Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro runs afoul of Hatch Act

| September 7, 2024 | 25 Comments

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro previously mentioned that military work and politics shouldn’t be mixed. Del Toro stressed that the Department of the Navy is an apolitical body. However, in January this year, while on official government business, he switched into “campaign mode” while speaking of the need for Joe Biden to have a second term. Del Toro didn’t exactly answer the question regarding the US’s potentially “going isolationist” under a second Trump presidency.

From Navy Times:

“This is especially troubling because Secretary Del Toro has himself acknowledged that military work and partisan politics should not be mixed,” Dellinger said. “As he stated just this past July: ‘It is more important than ever for us to remember that the [Department of the Navy] is an apolitical body… Public trust and confidence depend on this.'”

During an appearance at the Royal United Services Institute on Jan. 25, Del Toro fielded a question regarding concerns the U.S. could adopt a more isolationist approach in the event of a different administration following the 2024 election. In response, Del Toro said that the U.S. and the world “need the mature leadership of President Biden.”

“I’m confident that the American people will step up to the plate come November and support President Biden for a second term as our Commander-in Chief, so that we can continue to work together as free democratic countries respect each other around the globe,” Del Toro said.

Later that day, Del Toro made similar remarks about the world deserving a second term with Biden in the White House in an interview with BBC News Sunday.

Del Toro self-reported his comments on BBC News Sunday on Feb. 1, noting that he aimed to address the significance of strong international alliances and national security issues.

“In retrospect, I believe my response should have been delivered more broadly without reference to specific candidates,” Del Toro wrote.

Thanks to a busy AW1Ed for the story. Additional Reading:

Stancy, D. (2024, September 5). Navy secretary faces Hatch Act violation for comments on Biden. Navy Times. Link.


Category: 2024 Election, Big Navy, Big Pentagon, Navy

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Old tanker

Don’t be too harsh on him. He had to give a harrumph to keep his phony baloney job…


Mel Brooks is the Master…


That is supposed to be how you lose a job.


Hey hey, ho ho, Del Toro has got to go!

Forest Bondurant

Yeah, considering we’re so close to the election, DoD has been pushing reminders and teeing up training about the dos-and-donts as they apply to the Hatch Act.

Fuck that guy.


It’s not wrong when dims do it..


First thought was of Laraine Newman as Connie Conehead.


“Mierda Del Toro”

BlueCord Dad

🤣🤣I needed a chuckle CDR D. That was perfect(chefs 💋)


We need to act and send del toro down a foul hatch.

I am wondering where these countries are around the world the respect the US anymore. Jus’ sayin’.


Before we get our knickers in a knot it might be useful to actually read the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act, as far as I can tell, does not apply to political appointees such as the Secretary of the Navy. The phrase “(except one appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate), may take an active part in political management or political campaigns.” appears several times in the Act.

“It provides that persons below the policy-making level in the executive branch of the federal government must not only refrain from political practices that would be illegal for any citizen, but must abstain from “any active part” in political campaigns, using this language to specify those who are exempt:[9….
(ii) an employee appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, whose position is located within the United States, who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in the nationwide administration of Federal laws.”

Skivvy Stacker

First lesson I learned in Boot Camp was “Don’t say one thing and do another”.


Guess who

E. Conboy

Bless his hart…he caint hep it.


Wasn’t all that long ago that ol’ Dick was the greatest threat to democracy and our republic.

Army-Air Force Guy

He’s the greatest threat to his fellow quail hunters.


I remember that like it was yesterday


I have always admired his ability to speak with a smirk no
matter the subject or audience. Even when he tosses his
head to stress the point he is trying to make.
He can smirk with a crooked smile and frown all at once.


What’s he getting out of this? Thought I ask.


Trump is a threat to the corrupt thugocracy that Cheney is an honored member of.



A quote of Arthur Sido over at Dissident Thoughts in re of “Dickless” Cheney. Sorry, not sorry…I laffed my azz off.

Obviously the polling is complete bullshit. No one, not one person, is actually excited to vote for Cumala Whorris and Tampon Tim Walz. Hell, his entire family turned on him. Meanwhile Trump is gathering former Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. while Cumala is honored to be endorsed by Dick Cheney. Dick Fuckin’ Cheney! I could have gone three more lifetimes without hearing that name. The list of “Republicans” supporting Cumala or at least publicly declaring they won’t vote for Trump is a who’s who of the worst people alive: Dick Cheney and his demon-spawn witch-whore daughter Liz, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mike Pence. I could hardly come up with a list of worse people given that John McCain is burning in hell already.”


He should take Kamala and Tim hunting….and his daughter.

Forest Bondurant

Then there’s this little gem:

Release authorized by “you know who”.