Special operations commander charged for choking family members

| June 30, 2024

Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Brent Byng, 44, charged with two counts of domestic battery. (Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office)

Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Brent Byng, 44, was in command of the 19th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field in Florida. Not long after taking command, Byng was charged for committing violence against a couple of his family members. One charge involved Byng’s choking his wife until she could not draw breath. Another charge involved picking up one of his children by the neck. Byng stopped his actions when a friend drove onto the driveway.

From Stars and Stripes:

Byng is charged with choking his wife the evening of June 23 “until she could not draw breath” after accusing her of cheating and demanding she give him her phone, according to the arrest report.

His wife gave her phone to one of their two children in the house and told them to run away from Byng, according to the report. Police said Byng then took out a small pocketknife and demanded the phone, following the children with the knife as they attempted to escape.

Byng grabbed the neck of one of the children and picked up the child before halting as a friend pulled into the driveway in a vehicle, according to the arrest report.

Byng’s wife told police that she had her children hide inside the house and scaled a fence in the backyard to go to a neighbor’s home to call the police.

She said Byng was trying to take her phone to “prevent them from calling law enforcement or for help.”

Additional Reading:

Dickstein, C. (2024, June 28). Air Force special ops commander fired after charges he choked wife and child. Stars and Stripes. Link.



Category: "Teh Stoopid", Air Force, Crime, Veterans in the news

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Bada Byng Bada Boom.

Old tanker

Stupid is as stupid does. That flushing sound you hear is your career there dumbass.


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DV Strangulation is a third degree felony in Florida. It is very likely he will see some kind of jail time. Even if he pleads it down to a misdemeanor he will have to serve at least 15 days. If he goes to trial and loses he would likely get at least a year.

Chasing your kids around with a knife, wow, I’m not even sure what to do with that. He is 44, probably retirement eligible. He should drop his papers now and pray that they let him retire quickly and quietly. He can still collect it in a Florida jail.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

He can collect what’s left of his pension after his former wife got through with him. A good lawyer would ensure he couldn’t afford a clapped out minivan to live in.

Army-Air Force Guy

In some parts of Portland, that’d be considered a luxury condo.


Living ‘ in a van down by the river ‘ is considered good housing now


Let’s see, an O5 with 22 makes $11475 a month. If he gets 55% and she gets 75% of that:

11475 (.55)(.25) = $1575/mo. Easily enough to live in a van, remember a 5th of military special is only 10 bucks at the class six. With a violent felony conviction he won’t be able to get a Walmart greeter job, nor anything with a security clearance. He probably will be able to get a factory job. That can be easily 20 bucks+ an hour. 20(2160) + 1575(12) = $62,100/ year. For that amount of money he can get a s***** little two-bedroom apartment and a 12-year-old Honda. After he gets out from a well deserved jail sentence.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

The article says he’s served on Active Duty since his commission in 2007, so he’s a few years away. Maybe he has some Reserve time?


In that case he’s in big trouble. I was assuming a commission date when he was 22.

Forest Bondurant

He wouldn’t be permitted to request retirement because he is most likely on legal hold. Any attempt to request retirement would signal an intent to retire to avoid UCMJ prosecution, which I don’t see happening.

It remains to be seen who assumes jurisdiction over prosecuting the offenses, the USAF or State of Florida?

He’s done either way.


Bye bye Byng.



jeff LPH 3 63-66

Looks like Byng will be Byng some time in the lockup after he was choking up with emotion as he was strangling his wife


I’m sure many of us have strangled a hooker/stripper or two during blackouts in our day. But you just don’t do that shit to your wife 😉


We’ll see how this dumbass likes choking on the menu of The BTJ&T Deli.




He will be choking on the chicken for sure


If he ends up going to the pokey, he better do his best to guard his Byng Hole. 😝🤣


Perhaps we may soon know the contents of the wifey’s phony phone.

Wifey handoff to kids to run?
Hubby Byng preventing a 911 call?
Wifey preventing hubby Byng from seeing (and identifying)
call and text logs with a Randy Johnson?


Even money on Jody or SPC Snuffy getting some housewife action– call me cynical these days.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Some wifey carpet action from a Major Laurel Canyon type?


Hey, it’s 2024, I know… but girl-girl involving his wife would probably be hotter and less upsetting for him:
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I think you mean Jody. He’s always snooping around the back door.


Did something with Jody she wouldn’t do with him, perhaps? Just sayin’.

A Proud Infidel®™

DV charges are one helluva career-killer as he’s about to find out, he can kiss his right to own a gun bye-bye as well!


As I used to tell my Soldiers, a woman just ain’t worth it. It being the loss of freedom, career, or even life. Money comes and goes, so if it costs a little to get out of an unhealthy relationship, so be it. Either the wife is telling the truth and Byng was essentially trying to create a hostage situation, or the wife’s phone contains evidence of an extramarital affair.

Either way, it’s a bad look, and now both career and very possibly freedom will be lost as Byng gets his cherry popped.


The answer could be both. She having an affair and him reacting poorly to the situation. We have no idea but we do know that having an affair isn’t illegal and choking out your spouse is.

But as Richard Pryor used to say “pussy make a man crazy”.


I think Pryor said lack of….


Both are correct. Hence the phrase “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t”.


Excellent advice. If he suspected she was cheating, that’s what PI’s are for. As a light Colonel, he definitely could have afforded one.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Anger management issues much?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He should’a just filed for divorce with the phone as evidence.
Would’a saved him a lot of angst and grief.
And he’d still have a career.

On the other hand, was he always like this (anger & violence) at both work & home? Toxic environment at work AND at home? These things don’t happen spontaneously out of the thin blue.

Prior Service (Ret)

Ha ha. You are done for, rightly or wrongly. Can’t manage your temper? You don’t need to be a leader. I feel bad for ya if she actually “ deserved it” but…see ya!


I may have posted this here before, but this stuff always reminds me of this verse from Kipling’s “The Young British Soldier”:

If the wife should go wrong with a comrade, be loath 
To shoot when you catch ’em – you’ll swing, on my oath! – 
Make ‘im take ‘er and keep ‘er: that’s Hell for them both,
    An’ you’re shut o’ the curse of a soldier.
       Curse, curse, curse of a soldier . . . 


Agreed. Let someone else find out how to live with her for the other 23 hrs and 55 minutes.


Wise words, to be sure.


Seems the air force may have a job opening..

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Flying’s okay but landings can be a BITCH…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That’s what I say to the snails I find in my garden. I give them free flying lessons.


Well, in my heart I feel as though we should have compassion for this gentleman. He may be suffering from the pt of the sd.>sarc