Fort Carson Soldier’s idea of taking a block of C4 home ‘blows up’ his future plans

| March 19, 2025 | 15 Comments

Joshua King, an Army sergeant stationed at Fort Carson, opted for the “green to orange program” with his unauthorized possession of a block of C4. King, in the process of a divorce, did not factor in the fact that the home would be cleaned out and that someone would run into this C4. That someone turned out to be his wife. King’s wife mentioned that the “unauthorized acquisition” of the C4 came after her father gave them a retired explosives detection canine. King’s ex also said that King showed her pictures of the block of C4 that he took from Fort Carson.

From KRDO News:

Joshua King is charged with possession, use, or removal of explosive devices after his wife alleges she found a block of C4 explosive among his things. King is a sergeant in the 588th Engineer Battalion, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson.

On Feb. 4, the regional explosives unit responded to a home in the 700 block of Sableglen Court after a woman called and said a Ft. Carson soldier took C4 off post back to his home.

Law enforcement said his wife told law enforcement she and Joshua were going through a divorce. She said she was cleaning out the home when she found the C4 in a small wooden dresser in the garage.

Special agents with the FBI and the United States Army Criminal Investigation Division responded to the home. Those agents say they saw and photographed the C4 which appeared to be in its original packaging.

His wife told investigators that he allegedly brought home the plastic explosive shortly after her father gave them a retired explosives detection canine. She said Joshua had told her not to tell anyone that he brought the C4 home from Ft. Carson. At the time, she said she didn’t realize exactly what C4 was.

Additional Reading:

Logerwell, M. (2025, March 17). Army sergeant charged with taking C4 explosive to his Colorado Springs home. KRDO. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Veterans in the news

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Somebody got some ‘splainin’ to do. You’re not supposed to bring the serious putty home.


Bringing serious putty home is a serious offence. Sounds like a silly idea to me. Now…the really serious questions are…Where’s the caps and where’s the det cord? Asking for a fren’…that’s on The North Wall Over Watch… The coffee cans full of ball bearings were unavailable for comment.

Green Thumb

The only putty is in this clown’s head.


He was going to tell them that it is just a really long burning candle without the blasting caps or det-cord!

Should have made it into a Bunny and no-one would be the wiser! “Ohh, don’t mind these wires Mister Gopher…they are doctors orders…” — Carl Spackler


Serious Putty Garden Gnome

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Putty bad idea for the Sgt. Wheres that putty Tat says Sylvester.


The stupid is strong in that one.

Green Thumb


He looks fucking brilliant.


See my comment above! LOL


I’d ask why but I’m sure to be disappointed in the answer.


I mean, I understand WANTING to have so.e laying around, ” just in case”, the govt really frowns on 1. Competition, and 2. You stealing from them ( I guess that could fall under #1 as well).. In any case, it seems the former Sgt is about to find out just how much they dislike such things..


No mention as to whether he had any detonators or blasting caps?


Geez. Maybe he was planning to use it to cook at home for emergency purposes.
If you’re getting divorced and you tell your ex-wife to be you have C-4 in the house. The ex to be is going to turn you in… dah!
And really do you want c-4 at home. How dumb can you be. I mean your not even supposed to pick up spent brass as a souvenir.


He could have legally bought Tannerite target kits.

Pro tip: tell the wife only things you would want repeated in Divorce Court. Her memory will be eidetic there. Only Judgement Day will include a more detailed and extensive listing of your sins.


Army type? C’mon man no Jarhead would DO such a stupid thing. Something tells me I’m going to take a verbal ass-whopping from all your R-ME Doggies. LOL