Jim Jordan subpoenas company led by Juan Merchan’s daughter

| August 29, 2024 | 16 Comments

Judge Juan Merchan is the judge in the case against Donald Trump related to the “falsifying records” case. Donald Trump’s team tried to get him to recuse himself given Merchan’s connections to his daughter. She runs a company that assists Democrats. Congressman Jim Jordan, House Judiciary Committee Chairman, is investigating this case and the circumstances surrounding it. Jordan is looking at conflict of interests and potential political motivations for going after Donald Trump.

From Fox News:

“As such, the Committee is left with no choice but to resort to compulsory process,” Jordan wrote. “Popularly elected prosecutors, such as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, have engaged in an unprecedented abuse of authority by prosecuting a former President of the United States and current nominee for that office. Of relevance to the Committee’s oversight is the impartiality of Judge Juan Merchan, the presiding trial judge, due to his refusal to recuse himself from the case in light of his apparent conflicts of interest and biases.”

“One such conflict is Ms. Merchan’s–daughter of Judge Merchan and President of Authentic Campaigns–work on behalf of President Trump’s political adversaries and the possible financial benefit that Ms. Merchan and Authentic Campaigns received from the prosecution and conviction of President Trump.”

Jordan said public reports indicated to him that both Nellis and Loren Merchan were “closely involved in the presidential campaigns of both President Biden and Vice President Harris.”

“During Ms. Merchan’s employment with the Harris campaign, Authentic Campaigns received over $7 million in compensation for its services. You also worked for then-presidential candidate Harris and it appears you continue to do so. Authentic Campaigns conducted work for the 2020 Biden-Harris campaign and, according to public records, was paid just over $2 million in a one-month period for its work,” he wrote.

The subpoena is narrower in scope than Jordan’s previous request for information. His Aug. 1 letter demanded Loren Merchan hand over documents related to any work for Biden and Harris, in addition to any work that refers to Trump’s prosecution or indictment.

Jordan is giving Nellis until Sept. 13 to comply, according to the subpoena viewed by Fox News Digital.

Additional Reading:

Elkind, E., & Singman, B. (2024, August 28). Jim Jordan subpoenas company led by daughter of NY v Trump judge. Fox News. Link.

O’Driscoll, S. (2024, August 25). Will Donald Trump be sentenced to prison in September? What we know. Newsweek. Link.


Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump

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The need the Trump head with a war wound!


$2 million for a month’s work…with another $7 million paid? Pretty good work if you can get it. Follow the $. Wonder how much it’s going to cost to redo 100 million ballots to make sure Kum-Hella is (s)elected?

Hell, even Ray Charles can see that the persecution of Trump is politically motivated.


All this just has me convinced that no matter who “wins” in November we’re headed for an incredible national collapse.

The fuse is lit and the powder keg is too close for anyone to stop it at this point.

AW1 Rod



Ain’t nobody jumping on this grenade.


The Chicoms already have them printed up for the impending steal. What is the over under odds on how many thousands of unfolded mail-in ballots will be found at 3:00a.m.? Or how many dead people will vote D-rat?


Here’s an interesting read. And apparently, the GA. GOP is in on protecting the cover up.



Verifies what I have harped on for years. We are NOT going to “vote” our way out of this and…Prepare


Something’s about to hit the fan, somewhere, that’s for sure.

Last edited 14 days ago by Anonymous
Forest Bondurant

More useless political theater.


It’s what they do best. A hail Mary at the 11th hour to show us how much they care for us. And will then beg for money so the can Spend millions for a a job that pays a 6 figure income.

Marine 0331

Move on Jim Jordan, nothing to see here…said the Demorats.


“Jordan is giving Nellis until Sept. 13 to comply.” – And if she doesn’t? What then? Contempt of Congress?
Yeah, sure, the DOJ will prosecute that case. Color me skeptical.


BUT, if you or I were to ignore them, our doors would be blown off of the hinges at 0300 and flash bangs and dogs sent through the new hole.

I’ve always said- At some point, common sense has to take over! I’m starting to think I’m wrong!

Forest Bondurant


Merrick Garland and Anthony Fauci continue to roam as free men, and nobody in Congress (including Jordan) for done anything to facilitate prosecution against either of them.

“Contempt of Congress” my ass.

The DOJ would never prosecute the case because it contributed to the criminal cases brought against Trump.

(When is Jordan going to follow through on pursuing contempt for Mark Zuckerberg? Zuckerberg lied about his company’s participation in content moderation and censorship., among other things.)

Last edited 15 days ago by USMCE8Ret

Soon. He’s just waiting for the proper time. All of them can kiss my ass.