Patrick Dowdee – POW, 2 Silver Stars & 3 Purple Hearts
DISCLAIMER: In the challenging age of COVID-19, the National Personnel Records Center is operating at a reduced capacity and is only entertaining emergencies and funerals at this time. Although we filed for Mr. Dowdee’s military records, we don’t anticipate they will come until sometime in the winter or spring of 2021. In the meantime, we have compiled enough evidence that it certainly raises questions about Mr. Dowdee’s claims, but questions do not mean we are drawing any conclusions about this case. His military records may address all of the questions adequately and lead us to thank Mr. Dowdee for his service. Stated yet again, until such time that we receive his military records, the purpose of this post is to make the point that there are questions that need asked and answered.
Patrick Bryant Dowdee comes to us from Raleigh, North Carolina. He is 56 years old at the time of this writing – Oct 2020. Dowdee attended the University of South Carolina and was honored on the university’s website as a 2020 distinguished alumnus award recipient.
2020 Alumni Awards, Patrick Dowdee
The video on the USC page is provided below:
During the process to verify some of the claims, we discovered that we could not find Mr. Dowdee listed as a P.O.W. for the Gulf War.
Gulf War POWs:
We could not find Mr. Dowdee listed as a Silver Star recipient for the Gulf War.
We could not find active duty service listed for Mr. Dowdee in the DoD Manpower Data Center / SCRA database. We searched all years from 1984 – present with no results. The database does not go back earlier than 1984 so it is conceivable that he served just after High School prior to 1984. However, claims of the Gulf War would have shown active duty service. This database has also proven to be hit or miss when it comes to displaying reservists being recalled to active duty.
Prior addresses show some locations close to military bases, most notably Fort Meade in 1999. Norfolk, VA in 2002, Florida, Arizona, South Carolina. If I were to guess, it sounds like more of a situation similar to a government civilian or contractor vs. military active duty but I could be wrong.
Dowdee is not listed on a White Pages listing for current government employees.
Dowdee’s LinkedIn profile does not mention the POW, 2 SSs or 3 PHs but this may not be unusual for a resume unless someone was applying for a position in the government and those awards are applicable for employment preference points.
So, this all brings me full circle to the questions this raises. Did the University of South Carolina review any military documents before writing up Mr. Dowdee’s alumnus profile? Did Mr. Dowdee read the profile and agree with everything?
May be moot points because he does claim in the video that he was in the military for 20 years and was a P.O.W.
So, we of course would love to have Mr. Dowdee’s military records to compare and contrast claims with supporting paperwork. But until then, we will simply say that there are questions that need to be answered to clear all of this up.
Why isn’t he listed as having two Silver Stars for the Gulf War? If there was a mistake, it would seem that Mr. Dowdee would like to get this cleared up and take his rightful place on a list of SS awardees.
Why isn’t Dowdee listed as being a POW from the Gulf War? As above, if there was a mistake it would seem that Mr. Dowdee would like to get this cleared up and take his rightful place on a list of POWs.
What say you?
Category: Gulf War, Iraq, POW, Purple Heart, Silver Star
If he accepted the ROTC scholarship in 84, how the hell dd he graduate SF in 87?
My guess is neither party in the story, the reporter or this fat tard know how ROTC scholarships work, or the fact that I’m pretty sure back then if a officer wanted to be SF they had to be a 03 before applying and not some freshly minted butter bar just out of college.
Please keep in mind, I didn’t enter the Army until 92 and I recall that officers then had to be O3s and enlisted had to be E5 just to tryout for SF.
I was AD from 1991 to 1994 and was told back then that E4 Promotable was the least they accepted.
I “entered” the Army officially in 1991, and yes agree with A Proud Infidel that they were accepting E-4s into the course who would be promoted to E-5 on graduation.
I technically started my career in 1986 when I entered ROTC, but I was not on scholarship (which helped when I did not complete the course). He could have “accepted” a two year scholarship having had prior military experience, graduating in 1986…which if he had SF buddies could have gotten him to SWC and graduated in 1987!
I did know a buddy who did that about that time frame. However, this all required him to already have his long tab. He would have spent the next three years on staff because they couldn’t put him back on a team (not an O-3). Instead he opted to go out to the “Rest of the Army” and put in his PL time and get an easy invite back when he pinned on O-3.
Having read the Article in the New Yorker, and been reading this web site for more than a year, I was immediately called to several of his unlikely claims: 2x Silver Stars!!!! Not a lot of those guys around. 3x Purple Hearts (not a lot of those guys around either, and usually the last one was a little more catastrophic), and finally that POW claim!
I would really like to see this guys uniform. And to make O-6, he must be a legend in the SF or at least SF reserve community. He could be writing books, and giving inspirational lectures…nope instead he went back to school and got several degrees to help manage a business and didn’t even start one of his own. Isn’t General Caslen now head of USC? He should definitely know this guy!
He was such a high-speed cadet that Big Army made a one-time exception and allowed said cadet here to attend jump school, q-course, and SF course in lieu of ROTC advance camp, and then when he was the SF course honor graduate, to let him skip MS IV completely to accession him directly into the SF as a CPT…(sarc)
All possible if he had prior service which would include some of those already (i.e. Airborne), he could have even attended Ranger School in lieu of Advanced Camp (automatic 4 rating if you graduate). And since he already had Army experience he only needed to complete his MS3 and MS4 years on a two year scholarship. Had two former SF guys in ROTC with me that did just that (only person I know who could start smoking a cigarette before the 2 mile run starts…set it down…finish in under 10:30 and pick the cigarette back up and finish it). I only knew one person to do the Ranger School in lieu of Advanced Camp option, ran back in to him as a Ranger PL (I was still enlisted and had to explain to his wife why I was not an officer yet…since they both remembered me from ROTC).
I am not defending him, everything else about his story smells fishy!!!
Yes, he could do MS III/MS IV-only if he was prior service (that’s what I did), and yes he could even go to Ranger School in lieu of advance camp if he was Highspeedlowdrag; but a ROTC cadet CANNOT go to q-course and SF course in lieu of ROTC advance camp; that’s the point I was making. I had one cadet in my MS III class try to go to Ranger School in lieu of advance camp, worked and trained like hell to qualify, but in the end was not selected and went to regular advance camp instead…
Agree he would have had to have been Qualified as enlisted prior to ROTC (that is what my buddy did…but a s I mentioned he would have been sitting on staff as a LT because he couldn’t be on a team. I am not sure on Psy Ops, but don’t think they have LTs running around either. Don’t they come from Public Affairs and option to switch as a Captain?
He was real real smart and stuff so he gradumated real early and all.
And that is why he is being aggressive recruited by All-Points Logistics.
Phildo knows talent when he see it.
What say me?
Did anyone make a phone call to the folks at the Kennedy Spec. Warfare school? A claim of a SF tab can be checked there as well, right? Other than that, looks like all avenues of verification have been exhausted. I’m sure if confronted, he will make the secret squirrel defense claim. My records are secret I tell you! You’ll never get them!
He’ll go with the standard answer that he was sheep-dipped so it was all hush-hush and his records are locked up in the atomic safe twenty klicks below the Pentagon. He’s now privileging us with all this biographical info and no longer wants to keep any of this secret anymore at the risk to his life, yada yada yada…
Facebook is a SCIF – so if any sensitive discussions break out that would be the most likely place.
I’m giving away big-time classified info here, so don’t repeat this to anyone, but the F in SCIF actually stands for “Facebook” and NOT “Facility”…
I’m gonna go ahead and label this as “SPILLAGE.”
Daisy Cutter,
Dowdee already locked down his FakeBook,
no comments or clicks (HaHa, Angry, etc.) from strangers.
that video is now on YouTube, and comments are OPEN.
Geez, this guy.
Can’t wait to see the 1st round of “but but but”….
… and the pawn shop owner said he doesn’t take brass. Only silver and gold are marketable. No brass and no cash.
I do wish theses guys could be a little more creative in their “stuff that dreams are made of”. They must have a secret club that secretes the bare info and instructs them to go no further than the end of the block…. or something like that.
That Dowdee brass is likely brass plated steel.
$2 vs. 2c a pound.
Scrap dealers and recyclers use a simple magnet
to catch the liars (and thieves)
trying to pawn off pretty steel as bra$$.
“stuff that dreams are made of”
Hey, you kinda left out the classic “NO SHIT, THERE I WAS…”
“What say you?” I say that Patrick Dowdee is a lying embellishing self centered egotistical POS! And to make matters worse…A USC Gamecock. He prolly likes a gamey cock, has that nice little ball cushion going on, so there is that.
These people that spout off about all of the religious affiliations? Don’t they realize that the Big Guy downloaded some of his rules to that FIRST (ht 2 ‘Beans) Tablet? And one of the biggies was don’t lie?
“Doubtful Dowdee”
Just the headline says “not likely”.
Hope the guy is legit but once again “not likely”
Kudos to the admins and nijas of this site.
Also the commentours that have stuck with this
thru the lack of a 100% functioning NPRC.
I intend to be here when the backlog jam lets loose.
I owe it to someone.
Someday… *sigh*
Maybe USC can contact the NPRC and get his DD-214 as an emergency.
Guy could go full retard and hurt himself or some innocent person.
Living in a fantasy world while in public could create an unsafe
condition on Campus and that needs to be considered.
Besides, we all care about the guys safety. We care.
All those dudes at the NPRC are getting 100% of their salary for doing absolutely nuttin.
This covid-19 bullshit has been a very long paid vacation for quite a few folks in the gruberment.
Right. Is working an archive/library such a high risk environment?
“…when the backlog jam clears.” I plan on being the FIRST to call for the deployment of the HoI.
“…is working an archive/libray such a high risk environment?”
Of course it is Mason! In addition to dust spores from all of the paper, you have the residual smoke from the fire, and, as always, a nasty paper cut is a Clear and Present Danger… Zone!
Guardians of the Green Beret is really gonna have fun with this guy…
I’m a-bettin’ that as well!
I watched the video. Dowdee has a pleasing, soft, soothing, Southern drawl to his voice.
I’m suspecting there may be a “Deliverance” factor happening.
Wishes he was Ned Beatty’s character?
Youtube link below:
UofSC will likely remove it after “a few” comments.
Myahh-Let him have it boys!!!
Gotta admire his Luv Me Wall Shadow Box.
3 time CIB recipient and (WTF??) the enlisted Senior Aircraft Crewman’s Badge./s
Old homeboy might want to be careful.
Check out the President and Chief of Staff of USC.
Fat Homeboy here ain’t fooling these two.
Yep. President of USC is a three time NDSM recipient./s
He has 3 BSM, probably one for each deployment i guess, still more than wonder turd.
And his COS (Beiger) has a SS.
Donutboy here batter be careful….
perhaps someone should email a link to the youtube video for their review?
You saw that too Claw? A third award of the CIB and more jacked up badges and phony photos than I can stomach.
That shadow box was tight. Not.
It looked like ass.
Anyone worth their sand would tighten that shit up.
Is that a Legion of Merit tossed in there,
(1:01 in the YouTube video)
along with
2 Silver Stars,
2 Bronze Stars,
and the 3 Purple Hearts?
(In the voice of Frank Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond)
Holy Crap!
Yep. LOM to the right of the NDSM.
Actually two LOM’s in that top row. One on far left and the other at far right.
When you have so many you want them to be noticed.
BOGO Free sale at the surplus store…?
The doubters are on his YouTube video already. The school may reget not vetting his claims.
Great catch on the YouTube find.
The comments are lighting up…
and some “thumbs up” are happening, too.
So he is also a Two Star stars on his CIB (third award), Plus a Combat Action Badge, and Combat star (gold) on his Master Blasters, Master Free Fall, and some aviation wings I can’t place next to his CIB.
Man this guy is a legend!
This guy is ageless, like Casca or the Wolverine; probably fought as an infantry grunt from the Punic Wars to OIF. The third-award CIB is just the tip of his very long iceberg…
MI Ranger, The aviation wings next to the CIB are the Senior level Aircraft Crewman’s Badge (now called just the Aviation Badge). They are an award strictly for enlisted personnel and require a minimum of seven years on continuous flight status before being awarded. They are not to be confused with the Army Officer pilot’s wings (shield not eagle in the middle) As an aside, the Master Level ACB/Aviation Badge require a minimum of 15 years on flight status before being awarded.
The only thing missing from Dowdee’s video is having the song “Smooth Operator” playing in the background./smile
“smooth operator”
And the video has fine dark (private). Good OpSec there. The Cocks have a big game coming up and they dint want to give away their secret weapon.
Holy Crap.
The YouTube video is DOWN.
Now “private”.
Your prediction was spot on.
It looks like Patrick Dowdee has never met a jelly doughnut or buffet he didn’t like.
Patrick Dowdee seems to claim everything but having been beaten by a Sasquatch, ass-raped by a Yeti and bitten by the Loch Ness Monster!
A Proud Infidel*,
Even more difficult than openly confessing Stolen Valor phuckery,
is admitting being banned from the buffet at Golden Corral,
even after being caught and turned away on Veterans Day.
You may be onto something here. 🙂
History is not his friend
In 1984 he accepted an ROTC scholarship… however:
“In April 1958, the unit found its home in Building 904, Section 2, at Andrews Barracks, West Berlin, and was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, US Army Garrison Berlin with a new name: Detachment A (Det A). In April 1962, Detachment A was separated from the Garrison and became Detachment A, Berlin Brigade, US Army Europe (USAREUR). This was continued to be used, possibly as a cover designation, even after the formal activation of 39th Special Forces Detachment in 1965.
The 39th Special Forces Detachment continued the unconventional warfare mission in Berlin mission until it was inactivated on 1 October 1984”
It’s a Russian disinformation campaign!
Why, how VERY clever of you, Berliner!!!
Berliner = jelly doughnut (auf Deutch)
Mist! Sie sind auf mich! Was werde ich jetzt tun?
Crap! They’re on to me! What will I do now?
JFK was the 1st to say “Ich bin ein Berliner”. I was in A 2/6 Inf at McNair Barracks, now remodeled into condos with rooftop gardens
Someone with more knowledge will correct me if I’m wrong, but I understood that 1st SF Det. (39th SF Det.) in Berlin was inactivated in Oct. 1984. So how could this clown have served with them in 1987?
Correction, he claimed to have served much later, “during the fall of the Berlin Wall.”
Unless this joker spoke fluent German, he was not in Det-“A”,as they used to call it. It was a SF detachment that was to run an extreme UW op if the Warsaw Pact ever seized West Berlin. All its members could pass for native Germans. Although, this guy does look like he has downed quite few jaegerschnitzels and many gallons of fine German beer.
Well, go big or go home, right? Retired as a full-bird, eh? Yeah, …. about that…..
I have to say – I feel bad for this guy’s daughter.
And the Alumni Director who is about to be unemployed.
Well this turd stole all the valor..go big or..fuck soon as he opened his HUGE mouth…faker!!! for sure…
Talked to my Army son about this. He was assigned to the 5th SFG Support Detachment as the motor pool parts clerk/vehicle dispatcher for 14 months before, during and after the Gulf War and he says ” Nope, Sorry Pops, but I don’t ever remember or even hearing any talk about having one of our Officers or any vehicles being captured while we were over there.”
That’s good enough for me, so Patti Doo-Doo has been posted (pencil entry) to the FY21 Valor Vultures Toteboard.
Having served in the Viet of the Nam ino a unit that had an NCO claim years later he was a POW, I can affirm that everyone with a functioning brain housing group in my unit knew we never ever had anyone captured by the enemy, and certainly not liar Richard Barr Clayton.
This doesn’t pass the smell test. 2 Silver Stars in war that lasted 100 hours on the ground. Oh, and he had time to be a POW as well? Don’t forget the 3 PH’s from some action…where? He was also at the Pentagon on 9/11? Nowhere, and I mean nowhere on a Google search can find anything about this dude & the military aside from this article. How do you retire a colonel (light or full bird) and not have anything anywhere of you in uniform or with an army/officer’s association at minimum? His Pintrest account is food and Clemson insults. Noy buying at all.
UPDATE! I am really casting doubt on his claims. His shadow box claims: Combat Action Badge, Master Parachutist w/1 combat jump star, Pathfinder, Air Assault, Military Freefall, Ranger & Special Forces Tabs, Infantry without a blue cord, and of course a CIB w/2 stars. Is there anything he didn’t earn? I like the generic photos as well. Nothing of him personally and it looks one pic as operators repelling out of a Navy helo. Check me please. He knowledge of Army badges can be incorrect, but I don’t think anyone could earn all that especially 3 CIB’s.
You are correct…..He would have to have served in WWII, Korea, and Viet of the Nam to be a 3 time CIB recipient.
Could someone be a 4 time recipient if they served in WWII, Korea, Viet of the Namand the Eye of the Raq?
#askingfora friend
The Gulf War (1991) fell under the Vietnam CIB period (1961-1995), as did Somalia and several other smallish US conflicts during that time frame. So service during the Gulf War would be a “NO GO” for a 4th CIB.
Theoretically, someone could be a 4X CIB recipient if they served in an infantry unit as an infantryman (or in a SF unit in an SF MOS) at or below the grade of O6 in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and post-9/11. There are over 56 years between the end of hostilities in World War II and the first shooting in Afghanistan. That in turn means the individual would have had to have served as an infantryman (or as SF) while in their 70s.
Federal law has an upper age limit for military service. That upper limit is less than 70 – either 62 or 64, depending on whether the individual is serving in the National Guard. There are exceptions for serving GOs, Chaplains, or Medical personnel – but none of those individuals are eligible to receive a CIB anyway.
Bottom line: I’d have to see documented, certified proof verified by the Army before I’d buy any claims of a 4x CIB recipient. To my knowledge, that would be impossible under current Federal law.
Well, I guess – just like there’s a chance the sun won’t come up tomorrow morning. (smile)
An Infantryman (or as SF) while in their 70s.
Hell yeah!
Not American, but it’s happened before. 🙂
He had his Blue Cords in the box on the left.
I have known a few that have all of those, but they were legends. Don’t think they got two Silver Stars though…or three purple hearts.
Any ideas what wings those are to the right of his CIB? Above are his German Jump wings.
Those cords are blue? They look grey or silver. I’ve seen some that are much bluer (if that’s a word). Either way the guy is full of shit.
I did not see a Shutezenschnur in there, but the way they are tied looked like my Infantry Cord, plus his Infantry Brass. Probably just the light that made them look grey/silver.
Patrick Bryant Dowdee is being misunderstood. He is doing it to honor the service of the brave men, women, and all other genders in the military.
Patrick Bryant Dowdee would have been an SF officer and earned all those medals if he had the opportunity to serve. But alas, not all people find the opportunity to serve.
If he was doing it to honor the service of others he would
have a bling festooned vest, a Harley and a dog.
Then he could sell chilli in Elko with Les Brown.
It’s the same old story: no checking the actual dates & times of units and things; no real description of what it was like here and there where BGR(F) So & So was stationed (Navy term) – stuff like that. It’s those little things and the hope that he won’t get caught.
But it’s called fiction and unlike that fellow from a couple of weeks ago who WANTS to be a novelist, this one just wants pats on the head and elbow bumps.
What a MOPE!
The bar was pretty low – all he had to do was convince a few people at the university.
They probably called someone over that saw “Blackhawk Down” to say he was legit.
Then again, he could have rocked the lies with his daughter for years and she submitted him to the USC and he was faced with coming clean or doubling down. He now faces that exact same choice again.
I only speak Squid and Jarhead. Does Special Forces Tactical Psychological Operations Officer mean he is claiming a long tab or saying he was a psyop guy?
There is no such thing as a Psychological Operations officer in an SF group who is a Special Forces Branch officer. I was a reserve Psyops officer for three years. A Psyops unit would attach a Psyops detachment or liason officer to an SF Group, but he would not be SF branch, in my experience. He appears to be claiming both. And having been both, I say bullshit.
Thanks for the clarification. I was getting dizzy trying to follow that bio.
To paraphrase Farragut “damn the truth, full poser ahead!”
He is going to find out, the people who will suffer the most from this bogus mess is his family and for them I am sorry.
With the NPRC operating at a snail’s pace, Dowdee will squirm every day due to not knowing when his records and follow-up story will hit the pages of TAH. He will be checking this site constantly every day. Might even win “first” on Friday’s open thread.
BTW: The article says he volunteers at a food bank. Looking at Dowdee, they might want to consider doing a food audit.
His business partners at the BBQ catering business he’s involved in may also want to check the inventory./s
Someone needs to call the comptroller, it looks like an insider is embezzling from the food bank.
” Dowdee will squirm every day due to not knowing when his records and follow-up story will hit the pages of TAH.”
And that, my friend, is going to be hell….knowing the blade is up there just waiting to drop.
Maybe one of the guys he was captured with will show up.
I’ll bet they all stay in touch and have a reunion now and then.
Or the 1st SEAL team that rescued all of them!
89 days…they must have gone in early, or missed the entire war!
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to have been pinned down by the Iraqi Republican Guard for 48 hours in a Ground War that lasted about 100 hours during which we had overwhelming Air Superiority.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to be a PH recipient with no record of it found yet.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to be a recipient of the Silver Star with no record found of it yet.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to have been a POW of Desert Storm with no records supporting his claim.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to have been a member of the US Army Special Forces with no records yet found to support his claim.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to be a three time recipient of The Purple Heart with no records found yet to support his claim.
Patrick Dowdee was a 2020 Distinguished Alumnus at USC.
Patrick Dowdee claims that he was in the Pentagon on 9/11/01.
Patrick Dowdee IS NOT listed as a Gulf War POW.
Patrick Dowdee would benefit from showing positive proof of his Military Service claims because THE INTERNET IS FORVER.
Sorry API, your transmission came in slightly garbed, did you say:
Patrick Dowdee wishes was pinned down by the Iraqi Republican Guard for 48 hours in a Ground War that lasted about 100 hours during which we had overwhelming Air Superiority.
Patrick Dowdee wishes he was a PH recipient with no record of it found yet.
Patrick Dowdee wishes he was a recipient of the Silver Star with no record found of it yet.
Patrick Dowdee wishes he was POW of Desert Storm with no records supporting his claim.
Patrick Dowdee wishes he was a member of the US Army Special Forces with no records yet found to support his claim.
Patrick Dowdee wishes he was a three time recipient of The Purple Heart with no records found yet to support his claim.
Patrick Dowdee was a 2020 Distinguished Alumnus at USC.
Patrick Dowdee thinks that he was in the Pentagon on 9/11/01.
Patrick Dowdee IS NOT listed as a Gulf War POW.
Patrick Dowdee might have never served on active duty at all.
Patrick Dowdee might be a valor vulture.
Patrick Dowdee might want to run and hide before his DD 214 becomes an October Surprise.
Patrick Dowdee would benefit from showing positive proof of his Military Service claims because THE INTERNET IS FORVER.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to have been pinned down by the Iraqi Republican Guard for 48 hours in a Ground War that lasted about 100 hours during which we had overwhelming Air Superiority.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to be a PH recipient with no record of it found yet.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to be a recipient of the Silver Star with no record found of it yet.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to have been a POW of Desert Storm with no records supporting his claim.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to have been a member of the US Army Special Forces with no records yet found to support his claim.
Patrick Dowdee CLAIMS to be a three time recipient of The Purple Heart with no records found yet to support his claim.
Patrick Dowdee was a 2020 Distinguished Alumnus at USC.
Patrick Dowdee claims that he was in the Pentagon on 9/11/01.
Patrick Dowdee IS NOT listed as a Gulf War POW.
Patrick Dowdee would benefit from showing positive proof of his Military Service claims because THE INTERNET IS FORVER.
It was classified?
It always is
Dumb ass’s
Stories never fail to amaze either
Even a hero like Dowdee knows better than to risk incurring the wrath of the 2-time NDSM mafia.
We play for keeps. 😉
At some point, the PTSD monster is bound to raise its ugly head. Maybe that 89 days in captivity screwed with his head and caused him to misremember things?
sounds about right
The PTSD was from a D- in his second semester.
89 days in captivity/POW means he was captured on 05/06 Dec 1990 and released 04/05 Mar 1991.
A grad of the University of Spoiled Children… pulling the POW/phony medals cards.
He looks like he has a whole herd of gerbils trapped in his alimentary canal; and they are backed up all the way to his duodenum.
If he was really an officer, his name would have been among a group of nominations sent to congress. From 2LT to COL. I conducted a search of nominations (on the website, it contains all nominations going back to 1981) and I got the, “No results match your criteria.” For every combination of his name.
He got sheep dipped, so on every promotion list he appeared under the alias “Jason Bourne”…
Hack Stone wonders about these posers who claim a military career retiring at 20 or 30 years as an E-9 or O-6 or above. They always seem to have the requisite boot camp graduation photo (if they actually served), but beyond that they post photos swiped from the Internet that cannot clearly identify them, nor any photos from their retirement ceremony. Hack Stone served 22 years and retired as Gunnery Sergeant, and he had modest retirement ceremony with family and coworkers (It was a joint command assignment), so a few Army Colonels, and a healthy mix of Air Force and Navy Officers and enlisted. The Command even had the staff photographer took a boatload of photographs, including being presented an end of tour award. Everyone who was ever in the military has some digital footprint, just ask your Unit Public Affairs Officer, the guy who made you fill out a Fleet Hometown News Release when you got that Meritorious Mast.
I saw the picture of Dowdee with his daughter in the video. Stolen valor clowns never think about the impact of their lies on their family and other relationships. Sad.
Enjoy your google fame moron…
It’s FOREVER! ! ! ! !
I hope the school goes ahead and has a ceremony to give him the award.
With the President and Chief of Staff (and others) in attendance.
Curious as to if Fatt Homeboy here shows up to pick it up….?
Funny thing is that a lot of Posers play their game on the down low away from the Big Scene.
Hustling chicks, free drinks, free chow, go fund me accounts, free dogs, etc. Low key, if you will.
But then some go big for sure. And that is what Donutman did here. South Carolina is a major school with a very high ranking former MG as its President. Donutman had to have known that or maybe he is just that stupid.
There appears to be a lot of controversy about the MG and COS getting the jobs last and early this year. Liberal anti-military academia and all that. Seems in in the end they where the right folks to get the job done. That aside, if Donutman here is their Alumnus of the Year, then he had to know of this turmoil and the backgrounds of these two. If not, he really was not very involved in the school or its affairs.
If that is the case, the how is he the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year?
More like Distinguished Shitbag of the Year.
Maybe he will get a photo Op in uniform with the President: MG(Ret) Bob Caslen! I am sure he would love to ask him about those two Silver Stars and his POW medal. Considering Bob and his SGM spent close to three years (each) in theater he might remember liberating some of the places Donutman claims to have been at!
What say I??? He’s a goofy looking PoS.
Lying about his military service? Most likely, but that’s just an opinion based upon a few years of military service and even more years of life experience. Will wait for the actual evidence that he’s a lying PoS before amending my opinion of him being a goofy looking PoS to declaring authoritatively that he is a lying goofy looking PoS.
Only thing he tells the truth at is about his trips to the buffet line.
If this guy had an ROTC sholarship to whar school did he use it?
He was held hostage for 89 days in a war that ran about 42 =/- days with a 100 hour ground war. I’m pretty sure his original undergrad degree wasn’t history. You’d think a life long learner would learn some history that occurred in his own lifetime.
Why is it so hard being a average joe
Holy Shit
It’s so easy
The fact in this day and age so few do it
The fact that you did is awesome
Be proud of it.
I have to say, No Retiree, if they earned multiple medals, hangs all of them in a shadowbox. In my box I do have 2 separate NATO medals for 2 separate conflicts. I wasn’t allowed to wear more than 1 on my uniform, but I’m out so f— it. My Dad received heaps of Air Medals but he only got 1 and clusters galore. Not to mention they are so out of order that a person that DID earn those medals would take the time to display them properly.
TLDR: Lyin’ POS.
hell, I don’t even have a shadow box. All that stuff is in a set of footlockers in the basement somewhere….
Now my stetson…that’s on the bookcase…LOL
A double Silver Star awardee would have gained notice for Desert Storm.
THREE Purple Hearts for the same engagement?
You gotta be kidding me. It didn’t last long enough for this guy to get dinged three times. Unless he smacked his little toe into the chair leg when he kept getting up for another beer as he watched that war unfold on CNN.
From Patrick Dowdee’s LinkedIn account:
Numerous typos and non-standard military acronyms and abbreviations, as if written by someone who has never served in those organizations and heard of them secondhand or found them in a wiki search. “Fifth Corp”? “S-2 Commander”?
This guy may have done civilian contract work for the military, but he obviously does not write or express himself like a career military officer or vet…
Everything military in his Linkdin page is bogus. No one who ever actually served as a SF officer would have crafted this hogwash.
Since I was only able to respond this steaming pile on my Iphone, I add the following: Army V Corps HQ (he calls it “Fifth Corp) has never been anywhere near Berlin, it was located in the IG Farben building in Frankfurt from the 1950’s until 1994 when it was moved to Heidelberg. The 10th SF Group hasn’t been at Bad Tolz, Germany since 1968. The 1st Battalion was left behind in Bad Tolz when the other two battalions and the Group HQ was moved to Ft. Devens, MA. However, 1st Battalion left Bad Tolz in 1991 when it was moved to Panzer Kaserne, near Stuttgart. There is also no such officer position in any Army Special Forces Group as “S-2 Commander (Intelligence).” I ought to know, I served in the Group S-2 section in the 10th Group HQ, and I was the S-2 staff officer for 3rd Bn,10th SFG(A) before my last assignment as an ODA commander. His whole military CV is a soup sandwich.
I guess we’ve been wrong about this guy.
I mean, if it’s on Linkedin it HAS to be true.
The word “special” is in there nine times. Everything is “special”
about this guy.
“high frequency telecommunications monitoring and tracking systems”
Gibberish. That right there is just plain gibberish. Sounds like
what a telephone line worker does with a handheld device.
Sounds like he got fired from the G2 and sent to G6 to run the microwave relay station…we used to sneak up on those guys at NTC and steal all their pogey bait!!
I didn’t know V Corps was in Berlin…I thought that was always Berlin Brigade! Gosh you learn something new every day…
Boy this guy had some real ups and downs in his career: He went from being a training officer, to being a smuck (all Source Analyst) in the S2 shop, to Commanding an A team in Group, and then immediately pinned on to Command the JFK Training Command (never heard of it, but its on Linked In it must be real)! Then he get s promoted to O-6 and is just a Project Director for a single project. No wonder he got out after 30 years, he was going no where fast!
SOCOM is in Washington, DC?
For fucks sake, I always thought it was in Florida?
He left out this part in his LinkedIn account:
“I was with the Green Berets… Special Unit Battalions… Commando Airborne Tactics…Specialist Tactics Unit Battalion. Yeah, it was real hush hush.”
Sssshhh you want everyone to know!? That is deception Ops…he learned that at the JFK Training Center Command for Psychological Warfare and Operational Combat!
If he told them it was in Tampa by golf course, we would never get a Tee-Time…all those Russian and Chinese spies trying to sneak pictures.
SOCOM Headquarters is located in Foggy Bottom in a non-descript building right next to the State Department so that the hardcore special operators can liaise and coordinate with the diplomatic types on spec-op operations and activities, and at the same time chow down at the State Dept. cafeteria and date the pretty lady FSOs and secretaries…(sarc)
From online resume – Army from 1983 – 2004
Just looking at the comments this morning and there surea bunch of Young Soldier’s on site! With that out of the way. Never heard of this guy and I call bullshit from the Jump. Maybe JROTC from HS! All thoes assignments are from a book he read or copied at the library !
SIAP…Face Book…USC…Open for comments…
The post about him has been pulled.
Wow, great vetting job, U of SC. Certainly there is a reader of this site who actually knows Caslen and/or Bieger and has already alerted them about this buffoon.
He has to be the only guy to ever do 20 years, and never display any portrait photograph of him uniform.No pics anywhere. I did 4 years and have one from bootcamp, 2 cruise books, and another command photo. It looks like was enlisted for 20 years and probably in some communications field. Definitely not high speed/low drag, but very important to mission success. He went to USC AFTER his Army career (a worthy accomplishment & resume lists no college before Army so he COULD NOT be an officer), but he needed to spice up his resume for better opportunities. He probably started out telling these stories while going to school and saw the positive response he was getting, so he ran with it. He probably has a fine 20-year Army career and retired E-6 or 7, but he wanted more…much more. He’s screwed the pooch now…the day of reckoning is coming.
“probably in some communications field”
Good God No. Please don’t let him be Signal.
At least I don’t see any crossed flags in his salad.
The only thing I occasionally wear is a small lapel
pin with the Signal flags. People think it’s a boating thing.
Signal has historically been under represented in the stolen valor race to the bottom, but I’m categorically rejecting any signal affiliation by this fuckstick. Any former signal puke would be far more imaginative in his lies. “No shit, there I was, 0200 and all alone in the MUX van… deathly quiet…too quiet… bathed in the red glow of the TD-660’s…”
“suddenly a loud bang knocked the Bird meter off the PA
and the smell of burned Klystron filled the shelter”
Now that’s funny… I could actually smell that as I was reading it.
just being alone with TD 660s is grounds for 20% from the VA!
heh heh
I say Comms/Signals with no disrespect. It just seems the work he is doing now would require a background/interest in that field. I was pipe fitter/welder on a supply ship, so no “cool guy” braggadocio from me.
No offense was taken. Beans had tone, took the shot, and I followed up. Kinda hard to offend Signal.
Or he was in prison for 20 years for swallowing his last family.
Uh oh guys! The youtube video is gone! I wonder why?
[Edited to remove PII -Mason]
yea just checked, everything went poof!
Good job peeps! I did ping the UofNC on twitter as well about that last night…maybe that helped?
The UofSC page with Dowdee has been pulled or put behind a password.
The YouTube video of Dowdee is now gone, which is probably why it was put in the blog above.
I guess the word got around.
Gee, it’s now private. Kinda like the Biden story.
Military records though are not private.
Guy is already famous in a “special” way.
I finally took a gander at the aforementioned video. That shadow box shown in the video is beyond fucked up; even worse, the effort put into it shows rank disrespect for the veterans who have actually earned those medals, just plain shoddy and disrespectful. Fuck this guy…
Dowdee’s personal Fakebook page has now went Pffft.
LindkedIn just has name, but the profile picture was removed and the bio dissapeared like a fart in the wind.
Any guess on his true background? Career Army enlisted? Some Army? Another branch? No military at all? We know for sure the story he was peddling is bullshit.
“No military at all” for one hundred, Alex…
DOWDEE: Hello?
USC: Mister Dowdee, this is the Alumni Office at the University of South Carolina.
DOWDEE: Oh hey! I just finished buffing out my award and placed it on the mantle above my fireplace. Looks great and I —
USC: — Yeah, that’s what we called you about.
DOWDEE: What’s up?
USC: Funny thing. We can’t seem to find you on any POW list or list of Silver Star awardees.
DOWDEE: Dear goodness. Did you use the correct spelling?
USC: So we’re gonna need you to go ahead and pack up that award and send it back to us.
DOWDEE: B-b-but my name is already engraved on it.
USC: You’d be surprised at what an industrial belt sander and large grit sandpaper can do.
DOWDEE: It was perfect for centering over my fireplace.
USC: We’re gonna send you a crystal candy dish to take its place.
USC: It’s called a candy dish but you can use it for loose change or your car keys.
DOWDEE: I think I’m going to cry.
USC: Heck, I bet you can even put a candle in it and with the pattern etching it will sparkle and reflect light around the room.
USC: So with the award — were gonna need you to make that happen with sending it back. Rikki tikki.
DOWDEE: What’s rikki tikki mean?
USC: It’s a military term for — uh, nevermind… sore subject.
I did not see a POW medal in that shadow box of his.
[SARC] I guess you need to be a POW for 90 days to get the medal and Dowdee fell short with only 89. [/SARC]
I wonder if he used the GI Bill to attend USC.
Sure I do.
Am confused.
This video came out on 16 October 2020 (a week ago).
Patrick Dowdee is NOT in the Video.
The Distinguished Alumnus Award is NOT recognized.
Only four (4) Awardees are recognized.
Could it be possible that the University caught wind of the Dowdee’s claims BEFORE the Homecoming?
Look at mark 4:17 in the video. It scrolls through the recipients and you can clearly see Patrick Dowdee. This will be like digging out a tick with a butcher knife.
Is it possible his Daughter nominated him based on what Dowdee told her?
Another interesting aspect on Dowdee’s story is that some quick researches indicates he may have been at one time legally related to a Female Army E6/SSG (Active or Army Reserves) who happened to cover a story about the 1990-1992 closing of Field Station Berlin in Germany.
That Female SSG also has lived at Fort Meade, MD as well as Augusta, Georgia and was tied in with INSCOM.
That Female NCO also spent some time with the 138th MI Company in Orlando, Florida during the early 1990s (possibly as an Army Reservist that may have been activated for Active Duty).
Perhaps Dowdee was an Army Dependent of the SSG and embellished his time with the US Military with his Daughter?
Again, I suspect someone contacted the University of South Carolina, because on the video posted above, dated 16 October 2020 (a week ago), which was the University’s Homecoming, Patrick Dowdee was NOT recognized.
ninja, I think that you are spot on with your figuring here. The daughter having heard the lie rock for so long possibly believed it and saw a chance to boost dear old Dad up by putting his name in for the award? There’s a low flying on and off again embellisher kinda close by that I have made mention of. His baby girls had believed some of his BS, but the oldest knew that he was a failed NG never left CONUS, prolly kicked out for pissing hot or generally being an a’hole V a door gunning, green bay ray, ranger recon sniper. He lays low for a bit, pops up on fake book till he’s called out, cusses somebody out for calling him out and then slinks back under his rock.
Could be a case where the Prez and CoS decided to look into it a bit before this award was made and pulled it. I may feel sorry for the daughter if she has been scammed too.
Here’s another theory too. Maybe the daughter had heard the lie rocking all these years and put dear old dad up for the award, KNOWING that it would be looked into and the truth would come out? That whole revenge dish served cold thing.
I worked for a major outfit HQs in Columbia. Went up to the Home Office quite a bit. We throw good natured rocks at other schools (teams) but over all UofSC has got some good folks over there, and back in the day, was not the SJW place it is now. (weren’t they all better 25 years ago?)
I wasn’t a War Hero, but I served with a bunch. I don’t want a pardon for anything I’ve done, and I’m sure not gonna take credit for things I HAVEN’T done.
Definitely not the first time a dependent husband stole his military wife’s career history and valor and pretend it to be his own after she left the scene, with added touches and flourishes of masculine heroics and macho derring-do to complete the new phony persona. Not stating (yet) that this is what happened here, but it certainly is appearing to lean that way…
I don’t think his wife spent 20 years in Army infantry and Special Forces Units, including Delta, retiring with three CIB’s and a CAB. Nope. I would be willing to bet this clown’s connection to the military is either non-existent or he was in JROTC for a while.
If the douche was indeed once married to the female MI NCO, he probably learned the MI lingo second hand from her, as well as having first-hand experience living in the CONUS and OCONUS military locations based on her assignments (Meade, Germany, etc.), and used all that to create his own phony persona with an MI intel background, which in my mind is a form of stolen valor. He then threw in the Infantry, SF, POW status, and the medals to turn his phony persona into a hyper-heroic spec-ops legend, all total bullshit…
Well, he does have the physique of a dependapotamus, so it is possible.