Kamala anointed as The Chosen One

| August 3, 2024

hillary doing her kamala impression.jpg

Well, it’s official. Ms. Harris (Mrs. Emhoff?) was selected by Democrat party Friday.

Harris secured the Democratic nomination on Friday afternoon, receiving the majority of votes — at least 2,350 — from her party’s delegates, just one day after voting opened.

I’d sure be gratified if I was a Democrat voter. The Dems love to scream about how Republicans “disenfranchise” voters, yet here there was no opposition brooked, no other voices heard from. Hell, yeah, I’D be pumped.

Vice President Kamala Harris is officially the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee — making U.S. history as the first Black woman and first Asian American from a major party to win that designation.

Like the First Black Man to be elected, Ms. Harris is only half there in either category – I gather her mother is Indian (dot, not feather) and her father is of black Jamaican ancestry (with a family slave-holding history, I have read, but someone else would have to substantiate that.)

He (Jaime Harrison, Chairman of the DNC – ed.) added: “Today, my friends, is special because we can proudly say that we will have the first woman of color at the top of a major party ticket.”  USA Today

Always nice to have a first.   Might it be better to have a best?

Historically Harris claims to have been a tough-on-crime prosecutor (who favors marijuana legalization) but was succeeded by George Gascon, the Weather-Underground-reared SanFran DA who has gone on to become the Soros-owned DA of Los Angeles. She has never seen a pro-illegal immigrant bill, nor anti-gun bill, she doesn’t like, so expect them to be hot-button topics. As (whether officially or not) border czar, she was notable for distancing herself both from the topic and the border, albeit taking administration credit for perceived improvement. You’ve seen her mettle, or lack of which, supporting the White House – now we get to decide if she becomes the resident.

I keep hearing movie quotes running around me head…notably Betty Davis’ “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night”.  Although the opening exposition of “Idiocracy” keeps intruding. Her selection makes me SURE a large part of the country is drinking ‘way too much Brawndo.


Category: Kamala Harris, Politics

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Chairman of the DNC….. Today is special because we did what we accused the Republicans of, and nobody called us on it.


Creepy Joe was losing the black vote, so they brought in a ringer…


Ooo that one is good lol




Yet….Kamaltoe has taken more black loads than a Goth laundromat


I’ve seen different iterations of the same saying…

“My candidate took a bullet to the head, and your candidate took loads in the face…”

jeff LPH 3 63-66

When I watch Joseph Goebbels give those speaches during WW2, I see the same kind of people sitting there that you see listening to Fraus harris speeches. I guess these low info voters/low wattage voters want higher taxes , open borders, citizenship for all the border crossers and disarming the people of their firearms. Another 1776 coming up??? Only the Shadow knows.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND notice that Kamala is supported by “leaders” in deep blue locales that have suffered from the effects of her failures, high crime, illegal aliens, drugs from the open Southern Border, …
IMHO that’s why elite liberals are against school choice, they want inner city denizens kept in sub-par public schools because the ignorant and stupid are always easiest to manipulate and control!


It is essential to the liberals way of life to have a PERMANENT underclass. Why do you think the city school districts in deep blue cities with billion dollar budgets perform so poorly? Minorities, most blacks, have voted Democrat for 75 years and are still poor. Multiple generations on the Dole, and not getting off. Maybe this is the awakening they need. Camel-a is just another brown face that selling the keys the the Brooklyn Bridge.


They’re just proving LBJ right.

USMC Steve

Anyone else notice that all of a sudden “black” is all in vogue, not african american?


Tough on crime? She took a demotion when she refused to pursue the death penalty against a couple of cop killers.

Christ, there’s nothing the media won’t do to get her into office. At least we know Harris is a whore. The media still pretends they’re escorts, but they’re just whores with a higher price tag.


Knee pads with the donkey graphic should now be issued with every journalism degree.




The Democratic media complex has been working over time to delete and edit out all of her failures and voting record and anything derogatory. They are doing some pretty heavy lifting on the part of the party and will be rewarded with government pork if they can pull off a W.

Harris polling indicated she may have flipped Virginia and Michigan back to the Democrats. I’m pretty sure that is why they went ahead and blessed off on her. Looking forward to the debate.


Harris is just trying to make the steal plausible.


We had to destroy democracy in order to save it.


Objective: “Peoples Democratic Republic”

Which is actually none.

Hack Stone

I, for one, welcome our Progressive Democrat overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted Director of Media Relations I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their cobalt mines extracting the precious metals needed to save the world from climate change.

Hack Stone

In order to save democracy we had to destroy democracy.

Hack Stone

Now that she is officially (LOL) the Democrat nominee, will she be releasing a video challenging Donald Trump to a debate like Joe Biden did? Plenty of Hack’s liberal Facebook friends have memes pretty much calling Donald Trump a big pussy, but he set a date for September 4. Hack think’s that Trump and Biden should still debate, Joe set no conditions when he challenged Trump as to (see what Hack did there?) whether he would still be the nominee. He can use the 90 minutes to tout all of his successes.


IMHO, the only time that Trump or Vance should talk about Biden going forward is both in tying Kamala to his failed policies, and in relation to what she knew and when she knew it about his cognitive decline. And if she claims to not have known, make an issue of her incompetence in NOT realizing it.
Other than that, ignore the senile old racist, and let others go after him, and just focus on the Ho and whoever she picks as her veep.


The day President Biden announced he would not run for re-election, some clown at The Hill tried to send up one last Hilary trial balloon just to see if Cankles gained any traction.

Of course, his Clinton simping failed. I’m no fan of Cackles, but anytime Cankles is further humiliated I am a happy man.


I’m soooo disappointed. /sarc
comment image


Although the jokes would’ve been fun.
comment image


So am I. As well as my dog…

A Proud Infidel®™

SOMEBODY give that Doggie a treat!!!

BlueCord Dad

So much for “muh democracy”…

Prior Service (Ret)

The crazy thing is I actually like what she did by locking up criminals and not going after cops. Funny that Dems think this is a bad thing. Just shows their misplaced priorities. Now, just to be clear, that’s the only thing I like about her.


I’m baffled by your comment. Do you mix up defund and defend?

Harris established a huge fund to provide bail for violent rioters that attacked the police.


She then supported defunding the police for several years until it was time to run for president.


Note the silly headline from the “loud popping noises” news source. They are trying like hell to twist it around now but it is evident she is anti-police.


Maybe she defended the cops before it became fashionable to defund them. It’s been reported that she held prisoners past their get out of jail date for cheap labor.

Prior Service (Ret)

There is a long list of things she did as AG that the dems didn’t like including locking up druggies and not prosecuting cops. I find her desire to defund the police retarded. But her stance on criminals was to lock them up. That’s why she was castigated by Dems, for having locked up too many criminals, many of which were minorities. (To me a criminal is a criminal.) Nothing in my comment should be interpreted as pro Kamala or lib. I simply like that Libs got all spun up over her doing her job. I will see if I can find the list because I had no problem with it.


With Democrats anybody getting locked up is too many. They are all their voters.


My God! The image of Hillary giving me or someone else a header ALMOST makes me want to go gay! Uggghhh!

A Proud Infidel®™

THAT picture of her is what they use on some guy on Viagra who had too lengthy of an erection!

Last edited 2 months ago by A Proud Infidel®™

So much for democracy from the “democratic” party.


Just heard Mr. Harris knocked up his first wife’s babysitter. So, he is a class act as well. Wonder what that has cost him child support-wise.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND what will he hear about that from the mainstream DNC media about that?



Not much to say really. The maid has an abortion so that is one in the win column for the Dems.

He isn’t running for anything. Certainly wouldn’t be the first time we had an adulterer as spouse in the White House.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

According to the DailyMail, the babysitter was also his kids’ teacher at a posh private school, and apparently the woman gave up the child to another woman.


Trump is so weird and creepy.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

I see Harris’s nomination and candidacy has Barack’s fingerprints all over it. We will likely see more results of his machinations.

A Proud Infidel®™

NOT JUST B. Hussein 0bama, Soros, the Clintons and others behind the black curtain are part of it.


If the Clinton’s still had major clout, HRC would be on the ticket.

Their day has passed.

They still have clout, power, but not enough. Not nearly -enough-. That has to twist in their guts like a swallowed whole hedgehog.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Harris is also complicit in the smoke and mirrors around Joe Biden, let’s remember that she too was one of the minions constantly babbling about how fit Joe Biden was for reelection before the soft coup!


The scuttlebutt is that Barack told him he was going to sink D-rat control of both houses and the White House and that Kamala had the votes of the cabinet members to 25th Amendment him. I am sure ‘Bama told him that if that happened, he would not be able to pardon his boi, Hunter, or other family members.


Remember when Biden said God himself would have to come down and tell him to quit, immediately followed by it ain’t happening.

Like that old car commercial line, this can’t be happening to me, and the reply was, oh it’s happening sweethesrt. Kinda like that.


Trump has completely disavowed project 2025 publicly several times. Democrats keep calling it his plan. So yes, they are lying, this isn’t new, this is how it’s done.

Army-Air Force Guy

They need their straw man real bad. Remember for the longest time it was the Koch brothers?


I understand what you’re saying, but it isn’t often the media calls the dems out on it.


It’s because they think the Heritage Foundation is his base and they are also trying to separate him from it.

His base is actually the American people.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

Gee whiz, what a surprise. D-rats lying. As Private Pyle would say, “Gollee, Sgt. Carter!”

A Proud Infidel®™

Kamala had a “rally” in Atlanta this week which of course, the DNC-operated mainstream media fawned over a la Goebbels-style, but take a gander at this video of it, and go to about 10:00 in it to see the LARGE number of EMPTY SEATS in that gymnasium which the DNC-operated media did not show, as well as the amount of people LEAVING the arena after the celebrity introducing Kamala exited the stage, OH, AND he had to introduce her TWICE because she missed her first cue.

Kamala HUMILIATES Herself at Atlanta Rally As Crowd WALKS AWAY! | StateOfDaniel (youtube.com)


Looks like Shapiro will have to cover his 100% truthful article with lies of he wants to VEEP.


Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

I think like it or not — she’s gonna “win.”

Still marching down to the ballot box to cast my vote, but I think the democrats have big plans lurking in dark shadows for November and the ultimate revenge against this country ready to unfold moving forward from 2024.


They won’t make the same panicked mistakes this time as in 2020
But given Trump’s habit of surprises, the Donkuloids are likely to again panic, and make new panicked mistakes.

Some little thing, seemingly not really that big, that ignites a shitstorm.


Still think we’re gonna “vote” our way out of this? “Gentlemen…PREPARE…to defend yourselves.” (ht2 SarMaj Basil Plumley)

Skivvy Stacker

Well, I’m putting my name in for inclusion on the firing squad. I can always hit a knee cap on the first try…

Skivvy Stacker

Somehow managed to put this in the wrong place folks. Sorry about that….

USMC Steve

I don’t think selection is the right word, more like installation. Probably no verifiable vote record on those delegate votes either.