President Jill Speaks to Vets

| July 8, 2024

Jill Biden will rally veterans and military families as Biden team seeks to move focus back to Trump


WASHINGTON (AP) — Jill Biden is launching President Joe Biden’s outreach to veterans and military families during a campaign swing through battleground states, drawing contrasts with her husband’s Republican rival as the Biden team works to shift the conversation away from growing calls for the Democratic incumbent to drop his reelection bid after a damaging debate performance against Donald Trump.

The first lady was to announce the formation of Veterans and Military Families for Biden-Harris during stops Monday in Wilmington, North Carolina; Tampa, Florida; and Columbus, Georgia. The states have large populations of veterans and military families.

AP News

Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said the new group will work to

..engage and mobilize millions of veterans and military families in the U.S. to vote to reelect the president.

Perhaps Jill will remind us there have been zero service member fatalities during Joe’s watch.

Category: Biden, The Stupid is Strong

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Did she inform them she doesn’t work for them either?

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Are they going to install a pvc pipe through the side of pedojoes mausoleum so the families of those killed during the Afghan exit can have a direct shot at pissing on his putrefying corpse? Inquiring minds want to know.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I thought that obama was running the Reichstag and I see that’s it’s really Pres. jill whom gives me the chills running it.


Jill is president and Barry Zero is the Veep and Big Mike is the Vice Veep. Pedo Joe is the PIC (Pedo-In-Charge).


My wife is a mandatory reporter. If it were not for the FBI raids and being sent to prison for life, it might be fun to report ole Cruella DeJill for elder abuse.

Hack Stone

Don’t cry for me, Wilmington.

The morale of the US Military is at all time low, the branches continue to fail in meeting recruiting goals, they kicked out the door kickers over the mandatory COVID vaccine policy and the military is laser focused in stamping out white rage and promoting the DEI doctrine, and they think that Jill Biden is going to literally and figuratively rally the troops? Funniest shit you will read today.


Any veteran who votes for Biden is either willfully oblivious or outright self loathing. The fact that Democrats believe they can spin the last four years in a way that will bring the citizen military to its side is the clearest sign that water will be turning to blood soon…


There’s a vet near me who had a yard sign that read.. Vets for Biden. I would love to stop and ask him how that’s working out for him.

Old tanker

I had thought that obozo was the real power behind the throne but in the last few weeks I think he was only advising. IMO it’s been jill running the day to day operations and since she is an educator / education based career person fully endorsing the liberal slant to teaching / indoctrinating, it explains why the administration has swerved so damn far to the left. Since obozo has now been slighted by jill I wonder if he will openly start to criticize them.


I’m going to revise my previous comment I’ve repeatedly made here:

Fuck Jill Biden. Figuratively, of course.


Nope, ‘D…Literally…with the unlubed Barbed C*ck of Satan. This despotic b*tch and her handlers will burn the whole Country down so they can rule over the ashes.


Yes, keep an eye on the shenanigans they’re trying to pull, but also on the less frightening, more humorous side of all this is the Democrats are in complete disarray. They can’t agree to keep joe or force him out. My opinion is the ones who want him to go are getting fewer kickbacks than the ones who want him to stay.

There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth on the left, brought upon them by their own hand.

Waiting for our beloved comissar to raise his head and explain to all of us how the dems have this, and what we see and hear with our eyes and ears are nothing more than a deep fake.

BlueCord Dad

Keep this in mind if he says Kamala is the way to go….


To be honest, I would not take a one dollar bet on this. 🤣🖕💩🤡🍆💦🤔


He’ll be back. We’re the only ones who’ll even talk to him.


Ah, irredeemable at last. I wouldn’t trust it till the “plane runs out of fuel over the Everglades” if you know what I mean. The problem with his “I’m never coming back” oaths is that he always comes back.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

Mayday mayday… this is fake CPO….. mayday… help me or l’ll su……


Always comes back like a scorching case of herpes.


Rage quit. Again.


Like James Brown’s (and The Famous Flames) schtick.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Meh, he’ll be back the moment he needs the attention, just wait and see.

Hack Stone

See Hack’s response below.


Aww… 🙁

Hack Stone

So what’s the Over/Under of Lars returning, and when he does return, and you know he will, will he be using a new name? It’s like a lady with low self-esteem abused by her man. She may leave the trailer and move back in with Momma, but she’ll be back in a week because her kids need a Daddy, even if he doesn’t work and abuses painkillers. Lars can’t survive without the attention and abuse he receives here.

Forest Bondurant

The closer to election day, and especially if charges against Trump are dismissed or if his conviction gets overturned.

Anything that appears to be in support of Trump will have him banging on his keyboard in no time.


I heard last night that technically Trump hasn’t been convicted because no judgment of conviction has been entered on the jury’s verdict. Robert Barnes says all the lawfare criminal cases are kaput because the Supreme Court ruled none of his actions as President can be offered in evidence against him. There has been such evidence presented in all the criminal cases over immunity and attorney/client objections.


I’m betting it will be something bazar, like Cthulhu, from his last nevermore return.

Forest Bondurant

He’ll be back, just as before. He’ll lurk on the site and review the comments, and one day he’ll read something and take it out of context – adopt a new name and post something with that know-it-all attitude of his.

Except those with a trained eye will recognize his writing because of his “malapropisms” and self-righteous tone, and will he called out for it just as he has before.

Between now and whenever that is, he’ll become more entrenched and convinced he’s right without being able to defend his position without ad hominem attacks and MSM talking points that are devoid of facts that are unsupported.

Rinse and repeat.


Is it bad that I look forward to ripping off his disguise? He did reach a new level of angry self-righteous profanity on his last visit. I’m not offended by profanity, but if that’s all ya got…

Forest Bondurant

It’s not bad SFC D, because you and a vast majority of the regulars here were taught to call B.S. when you see it, hold that person to account and call for immediate correction by orientation to the truth.

It’s called integrity…a characteristic largely absent from our culture today.

Most of us return here because it’s one of the last places on the inter webs where we can be around like-minded people, and share common values that once made this country great, and not be moderated into oblivion for it.


“angry self-righteous profanity”

Eh? I am assured that those remarks were moderated, tastefully edited, and tactful.


Usually, f### you signifies the end of the argument cause they have nothing left.


Yeah, he really went off the rails… I have to admit, I chuckled a little.. imagined him as that impotent rage meme..


Screeching little manchild.


What? No more carefully edited tactful comments from C.?


Rough translation since I don’t speak fluent Lars, but sounds like he found most here were correct, and he is too proud to admit he hitched his wagon to the wrong horse. But that’s just my very rough interpretation.

For all I know, a correct translation was an offer to buy beers for everybody.


He refuses to stand behind his saying all through the debate Trump lied. He will not say what Trump lied about. Fuck him and his cocktail waitress mom whom he hates. Since he is gone for good he should find the guy who diddled him and go after his mom. He hinted at all of this, maybe he will get all those illegal guns he has stored outside of Kalifornia and hang out with his antifa buddies after he arms them. Fuck Lars the communist.

USMC Steve

Tell that fucking leftard clown not to let the door hit him in the ass.


Hey Lars, you dont have to leave mad. Just leave. No seriously leave already.

USMC Steve

I wonder if this is what they expected when they stole the election.

Forest Bondurant

FJB and her husband, FJB.


Oh look… the initials are interchangeable. Maybe we should just say FEB (fuck em both).


Don’t ask– Hunter got his thing for stepmom porn from somewhere.


Gee, thanks a bunch (he said sarcastically). And sweet dreams to you, too (also sarcastically).


Hey, that boy’s got issues.
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

He did get his sister in law hooked on crack and did lots of nasties with her. From the sound of it made pedojoe jealous, ole Jill really isn’t related and maybe wanted to join the fun. Family of freaks.


Ehh!! Tomato- Tomato!!!

Major Tuddy



At least now we know it is Parkinson’s, which is a good fit to the symptoms.


Parkinson’s and too much prescribed methamphetamine did actually contribute to this:

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Poof its gone.


Karine is trying to say that the Parkinson Doc was seeing a military person who shall remain nameless out of security reasons. So now we are supposed to wonder if whoever is running the PEOC has mental decline instead? Honestly they aren’t pumping my faith in the administration much.

Forest Bondurant

I smell an ethics violation, especially since FJB’s physician has interest in and is participating in the family business dealings.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Not just meth, his Physician had him on a cocktail of drugs.


White House says Biden not being treated for Parkinson’s:


It will be interesting to find out what he is being treated for then.


Didn’t say he didn’t have it, just that he’s not being treated for it.. words matter…


True that, politics being what it is.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

My pities and sympathies to the poor military that are forced (and you can bet that it’s an “ALL HANDS ON DECK YOU WILL ATTEND”) to have to stand in formation, at attention, and listen to this DildoCrat political non-entity.

The Glorious Dear Leader…

comment image

They won’t have to listen long before he wanders off the stage.

And that my friend, concludes today’s lesson. Class dismissed.

This would be considered a political event, mandatory attendance would be an unlawful order and therefore must be disobeyed. If the E4 Mafia existed, they would approve this message.


Dr. Pepper and Brandon have done enough damage already. She should stay with Joe to clean him up when he shits himself again.


A Jane Fonda dunking contest in a vat of used beer might bring the crowds, not sure of the votes though…


Forest Bondurant

Folks ought to remember this story:

A Marine injured by a suicide bomber during the US military’s chaotic 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan described a bizarre meeting with President Biden from his hospital bed — during which the commander-in-chief attempted to shake his missing hand. 

Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews recounted the odd encounter during an appearance on the “Shawn Ryan Show,” which aired some time ago. 

The Marine lost his right arm and a leg because of the ISIS-K suicide attack outside Abbey Gate at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport in August 2021.

Describing his recovery at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, who lost an arm and leg as a result of the suicide bombing that took place outside the Abbey Gate at Kabul’s airport, said he was greeted by several U.S. military officials who were looking to participate in “photo ops” with him – including the president.

Vargas-Andrews said he was asked by the generals who visited him in the hospital whether he wanted to meet the president so he could be thanked for his service. Hesitant and still sedated from the medication he was taking, he welcomed the idea.

“I told them, I was like, hold all of my opioids, like hold all of my narcotics and stuff. Like I want to be coherent when I meet him,” Vargas-Andrews recalled as he awaited a visit from Biden. “They held all my pain meds.”

Vargas-Andrews said he was told that the president would be at the hospital to meet him in “about an hour.”

“Well, one hour goes by. Nothing. Two hours go by. Nothing,” he said, noting that he continued to hold off on taking his medication. “Three hours go by, and it’s like four hours at this point. My mom’s furious. She’s like, ‘What the f—? Where is this guy?’”

Forest Bondurant

He recalled that he was so shaken by the attack, which killed 13 US service members and more than 160 Afghans, that he couldn’t remember who the president was moments before Biden entered his room at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. 

Soon after, Vargas-Andrews said Secret Service officers began arriving at the hospital, and he became confused about who the president was.

“Who’s the f–king president?” Vargas-Andrews remembered thinking.

“I had no idea who the president was. I didn’t think it was Trump. I didn’t think it was Biden. My brain couldn’t make the connection.”

Upon learning from his mother that Biden was president, Vargas-Andrews said he “leaned back and I was like, ‘Oh, my, oh my god.’ And I was like, ‘Oh, my f–king God.’ That’s what I said. And the Secret Service dude was just, like, beet red and, like, trying not to laugh.” 

“Two minutes later, he walks in with Jill Biden and their little entourage of people and, like, a photographer,” he said.

Forest Bondurant

“Right away, I remember him coming up to me trying to shake my hand, shake my right hand, and I look at him, and I’m like, ‘I don’t have an arm.’ My left arm is in this big a– cast with this giant orange f–king foam block around it. I’m completely immobile. All I can do is move my head.”

Vargas-Andrews recalled Biden saying, “Oh,” when he realized he wouldn’t be able to shake his hand, and then stood up before attempting a different approach. 

“And then [Biden], like, goes over to reach for my fingers because about an inch of my fingers are showing and just like grabbed my fingers. Doesn’t say, doesn’t greet me or anything. Just, that’s what happened. Just grabbed my fingers. And I was like, ‘OK, that’s weird,’” Vargas-Andrews said. 

The Marine says the president then “almost immediately” started talking about his late son Beau Biden, who served in Iraq as a member of the Delaware Army National Guard but didn’t acknowledge the devastating Kabul bombing, enraging the serviceman’s mother.

“Doesn’t say anything about what happened, just starts talking about how their son served in the military,” Vargas-Andrews said.

“And my mom is just, like, she’s furious at this point. And they’re, like, taking pictures and stuff. … My mom said that she’s, like, ‘I don’t care. I don’t care what you guys do.’ She’s, like, ‘You better take care of him for the rest of his life.’”

Forest Bondurant

Vargas-Andrews said Biden then leaned over him and inches from his face muttered, “What do you want?” 

“I said, ‘What do you want?’ I said, ‘What?’ He said, ‘What do you want?’ I’m so confused. Man. I just got blown up. Just f–king saw my friends die next to me. Like, I just want to be myself,” the maimed Marine remembered.  

“And he’s like, ‘Huh?’ And my mom’s furious and she’s, like, ‘He just wants to be himself. He just wants to be him. He said he just wants to be me.’ And he goes, ‘Oh, OK.’ And they just continue to talk about everything but what just happened.

And then they just ushered him out of the room. He didn’t know what to say,” Vargas-Andrews said of the strange interaction. 

Vargas-Andrews said his mother later reached out to the First Lady to help get legislation passed to assist caretakers financially. He said they “pretended to help” and that his mother was later “brushed off.”

Vargas-Andrews said they “pretended like they were connecting her to the right individuals and didn’t f—ing help her at all.”

Vargas-Andrews was one of the roughly 5,800 troops Biden sent to help evacuate Kabul during the final weeks of the conflict.

In March, he described the “surreal” horror he and other US service members saw during the evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport while testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

“Some Afghans turned away from [the airport] tried to kill themselves on the razor wire in front of us that we used as a deterrent,” Vargas-Andrews told lawmakers.

Forest Bondurant

“They thought this was merciful compared to the Taliban torture that they faced.”

“Nothing prepared us for the ground experience we were about to encounter,” he said of the chaotic evacuation efforts after thousands of people descended upon the airport’s main gate.

While the US and coalition forces evacuated nearly 130,000 people during the weeks-long mission, hundreds more Americans and thousands of their Afghan allies were left behind.

“Countless Afghans were murdered by the Taliban 155 yards in front of our position, day and night, with only shipping containers between us and the Taliban,” Vargas-Andrews said.

“We communicated the atrocities to our chain of command and intel assets, but nothing came [of it.]”

Forest Bondurant

Then of course there’s the image of FJB checking his watch at Dover AFB the day those died in Afghanistan returned home.

Those two stories are just two reminders how he feels about the military.


SGT Vargas-Andrews got his bell rung seven ways from Sunday and was still more coherent than Joe.

Forest Bondurant

^^^ This.


Joe has never known what the hell was going on. But the news to most Americans is “Boring”!

They have more important stuff to dooooooo,,,,,,,
Hey, the new iPhone is coming out!😑😑

Honestly though, God bless our troops!!

Hack Stone

What Joe Biden meant to say during the debates was “No service member died while I was checking my watch at Dover AFB.” No joke.

Forest Bondurant

Had he done that, it might probably be the only truthful statement FJB ever uttered in his lifetime.


Yes, because after all, Beau was a combat jag officer. Whenever you are in a firefight, you want an Army lawer at your side (for any last-minute changes to your will).

Hack Stone

You never know when you will need a cease and desist order for the guys shelling your compound.


I now have a top three list, Jane Fonda, Hillary Clinton and Jill Biden…
And rounding out the bottom, the entire crew of The View


Well, you gotta have a sturdy foundation to build off of.

AW1 Rod

Save your fucking breath, Dr. Jill.


I’ll just stick this right here…

comment image


Or that our eyes were lying when they told our brains that Joe checked his watch about ten times when the caskets of our troops were being unloaded from the C-17.


That little lying immigrant, lesbian first black spoke person bitch (her words to describe herself) will probably say it was an Apple Watch and ole pedojoe was checking to make sure he was still alive.


Only retards believe anything that “Binder” says.


I can’t imagine anyone less qualified than Jill to relate to military and Gold Star families. Except maybe Joe “my son died in Iraq” Biden.

Jill is on the task force along with Bonnie Carroll of T.A.P.S and the MOAA to have a single, legislated definition of Gold Star to include all active-duty deaths, regardless of place, era or method. They claim there is no “Legislative” definition, which is only partly correct.

The Gold Star Lapel Button recognizes a service members’ death as a result of hostile engagement and was Congressionally Chartered in 1947.

The Next of Kin Lapel Button was designed by a Navy LT and Army Cpt (I believe that was their ranks) and unveiled in 1973-ish, to recognize the families of service members who died while on active duty from causes other than combat, i.e., training exercises. The motivation came from a widow of a helicopter pilot who completed tours of Viet Nam but died in a stateside training accident, I believe in 1971. In other words, during the Viet Nam war. The NoK is not Congressionally Chartered, but around 2015(?), a DoD directive was issued authorizing – not requiring – the distribution by all branches of service, and for all causes of death, to include suicide.

Previously, it had been up to each branch, and in some cases each unit to authorize this distribution. Some received it after a motorcycle crash on leave, some after a suicide in Basic Training. Others whose deaths were equally tangentially related to their service did not, particularly if suicide or substance use was suspected or involved.

The primary objections center on noncombat deaths, even in training while we are not at war, as the NoK as was originally intended. And of course, diluting the meaning of “Gold Star”.

I am not and will not issue an opinion, just curious what other’s think. MOAA – Here’s Why Defining ‘Gold Star’ Makes a Difference for Survivors


I am not and will not issue an opinion…” Well, I will and it is just that…my opinion. The loss of a child from whatever, whenever, or however is a tragedy that NO parent wants…or can ever get over. The pain cannot go away, it can only become bearable. I pray to God everyday that I never have to feel exactly what that pain is. There but for His Grace, go I.

Now…that being said…The Gold Star designation was meant originally for Combat Loss and I feel that it should remain exclusive for a Combat Loss. The only way one can become a Combat Casualty is to be…sent into Combat. Other deaths while serving in the Military, accident, overdose, suicide, whatever could happen in a civilian status and happens everyday to people that never served.

Re-vamp the legislation? Sure, make it official that The Gold Star Designation is for Combat Deaths only.



“The Gold Star designation was meant originally for Combat Loss and I feel that it should remain exclusive for a Combat Loss”.

Repeat, over…

Dave Hardin

Jill Biden should never be considered a Gold Star Mom. She is the mother of one veteran who died of cancer, which may or may not have been caused by his military service. She is also the mother of another veteran that was thrown out of the Navy in disgrace.

While in the military, I could have easily been killed in any number of Strip Clubs around the globe… that would never have made my mother a Gold Star Mom.

If I decide to assume room temperature by my own hand, I see no honor in it nor the need to glorify it by giving my mother special recognition.

If I had been run over and killed by the Battalion Chaplin while rushing from the chow hall to the shitters, designating my mother a Gold Star Mother would be making a mockery of the title.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dave Hardin

There is no medical literature I have seen that says glioblastoma of the brain is caused by inhaling toxic smoke. It is the most common brain tumor cancer. Moreover, there is no evidence Major Biden was in the vicinity of a burn pit. Finally, the inhaled toxins would have to cross the blood/brain barrier.


So Biden was going to have an unscripted press conference. And then he did. And it went great. Accepted he mixed up Putin and Zelinski. But at least he didn’t name any dead people like they were alive.