Weekend Open Thread

| October 18, 2024 | 40 Comments

Kamala Harris showed up to do an interview on Fox News with Bret Baier. Word has it that she showed up late. When things continued to go bad for Harris, members of her staff reportedly signaled to Baier to terminate the interview. Although it was less time than what was anticipated, the actual interview provided plenty of meme materials for conservatives. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone be unburdened by what has been in order to retain the highly coveted and rarely awarded title of First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will he ousted in a vast chicken conspiracy and exiled to the River Road exit of the Capital Beltway, eking out a pitiful existence selling outdated Red Hat Software to commuters? Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

He shouts, he scores!

Hack Stone

Shoots, shouts, boots, bouts. Once again, Hack Stone is burdened with ruling over the great unwashed.


When will you be unburdened by what has been?

Hack Stone

Hack Stone is currently burdened by having Psul and Karen move into Stately Stone Manor until Psul can get back on his feet. He’s only been here two hours, and the house already reeks of failure. Not only that, but he ripped off the door to Hack’s mailbox, so the tow truck dragging the Jaguar from his former residence knows where to drop it.


Its good to have a landmark for a reference. Ask any 2LT, they will tell you the same 😏


Magic 8-Ball says…Hack Stone’s F5 Key is as smoking hot as OAM is…from being being flailed away on for the last three (3) hours. I FIRST (ht2 HS) thought the burning smell was from the Burn Ban being lifted when, in fact, is was Hack’s F5 Key. Now we know why The Red Hat Software is so over priced. When a company is paying it’s Vice President of Media Relations good money to sit around and pound an F5 Key for hours at a time…well…you know. But I guess it’s better to do that instead of peddling himself on the off ramp…@ two (2) bits a shot. No wonder Hack never throws any snacky stuff or Top Shelf Beverages out for his (dis)loyal subjects. I will serve our (in)glorious “leader” a Kong Rat for his FIRSTNESS.

I, for one, will be glad to be unburdened from all of the lying TeeVee commercials that Kum-Hella has been running non stop. How many do you think realize that her little saying was FIRST (ht2 HS) uttered by her hero and role model, Karl Marx (he himself also being a favorite pen pal of Ol’ Abe)?

It’s just going to get worse…Prepare

Hack Stone

Currently sitting on the bench is a wide variety of beers for the weekend, to include about half a case of various German brews purchased from Costco in an Octoberfest variety pack, about half a case of Asahi, 13 Big Boy bottles of Orion purchased at the Henderson Hall package store ($4.49 a bottle), and of course, Americas favorite beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon. Going with the PBR for the tacos, they complement each other.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Cong Rats Hack. Was on the recliner doing crossword puzzles as usual.

Lurker Curt

Lurking and botched it… Congrats Hack

Lurker Curt

Whatever, 2nd is the best I’ve done in years!


Nope, not quite yet “year(s)”(plural). /S/ You are listed in the Coveted Book of Firsts as being the first loser on 24 Feb 2023 and again as second loser on 10 Feb 2023.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

When I first got on the site, the WOT came on and I made my comment not knowing the FIRST rule was to text FIRST to be FIRST for the WOT and make it through the gauntlet of replys….

Commissioner Wretched

Dang, no matter how closely I watch for the WOT drop, I miss it. Congrats to Hack Stone for his FIRSTness once again! I’ll take third, though a bronze medal isn’t as valuable as the WOT throne.

Hack Stone

Hack got lucky. Real lucky. Just wrapped up an online meeting, hit refresh, and there it was. Started sweating that by the time the page loaded and Hack pasted his decree, the ship would have sailed out of the train station.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I think that it is time that I invest in a Magic 8 Ball. I had one back in the 1950’s..along with a chemistry set, erector set, lincoln log set, slinky, klik klak, spaulding pinky ball, lionel train set, set of drums to play Topsy Part Two, transister radio to hide under the pillow with an earplug, Model plastic Mil Airplanes, Balsa model airplanes that you tacked the parts on the diagram then tester glued the parts together, AM/FM/SW radio to listen to Allen Freed Rock And Roll, baseball and Davey Crocket cards to card flip and a pocket knife to play mumbly peg on the grass.

Commissioner Wretched

So … Hack Stone takes the throne (poetry) and it’s time for me to leave in my wake some trivia. I do hope you all enjoy it!

Did the first human space walk almost end in disaster?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

Now that the first eight years of the column are behind us, it’s time to look ahead.

Oh, I’m not looking ahead for another eight years … that’s too far. I’m thinking more like the end of this month. Halloween, to be precise. And as usual, I’m on the lookout for funny and unique costumes, not that I plan to go trick-or-treating or anything like that.

So if you have a funny costume idea, send it to me at didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I will mention it here. Who knows? We just might come up with a new trendsetter.

Meanwhile, let’s set trends with trivia! Here’s this week’s installment. Enjoy!

Did you know …

… irony finds its way into the world of art? In 1996, Richard Versalle (1932-1996), a tenor with the New York Metropolitan Opera, was performing in the production of The Makropulos Case in the role of Vitek, a law clerk. He was about halfway up a 20-foot tall ladder, and right after singing the line, “You can only live so long,” suffered a massive heart attack and fell ten feet to the stage. He was pronounced dead on arrival at a nearby hospital. (Well, he was right, wasn’t he?)

… a cheese features live maggots? Casu marzu is a popular cheese made in Sardinia that contains live maggots. The cheese cannot be legally imported into the United States because of the little critters. Those maggots, by the way, can jump up to five inches when they’re exposed, so the people who enjoy the cheese usually shield their eyes when they eat it. (Eat it? They actually eat that stuff?)

Commissioner Wretched

… more than half of the workers in the U.S. don’t use all of their paid vacation time? If that seems troublesome, consider this – about 30% don’t use any of it. (Gee, when was the last time I took a vacation?)

… chimpanzees can build a new nest in just ten minutes? (They don’t necessarily like to, but they can.)

Last edited 2 hours ago by Commissioner Wretched
Commissioner Wretched

… the first time a human “walked” in space almost ended in disaster? On March 18, 1965, Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov (1934-2019), aboard the Voskhod 2 space capsule, deployed an inflatable airlock, opened the hatch, depressurized the airlock, and floated out into the void of space, connected to his craft only by a 17-foot tether line. Inside, co-pilot, Pavel Belyayev (1925-1970) kept his eye on the instruments and secretly envied his comrade. After a twelve-minute space walk, during which Leonov attached a camera to the airlock so he could be photographed while outside the ship, it was time to come back in – but there was a problem, a very serious one. Leonov’s space suit had ballooned out so much he could not fit back into the airlock. After considering the problem and consulting Belyayev, Leonov depressurized his suit below safety limits, but managed to squeeze back inside. Then it turned out that the hatch did not want to seal, due to thermal distortions caused by Leonov’s efforts to get back inside. Once the hatch was secured and the airlock jettisoned, the two men had difficulty getting back into their seats with their space suits on. At last, however, Voskhod 2 re-entered the atmosphere – 46 seconds late – and landed 240 miles off target. Additional trivia note: The craft landed in a forest near the town of Solikamsk, and the two men were forced to spend the night inside their capsule before recovery teams could get to them. The hatch had been blown open and the temperature dropped to 23º, and the craft’s electrical system failed so the men didn’t have heat. When recovery crews did arrive, they had to chop wood to build a fire and everyone spent a second night in the forest before skiing to a waiting helicopter. (One small step for a man …)

Commissioner Wretched

… what the heaviest professional wrestling match with only two wrestlers was? On February 23, 1959, the two largest men in professional wrestling at that time – “Haystacks” Calhoun (1934-1989), who weighed in at 640 pounds, and “Happy” Humphrey (1926-1989), who tipped the scales at 760 pounds – met in a match in New York’s Madison Square Garden. The two wrestlers’ combined weight of 1,500 pounds set the record for the most weight in a professional two-man match – a record that stands to this day. (The ring, however, didn’t stand very long.)

… penguins do not get frostbite? Even though their feet are in almost constant contact with ice, they also have a special circulation system that keeps them warm in freezing temperatures. (Cold feet, warm heart, they say.)

… hearing loss is responsible for two well-known sports practices? The football huddle was created at Galludet University, when quarterback Paul Hubbard (1871-1946) – who, like all the other players on the team, was deaf – signaled his teammates to gather around him so he could sign the play to them without the other team reading the signs. And the hand signals used by umpires in baseball were also created to aid a deaf player on the field. William Ellsworth “Dummy” Hoy (1862-1961), a deaf outfielder who played for Cincinnati and other teams between 1888 and 1902, could not hear the call of balls and strikes when he was at bat. The umpires developed the hand signs now used so he would know what the pitch had been.

Commissioner Wretched

… ducks only lay eggs in the morning? (They manage to duck the issue the rest of the day.)

… Grand Central Station in New York City is toxic? It was constructed primarily of granite, and that rock holds more radioactive elements than others. So much granite was used in the construction of Grand Central Station in Manhattan that every person who goes through it gets a dose of radiation that is higher than they would get at a nuclear power plant. (If you’ve ever been there, you know what I mean by toxic.)

Now … you know!


My dude ducks don’t lay eggs, day or night.
Must be defective?

jeff LPH 3 63-66



Don’t know about funny costumes, but here’s the scariest monster that’s out there…and she is planning on stealing ALL of the candy. Another fine job on the trivia, CW! Thank you again, Good Sir.

comment image?w=538&ssl=1

Commissioner Wretched

That one has to come with a spew alert, King!


Happy weekend!

Hack Stone

If you own a pick up truck and happen be in the National Capital Region this afternoon, Hack is asking for your help in relocating the world capital headquarters of the proud but humble woman owned business formerly located on Wilson Drive, and as of today, formerly located just up the road from the old place. The dickhead managers at Tragero Properties are not willing to accept copies of Red Hat Software in lieu of the $6000 monthly rent. Please forward any business correspondence to Extra Space Storage, 5410 River Road, Bethesda, MD, Attention Psul of The Ballsack.


5th. Not bad.


Breaks over. Get back to painting.

Dennis - not chevy

So there I was, the MSgt and I (back when I was a SSgt) were walking somewhere when we started to get wet. I remarked how great it was (sarc) that with everything happening that day, it had to rain. He said he had just come from a weather briefing given by some big shot meteorologist from the numbered AF HQ who said it wasn’t going to rain today. He added that if HQ said it wasn’t going to rain, it wasn’t going to rain, how dare I question HQ?!! He chewed me some more for laughing, I thought he was joining the sarcasm; no, he was serious. The ate-up was strong with that guy.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

One thing worse than raining cats and dogs are hailing taxi cabs…..

Dennis - not chevy

‘and in my neighborhood, tornado or divorce; either way someone loses a trailer.


Enjoying the run-up in metals prices today.
The dollar is finally taking on water.

Get ready for the ‘fun’ part… (read: Prepare.)

Have a great weekend y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hack Stone

The landline rings, Hack answers it on speaker phone, as he is busy trying to sell some outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software. Female on the other end says something about Howard Greene. Hack says “What?” Female says someth about Howard Greene again. Hack says There is no Howard Greene here, who do you want?” She replies “Sour cream! Sour cream! Do we need sour cream?” It was Rosetta calling from the grocery store, since it is Friday Taco Night at Stately Stone Manor. No, we do not need sour cream, but Hack needs to make some guacamole.

Speaking of which, if Hack has not already shared this, you need to make this recipe the next time you have a hankering for beef fajitas.



Howard’s Greene Stadium located in Washington, DC opened in 1926 and seats 7,086.

Kamammamala is only familiar with the area under the bleachers.

Slow Joe

Check out the text I got.
These people are desperate to steal the election!

jeff LPH 3 63-66



I were on the roadz…I am presento…accounted for.

SO, who to bitch at….so many choices…. 😀
Hack, HACK?!?!?!? Damn boy, you beating that F5 key like it owes you court ordered compensation monies.

Well, be a good Lord and be gentle and kind and all that kinda shit.
Cheers and happy Friday bitches.


Finally got my Dust Bunnies held at bay long and replied to all of the condolences last WOT on the loss of my Trixie Girl…and my three (3) Compatriots. Take a minute to check those and take my most humble Thanks to all. It meant a lot. I post the below as a Tribute to that Lab Hound and every K-9 Companion out there. Follow these rules! ALWAYS!

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Twenty years? Hell… More like twenty days…Prepare

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