Of Threats and Pseudonyms

| June 8, 2009


That was the call I got this morning, at work, at 10:04 am. The caller immediately hung up of course, being the coward he is. But, who could it be? My initial thought was it has to be Casey Affleck, pissed off that I didn’t IMDB his name the other day. Maybe it was Richard Gabriel, my favorite historian, pissed off that I once goofed on Candians. Nah, probably not him either. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Fred Downs. Well, I don’t know who it was, but I can guess. And I will, but first…

I blog pseudonymously. I know, Shocker! My mother never yelled into the back yard “TSO [or the longer more pissed off Thus Spake Ortner]get your ass in here and clean your room!” Not once. Because that isn’t my name. When I started blogging every reader I had was in the 3rd Batt, 116th Infantry, and everyone both knew who I really was, and knew that Ortner was our Battalion Commander. Looking back now, I wish I chose another name, since I have come to peace with the BC, and he’s probably confused why I took his name.

There’s a reason I don’t blog with my real name. I have an employer. I have told them about my blog. My boss knows. His boss is a reader. The boss above that doesn’t know what a blog is. And my ultimate boss used to send me things to write about. But, if you google my actual name, somewhere in the assorted hits will be my employer. And unfortunately, people sometimes are purposefully obtuse about the public/private distinction of blogging. And my employer probably doesn’t use the word “asshat” with the same regularity as I do.

But I don’t hide my identity either. I’ve put videos up of myself here from time to time. The videos actually have my name and title in them. Ace of Spades once put up my full actual name, although he accompanied it with a picture of an obese clown for some reason.

Of all the stuff swirling around about the recent hubub of outing a blogger, I am most partial to Mr Greyhawk of Mudville Gazette’s take on it. I encourage you to all go read it.  At the very least he sets out the important elements of it.  Mr Greyhawk breaks it down with this question, that I think misses my situation:

Having read some explanations from pseudonymous (non-mil)bloggers for pseudonymous blogging of the “fears for repercussions in my personal/professional life” variety, I must ask the obviously begged question: are you saying people wouldn’t like you if they knew the real you – revealed only in your blogging? This implies you’ve fooled them in the first place…

Or are you saying the blogger you is a fraud? (If that’s too harsh a characterization, perhaps that the blogger you is the person you would like to be if only you weren’t afraid concerned…)


Neither me is the real me, and both are the real me.   And trust me, I am self-deprecating enough that either me isn’t the optimal one.  I am who I am.  But, I need to keep them seperate because when I am called upon in my real capacity, I don’t want to answer the question “Why did you call ___ an asshat?” when I am on the company dime.  Sometimes I am cited in newspapers under my real name. That is fine. I always want a distinction between the real me (ie Employee guy doing his best in this world) and TSO, the guy who researches this stuff and actually voices an opinion.

To be sure, the two personalities overlap. During the day I help veterans. And, on numerous ocassions I have offered to help IVAW members, as I said the other day. It’s an open offer. If you are getting screwed by the VA or you need help, email Jonn, he’ll forward to me, I’ll get you help.

The only reason I don’t use my actual name here is so that you all can tell the difference between me speaking as TSO, and me representing my employer. It should be noted that I never, EVER espouse a position contrary to one held by my employer. I doubt I ever will, that’s why I work there. But, I am more diplomatic in real life than I am here. Because here you read me if I am funny, in real life if I tried to constantly use humor as a weapon, I would get nowhere.

I think outing a blogger is wrong. Simple as that. If the blogger engages in potentially illegal activity, then I can understand forwarding to law enforcement, but for harmless squabbling it seems ridiculous.  Am I dreadfully worried I will be outed? No, it’s happened several times already. I just note it, and move on.   Here at TAH I haven’t even deleted my name when it shows up, although I probably will if it shows up in the comments to this post.  Again, I’m not trying to survive in utter secrecy, just making a distinction.

Also, my pseudonym is not about safety or privacy. Hell, I tell you guys where I will be all the time. Just ask me and I will tell you where I will be. I told you about the movie the other night, and I went. I told you about Sniperpalooza and invited everyone and I went. When events come up, I tell you.

And safety has never truly been an issue in great degree until today’s threat. And frankly, this one doesn’t scare me either. For one thing, the whole issue drips with Irony. The thought I would go overseas to face the Taliban and come home only to get wacked by a peace activist is too absurd. That crap only happens in bad movies.

Anyway, back to the threat. In the past I have withstood threats to me, and to my dad, as I talked about the other day. So, when the call came in, I was pretty damn sure it was DeWald or Knappenberger. Since I have exchanged emails with DeWald in the past, I emailed and essentially accused him. However, he was nice enough to respond and allay my fears that it was him with a well reasoned, rational response which is what I have come to expect from him, to wit:

The devil, you say? I wish I knew what you were talking about. Wait; no… no, I don’t. I don’t give a shit. It sounds as if you’ve pushed one of your many enemies to the point where you’re getting harassing phone calls or email messages which either amount to amateur trolling or mean your life is in serious danger. Should it be the latter case, it’s somewhat flattering, and demonstrative of the respect you have for my martial talents, that you’d accuse me, but I’m not the culprit. I’m a bit busy here at USASOC for games or revenge. Oddly enough, I’m off to Iraq in August. Just some light analysis, kicking it in the Green Zone, don’t worry about my safety but envy my compensation package. God, I love defense contracting. Dick Cheney for President! Good thing I quit IVAW before I took this job. Or I was just a mentally unreliable but paid informant who needed the cash for grad school all along. Whatever. At any rate, I recommend you call the D.C. Metro Police. If a crime has been committed I’m sure they’ll get right to the bottom of it. Whoever this bold vigilante might be, I hope he kneecaps you before he’s discovered. The glamor of a blogger’s career is surpassed only by its hazards…

Well, I’d say that takes him off the suspect list eh?  I mean, he couldn’t be more clear it wasn’t him.  Only the most cynical could think that this was the man as called me and threatened me.  And, I certainly appreciate his refreshing honesty and integrity.  (More on that in a minute, since alas, the Army is impeaching this man of consummate honor.)

Now we have a poster who is taking credit, and claiming to be Knappenberger.  The poster had the exact language down, so whoever it is that wrote that is in fact most likely my caller, since the only people I told about this I actually used a different word than “settle” which as memory serves was the exact word.  Naturally, that is showing up from an IP address in Sweden.  Which means jack shit since you can always tell someone in Sweden what to say and have them post it.

Either way, I really don’t care.  I’m busy studying and don’t have time to worry about this.  If you want to be a man and call, at least have the balls to do so as yourself.  Tell me where to meet you so you can mess me up or whatever.  Again, I don’t really care.  As Gunny Highway once said:

You can rob me. You can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don’t interrupt me from looking at these Contracts Flashcards, because I only have 52 days before the Bar Exam.

Oh, and DeWald, I noted two things from later on in your email that you might want to look into. First, “my middle name is Phillip”; second, “I was not only promotable but in fact promoted to staff sergeant.” Lord knows I believe you. You’d never lie. Which means those sonsabitches that altered all the other IVAW records also got to yours, because running your us.army.mil email address that you used (you should probably avoid violating the terms of use) to send me this email of love yielded a response that the sender’s middle name is in fact “Paul” and rank at seperation was “Sergeant.” Don’t believe me? Here’s a screencap. You should be able to contact the Army at the Pentagon. Should be in the Yellow Pages.

Category: Bloggers, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Sam Elliot

For the record: nope – my narrowly defined questions regarding pseudonymity aren’t aimed at you. I’m talking very specifically about folks whose pseudonimity is 100% – but whose online personalities are frauds (maybe even 180 degrees removed from their “real world” self) who live in fear that someday they’ll be exposed as one and the same. My point also being that the security blanket is not real.

But damn – I just now realized my World of Warcraft reference might have made you think otherwise… heh – I wasn’t thinking of you when I wrote that, and I didn’t mean to imply anything other than WoW (which I have no problem with) is a bit safer place than the blogosphere, as your post above also makes clear.


LOL, no, sir, I knew you weren’t referencing me. Although, by nights and weekends I do become, 80th Level Dwarven Paladin of Legacy Guild, scouring the roads and villages of Azeroth (or at least my server of Anvilmar) looking for evil doers to smite!

IN Azeroth I can Flash Heal, on the internet I actually have to type stuff out. It sucks.

Jonn Lilyea

See, what I don’t understand is; why would you call and threaten someone if they ever use your name again, and then not mention your name? How would they know what name to not use? Seems kind of stupid – no, grossly stupid. No wait – massively idiotic. No…yeah, that’s it; massively idiotic.

Hey, look it’s Hugh Laurie.

Sam Elliot


“But, who could it be?”

To be safe, maybe you better remove all names from every post on this blog.

Also: “Sam Elliot” is an inside joke. My real name is Fergus MacGillicuddy. You have my permission to use these names.

Michael Bolton

I was going to use a pseudonym for this comment but then I thought, no – why should I? Just because some no-talent ass clown shares my name? Fuck him.


Goll-eee, where do I stand to get autographs from all these famous people?

Bob Slydell

I admit it, I’m a Michael Bolton fan. For my money, I don’t know if it gets any better than when he sings “When a Man Loves a Woman”.

Bob Porter

That sounds kind of homophobic to me, Bob.

BTW, looks like you’ve been missing a lot of work lately.

Uncle Jimbo

Hey Pussies,

What’s going on lately? I am busy composing my master opus outing Lilyea, yeah right it’s spelled Jonn, that’s retarded, and TSO, who actually is Ortner and COB6, who has kidnapped my cat and forced me to say that HE is actually Billy Bob Thornton as well as the Sniper, Private Pyle obviously.

Now can we get back to real business people. Oh, and me. I remain Uncle Fucking Jimbo until those South Park clowns start paying attention.


Uncle J


Only Cowards threaten anonomously

Zero Ponsdorf

Someone calling himself UJ has posted a comment.

In the bizarro world this UJ wanders around in is of interest.

His empathic support of cat, without saying what bit he might eat is suspect.

I’ve met UJ, and there is some small merit in his question(s) about Jonn.

Old Tanker

“Now can we get back to real business people. Oh, and me. I remain Uncle Fucking Jimbo until those South Park clowns start paying attention.”

Look out!!!……he’s comin’ right at us…….


This is just like it was in Vietnam…


I must apologize if I find humor in too many situations, but as it was pointed out above – demanding that someone not use one’s name and then refusing to give it – reminds me of that old joke where the older guy in the bar is approached by the huge, muscular hulk who demands,
“Hey, you piece a crap – did you sleep with my wife??”
To which the man replies –
“I really don’t know; what’s her name?”


TSO – The Future Interest flashcards are more useful than the contracts ones, though all subjects are important – so back to the rule against perpetuities with you!!! Oh, just in case you did not learn this in whatever institution you attended – the key element is vest or forever fail to vest.

Also, how goes the the studies and when can I expect your practice essay for our review? I am, however, informed that IRAC – the study method not a misspelling of the country – is very similar to the military method of learining so you should be fine. Happy studies.

Peter Gibbons

Well I wouldn’t say I’ve been “missing” it…

AW1 Tim


On my phone system (my landline) if someone calls me like that, after I hang up I can dial *69 and get th caller’s telephone number (unless it’s blocked). I’ve done it several times this year.

Sounds to me, though, like you’ve struck a nerve. Something you are writing is hitting too close to home and someone is getting nervous.

Keep up the good work! If you need a hand, just meail me. I’d be more than happy to help. 🙂


Note: A certain commercial study program has recommended ditching IRAC for CRAC (Conclusion Rule Application Conclusion) for the Bar essays. Not sure I buy that, but essay writing is my basic startegy for compensating for a probable property FAIL on the multistate. If the Rule against is giving you a headache, the different essay form might be one cure. And now I must turn to Crim. Law and Secured Transactions, because the Bar has consumed me.


Sounds like you’ve got the case sewn up. Look at all this internet proof! Very convincing text! Never mind for due process or anything; just run wild with the reputations of other people. No need to report these things to the police. Just make your accusations very publicly and that settles it. You couldn’t be wrong or a total moron or anything. Can’t wait until you get screwed by the same process you’re using to try and screw this guy. Oh, and if he’s really about to deploy? Who’s the Blue Falcon now?

I also hope you get kneecapped by the person who called you. If a call was ever even made.


Deutscher- If a former member of IVAW becomes a defense contractor do you think that is a reflection of his personal ideals or just something Alanis Morsette would sing about?


Yeah, don’t use my name again or we’ll settle up in person. And I said, I don’t care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I’m, I’m quitting, I’m going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they’ve moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn’t bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it’s not okay because if they take my stapler then I’ll set the building on fire…

Knap In Sweden

Oops, I mean “Pank” In Sweden. No one’s allowed to use my name. Not even me. Yeah, it’s cool if this guy take the fall for me. Keep up the good work!

big texan

ok let me get this straight.

the guy doesnt claim he has a MoH or CIB or anything just says his middle name and rank is diff’t.

sounds like you hooked a big one guy. one of the worst phonys i ever saw. you really think he would only lie about that stuff which can be cjecked easy anyway but would stop before saing hes got medals he dosn’t?

dude if you think hes thretening you, you call the cops so they can get the proof and out his ass in jail. you dont accuse people of violent crimes. that is the job of a da/prosecutor

and if he is deploying (with SOC of all things) your pretty much a PoS for outing him. me i woud think its a win of a guy from the ivaw is NOW WORKING IN SIPPORT OF THE GWOT. and your here busting him out without any proof at all. except a screen shot of data that might be bad or of a different person. in fact it looks what you got from other entry is not a 214 anyway. get his 214 with foia. that should settle it.

and he said hes an informer? way to blow an asset there bud. good stinking work.


Man, I hope I do something someday cool enough for people to try to anonymously threaten me. It shows you have ‘arrived’ and done something important enough to make people mad.

“This is the same guy who has a criminal record for assault, and who has threatened to “waste” people on sight for being opposed to IVAW.”

I’m opposed to the IVAW. Do I get threatened with ‘wasting’ now, Mr. DeWald?

Eisernes Kreuz

Well, dude, I’m not one of his friends. Maybe he’s got some buddies here in V Corps but I’m not one of them.

Let’s say he is full of shite about his name and everything. You just now wrote you have no “rock solid” evidence that he made the call. The the focus of these last few posts has been “anonymous threats”. If you can’t prove he made them, then you need to STFU. You’ve already unloaded on him for lying about his name and rank (which seems debatable to me since you don’t actually appear to even have his 214, just 2A) but you never even wrote until now he lied about his unit.

And he’s now deploying as a civilian contractor? If you even suspect that’s true, you know you have no business outing movement info. That makes you almost as bad a BF as the IVAW or anyone else. In fact, I’m calling CID to see if they or anyone else can square you away. Granted, he shouldn’t be running his mouth but you should also know better. Idiots. Talking about USASOC movements. You both belong in jail.

I used to like this site. I’m not coming here anymore and my own milblog is going to feature a post on how TAH dogs on people just to dog on them without really caring about what we’re trying to over there. If you did you’d let this idiot go and do his job and lay him some slack for “lying about his name”. Cover a real story.

B Woodman

Over my head.
What a soap opera.


The important thing to remember is that when your Mom uses your middle name-“Spake”-you’re REALLY in trouble.


Bwahahaha! Dirtbags defending dirtbags and not what it is they have done. Typical of them to attack the person who did nothing but express his disdain and who it might be. Get over it.

You know, “Doycher”, you probably should STFU now, hey? None of you is giving your real name, right?

Personally, I like pseudonyms ever since I learned Mark Twain was really Samuel L. Clemmons, but when I call someone out or down, I’ll give my real name. 9/10 times they run with tails between their legs, yelling nice phrases like “Fuck you” and stuff because the truth scares them.

And Uncle Fucking Jimbo, we wouldn’t have you any other way!!!


Does this guy need checking out??
If so let me know.


Eisernes Kreuz= That is a Nazi name dude.


I wonder if Ralf Beam know he has Nazi`s working for him…..


Can’t we all just get along!? I feel the love in this thread; I really do. I am now basking in the afterglow of our kumbaya moment. That’s what I love about this site; we act like kids at the playground, but in the end, we all share our toys and play in peace and harmony.

I’m really feeling the positive energy flow.

How’s that for a Utopian moment?


Hey, I heard necro-Vikings like to hang out here…is that true?

The Sniper

Mom, Dad! Quit arguing! You’re making me cry!


Like the old country song… Daddy Only Drinks Because You Cry…


J3 you owe me one monitor!

“I really don’t know; what’s her name”

How about a spew warning next time!

TSO, you must a have struck a nerve. Good work, keep it up.

brown neck gaitor

OWWWWWW, My tummy hurts!

Eesti Mafiya

Wow, I can see why you people are losing two wars all at once. Americans are nothing but fat asses who whine and cry and bicker among themselves. Have a hamburger, have some pizza, drink a bunch of beer. Whine and cry some more. Pathetic losers. Threatening to “check each other out” and telling lies about each other. And being fat and stupid doesn’t help either. This is why in Estonia we have no problems with Muslims or anyone else. We eat well and only have important arguments. And then we stick up for one another.


Hey EM,
We are sticking up for one another, against the idiots who believe it’s okay to stalk others for opinions. TSO knows the collective “we” got his back.

What part of “Stuck on Stupid” are you?


Hey EM,
We are sticking up for one another, against the idiots who believe it’s okay to stalk others for opinions. TSO knows the collective “we” got his back.

What part of “Stuck on Stupid” are you?


Hey EM; why don’t you just thank the US for defeating Soviet Russia in the cold war, which enables you to actually come on here and babble your ignorance?

Army Sergeant

For the record:

I’m still not back to full blogposting, but this needs to be said:

Knappenberger and DeWald are both crazy as batshit and go against anything sane. Both have threatened me and sent harassing emails to me, and I /am/ an IVAW member.


AS: I seem to remember you eluding to this a while back (the batshit crazy part), although I didn’t know that they have threatened you. I suppose they are just following form to threaten anyone tat disagrees with them.

Be careful, though, they might come after you for saying that they are batshit crazy.

Ekvovichia Rotchakokov

Da, we uff ze Pipple Dhimmicratic Repoblik uff ze United Estonia are stand in ze solidarski, this why all US pipple and all free pipple of Europa, ALL dream to come live in this place! We keeping ze world free by our courage and we sing as we milk ze goats and wipe ze rust from off our old Yugo autos with joyful gusto. After hearty evening meal of potato and wotka, we sit at ze dung fire and talk of what is so screwed op about you USA pipple!! Pathetic you are!


hey what do ‘army sergeant’ and dewalt have in common?

neither where EVER in iraq and nobody in ivaw likes them!