Remembering old IVAW friends

| June 8, 2009

Since TSO is getting threatening phone calls from one of our old friends from IVAW, I thought I’d bring back memories by telling you what Adam Kokesh has been up to lately. I know I’ve mentioned that he was contemplating running for a Congressional seat in New Mexico next year, so for some reason he won’t be writing on his “Revolutionary Patriot” blog anymore and he’s focusing on the run. Here’s his new website;


He seems to be toning down his image a bit. Probably a good idea. But I went through his “About Adam” page and I can’t seem to find anything about the IVAW. He’s not ashamed is he?

He also mentions that he was promoted to sergeant – but he doesn’t mention that he was busted for smuggling an Iraqi pistol back from the war. He was a corporal when his term of service ended. We’ve already settled that.

He mentions some activism;

In addition to addressing the kind of suffering he experienced first-hand in Fallujah, he has organized to help veterans struggling with PTSD, railed against 4th Amendment violations, and stood up against the Federal Reserve.

Yes, he organized veterans to hang out in the IVAW clubhouse on Princeton Place, take xanax and gin, store their urine in a refrigerator, and engage in paranoid rants at the police. But I don’t think any of that is usually accepted as treatment for PTSD. But here’s a screenshot of the xanax and gin rant for posterity;


He doesn’t mention that he dropped hate literature all over the GWU campus trying to frame a conservative student group. Of course, he skated on that charge. Just like he’s skated on all of his antics. Probably because of Daddy’s money.

I don’t see any mention of Karaoke night with Code Pink, either. Or his arrest in DC for putting up posters after he was ordered not to put up posters by a DC cop.

He does mention his discharge though – except that he says his discharge was “Honorable”, when actually it was “General under honorable conditions”.

I’m beginning to think that Kokesh is embarrassed by the truth about his past.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Debbie Clark

I thought you were going to connect with me on WLF. I don’t know what your name is, so I have no clue how to find you. I am Debra Clark on WLF in the Southeast Region.