Leftist on ‘Morning Joe’ calls for eliminating voter registration laws

| March 25, 2025 | 33 Comments

Elie Mystal was on “Morning Joe” talking about voter registration laws. Mystal called for the elimination of voter registration laws as part of a move to protect voters rights. Instead, once an individual reaches voting age, they automatically are able to vote during an election without needing to first register to vote. Mystal used the 1780s as an example, and argued that the voter registration laws were implemented to mitigate the addition of Blacks to the electorate.

From Daily Caller:

“We could eliminate all voter registration laws. You see, when Democrats get in charge we try to protect voting rights. We don’t make voting easier. Now I’m all for voter eligibility requirements, we might disagree with what those requirements should be. But let’s say that there should be an age limit to vote, I might say 16, you might say 18, but I’m not gonna say 8. So we’re gonna agree that there should be voter eligibility requirements, but once you’re eligible, why do you have to preregister? Why is that even a thing?” Mystal said.

“It wasn’t a thing in this country at the founding, we didn’t have voter preregistration in 1787, we didn’t have voter preregistration in 1821, we only started having voter registration generally speaking after the Civil War,” Mystal continued. “Why do you think that is? It’s because a bunch of freed African slaves were migrating up north and all of a sudden New York was like ‘we need some registration up in here.’ A bunch of immigrants from Europe, [from] Ireland and Italy were coming to New York, people were like ‘oh, we need some registration in here.'”

As the population rapidly expanded, U.S. states largely adopted voter registration requirements between the 1870s and World War I due to the increasing need to prevent fraud, confusion and conflicts during elections, according to the Institute for Rapid Government.

Mystal appeared to blame voter registration laws for former Vice President Kamala Harris’ loss in the 2024 election, claiming millions of eligible voters did not show up because they were not registered.

Additional Reading:

Silverio, N. (2025, March 24). Far-left ‘Morning joe’ panelist wants Dems to ‘eliminate’ all voter registration laws to help party win elections. Daily Caller. Link.

Category: Politics, Society

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Skivvy Stacker

And if you get rid of voter registration laws then any 8 year old illegal alien will be able to vote in the United States.

Got it.


Multiple times, too!
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Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

In 1787 most states wouldn’t let you vote unless you were white, male, 21 and owned property or showed income. There was also a literacy requirement. I can see why they want to bring it back, Dems did great back then.


As an Italian guy who’s family came through Ellis Island. I agree with voter registration laws. If there were no laws Trump would have gotten his 70 million votes, Harris would have gotten 12 billion votes. The stupid is strong in this Mystal.

tom reynolds

they would still be counting

Green Thumb


Hack Stone

If you are too damn lazy or stupid to register, then you should not be able to vote. And don’t give us the crap about requiring a government issued photo identification is racist. If it was, then how come we end up with viral videos from Spirit Airlines flights on Al Gore’s Amazing Internet? They had to show an ID to get on that plane.


Anyone too stupid to get a photo ID is too stupid to vote. And stupidity has no racial boundaries.


No, just party boundaries as in Demoncrat party.


Not registering to vote shows you either don’t qualify, want to vote, or don’t give a shit. No vote for you. Besides we already have plenty of dead voters and people who vote multiple times.

Hack Stone

No voter registration = No jury duty.


My late father, a career Marine was not old enough to vote until partway through his initial enlistment. His view became the military was supposed to be apolitical so he shouldn’t vote.
He retired from the Corps in the early 70s and found out that at the time SC drew their jury lists from voter rolls so he decided that was a non-starter for him. This in his mind was reinforced in 1981 when the local Sherriff showed up on our door bright and early on a Saturday morning. looking for me as earlier he had refused a certified letter for me from the County. When the deputy asked to see me he informed him I wasn’t there. When he asked where I was and when I would be home, he informed him I was in the Air Force, deployed to Saudi Arabia ( actually he said I was TAD to Saudi) and he didn’t know when I’d be home.

When he died in 1997 he had never registered, never voted, and never been called for jury duty.


They’ll do anything but take the blame and responsibility for nominating a complete moron and pushing craaaaappy ideas down the throats of the American people.


Nominating a set of complete morons, Quemala and Tampon Timmy.

A Proud Infidel®™

That jello-headed parakeet shit-for-brains fails to realize that in her vision, one could easily vote in every precinct in their city as well as many polling locations they could reach in one day, election cheating on a scale that would make every D-rat politician “cream their jeans”. OH, and she of course FAILS to realize that it was poll taxes and literacy tests implemented by the D-rats in the South which they used to disenfranchise Black Folks, but since when have moonbats let facts, logic and/or common sense get in the way of their ranting?

RGR 4-78

I believe the old school Democrat saying was “vote early, vote often”.

Army-Air Force Guy

They also said being dead wasn’t a barrier to voting.


It’s the Ch*tcago way!

The Al

Not that it changes the message behind your post, but despite the name Elie Mystal is a guy

tom reynolds

are you sure? Short bus window licking veteran? Without a doubt,but a guy?

The Al

Fairly certain

jeff LPH 3 63-66

It’s not about the voting, it’s about packing all the illegals into all the blue states like calfornia, new york and the heavy populated states so the status of population changes. this was mentioned on the radio but I can’t remember what these states were called


Blue shitholes?

Dennis - not chevy

When I was a wee lad I made a habit out of hanging out at the local butcher shop on election day. I still remember the conversations going like this, “Hey did you vote?” “I voted earlier, but, I’m going back later to vote again.” “Yea, I always vote two or three times, it’s fun.”

Allow me to compare that to the absentee ballots I used to vote when I was on active duty. I had to register every year at least six months before the election. When I got my ballot I had to swear an oath before a commissioned officer or NCO or petty officer serving in the pay-grade of E-6 or higher. I would immediately mail it back; it would arrive at the county clerk’s office about 5 minutes before it would have been too late.

I did have a gov’t suppled photo ID.

The first time I voted after I left active duty, I showed my ID. The election official wanted to know why I showed my ID, then she went on to inform me she didn’t want any trouble at her voting location. I felt like I was sitting in the husband’s chair at the department store lady’s department; I didn’t know where to put the Mrs’s purse.


Say what you will about his political leanings, Buckwheat has aged quite well.


Standards (that prevent voter fraud, especially) are “racist,” got it…
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Say you want to cheat on elections without actually saying you want to cheat on elections…

I mean why register for anything? Once your turn 16, BOOM! Driver’s license that can never be taken away. Once you turn 18, BOOM! Any fucking gun you want as many as you want and they can never be taken away. How about Airline Pilots? Doctors? Engineers? Nobody needs to register to see if they are fit to do the job and meet the qualifications.

What a great idea! What could possibly go wrong?


Ah, the progressive future:

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Voting isn’t a gift, it is a right and a solemn responsibility despite both parties promoting less than stellar humans as options for office.

Requiring an ID to vote seems no less significant than having to provide ID to buy cough medicine for fuck’s sake.

Being unable to provide an ID is indicative of someone who is unable to achieve the minimum level of what it takes to be a contributing citizen to the society at large.

As one cannot do anything else in this society without an ID, and a REAL ID seems the minimum standard these days, so the suggestion that obtaining an ID is difficult for some is ludicrous as an ID is required to receive benefits, to work, to drive, to enter certain buildings, to basically exist as a person in this society.

Voting should carry at least the same significance as purchasing Sudafed for your kid.

tom reynolds

They just don’t want fair elections because they would never win with their moronic ideas. I’m not sure what this Mystal thing is but it creeps me out a bit. Voter ID,one day,in person,paper ballots,results that night,no late ballots.


Also, how about you have to have a finger indelibly inked like they did in the first election we ran in the A-stan. That sure prevented anyone from voting for more than once.


IIRC, we didn’t have 22 to 30% of the population that were foreign alien invaders here illegally in the 1780’s. Moreover, only adult males who were landowners were allowed to vote. It wasn’t true that any person could show up at the polls and be handed a ballot. Of course, in Old Yawk City, there was no shortage of votes being bought by the corrupt pols in taverns all across the city.