Commit election fraud, win cash prizes

| August 31, 2024 | 17 Comments

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss caught media attention when their names popped up on social media on topics related to election fraud in Georgia. Both retained a lawyer and filed a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani, one of the individuals who addressed their actions as counters on election night. However, instead of having this case heard in Georgia, they had it heard in Washington D.C. Giuliani was subsequently ordered to pay over $148 million to Freeman and Moss. Despite Giuliani’s intent to appeal this decision, Freeman and Moss took to another court to force collection from Giuliani.

From New York Post:

Rudy Giuliani may have to part with some of his prized possessions, including his New York Yankees memorabilia collection, as two Georgia election workers move to seize the former Big Apple mayor’s personal property to collect on a $148 million defamation judgement.

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss filed a motion in New York’s southern district federal court Friday asking a judge to enforce the December 2023 judgment against Giuliani by compelling the 80-year-old “to turn over certain property” — including his Madison Avenue apartment, extensive watch collection, autographed baseball memorabilia and three Yankees World Series rings.

The Atlanta poll workers also asked the judge to put Giuliani into receivership to take his Palm Beach condominium and argued that they’re entitled to $2 million in fees Giuliani claims he’s owed by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

“Mr. Giuliani has proven time and again that he will never voluntarily comply with court orders, much less voluntarily satisfy Plaintiffs’ judgment,” lawyers for Freeman and Moss wrote in a court filing, explaining why the seizure of Giuliani’s assets is necessary.

“At every step, Mr. Giuliani has chosen evasion, obstruction, and outright disobedience,” the attorneys added. “That strategy reaches the end of the line here.”

Additional Reading:

Nova, V. (2024, August 30). Georgia poll workers move to seize Rudy Giuliani’s possessions — including Yankees World Series rings — to collect $148M defamation judgment. New York Post. Link.

Category: 2020 Election, Society

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Not sure if I’ll be finished typing soon enough to be the FIRST to comment…Lot to unwrap here.

FIRST of all…there has been corruption in Georgia (s)elections since like…FOREVER. We, The People had thought that the worst of it was in the past, yet here we are. Who remembers the infamous overcoat, with pockets of “walking around money”, from a former Demonrat Senator? In my local AO, we had County Commissioners that sent buses or vans around into certain neighborhoods, picking folks up, having sack lunch for each “voter” with some folding money inside. That particular CC got voted out a few cycles ago. Other areas up the road have had the same City/County grubermint oraficials clinging to power for decades, dying out of office instead of voting out of office. Riding around during the last cycles, one did not see many yard signs with Bitchlery, Sniffy Joe, or Kum-Hella placed, but one can damn sure saw a boatload of Trump’s.

Most of the state level power hungry despots were demonrats until a few years ago when they switched to republicunts. And the grift goes on.

We are NOT going to vote our way out of this and the despots will NOT stop their persecution of others.


Last edited 14 days ago by KoB

The corrupt elections likely extend back in history to Antebellum times.


Blame Rudy for his own troubles.

He’s the reason carpetbagger Hillary Clinton
became a US Senator in New York in 2020,
and everything else that followed with Hillary and the Dems.

Had Rudy kept it zipped up as Mayor between 1997 and 2000,
avoided his election year divorce / mistress scandal,
stayed in the race for US Senator, and beat Hillary in 2000,
Hillary’s political life would have ended then.
But no.
The rise of Hillary is almost entirely Rudy’s fault.

Rudy got his revenge in 2016, helping on the Trump campaign.
Since 2020, he’s been nothing but trouble. And borderline senile.


(typo correction)
He’s the reason carpetbagger Hillary Clinton
became a US Senator in New York in 2020 2000

tom reynolds

If they hadn’t killed JFK Jr. she never would have been a senator. Evil people that have been doing it a long time.


I agree with you 100 percent


The best I can tally, with the bouncing numbers,
at least 2 others also agree, and
at least 8 others disagree.
Net tally red -6.

Last edited 12 days ago by MarineDad61

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Shaye Moss grows on a rolling stone while Ruby remains
a free man.

Prior Service (Ret)

Call me crazy but how can these people have claim to specific, sorry “certain property”? I’m no lawyer, but if Guliani owes money, it seems to me it would be up to him as to what he disposes of to raise funds. I don’t care how strong (or not) these people’s defamation claim is, but them laying claim to specific property is oily as crap. Maybe I’m just missing something.


It is called judgement enforcement. What I want to know is how the district of criminals was the proper venue for the subject civil defamation suit.


I’m trying to figure who’s worth the $147 million?

USMC Steve

It wasn’t. No way and no how. But socialist democrats do what they want to do.


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tom reynolds

Kemps’ future son-in-law was vaporized on a South Carolina highway a couple months before the election. I’m sure they whispered in his ear that his daughter could have been with him. Not forgiving his actions,just saying. Ruby should be in prison with her daughter. Entire trial was rigged BS.


MSNBC host rages at Trump polling and the Electoral College:


She took a little dip after the CNN interview. I don’t expect there will be any more interviews now. If she thinks she’s winning she might even cancel the debate. Certainly there won’t be any published policy that’s worth reading before the election.

Trump visited Arlington nearly a week ago and that is the headline for CNN today as well as several others.