Daily FGS

| July 27, 2024


Residents Subdue Thieves in Shady Lane Shootout; Two Suspects in Custody, Injured
This is a press release from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:Mendocino County Sheriff feature

On 07/22/2024 at approximately 3:11 P.M., Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were dispatched to a property in the 24000 block of Shady Lane in Covelo for a report of an in-progress burglary. It was reported that residents interrupted multiple subjects stealing marijuana, who subsequently fled the location in a red pickup and a U-Haul box truck.

Law enforcement from numerous agencies throughout Mendocino County responded to include representatives from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, California Highway Patrol, CalFire Prevention Officers, California State Parks, and Round Valley Tribal Police Department.

A short time later, the caller to Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch provided updated information that a U-Haul box truck had returned to the property on Shady Lane and the residents confronted two of the suspects in their driveway. Sheriff’s Office Dispatchers then heard what they believed to be firearms being discharged over the phone line and the resident reported there was an exchange of gunfire between the residents and the suspects. The residents physically subdued two of the suspects until law enforcement arrived, while several other suspects fled the area.

Law Enforcement personnel arrived and detained 34-year-old Gary Casdell Fite from San Francisco, CA and 28-year-old Marcel Jamarie Earl Patterson from Richmond, CA. Fite and Patterson both had significant injuries to their faces, heads, and extremities which were reportedly caused by the residents prior to law enforcement arrival at the scene.

0 / 2 / ?

No idiots were actually shot in the festivities. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

If we don’t succeed, we run the risk of failure.
Al Gore

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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RGR 4-78

Marcel, in his cell with shoes on.


Those shady characters were lain out by fed up citizens. Time for you 2 haul azz outa here. Oops…too late.

Gore has certainly made a success from his scams on taxpayers…but we do so enjoy the inherwebz thingy that he invented so there is that.

Compatriot of mine has a coupla of those Arisakas that his Dad brought back, along with other Japanese War Trophies including pistols, swords, knives, etc. Tho his $ is tight he refuses top $ for any of it. Gathering dust in a closet.

Be out and about this morning for a bit. Y’all try to behave. They’ll be some smoked snarsage and chimkim later on.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Back in the mid 1950’s we used to go antiquing out on Long Island NY so Mom could pickup things she liked so on one trip, I spotted a rifle which was an Arisaka and Dad paid around 10 or fifteen bucks for it. Pop showed me how to clean it and take care of it. Had it for a couple of years then sold it to my friend. He ends up going to Kaufman’s Army Navy store on 42 st. in Manhatten and bought ammo for the gun. Next thing you know, he puts a round in it while in his bedroom and the round goes through the window. He used to work in the financial district as a runner during the summer then It was in the daily news that he attempted or raped a lady in the bathroom using a switchblade knife. Never made it out of our High School. When I was doing air courier work in Brink’s, we were at Laguardia Airport one night and the Brink’s air courier shows up and turns out to be my ex friends brother. ex friend got a job as a stationary engineer in lower Manhatten, I wonder what happened to the rifle.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I went to the link looking for pics of the perps with their “significant injuries to their faces, heads and extremities” ; but stayed for the comments. Hilarious!
Too bad someone had to break the Fourth Ess (Shut Up) and went and called the po-po. Those boys would’a made some fine fertilizer for those pot fields. And their truck would have made a fine delivery vehicle. After suitable repainting and redecorating.


Poor U-Haul, their reputation was forever tainted in my eyes when I found out they are the preferred ride of the Tri-Cities (VA) meth community. One guy went so far as to completely strip all the decals off a pickup and drive it around for months before getting caught. On to the Arisaka. I’ve only ever owned one, but it was quite an enigma. I found it at a gun show for $100 and recognized it as a Type 38, but just barely. It was highly sporterized, with the top of the drilled and tapped receiver completely refinished with a high polish bluing (no trace of the chrysanthemum), no sights, and a completely custom-made stock. The really curious thing was that its caliber: 7.62x39mm. I was still a teenager when I bought it, but even at the time I wondered if it might have been one of the many Arisakas that fell into Chinese hands and was later converted to 7.62×39 for use as a training or second-line rifle. A funny story about that rifle. I owned it in the late-’90s when I was known the local police as a 2A type. I got few tickets, but they took any chance they had to pull me over, and one night I was stopped for driving 37mph in a 35mph zone. I had the Arisaka in the car, and as per the usual, the cops asked if they could run it through, so I let them. While they were waiting for a response, they saw the spotlight I kept in my car (I worked security at the time) and asked if I were spotlighting deer (in the middle of town?!). They finally got a response and asked why I felt it necessary to have an SKS in my vehicle. Remember, this was during the 1994-2004 AWB, when a lot of stuff was super scary, especially the SKS and AK. The only thing I can figure is that the rifle was imported as an SKS due to its caliber. I don’t know, it doesn’t make much sense, especially now that I’m in… Read more »


Bullets tumbling in flight…sigh. Bullets typically tumble on impact, otherwise they don’t group.


Even where legal, nothing good goes on around Mary Jane.


I bought a Type-38, bayonet, cracked helmet, and sword from a college roommate back in ’72. He needed money for dope so accepted $25 for everything.

I had that until I gave it to Toshishiro Obata (my instructor) in ’83; he called it by its Japanese nick name “san-pachi” [3=san, 8=hachi: san-pachi], that’s why I remember its type.

We took it into the desert and pumped many rounds through it. It still had its chrysanthemum mark on the upper receiver, so it was a captured weapon, not a surrendered piece. The surrender pieces had the Emperor’s “Mum” ground off. Sure wish I still had that stuff!