Boeing wins F-47 fighter contract, heads explode

| March 24, 2025 | 29 Comments

The competition between Boeing and Lockheed Martin for the Next Generation Air Dominance Fighter (NGAD) is over, with Boeing taking first prize.

During the Oval Office announcement ceremony, Trump displayed a poster showing the first glimpse of the F-47 design, revealing a forward fuselage and sharply swept back wings but no further design features.

The Air Force wants a new aircraft with the range, speed and stealth to operate effectively over the vast Indo-Pacific region and against some of China’s most advanced weapons systems, including current and future stealth fighters and surface-to-air missile systems. The requirements dictate an aircraft with performance that defies familiar categories for combat aircraft, such as a fighter or bomber. But Boeing’s future aircraft is expected to feature supersonic speed and perhaps a lack of vertical control surfaces, along with a large structure to carry all fuel, sensors and weapons internally.

Sounds like it will resemble the prototype China has been flying, designated the J-36 Chengdu (it’s built by Chengdu Aircraft in Chengdu…what else ya gonna call it?) It is whacking big, its hangar area looks about 50% larger than most (see photography here at  The War Zone.)

The cost-plus contract award for NGAD also offers a reprieve for a defense and space business within Boeing that has reported over $18 billion in reach-forward losses on fixed-price military and NASA programs since 2014, including $5 billion in new charges from 2024 alone. Despite the losses, Boeing invested heavily to win the NGAD contract, including starting construction nearly two years ago on a new factory in St. Louis to produce the aircraft. Aviation Week

One suspects that will be at the former McDonnell-Douglas plant by Lambert International…used to be a primo spot to watch Phantoms take off at night with afterburners cookin’.  Seemed like a 50 yard plume of flame from the exhaust… and the noise was the sweetest noise this side of Johnny Winter, and just as raw.

President Trump said Friday the Air Force picked the model number. Some Air Force spox said the number was a tribute to the Air Force’s founding in 1947 and to the P-47 Thunderbolt formerly made by Republic – and some articles, such as in the oh-so-dignified(!) New York Post  said as a tribute to Trump as the 47th President.  Fighters don’t get numbered in numerical order, and depending on how many XF-prototype numbers in between (there were at least three I know of, from Boeing, Lockheed, and Fairchild, and if they all had three between the 2014 start in DARPA, we could easily have gone from XF-36 through XF-46 without doing more than throwing a kazillion bucks at it.

Or, maybe someone high-ranking said “y’know, we are almost at 47 anyway, we will need at least one more proto, and we could suck up to the President at the same time.” I know, the Air Force doesn’t have sycophants, or “all the ferrets, all the loggers, all the finks, all the commex, even the mineez, “* who would do that. Do they?

But commentary is just silly, insisting that Trump named it himself and that they skipped all the way to that number just to feed his ego.  Me, I don’t know…but tend to think 47 was the next in line. YMMV

(Now, if anyone recognizes that quote WITHOUT GOOGLING OR LOOKING IT UP, you will truly earn my respect. No cheating.)



Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Air Force, Science and Technology

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I’m gonna go with Monty Python for the quote, but that’s the best I’ve got..


I don’t recognize it either, but I agree it sounds like something from Monty Python. What is a “mineez”?


but I am probably wrong. Guess I am not well read.


Some of the defense writers were so pissed they wrote; “former President Trump made the announcement”.

George V

Forget the number, I am unimpressed. It will be a couple of decades before this thing flies. Boeing is no longer the company that made that long line of bombers, and the McDonnell heritage that built the Phantom is long gone. With the cost-plus contract every failure and mistake in development will be covered at taxpayer expense with no risk for Boeing. This will make the F-35 development look quick.


Boeing says in the air NLT 2028.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

HA! Who’s taking odds?


Will it have doors that randomly fall out over Portland, Oregon.


The JSF was supposed to be IOC by 2001 but they barely got the F35 contract decision. Not holding my breath.
Coincidentally, 2028 is also supposed to be the date LAX expansion and people mover is supposed to be completed even though it was originally scheduled to finish in time ne for the 1984 LA Olympics.
Lots of promises for 2028.


I’m still not gonna run out and buy stock in Boeing.


Hey, aren’t we supposed to have men on the moon already?


What ever they say the unit cost I expect it to be 3x the quote. What was the last new system that came in on-time and under budget?


B-17? Just a guess considering the circumstance of war.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Who doesn’t like a little Harlan Ellison from time to time?

I preferred the “I have no mouth and I must scream” to be honest, but that’s just me…as we advance to AI and robotics with hardly a notice of ethical consideration one wonders whether some of these tales become more documentary than cautionary….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yep those are all good as is Foundation from Asimov…

Childhood’s End was a wild concept from Clarke, I read it while young and it was unsettling…and anything from Heinlein is worth considering simply for its libertarian views expressed through science fiction.


C’mon man, if it was named after Trump it would be orange and have a strange haircut.


“Boeing” plus “Cost Plus” equals “It’ll be obsolete long before it ever flies.”


From what I’ve seen in my life, the following will happen:
►They will want this to have the most super dee duper cutting edge technology possible
►It will take a shit of time to get it right and that will mean it will be over budget and behind schedule
►Politicians will freak out as if this isn’t the most natural thing in the world
►Even odds whether it gets cancelled after the Nunn-McCurdy breach

If you want the highest tech, that will happen without fail. If you want it to do technologically what can’t be done right now, you need to be prepared for this. Instead, our political/supplier tradition is to have the supplier say it will be possible at this low, low price and in no time flat and the politicians will nod and smile and say that sounds great.

Lastly, I hope they don’t try to make it serve several roles like the F-35.
“One air-superiority fighter, please and thank you.”
That’s all that should be said.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Hopefully the crews will carry duct tape to seal the doors from coming off.


Well one never knows now a days. Good thing for fighters is that they only have a canopy to come off and with the harness you probably won’t get sucked out.


Is that an “Ooooops!” ?


I like it because it’s all computers.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Hopefully the computers can be worked on remotely from the neighbohood PC store that can remotely go on the PC screen and trouble shoot any aircraft problems that come up. I have my neighborhood PC guy doing a remote this Tuesday to un cache all the caches and other stuff that is freezing the screen and delaying email printouts. I grew up in a different era and this PC stuff I cannot understand.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

My Dad worked for Republic aviation out on Long Island NY during the 1950’s in Quality control as a parts inspector to make sure parts met the standards. They were making F-84’s and F-105 during his time there. Airplane shows were great that Republic put on. Saw the Harmonica cats performing at one show.


I remember a photo of a wing of Stealth Fighters, just empty asphalt and boarding ladders standing unsupported. A hint of blur/shadow here and there. Even had chocks set.

Best AF propaganda ever. Some E-4 photographer had the Soviet intelligence folks crapping bricks for a decade.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just my 2 cents worth, maybe it’s already time for another generation of Air Superiority Fighter because who knows just what the Biden Crime Family has sold to our adversaries?


Biden sure as hell doesn’t know.