrats until immediately [after] Obama was inaugurated; i.e., Obama and Democrats [own] the high unemployment.
Fact: Inflation didn’t begin to skyrocket upwards until July/August of 2010, a three and a half years after Democrats regained ontrol of Congress, a year and a half after Obama was inaugurated, and months before Republicans regained control of the House.
Fact: When Bush left office, the Middle East was stabilized. In the past three years, the Obama Administration has only succeeded in undoing everything that the Bush Administration’s accomplishments in the Middle East and in southeast Asia, and, in fact, those chronic screw-ups in the Obama Administration have [completely] destabilized the [entire] Middle East; i.e., Democrats now [own] the instability of the Middle East, to which one can largely attribute the Obama Administration’s drive to advance their Greenie, socialist agenda.
Simplistic, yes. But for the sake of brevity, that’s the gist of it without even having to go into Dodd-Frank, Fannie-Freddie and other relevant issues. In other words, to say what you said about Republicans was irresponsible and it only shows that your ignorance is stunning …, imho.
Never mind that GW’s policies kept your sorry ass safe all while he was POTUS, and his policies are continuing to keep you safe during Obama’s term, and 9/11 could have been prevented if it hadn’t been for the incredible incompetence and negligence of the chronic screw-ups in the Clinton Administration …, of which there are examples too numerous to list here for the sake of brevity. It is the Democrats who can’t be trusted to protect Americans, not the Repiblicans. Republicans in Congress are all that is between you and socialism. Dayum son, wake up and smell the coffee.
Nothing like an irrational point of view where the GOP isn’t to blame for anything on the planet.
the TEA party is a shakeup of the establishment. of course the folks at the established GOP are going to feel threatened.
Fiscal Conservatism is essentially the main issue of the TEA party. I don’t think the Teaparty cared about a majority of the issues that the establishment does.
Brian’s civics lesson is pretty important though Article 1 is the longest and most detailed Article of the Constitution. there’s a reason for that. While we can accept a modicum of bickering, as is to be expected, the reason that congresses approval rating is so LOW is because they are throwing out the most useless bills, and passing laws that have no basis in reality. They do not have charismatic leaders (at least in front of the camera) nor do they ever have to seem to have Coherent policy. So if the GOP wants to restore faith in the Congress it will need to step up the leadership.
Never mind that since Obama became president and suring those recent three and a half years that the Democrats controlled both Houses Of Congress, our debt became higher than the the total [combined] debts of all 42 previous presidents. Only a loony would blame that on Republicans.
#5 – What the Republicans need to have is control of the House and a veto-proof majority in the Senate, which they could have had if Tea Partiers hadn’t interfered. They need to leave it up to the professionals. They are neither qualified, nor experienced enough to select qualified candidates. Their publicity went to their heads. They and Sarah Palin are the best assets that the Democrats have, and the DNC and the DMC’s shills in the MSM know it. James Carville, Paul Begala, Chris Matthews, etc., LOVE the Tea Partiers. Seriously.
#7 Brian:
Leave it to the professionals!!?? DUDE!! Career political whores are what got us into this mess, though the ones responsible for that (in the end), are located in the mirror.
The TEA Party folks are attempting to rectify the situation, it will take several election cycles and there still is no guarantee of success.
I’ve had a belly full of “the professionals.”
#8 – I understand your frustrations. But
the facts don’t support your theories.
#9. Really? Fact is, the “professionals” have been in charge, up until the election of 2010.
Lugar is one of these characters who is considered an elder statesman to his colleagues in the senate and the DC media. He doesn’t grasp that means very little to those he represents or his party. Some of these old timers(like Kennedy, Spector, Lautenberg, Rangel, Reid, McConnell, and, Byrd to name a few) really start to become accustomed to the accoutrements of office and start to believe that they are entitled to them.
The parties are vehicles for larger movements, unlike a parliamentary system they aren’t able to instill much discipline on the membership. This not only allows a regional flavoring but also leaves course correcting up to primary/caucus goers. The Republican party is the nominal conservative party, as such it is reasonable to expect those holding such views to at least imply they are willing to carry out such.
If you were to follow Mr. Lugar logic to its end, then why bother with party platforms/agendas or principles? Why not just tell people exactly what they wanted to here as circumstances dictate? You could probably get a majority that way, but there would be no guarantee it would enact any of your policies.
3# “Republicans in Congress are all that is between you and socialism.” They are the only thing to HOPE on being between us. This does not inspire confidence and leads to too many Republicans taking their constitutes for granted.
#6 That is true. That is where the Republican reposte should be ready…. well where has it been?
7# Um okay? I hope your being sarcatic there and not a dumbass incapable of abstract thought.
#11 Cedo Alteram,
“Some of these old timers(like Kennedy, Spector, Lautenberg, Rangel, Reid, McConnell, and, Byrd to name a few) really start to become accustomed to the accoutrements of office and start to believe that they are entitled to them.”
Brian Congress was never meant to be a profession. If it was their breaks would be like one or two weeks at a time, for only major holidays.
Indeed it is far better that Congress should have professionals that came from other professions. We have too many professional politicians that have worked in too many loop holes into too much legislation.
You are partially correct in that they weren’t good at throwing out mindless platitudes that they had no intentions of keeping. Harry Reid won, because while his opponent was throwing out an issue that the whole country cared deeply about and she hammered the ever loving shit out of his record, Vegas depends on the migrant population. Sadly she did not have the politico machines that said hey hammer him on this issue. and in the end despite pissing off a lot of people, he barely won. that shoudl say a lot.
#5: Threatened? Au contraire. More like exasperated, Doc. 🙂
#13: Congress? I was referring to the pros at the RNC, Doc.
#10 – You’re inflating the significance of the roles which the Tea Partiers played in the 2010 election. The fact of the matter is that they did more harm than good in Alaska,
Washington, California, Nevada and Deleware to name a few.
They take credit for wins in Kentucky and in Florida when, in fact, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio were already way out ahead in the polls long before the TP even endorsed them.
I’m exercising restaint here.
#11: Abstract thought? Is that what you call your ditziness? 🙂
Never mind that the Tea Partiers also endorsed and supported Colonel West, who has been voting with the Congressional Black Caucus …, all of whom are Democrats for the benefit of you wizkids. (And never mind their support for that ditz, Christine O’Donnell. LOL The less said about her the better.)
Yeah, those Tea Partiers are savvy alright. LOL. A coalition of bored, restless, shallow, ditzy, bitchy and gossipy housewives and their henpecked dufus husbands, all of whom are clueless, but very opinioned. Go figure. LOL
BTW, you know, don’t you, that many of the most vocal Tea Partiers are Democrat subversives and Democrat professional agitators who have infiltrated and corrupted Tea Party Organizations?
That’s it, Brian, when personal attacks fail, convince those you disagree with by your reasoned response to try to win them over to your point of view.
Care to provide some links to back up your claims in #18?
#19 – The bottom line, fool, is what did I say that isn’t true. Your silly comments would make sense only to a fool.
… or to someone who is shallow and as clueless as you are
#16 I call it your inability to reason well. As you continued to prove, numbnuts.
I take it, from your answers in #20, and #21, no, you can’t provide links, you just pulled that statement in #18 out of your ass. I asked for proof of what you claim, and you insult, like a liberal, because you can’t source your claim. Again, your reasoned, well-thought response will win over legions of those sitting on the fence, trying to decide which way to go next election cycle.
I think that having “pros” at any political party or affiliation is a bad thing.
#24 – Really? Then you must like Obama and organizations
which don’t have any leaders. Want to rethink that?
#22 & #23 – I’m a compassionate consevative. But your mundled thinking would try the patience of a saint, Yeah, I know, you think that you’re rational, because everybody there in your nursing home thinks the same way that you two goofy old coots do. So I’ll give you another chance. Get back to me after you’ve taken your meds and your naps. 🙂
oops, muddled, not mundled, but then again, those two
goofy old coots could be classifed as mundled, too. 🙂
Those who can’t reason, insult. Nuff said. You’re nothing like a conservative. Yet again, you prove that you make up shit on the fly.
@2,3,6,7,9,14,15,16,17, 18,20,21,25,26, aqnd 27.
As Popeye says, “That’s alls I can stands and I can’t stands no more!” In record time you have insulted some of the nicest guys who comment here and you have distinguished yourself by disrespecting people whose shoes you are unworthy to shine. Here’s some advice, tadpole. Go away for a week or two and when you return, use a different tag and a rational approach. And if you can’t try a more rational approach, at least change your tag to Asshole so that the innocent will know to avoid your inane comments and their clear reflection on your vile character.
Brian began his rant here with some items, (some, not all), that have a certain validity. Then when pressed, rather than offer constructive criticism, he did as so many trolls do, and began a very poor attempt at belittling those who contested his point. His failure to have a valid argument has him coming off like our resident drooling liberal trolls. Not a bit different.
I, for one, would take exception to his distorted take on what the Tea Party is and who it consists of.
nuf sed
But, but, but you dimwits have yet to show where I lied. LOL In fact, ironically, [you] are the ones who have lied repeatedly to save face, to cover your asses and to conceal and deflect attention away from your incredible stupidity.
#28, #29 & #30
Saying its so ain’t going to make it so, and it ain’t going to make you dummies any smarter, and it ain’t going to make you creepy losers feel any better about yourselves either.
At the end of the day when all is said and done, I will be smug in my awareness that I was right, and you will still feel insecure, inferior, inadequate and stupid, knowing that you are shallow and clueless blowhards and tedious, boring and tiresome bullshit artists, who have your heads so far up your asses that you, collectively, don’t have a freaking [clue] what is going on out here in the real world, and who are so sedentary in your thinking that you will be perfectly content to turn this blog into just another chat room for dreary, know-nothing losers, droning on tediously as if you’re authorities on military issues, even though all of you performed only minor functions as 3rd rate soldiers and blathering sea lawyers. (yawn)
But I forgive you. God made you that way. You can’t help it.
#29 – Your sliminess is disconcerting. I feel a need to
take a shower whenever I see one of your slimy comments.
You give a whole new meaning to the term, white trash.
@25: I was referring to the political Machinery, which let’s face it Obama has a lot of. His Machine is about as pro as it gets, and is *sadly* a legislative Juggernaut that only his piss poor leadership could defeat.
The Status Quo simply isn’t doing the job. For some reason all the leadership of both parties have punted on 3rd and 7. Yeah the Yardage is tough to make up but you don’t punt the damn ball on 3rd down. Again and again we watch and accept as the varrious Parties become indestinguishible. We talk only about “safe” issues, which strangely everybody agrees on. Middle Class taxes (low) Debt (reduce) Children (love the little bastards). Talking about the “issues” sucks because the only issues anyone wants to talk about are the ones everyone agrees on.
The Tea Party shook up the GOP. Almost as much as OWS tried to shake up the Democrats (but really since there are hardly any Blue Dogs left, it was all rather moot, they were preaching to the Choir) We tried “Compassionate Conservatism” and ended up with just as many problems, which sadly laid the groundwork for this current admin chucking the baby and the tub but trying to keep the Bathwater. More than ever now because of the blank checks written, we’re probably gonna need to get drastic in our corrective actions. The mainstream GOP will care more about electability than correct action.
#33 – It’s like my dear grammy has said: It will all be the same a thousand years from now, and life is too short. So don’t sweat the petty shit.
BTW, Doc, thanks for your calm, courteous and rational reply. I’m shocked …, shocked, I tell you. You often
give me something to think about. That’s just so, so,
well, so uncharacteristic for this very strange website.
Good night, dimwits. Unpleasant dreams. 🙂 (Not you, Doc.)
@2,3,6,7,9,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,25,26,27, 31, 32, 34,and 35.
It is clear that the tadpole has been here previously, either as a lurker or under a different tag. The latter is more likely because lurking requires some degree of self restraint. It is equally clear he has some serious personality defects and lacks the upbringing that would have instilled in him self discipline and respect for others. He refers to white trash, a telling phrase, and feebly attempts to deflect apt characterizations of him by dismissing others as unworthy of him and his superior intellect. He thinks that schooling is education and lacks a modicum of wisdom. He disparages the Tea Party, labels this blog a very strange website, calls himself a compassionate conservative, and–like a baby missing his binky–wails and flails in frustration and childish anger when the world doesn’t appreciate or heed him. In short, he is a mess and an annoyance whose grammy was long on dishing out bad advice and short on meting out butt kickings that might have helped the brat. He’s a punk and a pest and I do wish he would pare down his comments per thread to a few, but, lacking self discipline and believing himself to be magnanimous in sharing his drivel with us, he won’t. But he’s been banned from other sites, of that you can bet. And eventually, he’ll remove himself from this one because ultimately even he will tire of his asinine looping commentary.
Blaming the Tea Party for calling attention to the creep to socialism that comes from DC (by both parties) is similar to blaming a doc for a dreaded disease that he diagnoses.
Who does blaming the messenger serve? Only the power elite.
The Tea Party is the only good thing to arise out of Obama’s candidacy and unfortunate election. It established a voice for those ignored, overlooked, and taken for granted by the effete, ruling class of “professional” do nothings–well, do nothing except harm, that is. Were it not a threat, it would not be so ferociously attacked by the leftist media and lefties generally. The Tea Party is not a political organization with designs on power, save for the power of electing those individuals who will represent the spine of America, not its soft underbelly.
Hey, guys, we’ve acquired our very own internet stalker. One, who can be “smug in the awareness” that he’s an ass. He will pass eventually, much like diarrhea.
The retchings of Bruce and his ilk motivated me to put a very popular phrase to a design that became so successful in my online shop that I did it in several designs. Suits him perfectly: http://www.cafepress.com/frankopinions/7015417
#36 – Tsk, tsk, tsk, temper, temper. he he he he
It’s so much fun to play with these dimwits …,
but only up to a point, and we have reached that
point, where I feel guilty, ’cause it has gotten
to be kinda like what I suspect that it must be
like to roll drunks or to take candy from babies.
If you dimwits were anymore lame you would be on
life support. Oh wait, some of you are, aren’t you? 🙂
#37 – Whoa, you need to work on your reading comprehension.
Neither I, nor anyone else (to the best of my knowledge)
have [ever] blamed the Tea Parties for creeping socialism. You pulled that one out of your ass, and blaming it on both
parties shows [once again] that your ignorance is stunning.
But hey, you are entiled to your batty opinions.
Ain’t America grand?
C’mon, dimwits, admit it.
I’m like a nitroglycerine patch that got your tired, old hearts pumping again.
Now, I haven’t figured out yet how to bring you back from being braindead. But I’m working on it. So cheer up. 🙂
Fucking GOP trolls are as obnoxious as any other kind. Cheer this up, numbnuts.
#36 – Let it go, creep. Only a fool would fail to realize that your viciousness, hatefulness, spitefulness, vindictiveness and crackpot theories are getting you nowhere. Lighten up, fool. Have some fun with it. My only problem with you is that we water plants in our garden that are smarter than you are. Otherwise, you’re, well, almost tolerable. 🙂
Sorry that you feel that way, Jonn Boy.
We like to think that we’re [more] obnoxious.
More clever. Smarter, Sexier, and much better
looking, too. Me thinks you’re just jealous.
Brian: Really?? All you got is snide, negative comments against other people on this thread? If you cannot discuss the issues rationally I suggest you find somewhere else to go. Your comments started out great and had good points but then it degenerated to bashing of other commenters. One could say your Trollishness is showing.
Let’s see if you come back with a civic response or, as you so admirably showed in the last few posts, a snide remark. Ball is in your court.
@#42 Brian:
Reading comprehension?
You said: “Neither I, nor anyone else (to the best of my knowledge) have [ever] blamed the Tea Parties for creeping socialism.”
As I comprehended the comment at #37, I saw this. Nothing at all to do with Tea Party causing creeping socialism.
“Blaming the Tea Party for calling attention to the creep to socialism” Read: “Calling Attention To…….”
Another example, one of many, by you on this one post that this is quite a valid opinion: http://www.cafepress.com/frankopinions/7015417
Don’t blame the Republicans for the tadpole, Jonn. He probably is an OWS member whose happiest childhood moments were spent making prank phone calls and playing with himself in the grade school bathroom.
Now, Old Soldier, you’re being [very] disingenuous.
Either that, or you haven’t been paying attention.
If you will look back through the threads, and if
you will read them objectively, you will discover
and perhaps you will even be enightened to see that
I didn’t get, um, terse with anybody until they got,
in your words, “snide” and creepy with me, speaking
out of their asses with inane comments which just
showed their ignorance, also ……………., well,
except for a few instances when flaming liberals tried
my patience by coming up with very screwy rationales
which reinfored their screwy delusions; rationales
which would have tried the patience of a saint. To
wgich I want to add that, if you [were] paying close
attention, you would have noticed by now thar there
are sly, sneaky and treacherous Democrar subversives
here masquerading as Repubkkans and as Independents.
Call me “snide”, but I like to play with them, too.
I make valid points. If you disagree with them, that
is your prerogative. But don’t play silly games with
me by telling me to “link” them, because both of us
know that that is just a diversion, and you wouldn’t
bother to read them if I provided 100 links for you.
I’ve been down that road many times, but not anymore.
I’m not going to spin my wheels and waste my time with
people too dense, too shallow and too dumb to get it
anyway. (BTW, Soldier,when I say you, I don’t mean you specifically, but rather a few of the dimwits here collectively.) Was that civil enough for you? C’mon,
give me a chuckle by not responding as civily. 🙂