The Ron Paul Revolution in full swing

| July 12, 2008

Ron Paul 046

Ron Paulians filled Constitution Avenue this morning to bring the “Second Revolutionary War” to Washington. I’ll admit that it was a pretty big crowd, the website had over 15,000 people pledged to come, but it looked like less than half that many showed up, but it was fairly impressive nonetheless. Well, compared to their gathering in April and the gatherings of other moonbats I’ve witnessed lately.

The crowd was fairly young, another point that distinguishes it from recent events,

but the elderly lunatics were still there;

I love how they think signs in Latin make them seem smart;

Added 7-14-08: John emails from a college in South Carolina;

The Ron Paul photos in your report of the Washington demonstration show a sign written in Latin, to wit, Expellus Tyrannus.  Actually, the first word, a verb, would be placed in the imperative plural and the second, a noun, in the accusative singular.  The proper spelling in this situation would probably have been Expellite tyrannum.

I’m no student of dead languages, so I’m going to take John’s word for it just because it makes the picture funnier.

And since I know how much the lizards at Little Green Footballs like the bimp, this one’s for you;

UPDATED: It looks like the blimp doesn’t support Ron Paul anymore. It’s been confiscated by the evil Bush government. Probably another conspiracy.

They began near the Washington Monument and, like so many other events, they pumped up the crowd. But, since these were mostly anti-war people, they had chants like “Obama and McCain, one and the same” and “No war in Iran”.

They were much more prompt than the usual anti-war protests – they actually started the march from the Mall to the Capitol at 10:30 like they promised.

They picked up stragglers along the way and some joined late, but by the time they reached the Capitol, there were probably 5-7000 of them.

Most of the US flags I saw were right side up, but that’s in keeping with the strictly American traditions of the Ron Paulians. Of course, whenever you see an upside down flag, you have to figure that IVAW can’t be too far away.

Raoul will recognize Bill Perry from VFP in the picture, and I’m sure he’ll have something to say about him.

Of course, I went over and introduced myself to Adam Kokesh, so he couldn’t make the mistake he made here a few weeks ago when he said we’d never met. Kokesh called me his stalker. He declined to have his picture taken with me, but I did run this little video for future reference;

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Sorry the video wasn’t centered but he was a little reticent about me filming him, so I don’t think he knew the camera was running. He also declined to shake my hand when we parted. So much for the whole Band of Brothers thing. Besides he more important things on his mind like this meeting of the brain trust;

UPDATE: According to Army Sergeant, they did a bad, bad thing and they’ve jeopardized their tax-exempt status. You read it here and saw the proof here first.

This fellow just stood on stage while some dopey Ron Paul song played in the background (you can hear it on the video – it was fairly nauseating.)

Meanwhile the crowd poured in from the march;

After everyone arrived, I took this picture of the entire crowd;

I think it supports my 5-7000 estimate.

But, again, there were more than just Ron Paul supporters there. The truthers were out in force as well as the regular anti-war crowd. I didn’t see any Code Pink, but then Ron Paul is a Republican, why would those partisan Democrats want to be seen there.

Kokesh put out a call on his blog a few days ago for IVAW members to show their support at the rally, but their participation was anemic. For the actual march, they only had enough to carry a flag and two to hold their banner;

Overall, the rally was probably as successful as they could make it. But of course, this is no “Second Revolutionary War” as they called it. It certainly won’t make Americans stand up and take notice and demand Ron Paul be the President. But like so much from that side of the political spectrum, the only reason this rally happened was to feed a bunch of egos, and Ron Paul to replenish his coffers for another Congressional run.

For a bunch of people who claim they don’t trust politicians, they sure are gullible when it comes to Ron Paul.

But here’s my video of the event (it’s still processing at YouTube, so it might not be available for a few minutes);

ARVE Error: need id and provider

ADDED: Rurik, bless his combat engineer heart, in an email reminded me of something that’s been in the back of my mind all day – a line from MacBeth;

…a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

That pretty much summarizes the day’s events.

Welcome readers from Blackfive, Little Green Footballs, Jammie Wearing Fool, Gateway Pundit, Pirate’s Cove , My Two Cents Worth, C.H.U.D. Busters, Political Byline, Noblese Oblige, Real Clear Politics’ Best of the Blogs, and The Raw Story.

And special thanks to those Paulians who didn’t leave their basements today for hitting my YouTube video 211 times in the first hour it was posted. Take the time to read the comments on my video at YouTube – everything is a conspiracy including YouTube not updating the viewer total in a timely manner.

UPDATE 7-13-08; Wonkette has the view from the other side of the spectrum and I guess I left before the real whackos showed up.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics, Protests/Rallies, Ron Paul

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“He also declined to shake my hand when we parted. So much for the whole Band of Brothers thing.”

I don’t understand why you would even want to shake hands with that dirt bag, unless it was to rip his arm off. 🙂

Army Sergeant

I would just like to point out, for the record, that IVAW does not endorse Ron Paul, and as a NONPROFIT 501c3, does not endorse anyone. Individual members may have been acting on their own, but IVAW as a whole doesn’t support any one political party.

Jonn wrote: And yet, there they are.


Maybe I’m too old, but I just cannot understand why grownups believe that dressing up in silly costumes adds weight to their arguments. Either party,any cause. Or is it supposed to distract from a complete lack of any argument?

Freddie L

Thank you for your coverage of the R3volution march. I am guessing from your commentary that you are not a big RP fan. Regardless, he deserves major KUDOS for waking up so many Americans. This country needs events like this to help keep the fires burning. Thanks again for your reporting. (Peace to you and Kokesh)
– Freddie

Frankly Opinionated

Ron Paul really woke up a bunch of Americans, perhaps nearly 10,000 of them. Huge voter bloc here, eh? I just cannot see Ron Paul stamping his foot at Amadinnerjacket, or at Hugo Chavez. Just cannot see it. First impressions,,,,,,,,,,, comes off as a real wimp. And his voice seconds the impression. Could be the stud of the century, but sure can’t see it in his demeanor, nor in his lack of local followers. Seems that those that stand to know him best, distance themselves farthest away. Neophytes flock to him as neophytes do.
nuf sed


So, Jonn, is Elvis going to use Fallujah as an excuse for the rest of his patheic life?

Wow, I can’t wait to see how the Paulians behave at the RNC Convention.


Thanks for the great work once again, I was hoping that you were going to be there. I’ll link back in a bit when I get to the house.


Looks Bill Perry was cross dressing today. He was wearing a Veterans For Peace shirt instead of his stock Delaware Valley Veterans For America.

Can’t have the IVAW in public without their puppetmasters close enought to pull their strings. Kind of like “training wheels for treason” till you can be a traitor all on your own.

Jonn wrote:
Shouldn’t this affect VFP’s tax exempt status, too? I noticed the flag and the T shirt.


[…] aint Hell but you can See it From Here” covers their latest antics in pictures and film here. […]

Johnny Boy

I see Ron Paul’s supporters are turning more people away.


Of all the possible “looks”, why is Elvis cultivating the “Ming The Clueless” one?

Head lice?



“TWO, FOUR, SIX…what’s after six?…eight…EIGHT…”


I know that Army Sergeant claims that IVAW isn’t in bed with the VVAW but I have proof.

Isn’t that Clifton Hicks and Scott Camil?



I believe 501(3)c have a limitation on lobbying based on looking at tax returns (Form 990s).

Anyone can demand a copy, so write the IVAW OKW and request one now.


Jonn: go drink beer! I think I’m worried about you.

Seriously though, you’re giving these yahoos more publicity than they can raise on their own, perhaps?

If there ever is a “Second Revolutionary War” I wonder how heavily armed those folks might be? Words actually mean stuff.

Sorry, just my thoughts. Plus an amalgam of frustration.

John Jones

Instead of venting your “frustration” by sitting around bashing people who are actually raising a voice, maybe you should ask why you’re so frustrated. It would be a beginning LOL.

Jonn wrote: I saw a couple of thousand people this afternoon who were frustrated – that’s why they were holding a march for a candidate that’s already lost the election.



LT Nixon


Here’s something from the Canadian press that I found interesting:

2:03: This guy is a nut. He’s talking about the anti-Christ, and about dots being put on mail boxes. Red dot means the aliens are coming. Blue dot means cheese doodles. Pink dot means elephant graveyard. Actually, no, that’s not what he said. Red dot means you’re a resistor (or something), pink dot means the government can work with you, and blue dot… whatever. Who cares?

Heh heh, sounds like a pretty high-falutin crowd. Watch out for any CHUDs.

Jonn wrote: After an hour of that Ron Paul song, I wasn’t in the mood for any speechifyin’. Reading that link of yours, I see I made the right choice.

Indigo Red

After watching the video: That’s it? That’s everything that happened? No mothership to take the Paulians to a home planet?

I’m disappointed. I know the video was free, but I still feel cheated and want my money back.

Was there at least a mass suicide by Kool-Aid?

Urban Infidel

Nice to know that all those Paulian poll spammers were wearing powdered wigs and knee britches.


Paultards are complete idiots. If they had a brain, they’d go negative and point out problems with McCain’s/BHO’s policies at events where those candidates speak, and then upload their responses to Youtube. If someone presses McCain on and makes him look bad, it’s going to have a serious impact on the race. The Paultards don’t have the brains or the guts to press candidates on things like that, and should just stick to blimps and costumes.


Let me try that again:

If someone presses McCain on this and makes him look bad, it’s going to have a serious impact on the race.

Freedom4America Group

You can call us any name you wish to but the FACT is that we will FIGHT to TAKE BACK AMERICA and you Loyalists will NOT stop any of us.

You are in the MINORITY when it comes to Vets for McInsane.

Here is the MAJORITY.

Dr. Paul received MORE Donations from the Military than ALL the candidates combined. McInsane is even lying about ‘Stormin Norman’ endorsing him.

We are friends with a Family Friend of Norman and they said he did NOT endorse McInsane.

Tell the GOP that you will NOTE vote for McCain because he will NOT win against the Democrats.

Join your Fellow Patriots in TAKING BACK AMERICA by replacing Congress one member at a time.

Whether you McCainiacs (how do you like childish names?) believe what Dr. Paul’s supporters is doing is right or not we know in our hearts that our Founding Fathers would agree 100% with us if they were alive today.

ONLY A Doctor WILL HEAL Our Country,
Freedom4America Group


You people all make me ashamed to be American… what a bunch of losers…

I’m talking about the Paul bashers…

BOTH Obama and McCain are all about keeping everything AS IS, and still you fall for it.


You ALL deserve everything we’re getting.


Indeed, I agree with nonya…the only “moonbats” are the bashers of people who, odd garb or no, have the guts to at least stand up and challenge their so-called “leaders” on current policy. McBama have no plans for a sinking economy, a draining, useless war, a crumbling dollar. Those are the MOST important issues, and McBama have NO idea how to deal with it. They just wish you wouldn’t notice. Keep drinking the kool-aid, everybody. Remember, tapping the phones and your e-mail are for your own safety. We must kill them over there so they can’t kill us over here. You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists!

Sam Adams, et al, were once considered moonbats too.


You know this is no longer a free country when it’s illegal to dress up in a costume.

What the hell is wrong with this person? Oh I think I know.

He’s one of those retarded little green footballs persons.

He’s the moonbat AFAIC.


What crooked commentary on the event. sickening.


Jonn Lilyea, you’re some kind of American hating POS aren’t you? Why don’t you go back to playing with your little neo-con draft dodging ‘war heroes’ and leave the fight for real patriotism to real patriots?


Commentary on the event is terrible. I feel very sorry for you idiots when you see what your government has in store for you. You’ll be the first ones crying when they are taking you and your family off to the concentration Camps. We will see who is crying then.
I pray everyday for a messiah to save us from what is going to happen to us, but from the looks of this commentary there will be nobody coming to save us.

LT Nixon

Jonn (shameless plug alert),

Up yours you neo-con douchebag, don’t you know that teh gold standard and the blimp are going to bring about our sALVAtion. Visit here for details.

LT Nixon

I liked the white supremacist at the rally. That’s really in tune with modern politics and hope for the future. Stay classy, Paul People!


Great coverage. I love the commentary. Such disparaging remarks making fun of the Revolution. As such a big critic of us “Ron Paulians,” I never actually see a reason why you mock us or where you stand politically?

LT Nixon

I pray everyday for a messiah to save us from what is going to happen to us.


There’s always Zombie Jesus.


If for a minute you stop generalizing us Ron Paulians as “conspiracy nut jobs”, what argument would you have left? I think it’s a great thing Paul’s bringing out the Patriot in people and sometimes it comes out in different ways for different people. Disparaging it makes you sound just as bad as the main stream media (ala Faux News).

Jonn wrote: Bandito wrote; “If for a minute you stop generalizing us Ron Paulians as “conspiracy nut jobs”, what argument would you have left?”. I think the more important question is; if you took all of the “conspiracy nut jobs” out of the Ron Paul movement, how many Ron Paul supporters would be left?

LT Nixon


You embarrass me, you embarrass yourselves. We didn’t make this stuff up.


Ron Paul’s nasal whining reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West.

Other than that, what difference is there between the Paulites belief that America is ‘an evil imperialist hegemony for those evil Zionists ruling White House!’ and the Obamarama’s who believe that America is ‘an evil imperialist hegemony for those evil Zionists ruling the WHite House!’

Paulites, if you’re trying to appear different from the other mob it’s not working.


When you’re done trying to attack the character of RP and his supporters (rather than the message and actual issues)… can we talk about the importance of constitutional law and personal freedom and responsibility? Or would that be too mature for this site and it’s commenters?


‘can we talk about the importance of constitutional law and personal freedom and responsibility?’

Depends on whether or not there is an understanding that America is at war against a 11th century barbaric enemy determined to impose the Caliphate and has absolutely no interest in personal freedom. It’s also an enemy who hate us simply because we love dogs.

Excuse me Ron Paul me but paranoidal potheads freaking about the government spying on their phone calls is like…you know…paranoid.

Oh an remember Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan was an original Neo-Con when he won the Cold War so please stop pretending that you’re a Conservative. Ron Paul you’re a Pat Buchanan isolationist who does not seem to be aware that the world now has airplanes and that Isreal has a right to exist.

And Ron Paul unlike you….. Reagan was not an anti-semite, as a matter of fact he rescued Natan Sharansky from the Soviet gulags.

Ron Paul next time you run for political power please do learn a little more about the Conservative movement because right now you do not represent us.

Patrick Henry

He doesn’t claim to represent the conservative movement. Dr. Paul is a Libertarian. Our country not at war against anyone. War is a state of affairs than can only be created by Congress, which has not done so. As for the AUMF being “tantamount” to a war declaration, it isn’t. The AUMF is what it says it is, and no more, it’s mandate long passed. We have a nation that is going broke fighting an ill-advised war we cannot afford, the deficit has tripled (and that’s not even counting what will happen after Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae get their government bailout), and increasingly worthless dollar causing fuel prices to spiral out of control. We have real inflation approaching 15%m the stock market in a race to zero, and jobs going overseas so fast we can barely count them all as they leave. Not a single economist, even the optimistic ones, say that this is ending anytime soon, So, whether you vote for McBush or Obush, you’re guaranteed more of the same. Enjoy what’s left of civilization as it collapses around your feet, and then REALLY enjoy taking turns standing guard around the community garden protecting the only food you’re going to get from the literally millions of people who’ll be trying to take it away from you. Keep right on shopping, and buying crap you don’t need with money you don’t have. At the end, you’ll be wondering why no one did anything to stop it. The thing is, that “no one” is you. You folks will be the ones that are unprepared, you folks will be the ones filling the jails after looting your local grocery, you folks will be the ones with your heads in your hands crying about how you worked so hard and did all the things you’re supposed to like good little sheeple, and have nothing to show for it but flat screens that won’t turn of for lack of power, Hummers you can’t run because there’s no fuel, and no place to put any of it because the bank took back your house… Read more »

Patrick Henry

Oh, and don’t forget to keep dropping comments. Again, more for me.


Ron who?????


Thanks for being there. I have one more week in NC and then I will be moving. I guess it will be TAH whom I turn to now for the events I will not be able to attend. This was an exercise in chest-puffing for sure. I have been to all the GOE events in NC and DC and have stood against the moonbats wherever I am. I will continue in IL(cough, choke…I gotta go where the money is.)
It is a damn shame that Kokesh will be using his “I was in Fallujah” for the rest of time and that he has not grown up enough to shake your hand and agree to disagree. That IS how adults behave, right? Thanks, again.


Ha. Are you perhaps forgetting fourth of July events where people often dress up in costumes and march?
Again…what’s the difference?
I mean, it’s pretty much celebrating/held for the same thing — the founding ideas behind this country.

Just thought I’d point that out.

I’m sad I didn’t make it. Thank you for publishing this blog entry. Even though I’m a proud Ron-bot (ever since the media used that name for Ron Paul supporters I’ve adopted it. More polite than some of the names, to be sure)…I appreciate the coverage. I don’t mind a little irreverance either. Dismaying as some of the commentary (yours and otherwise) is to me, difference in opinion doesn’t matter to me.

Love the pictures and video.

Thanks again!


[…] Ron Paul EVILution had a march in Washington, and Jonn Lilyea was there for the […]


the author here should be ashamed – such juvenile commentary on this rally/event!

would the author care to engage RP or his supporters on any actual issues? all these pictures + snide, unclever comments and not one single rational argument! one gets the impression that the author could not possibly challenge or defend any position on any issue. how about one objective position per any real political issue? pathetic.

this post/blog is simply stick-and-stones… namecalling. a shrink would point out that such behavior is rooted in jealousy and low self-esteem. yep, that pretty much explains this sorry excuse for a blog/website… it’s likely that many neo-cons will fade away in this same manner – calling everyone else ‘moonbats’ and ‘wackos’ – and never once offering any cogent argument or position per any political or economic issue.

i would love to hear the author’s thoughts on US foreign policy, monetary policy, or anything constitutional in nature… and perhaps contrast your position(s) with those of Ron Paul. feel free to email me directly… i need a laugh.


Hey John,

I’m quite happy you got your event coverage online, I’m not knocking that at all. In fact, your coverage was one of the fastest to come online and because of that I’m grateful because I couldn’t make the event and looking at your pics is all I can do. So as far as your “journalistic” side goes, I thank you for that (take it as you want coming from a Ron Paul supporter).

As far as your political philosophy (from what I’ve gathered from your comments), that definitely begs for argumentation from us, obviously?? Since we care about this movement so much, how could we not? Like Plato’s allegory of the Cave, I hope eventually you find yourself on the outside in the sunlight of truth instead of staying in the shadows of ignorance…


(oh wait, I forgot neocons hate that word)


After posting my comment I realized I should probably explain what Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is in case you haven’t heard of it before:


“He doesn’t claim to represent the conservative movement. Dr. Paul is a Libertarian.”

If he’s libertarian why didn’t he run as a Libertarian rather then as a Republican? There is a libertarian party, even if they are totally screwed up.


We had Ronulans show up once at my West Chester rally:

Raoul had some fun with them…