It’s science!
Weekend Open Thread – The World’s First Nuclear Reactors
Most TAH readers likely know enough about science to know that nuclear reactors operate via a chain reaction involving nuclear fission. And most probably think that they know where the first nuclear reactor on earth was located. Well, if you’re thinking that it was Enrico Fermi’s graphite pile at the University of Chicago – think […]
The Sky is Falling! Save the Mantis Shrimp!
Remember the recent, very devastating meteoric event in March of 2013, during which a large bolide entered Earth’s atmosphere over the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia, cutting a swath of sonic shock destruction as it went? As it traveled, it blew off its outer shell until the rock was down to its jammies, shattered windows […]
From the Department of YGTBSM…
Ummm, a platter of oysters on the half-shell served outdoors by the water, an ice cold brew (I’ll have a Stella, thanks) some good friends, and wait! How could you be so uncaring? Oysters have rights too. This just in from The Department of, well you know. That odd corner of the world where Warmists, […]
Naval Academy will enforce Pentagon’s transgender ban
AnotherPat sends us a link about the impact of DOD’s new transgender policy and the effect it has on applicants to the Academy, and midshipmen currently enrolled. The new policy, which affects about 9,000 service members who self-identify as transgender, is in stark contrast to how the Obama administration released its policy in 2016 that […]
Scary Black Rifles
Apparently not satisfied with all the firearm’s aficionados posting of late, our own Veritas Omnia Vincit sees fit to chime in with his own article, where he attempts to sway nay-sayers and gun-grabbers with cold facts and logic. As if that ever worked in the history of forever. To the Left all the factual reports, […]
Navy Ready to ‘Burn the Boats’ with 2021 Laser Installation on a Destroyer
Artist’s concept of a HELIOS laser system aboard a U.S. destroyer. Lockheed Martin Image Not so sure about burning larger ships- seems there’s a horizon involved- but for ruining the day of close aboard swarm boats and incoming air hostiles, this could be a game changer. Thanks to the Master Chief for the link. By: […]
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