Cecily Aguilar receives maximum sentence for Vanessa Guillén’s murder

| August 16, 2023

Cecily Aguilar was sentenced to 30 years in prison for her role in the murder of Vanessa Guillén. (Bell County Jail)

Although Vanessa Guillén was murdered by Specialist Aaron Robinson and Cecily Aguilar, only Aguilar was arrested, charged, tried, and sentenced. Robinson committed suicide in the aftermath of the murder when Guillén’s remains were found. The maximum sentence means that Aguilar will spend 30 years in prison for her role in the murder. This murder was described as gruesome, and helped began a movement focusing on sexual harassment reporting within the military.

From Fox News:

A Texas woman whose boyfriend shot and killed himself while police pursued him following Army soldier Vanessa Guillén’s disappearance from a military base was sentenced Monday to 30 years in prison for her role in the gruesome murder that prompted a movement in how sexual harassment is reported in the military.

Cecily Aguilar was the only suspect arrested for the death of Guillén, who was killed at Fort Cavazos, formerly known as Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas.

Aguilar was 24 years old when she pleaded guilty in November to one count of accessory to murder after the fact and three counts of making a false statement. The sentence came after hours of testimony from attorneys, experts and Guillén’s family.

It was the maximum punishment Aguilar could receive, Jaime Esparza, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas, said.

“Our hope is that today’s sentence brings a sense of relief and justice to the Guillén family, who have endured such pain throughout these past few years,” Esparza said.

“You received Justice today,” Guillén’s sister, Mayra, wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Rest easy sister. Today was such a hard day, I learned so many details regarding your death after the fact of it’s been 3 YEARS. My heart hurts.”

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: Army, Army News, Crime

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30 years. I wonder if those are going to be hard years? The military does do supervised release. Ideally they won’t let out until she is post menopausal so that way she can’t breed.


She’s a civilian.
She was a Dependa-potamus.


She gives Swamp Donkeys a bad name…..


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Hope she has to serve it all and not some percentage of it before eligible for parole.

Maybe she should have gotten 30 years and a day.


They don’t really have probation/ parole/ good time for Federal Prisoners.

USMC Steve

How is that “and a day” part relevant? How would it work?


Usually means that the person will NOT be paroled until the entire sentence is served. Say you’re given a 30 year sentence, or even a life sentence. Then you’re given credit for “good behavior” or other such nonsense so you only serve some portion of the time. X# of years plus one day negates that. Some life sentences can be up for parole in 7-10 years. Life plus 1 day means you will die in prison.

May she rot in jail until the entire 30 years is up (she probably WON’T serve the full 30) and then burn in hell for all Eternity.

Thirty (or less) years from now, she will be alive and free, while Vanessa Guillen will still be dead. You can see the evil in this murderous bitch’s eyes.

Hack Stone

Part of the game. Sort of like in the Marine Corps when the Battalion Shitbird gets sent TAD to the Brig. If he is sentenced to 30 days or more, he can get early release for good behavior. Of course, if he could behave in a manner that would be considered good, he wouldn’t be in the Brig. But anything less than 30 days, you have to do the full sentence. So the CO gives him a 29 day respite from morning formation. At least that is what the Barracks Lawyers told Hack back in the day. The Federal Government probably has a similar BOHICA Policy with that extra day meant to break it off in your ass.


My favorite game was escorting a wayward Soldier off to Yuma to serve out a sentence. Any conviction with a sentence of 180 days or less can be served at the nearest military confinement facility, in our case it was MCAS Yuma. Nothing quite as enjoyable as tossing a convicted Soldier to the Marines. Like tossing fresh meat to a pack of starving pit bulls. They sure do come out meek.

USMC Steve

Yer welcome.


I saw that one in action several times at 2/10. Once to a young cannonneer who set a battalion record for the number of drugs in his system and for the level of those drugs in his system. The lad must have known the exact time to do blow in the bathroom prior to the whiz quiz to get maximum effect. Truly an inspirational story to shit-birds everywhere.

USMC Steve

I recalled that the brig rats had their own formations though, But then that was from nearly three decades ago.


That’s the sound of the men, working on the chain….gaAang. Don’t you know.


I would think that means she served her full term. 30 years and a day. She could be released on the day part of her sentence.


Adding a day on to a one year sentence could shorten it to less due to good time. In some states it could make it longer if the sentence was really long. I was incorrect earlier, thinking it was military, which MarineDad corrected me on.


“Cecily Aguilar’s Ex-Husband Was Fatally Shot In Michigan In June”


“Keon Devonte Aguilar, 29, the ex-husband of Cecily Aguilar was shot and killed on June 19.”

“Aguilar was fatally shot in his home in the 100 block of Hollis Street in Summit Township. At the time, the sheriff’s office said Keon knew his shooter and may have been shot during a domestic incident.”

“When Keon was a soldier stationed at what was then known as Fort Hood, he was married to Cecily.”

“The couple was separated at the time of the murder, and Cecily was in a relationship with Aaron David Robinson, the man who murdered Guillén.”

“Cecily pleaded guilty in November 2022 to helping cover up the murder of Guillén, about a month after Keon filed for divorce. The divorce was finalized by a Jackson County judge on Feb. 17, 2023.”

“According to his obituary, Keon was a 2012 graduate of Jackson High School, where he excelled in the R.O.T.C program. He served in the United States Army and was honorably discharged.”


Literally a Fatal Attraction…
The fact the woman is involved with both deaths shows in her evil, dead eyes. Maybe she didn’t pull the trigger, but she was the catalyst.

Hack Stone

Some guys will hitch their wagon to any mule who could get them out of the barracks.

Give it about two weeks before she has a platoon of guys corresponding to her and putting money into her prison commissary account.


Maybe she got tired of him always riding in the passenger seat while she pumped the gas and bought lunch out of her pocket 🤔

Hack Stone

So, she’s single and ready to mingle? That would be a hard “No!”

Hack Stone

So, you’re saying that she won’t be available for the next Army Birthday Ball?


No she no longer has a future in the MWR


As the late Grumpy Cat said:
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You know what is missing here? Good dependapotumus pictures.

Firstly, prison garb is not good for hotness. Let’s do hotness check real quick:

Chest and Thigh Tats – check, check
BMI 40+ – check
Slutty Garb – check
Makeup to smoother a village – And check
Hairspray to NIJ IIIa – check

Clearly a contender for Mrs. Dependa, Ft. Hood 2023


So she is clearly a hottie. But what about life skillz? She seems to have dressing game down to a science but what bagging it herself?

Maybe. But the important things to note here are firstly her homemaking skill are world’s ahead of most dependas in that house is practically spotless. She went to a lot of trouble to pick up all those clothes and throw them on the bed. And secondly keeping the side piece neatly stored in the closet instead of the kitchen where he might eat whatever hard earned food you bring home is very sensitive to her partner’s needs.


But you can’t always be there for your dependa. When your are deployed TDY will the dependa know what to during a home invasion?

Here she gets 8/10 stars. She correctly removes her top and then gets out a pistol, while keeping the side piece out of harm’s way in the closet. She only gets dings for having the booger flicker on the trigger when not ready to use it… or is she…?


Lastly, you know a Dependa is a keeper when she can wear her husband‘s loved one’s rank.


$10 says she’s “won” a game of STD bingo.

I’d be even greater of a loss to the Dependa Army if she’d worked at a strip club within a 30 mile radius of Fort da Hood.

With this creature in prison, who’ll shoplift from the PX now?


Edit: It‘d be…

Keep getting a “posting too quickly” error to edit and now the gear is gone.


Me too, I wanted to add that her hotness photo was taken the day after she rendered help with the “rendering”. She must have been feeling pretty sexy.


Life skillz? I’m willing to bet that chick could suck-start a B-52.


Dependapotamus de maximus. In extremis. I know, my latin sucks.


non peius mea


Our 1980s Fake Latin / Fake Greek picked up big time
after Blue Oyster Cult released this LP / album.

[Blue Öyster Cult – Cultösaurus Erectus (Full Album)]


Wait until Biggus Dickus hears of this.


29 million views.

[Biggus Dickus – Monty Python, Life of Brian.]


Colonel E. Normous Johnson had no comment.


That was, and still is, a good album.

USMC Steve

Look! she has “tittoos”.


USMC Steve,


Pity the poor tattooist who had to do the job. Ewww.

I’m sure he thought to himself ” darn she’s ugly, but the money’s green”.


It’s a classic


That’s her on the left??

What an udder waste…

Prior Service

How much of the 30 years was a “hate crime” add-on, as in “we hate you and are going to max you because of it”? (However much, it should have been more….)


And now this…


“Alec Baldwin Could Be Charged Again In Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting As New Report Claims He Pulled Trigger”


“A new report concluded that despite his denials, Alec Baldwin had to pull the trigger of the gun that fired on the set of “Rust” in October 2021.”

“As the film’s armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed gears up for her scheduled December trial, her legal team focused on a new report from independent forensic firearm experts. Lucien Haag and Mike Haag, who were commissioned by the prosecution, concluded that Baldwin had to pull the trigger of the gun in order for it to fire.”

“Although Alec Baldwin repeatedly denies pulling the trigger, given the tests, findings and observations reported here, the trigger had to be pulled or depressed sufficiently to release the fully cocked or retracted hammer of the evidence revolver,” the report read. “This fatal incident was the consequence of the hammer being manually retracted to its fully rearward and cocked position followed, at some point, by the pull or rearward depression of the trigger.”

“The gun and broken sear have been sent to the state’s independent expert for further testing. The charges against Alec Baldwin were dismissed without prejudice because a possible malfunction of the gun significantly effects causation with regard to Baldwin, not with regard to Gutierrez,” the documents read. “If it is determined that the gun did not malfunction, charges against Mr. Baldwin will proceed.”

“The new report by the special prosecutors’ experts echoes a similar conclusion as the FBI forensics analysis, which was released in August 2022.”

“The FBI performed an accidental discharge test and found that the gun used in the fatal shooting of Hutchins “could not be made to fire without a pull of the trigger,”




“The test showed that if the revolver’s hammer was in the quarter or half-cocked positions, the gun would not fire. When the hammer was in the fully cocked position, the gun “could not be made to fire without a pull of the trigger while the working internal components were intact and functional.”

“Baldwin has maintained that he did not pull the trigger of the gun in multiple interviews. The actor described the moment the gun was discharged during a TV appearance in December 2021, months after the fatal shooting.”

“I let go of the hammer of the gun,” Baldwin told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “And the gun goes off.”

“I didn’t pull the trigger,” Baldwin reiterated. “The gun was supposed to be empty,” he said.”



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Durn It.

We just checked the Duty Roster, DA Form 6…and wouldn’t you know it, the ninja family has duty today…




He had good tone… he took the shot.




Ouch, but lol.


He put himself in a danger zone, cooked his own goose, and caused even more people to lose that lovin’ feelin’ for him.



Thank You for taking our place on that durn Duty Roster/DA Form 6…

AW1Ed and Mick are so proud of you, KoB!




Of course he pulled the trigger (or held it back while releasing the hammer). As I explained here repeatedly, it is mechanically impossible for a SA revolver such as the subject one to fire without pulling the trigger when the hammer is at full cock. There were no broken or defective parts in the revolver, if we can believe the FBI’s firearms experts.



This is gonna get interesting!


Tried to cock it w/ his ign’ant-’bout-guns finger on the trigger. (Pay attention when folk are teaching you about the boom-stick, dumbass.)


Some of the Pietta manufactured single action revolvers come out of the box with only three pound or less trigger pulls. I have a Uberti SA in .22 that only has about a two pound trigger pull; it came that way. In unfamiliar hands, it would be easy to accidentally pull the trigger and hold it back while cocking the hammer; or inadvertently put enough pressure on the trigger to fire it once fully cocked. Either one is what happened, IMHO. Whether this was criminal negligence is for the jury to decide.

USMC Steve

There you leave me no one to root for. I cannot stand either Baldwin nor the FBI and its so called experts.


The diabeetus will do what the law wouldn’t. Dead by 40, won’t be missed.

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Hack Stone

Hack Stone is well familiar that some of the less desirable military installations do not get the prime material when it comes to women looking to score big time by getting that military dependents card and Tricare coverage, but judging by her photos in this thread, she would be going home alone closing time at the Camp Wilson Beer Hall during a four week CAX. Not enough alcohol on any military base to make her even remotely attractive. She must have other attributes to attract a companion.


There is no shortage of soldiers like this simp whom she could have easily ensnared if she had played her cards right.

Even a pair of threes beats an empty inside straight.


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Something to cleanse the eye pallete. Eye was if you prefer.

Safety first.


Eye wash.


Here are some hotties
From base housing


I like the skinny one on the right.


You guys are hurting the recruiting effort.


4 branches of service, 4 choices of svelteness. I picked the least offensive of the bunch.

Her friends do make her look skinny(er).


Ow, my eyes!