Under the Hood protest update

| August 23, 2010

Apparently, the Army rolled out their buses for the deployment of 3rd ACR to Iraq at about Oh-dark-thirty this morning and the meth-heads of the Under the Hood cafe were out in force – a force of four people. Bobby Whittenberg, Chrystal Colon, Cindy Thomas and of course, Matthis Chiroux. Here’s the video – it’s completely useless because our daunting pirate raiders didn’t know that you can’t video without light.

The only things worth noting in the video is at the end, (1) Whittenberg shouts “Power to the People” a rousing cheer he must’ve learned from Doug Zachary, the aging hippie from the sixties who is Whittenberg’s mentor and (2) Matthis shouts out to the buses that the soldiers shouldn’t make the same mistakes that he made, that “we have shed our blood”. Must be he cut his finger on the napkin dispenser at the Baskin-Robbins in Bagram during his six-days TDY there.

He’s triumphant on Facebook, though. He’s proud of the fact that he didn’t get arrested.

Fist pumps all around;

Their own account of their daring-do;

Five peace activists successfully blockaded six buses carrying Fort Hood Soldiers deploying to Iraq outside Fort Hood’s Clarke gate this morning at around 4 a.m. While the activists took the width of Clarke Rd. and slowed the buses to a halt, police made no arrests, but instead beat the activists out of the streets using automatic weapons and police dogs so the deploying Soldiers could proceed.

If you watch the video, they “successfully blockaded” the buses for about two seconds before the police moved the little poofs out of the street. I guess they have no idea that the rest of the world thinks they’re little fags.

From the press release, Matthis writes his bio;

I was press-ganged into the Army by the Alabama Juvenile “Justice” System in 2002. While in the military, I occupied the nations of Japan and Germany for more than four years, with shorter tours in the Philippines and Afghanistan.

Since he was over the age of 16 when he voluntarily enlisted in the Army, the Alabama Juvenile Justice System had nothing to do with it. He joined to get out of being charged with selling drugs on a playground near an elementary school. “Shorter tours in the Philippines and Afghanistan” means that he passed through those countries – there were no tours, they were temporary duty measured in days – they don’t even show up on his Form 2-1. technically, he was never in either place. Everything about Matthis Chiroux is a lie.

So after all of the hoopla, five people stopped six buses for two seconds. And the birds kept singing, the sun came up in the morning and the 3rd ACR continued on with mission. Same old crap…Matthis and Bobby are still duds and so are their “direct actions”.

ADDED: By the way, Matthis’ father emails “Bless their hearts” (you know, in that condescending southern way of saying “what a bunch of ri-tards”).

2nd ADD: The only story that I have seen so far outside of anything that this group published themselves is this.

Fort Hood officials said that at 3:40 a.m. protesters carrying banners and a bullhorn raced into the intersection when the bus convoy approached. “Acting to protect Department of Defense personnel and equipment, Fort Hood Police physically moved the demonstrators away from the intersection to the sidewalk and were released without incident and the bus convoy continued to (Robert Gray Army Airfield),” Fort Hood officials said in a statement.

But it gets better, just found a rehash of the event according to them.

Five peace activists successfully blockaded six buses carrying Fort Hood Soldiers deploying to Iraq outside Fort Hood’s Clarke gate this morning at around 4 a.m. While the activists took the width of Clarke Rd. and slowed the buses to a halt, police made no arrests, but instead beat the activists out of the streets using automatic weapons and police dogs so the deploying Soldiers could proceed.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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I wish I could live in a world where doing next to nothing and having no impact at all was a “total freaking success”.

Casey J Porter

NAMUH! FISTS IN THE AIR! Now, can someone please explain to me why Under The Hood Cafe is a refuge for a self-admitted rapist? Bobby, you do know that goes against the ideals of being a Feminist, right?

“ARGH MATEYS! We are hardcore pirates just like our hero, you know, that one guy from the movie Dodgeball. ARGH! FIRST PUMP!”

Old Tanker

Shorter tours in the Philippines and Afghanistan

I once stopped in Germany en route to Desert Sheild for about 5 hours and on the way home we were in Rome on the tarmac for about 2 hours. Can I say I did a tour in Germany and Italy?

Old Tanker


Sounds like a jr. high kid who just TP’d the neighbors house and didn’t get busted…


Seriously? They’re fucking retarded.


Dude, is the Meth-addled, fake Aghan Vet actually wearing lipstick in the jubilant press photo? He actually looks like a Meth-head in every single picture. Has anybody tried to get him the help he needs for that?


That’s all the people they could muster for this? Five, flippin’ morons?!

Good God, talk about the big slide to irrelevance. They couldn’t block a bowel movement, let alone a troop movement.


So, all the soldiers still deployed, right? War still going on, brass not dissuaded, etc?


Keffiyehs? Check
Bullhorn? Check
Matching anarchist t-shirts? Check
Raised fists? Check

Fap fap fap fap fap fapfapfapfap.

Now everybody pose for a picture, so it can go on facebook and people will see how radical and revolutionary we are.

Break for cruelty free eggs and fakon, then meet back here in half an hour to discuss how to spin future ineffective and meaningless five-minute “radical protest” ventures into “TOTAL FREAKING SUCCESS!!!!”


“That’s all the people they could muster for this? Five, flippin’ morons?!”

Well, they required interested parties to submit documentation of activist street cred for this super-secret and radical protest. Ya know, so they could screen out anyone with a brain cell.

509th Bob

Nothing says Passion for the Cause like a dirty T-shirt.


Memo to IVAW ri-tards…you’ve officially jumped the shark when you become parodies of yourselves.


Their whole effort in a word?



Wow. Impressive. And to echo others, Chiroux does indeed look like he is tweaking his ass off. If I had looked half as much as a meth-head as he does when i was working UC, I could have bought ALL the speed.


“We are now taking direct action against individuals carrying out illegal orders.”



Just got to where I could watch the video. A few thoughts:

If you have to announce that you are now taking direct action, you are doing it wrong, retards. See above re: Thich Quang Duc. He didn’t have to announce it to anyone; they knew when it happened.

When they said “The revolution will not be televised” I’m pretty certain they didn’t mean because the revolutionaries are too damn incompetent to operate a camera.

I’m sure the two non-protesters who were within earshot when Matthis started rambling were really riled up by the fact that four people promised to be there for every deployment. “Better be ready for the movement??” More empty oral defecation. You’re not a movement dumbass; you’re five narcissistic mouth-breathers who jerk each other off over your “radical” tactics that no one cares about and that change nothing. It’s pretty easy to see from how quickly the facebook updates and pictures are forthcoming that you are primarily interested in your own image.

Also interesting how the evil oppressive policeman was gracious enough to suggest that you turn your hazards on, out of concern for your safety.

I think Dr. Chiroux said it best: Bless their hearts.


“Direct Action…”.

These dip shits wouldn’t know DA from a BM.

Keffiyehs…cool, yeah. Got 4 or so of them I picked up when I was working in A-stan…I now wear them on the range to keep hot brass from the shooter on line next to me from going down the back of my neck.

Junior AG

Matt, you tweakster, you might want to lighten up on your meth use… A veteran cop can get a wiff of your crank abusing stank & have enough probable cause to search your drug addled self… Just sayin’..

Adirondack Patriot

Luckyis right.

It really looks like Chiroux is a meth-head. He looks gaunt and paranoid in the first photo. When you can see the whites of someone’s eyes all around their iris, that’s not normal.

Google “Faces of Meth” to see what I mean.

Southern Class

“total freaking success” Like when he “Totally told those construction workers off for whistling at ladies? Yeah, right.

But folks, this is how these sandbox babies measure “Total Freaking Success”. Little, small, insignificant actions like this are major accomplishments to these dopers. And, do they realize that those who broke out this kaffiyeh thingy have done nothing to contribute to the betterment of society, like themselves; and that the Ragheads who wear them are more concerned about their personal image, (yassir Arafat comes to mind), than the people they purport to represent, also like themselves.

What a bunch of losers. Typical of Idiotic Vermin And Wankers members. Insignificant, and haven’t done a damned think for anyone; nothing than any single citizen is not doing at any given time.

Insignificant assholes, worth no more than some cheap entertainment as I wile away the afternoon.


But one of the best comment that I have seen so far is this one from the WCW website.

Wow, after all your talk and bluster you manage to bring five people together to stand in front of a bus. I hope that makes you feel like you made a difference, because you did nothing. Ft Hood is one base, with tens of thousands of soldiers on it. You think 5 people, with some signs is enough to stop the deployment? That seriously makes me question your sanity. You insist you were broken up ‘with automatic weapons’ yet there were no arrests? Propaganda much? If the government saw you as a genuine threat (which is doesn’t) it would have ordered your arrest. Instead you are free to go back to your computer desk freedom fighting.


You know who this reminds me of? It’s those two people who hang out on the grass near the Pentagon Metro escalator near the main entrance where badges are checked. They always have one or two signs demanding something or other, and Pentagon personnel just kind of move along on their merry way. I always kind of liked these protestors because it brought a sense of ambiance to the morning commute on those days where I have to go to the Pentagon. Also, it hammers home that my combat time in OIF and now in support of OEF is good and just because I did (do) my little part in protecting their right to hang out on the Pentagon grass to tell me that I am doing a bad job. On a related note, they don’t come out in bad weather but rather only on nice days.


Mattis get his standard Meth gratituty for his appearance?


Texas Music, where were you recently? I was at Liberty and other places. Bravo Zulu, and welcome home Brother!

Robert Chiroux

Just a respectful reminder that the Chiroux family has served honorably in our nation’s armed forces in every generation we have been citizen’s of our great country. My son does not speak for us, represent us or is in any way a reflection of us. His name is unique enough and his behavior bizarre enough that when the name “Matthis” is mentioned most everyone knows exactly whom you are referring to. The Chiroux family has served, travelled and lived overseas enough that the sight of our flag gives us great comfort. Just a reminder and a sincerely respectful request. Rob Chiroux

Robert Chiroux

And Yes, Bless their Hearts. Someone really should stop and put a quarter in their bucket.


Robert, Sir, nobody should put a quarter in any f their buckets, they are just gonna use it for Meth.


Old Tanker Says:
August 23rd, 2010 at 1:30 pm

“Shorter tours in the Philippines and Afghanistan

I once stopped in Germany en route to Desert Sheild for about 5 hours and on the way home we were in Rome on the tarmac for about 2 hours. Can I say I did a tour in Germany and Italy?”

Old Tanker, I think it would sound much sexier if you say you occupied those counties. After all, look how well that works for Matthis, LOL!


We already know with less than 1000 members IVAW is pretty much irrelevant. We already know most members are frauds, shitbags, and not real Iraq or Afghanistan vets. Why are we still giving this organization and their band of self absorbed dunces any publicity?

Also, does anyone on active duty know of this organization or take them seriously?


Using OT’s measuring stick, I spent 45 minutes at Keflavik’s airport back in the day, and an hour and a half at some airport in England on my way to Germany. Do I get to claim that I “occupied” Iceland and England? Besides “occupying” West Germany, I mean.

Old Tanker

I now wish to disavow my occupations of Germany and Italy. I should not have oppressed krauts and greasers and I take full responsibility for the government having brainwashed my into a mind numbed robot. To this day I cannot eat pizza and braunschweiger without tremendous feelings of guilt which I attribute to Post-Pre-PTSD I suffered while dreaming of hairy German chics…


As a former Mounted Rifleman, I wish somebody had just run them through with a guidon out the window of the bus.

BTW, for some reason it is “3d” not “3rd” ACR. I dont know why. I was in the Regiment 5 plus years…but it just is.

Useless factoid I know.

Brave Rifles, Veterans!
Blood and Steel!


Speaking of keffiyas, you’d think he would have gotten an authentic one to wear. That looks like the ones I see being sold at malls or by street vendors in NYC. I’m sure there are plenty of Radical Leftists willing to give him a real one for free.


My mom bought one at WalMart last week. Looks just like that.


I almost feel sorry for these ‘legends in their own minds.’

Nah, maybe not.

Dirty Al the INFIDEL

I occupied Shannon Ireland for two hrs on the way back home from Bosnia.


Lucky, I was around Liberty and Lost Lake the most, but my unit was out of Cropper. Got home Thursday. Glad to be back, and welcome home to you, too.


Hooah Jack! Bravo Zulu!

Old Tanker

Jack and Lucky,

Welcome back to both of you!


Using Matthis’ standards – I gave a 2 day presentation at CENTCOM. Can I claim veteran status and say I occupied Florida?


Well, I liked the “beat the activists out of the streets using automatic weapons and police dogs” part… wish it were actually true. (Former Kent State “ROTC-nazi” here– got frequently harrassed, called a “Baby killer!” and blamed for things that happened when I was four months old for a couple of years. Call me bitter.)


Is it just me, or does Matthis look like he just got a surprise jailhouse contraband cavity search by “Officer Bananafingers”?


That’s the look, Sparky, and Matthis looks like he enjoyed it way too much.
OT, I’d put the image of those hairy German chics out of my mind, thanks so much for bringing that back to me.


@Old Tanker and Jonn, thank you both! Its good to be home. The only thing that sucks now, is finding a Civilian job! Haha, what was that line that Colbert said about the Soldier in Baghdad who finished his College degree over there? Something like he is the only 2009 Grad with a job? Hahahahaha jealous!

Casey J Porter

I’m retiring from being concerned about what anti-war activists do. It’s no longer worth my time when all they do is act stupid.


Psst–Casey–they’re not acting, bro.




There were dogs….

Old Tanker


I wouldn’t sweat it, lots of veterans out there that would be glad to hire ya….and with a name like Lucky, how hard could it be!


[…] of the responses to the Fort Hood protest Fail are worth looking […]