Weekend Open Thread

| October 4, 2024 | 50 Comments

The debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz has provided plenty of meme opportunity. Conservatives quickly jumped to action, firing the meme cannons and having fun at Tim Walz’s expense. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

As ruling First Commenter, it is your duty and privilege to provide us the Weekend Safety Briefing. The troops are assembled. Except for Not a Sergeant Major Walz, he is conspicuously absent.


I hereby, verily, and therefor unto do my duty and revoke all privileges that may and/or may not have been made available to the haters of the EARNER (never awarded) to The Title of FIRST on the Vaunted TAH Weekend Open Thread. It is further more my privilege to assign more duties to said haters ie…LC to take over the SanFranNan ob/gyn exam, and Slow Joe to sterilize the speculum (with his tongue) used in said exam. Afterwards they will join said Notta SarMaj Awol Ballz in the middle of the lawn and try to show some class.

All others will meet in the Day Room for a few games of 8 Ball. It will be magic to predict the winners. That is all! Carry on.


He’s Awalz.


Take THAT, ya haters (*cough* LC)! The Luck of The Irish has smiled upon The Gun Bunny. Just sat back down after checking on the Orast Sir Loin Beast of Beef that is percurl-lating lowly in the Crockett Pot. Restocked the larder and laid in a fresh supply of Class VI Stores. Belly up, Girls and Boys, The King of Battle…THE King of FIRSTs, rules…again!


52 minbutes after the fact….top 25…good to go KoB.
Do you have enough supplies? TP, Snacks, Ammo, Auto Parts, random items from Temu?

Afterhearing about “shortages” (panic buying), I went to Costco today and low and behold, NO TP! But I had some and when I went to Wegmans, bought a 30 pack just because with teens, a 6 pack doesn’t last a week-10 days in my house.

I’ll post another item that will make you want to MLK Junior. I’ll tell you that.

Conga Line Rats KoB .

Hack Stone

Denied! Again!

Hack Stone

Looks like once again, Hack Stone has been burdened by what hasn’t been, that being rightfully assuming the throne of the highly coveted and rarely awarded First Commenter of the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

What happened to the magic 8 ball Hack???

Hack Stone

Hack Stone already had his decree anointing himself Supreme Ruler of the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, but by the time that he refreshed the page, nefarious meddling from foreign influencers already installed the puppet government of KoB. But since you asked…..

Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone be unburdened by what has been in order to holistically regain the highly coveted and rarely awarded of First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will he once again be denied to his rightful claim by the existential threat posed by Amateur Historian? Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

And Magic 8-Ball says…


Keep saying that and we will start to assume you are also Marxist.


Almost First!!!!!

jeff LPH 3 63-66


Commissioner Wretched

Fifth … sheesh. These random drops are driving me sane!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Beat you to fifth place by 2 minutes CW. I just found out after the years I’m on TAH that i can put the arrow on the little circle which is to the left on the minutes ago and see what time I commented. Never knew that untill a week or to ago. How come we didn’t have computers in school when I started kindergarten in 1952.??????

Commissioner Wretched

Because a computer in 1952 would’ve been the same size as your school building! I love how they found a way to make them smaller.


Pocket size with your phone.

Commissioner Wretched

You know, I find it somewhat comforting that the King of Battle is back on the WOT throne. Not sure why, though …
Anyway, for him – and for you – it’s trivia time! Enjoy!

What was the first commercially available computer to use graphical user interface (GUI)?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

Well, darn. Shucks and other comments.

Seems as if I let something slip by me that shouldn’t have done so.

A couple of weeks ago, I said that the concrete used in the construction of Hoover Dam wouldn’t be cured until the year 2430 or so, having foolishly accepted a source saying it would take 500 years to cure. An eagle-eyed reader, however, took me to task, noting that the concrete would cure in 125 years, not 500.

I stand corrected, and thankful for my readers who keep me in line.

I do maintain, however, that I didn’t know it was sick.

Anyway, on to this week’s foolishness!

Did you know …

… a classic movie was allowed in the Soviet Union – then removed – because of its depictions of capitalism? The 1940 film The Grapes of Wrath, based on the novel by John Steinbeck (1902-1968), was permitted to be shown in Soviet theatres because of they way it depicted the plight of the poor under capitalism. But not long after it was permitted, it was withdrawn, because Soviet audiences were stunned to see that even the poorest Americans could afford to own an automobile. (Who’d-a thunk it?)

… maxing out your credit card isn’t a good idea? Sure, the bank that issued the card loves it when you do that, but your credit score doesn’t. Maxing out the credit card can cause a hit of between 10 and 45 points on your credit score. (How well I know …)

Commissioner Wretched

… cats were once used as weapons? In ancient times, Persian soldiers used cats in battle against the Egyptians. The Egyptians would see the cats with the Persian army and refuse to attack, for fear of hurting the felines. Cats were considered divine in Egypt. (What, you mean they aren’t?)

… a hurricane’s landfall may not happen when you think it does? Landfall for a hurricane is official when the eye of the storm – not the leading edge – crosses the coastline. (Try telling that to the folks who have to endure the leading edge of the storm.)

… flying saucers and UFOs are not the same thing? Sure, to most people, the terms are interchangeable. But they aren’t – a UFO, an unidentified flying object, is simply something you see in the sky that you can’t identify, but someone else probably could. A “flying saucer,” on the other hand, is an apparently alien vehicle from another planet (though in reality it’s usually either a misidentified aircraft or a hoax). Additional trivia note: The term “flying saucer” comes from a 1947 sighting of some kind of aerial craft by pilot Kenneth Arnold (1915-1984). Arnold himself never used the term, though he did say the disc-shaped objects he spotted were “like saucers.” (Little green men, indeed!)


Cats are considered delicious in Springfield OH. I have heard.


Ya, it’s a Haitian specialty dish. Simmered cat tails and Walz balls.

Hack Stone

It’s all a big misunderstanding. What happened was that White House spokesperson Karine Jeanne-Pierre went back to her native Haiti on vacation, and told her family’s neighbors how she enjoyed eating American pussy.

Commissioner Wretched

… the first computer to use a graphical user interface was a failure? Don’t let the fancy nomenclature throw you – a graphical user interface, or GUI, is simply a way of interacting with a computer using windows, icons, or menus, instead of typing commands on a keyboard. But the first computer to utilize one was a flop. The Apple Lisa™, released in early 1983, was aimed at business users and carried a rather steep price tag – $9,995. It was plagued by insufficient software, unreliable floppy disks, a tiny five-megabyte hard drive, and that insanely huge price tag. The Lisa did, however, usher in the era of GUI, which manifested itself most solidly the following year with the Apple Macintosh™, which had an original cut-rate price of $2,495. (Now your cell phone can do all that it did and a whole lot more, for a lot less money.)

… a term exists for a word that contains a synonym for itself inside it? It’s called a “kangaroo word” and it works like this: take a look at the word “masculine.” It contains the word “male” in it. Or “chicken,” which contains “hen.” The letters may or may not be spread out, but the related word is inside. Wild, eh? (Thanks to Sheila for this one! Rest in peace, my friend.)

Commissioner Wretched

… show business has always been pretty cut-throat? I’ll give you an example from TV’s “golden age.” On February 11, 1962, actor Joseph Kearns (1907-1962) suffered a stroke, from which he died six days later. At the time, Kearns was co-starring as “Mr. Wilson” on the series Dennis the Menace. With Kearns’ death, his character was replaced by his character’s brother, played by Gale Gordon (1906-1995). But that left a plot hole about the Wilsons, and the actress who played Mrs. Wilson, Sylvia Field (1901-1998), found herself out of a job after Kearns died. With her husband’s character gone, she was essentially fired and replaced by Sara Seegar (1914-1990), but no convincing in-show explanation was ever given for either of the original Wilsons’ departure from the series.

… you may know someone who engages in griffonage? In fact, I engage in griffonage. Griffonage, if you’re wondering, is having handwriting that is very difficult to read. (I once had my signature filled as a prescription. Okay, not really, but it’s almost as illegible.)

… a Mexican volcano’s nine-year eruption only caused three deaths? Parícutin, a cinder cone volcano located in the Mexican state of Michoacán west of Mexico City, underwent a nine-year eruption from 1943 to 1952. During that period, no one was killed by ash, rocks, lava, gas or hot mud. The only deaths were three caused by volcanic lightning. Parícutin just oozed quiet, slow lava flows during the eruption, slow enough to give anyone in the lava’s path ample time to get out of the way.


In other news, there’s Volcanic Lightning.

Hack Stone

Back in 1977, Jay North, who portrayed the title character on Dennis The Menace, enlisted in the US Navy. Despite his wanting to be just another Sailor doing his job, it seems that he was the subject of continuous harassment for his previous career, and eventually left with an Honorable Discharge after 2 years of active duty. Later on in life he was a prison guard in Florida. He probably manned the guard tower with his trusty slingshot.

Commissioner Wretched

… how easy it is to make friends with a goat? Pretty easy, at least according to a paper published in Royal Society Open Science in 2018. According to the paper, all you have to do to make a friend out of a goat is smile at it. Goats recognize happy human facial expressions, and are in fact drawn to them. (It gets their goat.)

Now … you know!


CW – don’t think I’ve ever said how much I enjoy your trivia posts and for that, I apologize. After I laugh over the preening and crowing of the First, I scroll to your post, no matter how active the overall thread.

About goats…
They are funny to watch, seem to have individual personalities, and the babies are absolutely adorable and hysterical. At a distance. I really, really don’t want to spend any time around them, petting them or doing “goat yoga” or other nonsense. It’s their eyes, with that horizontal slit, just freaks me out. I can’t get past those eyes and I … just can’t.

Now that I know they react to our smile, I know why they don’t congregate to me. Or, they sense my … revulsion is too strong, and I hate the word “ick” but it fits.

Please TAH, back me up here, tell me I’m not the only one.

Commissioner Wretched

You honor me, OAM. I thank you sincerely for your very kind words about my silly writings.

As for goats … yes, that horizontal pupil is somewhat off-putting. But other than that, they aren’t all baaa-a-a-a-ad.

I’ll show myself out.

Dennis - not chevy

I am amused by goats and as the goats do; I would love to ram those who annoy me.


I was wondering why my Iraqi counterpart was always smiling at the goats. I just figured they shared a secret.

Last edited 1 hour ago by 5JC

What happenes in Iraq stays in Iraq.


You know, I find it somewhat comforting that the King of Battle is back on the WOT throne. Not sure why, though …” I think I know why, CW. It’s ’cause you know that while I’m Ruling over the d’weeded great unwashed mass of deplorables, I won’t have time to visit with Lois in order to court, charm, and woo her with my ways.

It will be harder to save our Republic than the concrete in Hoover Dam will ever become. Oh…and DAMN a buncha domestic enemies.

Bring down some wrath on grapes. Crush them and drink their fermented blood.

Told Master Card to go piss up a rope when they lowered my line of credit on their card from 15K to 1K, then raised the interest from 14 to 21% upon my retirement. I never carried a balanceand have a credit score in the mid 800s. Just got a notice from them yesterday the card was cancelled because I haven’t used it in 7 years. Ironically, the same bank that issued the card sends me solicitations weekly for another card.

Persian Cats? Bad to the bone! (ht2 GT)

Yeah, and tell that to the ones that or 5-600 miles NORTH of the eye. We loaded up two more truck loads of donated supplies heading out today.

You can also see flying saucers when Ms Thang gets hangry.

Was Lisa moaning ’cause she didn’t get an apple? Or for…reasons…

Them letters hopping around to make another word?

Mr. Wilson is not the only character that seems to have changed…

comment image


I blame my griffonage on the fact that I did the lovely ginger haired Jackie Dale M’s history and geography homework while she did my cursive writing practice in 4th and 5th grade. That and 50+ years of being required to print every form filled out known to mankind.

My love for OAM made a volcanic eruption look like a sputtering firecracker.

Only time I smile at a goat is when it’s on a BBQ Pit.

Another fine Trivia Job, CW. We Thank you, Good Sir. Do mention me to Lois. Oh…and btw…speaking of “flying saucers”/space ships…..

Hack Stone

Credit scores… The local talk radio station in DC, WMAL, which by the way had some guy named Hack from Bethesda on this morning, frequently runs commercials for a credit restoration company. Hack thought that would make a great Christmas present for someone with two bankruptcies and multiple liens against them, but when they asked for the name, Hack said “Psul of the Ballsack…”, then they hung up and blocked Hack’s phone number.

Hack Stone

Any motorheads in the National Capital Region skilled with 1980’s European sports cars? In this morning’s meeting, the Vice President mentioned that he was cruising around DuPont Circle last night and ended up blowing his trannie.

Commissioner Wretched

Don’t know why he shares his personal life with you all …

Hack Stone

It’s not as if he could confide in his lovely bride, she is still a bit miffed about him naming her as the owner of that proud woman owned business, which may or may not have had anything with her employer losing his reelection bid and last time check, she was working at the Gaylord Hotel at National Harbor. Be sure to tip her nicely for providing you the extra towels.


Happy weekend.


Don’t believe that is even AI.


Hunters’ laptop?


No need for AI. That hair sniffing pervert is a perfect match for Willy browns mistress. I’m waiting for the deck of cards to come out with the 52 positions of the Ho and Joe.


BP and SPEW ALERT and I’ve never been so outraged in my entire life…and 9/11 aside….

I’m sorry but, this MOTHERFUCKER!??!?!?!?

If you support these people, just leave being connected with me. GO. GTFO!!
PEOPLE are DEAD, DYING and MISSING. The reports I’m hearing about conditions on the ground in TN and WNC are HORRIFIC.
I have no words I can say without getting a scolding from the Admins here and a visit from the Secret Service and not in a good way. (Are they ever??)

Last edited 1 hour ago by ChipNASA

Am unable to locate this dimly lit interview anywhere, might you have a link to the original news source?


Chip – I hope you or one of our Ninjas can find the original clip of Biden’s response as a stand alone. I really, really want to share it with a couple people who are finally wavering in their unbalanced and unjustified support of this administration and party. They are currently searching for family members and friends that have not been heard from or reached. Maybe, just maybe, this “they have everything they need, they’re very happy across the board” will wake them all the way up.


Way late. What did I miss, besides first or even top 10

Amateur Historian

I was too busy driving to participate. Safety first! 😕


Coulda been a contender.
Guitar student called off with an injured finger, next one out due to hubby’s surgery.

Nonetheless I now officially render Rats o’the Cong to KoB.


Back to teaching…