LGF’s Rightwing Extremist Veteran
On Sunday, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs had a post up entitled What Right Wing Extremists? about a few twisted people in Arizona who killed a 9-year-old girl and a man whom they claim they thought was a drug dealer. Because the perpetrators belonged to the Minutemen American Defense, a group of citizen border watchers, not affiliated with the group weve come to know as “The Minutemen”, by the way.
Charles used their ties to the group, MAD, as proof that the Homeland Security Department’s warning back in April to law enforcement to be on the look out for right wing extremists was warranted.
Johnson put an update on his blog yesterday because one of the perpetraters of the double murder was charged in the murder of a homeless guy. Charles included a phrase from MAD’s website;
We are honored to have Gunny aboard. He served 6 tours over seas, where he has several medals. He received a Purple heart, Silver and Bronze star, Combat Infantry Badge and a Presidential citation for his actions in the Special Forces.
Gunny, it turns out, is 34-year-old Jason Eugene Bush, the suspected trigger man in the murder of the man and his daughter. Johnson probably wanted to highlight that phrase because it further proved the DHS report accurate and well-founded because the report warned about veterans with special training.
Well, I spent two days looking and I couldn’t find any military records of a Jason Eugene Bush – I found a Jason E. Bush who lived in Tennessee who’d been an Abrams tanker, but it couldn’t have been this guy in Arizona or Washington State or wherever he is from today.
I did, however, find a 34-year-old Jason Eugene Bush, but not in military records. I wonder if he’d made time for his special operations training while he was in prison in Utah for trafficking contraband, trying to escape from custody, and assaulting LEOs;
Or while he was on probation in Kansas;
Or while he was on probation in Texas on a 12-month suspended sentence for a couple of counts of assault;
Since his first arrest was in 1994, when he was nineteen, it doesn’t look like Jason Bush had been in the military at all – despite the stories, the military frowns on recruiting folks with multiple felony convictions. But most people wouldn’t know that unless they served in the military.
Scott North in Snohomish County, WA wrote in the local paper on Sunday;
Bush, the suspected gunman in the Arivaca killings, has extensive adult and juvenile criminal history in Eastern Washington. He’s served prison time for auto theft and being a felon in possession of firearms, court papers show.
It seems this Jason Eugene Bush isn’t a veteran of anything except the justice system. He’s probably not even a right wing extremist, just your run-of-the-mill, everyday sociopath.
I spent two days verifying all of this with police forces and journalists.
I hope Charles Johnson can find it in his heart to apologize to veterans for his cut on us, as I’ve always admired him as a blogger until recently. I hope he doesn’t disappoint me.
UPDATE: Scott North, the journalist with whom I’ve been in contact today, just this minute arrived at the same conclusions;
He called himself “Gunny” and reportedly told his pals in the Minutemen American Defense border-watch group that he was a decorated Special Forces veteran who’d survived combat in Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Instead, there is no record that Jason Eugene Bush served in the military as he claims, spokesmen at the Pentagon said Wednesday.
I hate to point out the obvious, but I’m afraid that you only delude yourself if you expect anything even vaguely connected to “LGF” to be free of the stench of putrified grey matter drifting ever, ever to the port.
facts have no place in the Obamamerica.
You just made the decision simple…LGF is no deleted from “bookmarks”.
Don’t hold your breath about Chaz.
He has lost both his honor and his decency.
Chawles is simply doing his part as a little yapping lap dog of the “lightworker”. He can read the tea leaves (as opposed to bags) and understand that, in the new ObAmerica, is he wants to be allowed to publish anything, he has to stay on meme.
The current administration is just reintroducing the old playbook from the heady days of the KGB & Chicago Mob. They are trying to force their way into control over everything, and the Constitution be damned.
Chawles understands this, and like the good newspaper editors of Germany & Italy did back in the early 20th century, he’s thrown his lot in with the “strong man” in order to keep his supply of bread and beer uninterrupted.
I’m not losing any sleep over his leftward death spiral. He’s chosen his bed, and now must sleep in it, or with the fishes, depending on the whims of his new master.
LGF will do nothing of the sort — CJ has long since tired of being fair and balanced.
He has a religious-creationist-conservative animus that is borderline bigotry and off-the-charts irrational.
Geez, just the fact he allegedly Army and claims to be a “Gunny” would set off Bullshit alarms for me. He didnt perchance say his team leader was Stitch Jones did he?
Geez, he claims to be Army but calls himself Gunny, Would set off My BS alarm. was his team Leader Stitch Jones?
Charles Johnson apologizes to no man. The best you can hope possibly hope for is some sort of tortured non-apology that ends with “but, yeah, that report was right on the mark…because it is.”
“He’s probably not even a right wing extremist, just your run-of-the-mill, everyday sociopath.”
Yeah, because sociopathy and right-wing extremism are mutually exclusive. And all right-wing extremists are really mislabeled leftists anyway.
*cough*McVeigh*cough*von Brunn*cough*Roeder*cough
And the “Minutemen for American Defense” are all known leftists.
And ex-military have NEVER been known to go psycho.
Charles Johnson noted that none of the group’s claims for “Gunny” had been confirmed.
What does he have to apologize for?
would anyone here mind posting to a comment by charles where he cuts the military?
Yo, Thomas,
Von Brunn was definitely a leftist. He was out to get Jews and Neo-Cons.
Same with the Klan, and the Neo-Nazis. All those fascists and socialists are very much leftist whack jobs, not conservatives by any stretch of the imagination.
I mean, it wasn’t right-wingers trying to bomb universities or ROTC or Police, right? Oops bad choice of words, eh? heh.
Go down the list of sociopaths for the past 150 years, and you’ll find the left sets the gold standard for violence and whack jobs.
Here we go, and now we are the right wing extremists.
You just had to know it was going to happen.
Seems the site is being visited by some of Chawles’ fan boys.
I gave up on his site last fall. It’s like he’s trying to be a hip Andrew Sullivan or something. 🙂
Its fun to watch grown people with minds and hearts of their own waste their very lives hating on a blogger.
Youre useless people. I hope your gods smile on simple minded stupity.
And McVeigh? What kind o’ leftist was he?
I really don’t think Charles ‘cut’ the military, or any military vet.
Regardless if he claims to support our soldiers or not. Chuckles uses every opportunity a vet commits a crime to try and justify the absurd DHS report (can you say obsessed?).
He used the Holocaust shooting to also smear veterans (the guy was a WWII vet!)
He’s a self-absorbed has-been and needs to fade into oblivion.
Here come the “Lizards”!
You guys really, really, really need to get a life. Posting comments on LGF sadly doesn’t qualify.
oh yeah, the kkk is totally a liberal organization.
some of you forget your meds today?
196 Charles Johnson 6/10/09 12:07:43 pm
The DHS report said a “small percentage” of veterans might be susceptible to extremism — well, here’s one
That quote is from the Holocaust shooting tragedy. Does that sound like a guy who loves our vets? More like an opportunist.
“oh yeah, the kkk is totally a liberal organization.”
You’re right….have you studied its’ history too?
Bonus questions:
Which political party started the KKK?
Which political party featured the KKK at its’ national convention?
Which political party currently has a former Exalted Cyclops of the KKK serving as a Senator?
(No fair Googling…Here’s a hint though…it’s not the Republican Party.)
Anyone want to bet on 2000 hits today? The Lizards are out. Hell this post may set a new TAH record. I’m in the pool for 123 comments.
What search engine/site do you use to get the police files? I wanna look myself up.
Charles Johnson is a face liar
He has turn into a radical leftist and is a boot licker of Obama.
He doesn’t even allow you to say Barrack Hussein Obama.
He’s is sick deranged man.
[…] 17, 2009 by tele64 Possibly fourth and long for LGF? Via This Ain’t Hell (but you can see it from here) … It seems this Jason Eugene Bush isn’t a veteran of anything except the justice system. […]
“oh yeah, the kkk is totally a liberal organization.
some of you forget your meds today?”
Space Jesus a LGF drone — he’s out to protect his savior and mentor from smear, not realizing that CJ smears Christians regularly with never a word of regret.
Hey Space Jesus, could it be that you’ve forgotten your meds?
Note, too, that the Democrats have Sen. Byrd in congress, former KKK member. They don’t call him ‘sheets’ Byrd for nothing.
Know of any former KKK Republicans serving in congress, SJ?
spacejesus & Thomas von der Trave hate to burst your bubbles, BUT if you do a bit of investigating, you’ll find much of the white supremacy crowd are heavy into socialism. Just do a bit of research on the American Front, Russian National Socialist party, etc
FYI, my politics are anything but republicrat or demican, so don’t accuse me of being a right winger.
Richard Romano,
Charles Johnson is a frustrated individual.
He has demons and it clearly shows in his actions.
he’s a sick man.
WTF is a “face liar”. Moron. Get over your hatred. It leads to the dark side.
Obsessing over a blogger shows a sick mind. Find something useful to do.
“I hope your gods smile on simple minded stupity”. Thanks Orange, because it’s obvious that your gods smile on your stupidity. Think spellcheck.
Hey, Thomas,
“right-wing extremists are really mislabeled leftists anyway”.
Think Manson,*cough*Oswald*cough*Byrd*cough* Manson hated white, rich people, a rightist? I doubt it, Oswald and Byrd, one visited the USSR, hardly a haven of right wingers, and Byrd? See post #22 above.
So, at least do a little web search before you show everyone you don’t know what you speak of.
Obsessing over a blogger shows a sick mind. Find something useful to do.
Hahah, you pathetic loon — did Charles open the cages to let you out? You drone, how sad that you come here to defend your master.
Friend of SpaceJesus,
You are one of his pathetic fans.
Get your own mind and observe what sick mind Charles has.
he is ill and needs help.
You by following this deranged man shows your lack of a reasoning mind.
You are a follower, nothing more.
Yo Lester:
“face liar” LOL
“He has turn into” – should be “turned” into.
“He doesn’t even allow you to say Barrack Hussein Obama.” Should be “Barack”
“He’s is sick deranged man” Should be “He is a”
Those minor quibbles aside, your post was nonsensical rubbish.
Johnson has posted an update saying that he made it clear none of Jason Bush’s claims of service had been confirmed. As you say Jason Bush may not even be a right wing extremist. Great post Johnson you useful idiot.
Disciple of SpaceJesus,
Did I hurt your master’s feelings?
If so go cry in the corner.
I think Lester is projecting his illness onto others. He has anger that’s not really justified, much like the rest of these haters. So the man has an opinion that’s not in lockstep with yours. This justifies your hatred? That’s very unhealthy.
Do you treat other people in your real lives like this, or is it acceptable to have differences of opinion? I would not want to know these people in real life, because not agreeing with them completely would mean I’m worthy of the same sort of scorn. You must be very lonely, bitter people.
“Disciple of SpaceJesus,
Did I hurt your master’s feelings?
If so go cry in the corner.”
On the contrary, you made me laugh. Go on, say something else.
Bottom line here folks: Charles made it clear in the original post that the ‘vet’ story was unconfirmed, therefore an apology is unwarranted.
Wow. Welcome to TrollVille.
It’s like Lidsville, only funnier and without Charles Nelson Reilly.
UpNorth- two words: Timothy McVeigh.
There have been and still are, dangerous freaks on both the extreme right and the extreme left. It is ludicrous to try to deny this fact.
Two more: Eric Rudolph
Yep. Still waiting for the word on what kind of leftist ole Tim was. Must be you’re counting on Ann “Drag Queen Impersonating a Vampire” Coulter to lend you a snappy answer.
And waiting.
Lessee here. Timmy McVeigh.. Okay, I’ll see your Timmy McVeigh and raise you a Bill Ayers and a Louis Farakhan. Heck, I’ll throw in a “World Can’t Wait”, 2 Code Pinks and a Michael Moore if you can guess the correct A.N.S.W.E.R. 🙂
I swear to God. Everytime the right breeds a whack job, it’s like the left has to breed eleventy-seven more just to assuage their beta male/female/transgender consciences.
At least with their support of abortions, and the right’s support of families, the left will run out of voters eventually. So we got that working for us…….
Oh, Thomas..
BTW, if i don’t get back to you right away, it’s because I have real work to do. I check in when I can, but I don’t have the luxury of trolling the intertubes all day like a good little lizard/troll.
This isn’t a pissing match, AW1 Tim. No one is denying left-wing extremists, but we’re seeing plenty who want to deny there is such a thing as right-wing extremism.
Anyone who lived through that shitstorm from the left during the Vietnam War can be allowed a bit of prickliness about being a vet.
Seeing the pride our current vets manifest tells me that prickliness hasn’t disppeared. Damn good thing.
Keep up the good work, Mr. Lilyea, and THANK YOU from this vet.