Kamala Harris’s ‘middle class’ childhood included private school, Jamaica visits, and wealthy area living

| September 25, 2024 | 24 Comments

While on camera, Kamala Harris likes to showcase herself as having a regular middle class childhood. However, a deeper look at her upbringing presents another story. Harris and her sister attended private school, had periods of living abroad, and also grew up in some of the wealthiest locales.

From Breitbart:

When asked during the presidential debate if Americans were better off than they were four years ago, she responded, “I was raised a middle-class kid.”

However, a close look at her childhood shows that Harris and her younger sister grew up with many opportunities that many “middle class” children do not have, such as living abroad, private school education, and growing up in some of the wealthiest locales in the world.

But Harris has downplayed her privilege throughout her political career.

On August 31, she described herself as “a daughter of Oakland, California, who was raised by a working mother and had a summer job at McDonald’s.”

While she was born in the Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, at the time, her graduate school parents lived in Berkeley, California — a predominantly white, liberal elite enclave in the San Francisco Bay Area home to UC Berkeley, one of the top public universities in the world.

In fact, that is where her “working mother” — the daughter of an Indian diplomat — and father met as graduate students. Harris’s own father even wrote that Kamala was “born” in Berkeley.

Additional Reading:

Wong, K. (2024, September 24). Weekends in Palo Alto, private school, trips to Jamaica: A look at Kamala Harris’s ‘middle class’ childhood. Breitbart. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris

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I wonder if she was able to get a better looking yard by practicing her special skill(s) that benefitted her later in life.

Inquiring minds and all that.

Hack Stone

Her neighbors were proud of their lawns. In fact, they even allowed the landscapers that they picked up from the Home Depot parking lot to drink from their garden hoses.

Hack Stone

I was raised a middle-class kid. No joke.


Me too. It was tough. But when the going gets tough, the tough
get going. Or something.


Camel-a’s working at Mickey D’s is as accurate as Tim ‘No Ballz’ Walz combat career. Nothing says Middle Class like 2 parents with graduate degrees. My dad was cop and my mom worked as a lab technician. No silver spoons stuck up my ass.


Well, I for one am sure glad that her opponent is such a truthful, middle-class guy then. Whew! Otherwise it might be a difficult choice.

Hack Stone

The truthful middle class guy has a record of years to be judged on. As to (see what Hack did there?) Cameltoe, what can she point as Vice President or Senator that she accomplished that is considered an asset? She was the Border Czar before she wasn’t the Border Czar, and the border was secure, until it wasn’t secure. She was for confiscation of firearms before she wasn’t for the confiscation of firearms. She was against fracking until she wasn’t against fracking. People are allowed to change their mind, but it sure would be nice if she could explain why she changed her positions.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

All that will change for Frau harris if she gets in through cheating, and will go back to her original plans to tun this country into a socialist country. I commented a couple of weeks ago that if President Trump geta cheated out of another election, I will build up my right rotator cuff arm so I could raise my arm up and say Sig Heil to the peeps that got her in and the new weaponized DOJ


My comment certainly wasn’t a defense of Harris; it was just a light joke that neither candidate is what Americans deserve. I’d love a truly down-to-earth, middle-class candidate who isn’t afraid to be honest with the people.

Slow Joe

LC, I disagree. I want a candidate who cannot be bought by special interests and who places America first.


Never gonna happen from any party. Well, JD Vance does come to mind.

RGR 4-78

but it sure would be nice if she could explain why she changed her positions”

Her knees got tired.


May your chains rest lightly…and cure your TDS.


May you be less burdened and stressed that you can see a joke for what it is, KoB.

That said, glad to see you on here – I got worried after your absence in the previous WoT!


Poking atcha, man. I do like a good joke and can recognize one. The joke that our current (s)election process is not the type I like. Hell of a note that the loud mouth obnoxious dood, that WAS voted for by We, The People, is one choice and an individual that got to their station in life by nefarious means, that was NOT voted for by We, The People, are the only choices we have.

In re the WOT, check back thru it, I did reply on that thread, then caught up with and commented on every thread that I missed while I was on TAD this weekend past. You may even want to dive into the thread on more troops to the ME for another update.


I’m trying to remember when Trump claimed to be a middle-class guy. Nope, I got nothing. Try harder.


She was/is a good comrade.


It’s no surprise, she talks like a communist.

Slow Joe

Also by Full Fact:

The Nazis were not socialists – Full Fact

Anyone who uses the word “misinformation” is suspect of socio-communist leanings in my book.

Full fact credibility: 0%


Simply because one thing isn’t true doesn’t make another untrue. The party card is a pretty bad forgery and the article points out why

Last edited 31 minutes ago by 5JC

Welp, if they weren’t socialist, then why is the word part of that party’s official name?


They definitely were, at least till 1934. Then like all socialist governments they killed everyone that might threaten the power of the key leaders and turned into a totalitarian state after the night of long knives. There would be no more talk of income redistribution after the useful idiots like Ernest Rohm were gotten rid of. This is why socialism always fails and turns into a dictatorship.

Every. Single. Time.


Middle Class in America is a pretty broad range. On the upper end of the range in the 1960-70s would be a dual income family of a college professor and a college researcher.