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Yet Another Installment of ObamaCare “Good News”

| August 17, 2016 | 25 Comments
Yet Another Installment of ObamaCare “Good News”

Well, we have more “good news” about that wonderful Federal law called the      Patently Pathetic Accumulated Conglomerate of Asininity         Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, AKA “ObamaCare”. I’ve written before about issues with ObamaCare health care cooperatives  – and again here.  And I’ve also written about how some insurers were starting to abandon the ObamaCare […]

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Looking for An “ObamaCare” Health Co-Op? Good Luck.

| July 13, 2016 | 19 Comments
Looking for An “ObamaCare” Health Co-Op?  Good Luck.

Remember that       truly asinine exercise in socialist idiocy        healthcare “innovation” called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – AKA “ObamaCare”?  Remember how it was supposed to use “nonprofit healthcare cooperatives” as an integral part of its design? Well, as I’ve written before here those cooperatives haven’t exactly been doing that well.  As of […]

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Yer Monday Smile: Wonder If Anyone We “Know and Love” Might Be Interested?

| May 16, 2016 | 39 Comments
Yer Monday Smile:  Wonder If Anyone We “Know and Love” Might Be Interested?

Ain’t modern medicine wonderful? First penis transplant in U.S. performed in Boston This not a worldwide first.  The first successful such surgery was apparently performed in South Africa some 2 years ago.  It is, however, the first such surgery in the US. The individual concerned has yet to heal, so it’s unknown whether or not […]

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Gee. That’s Too Bad.

| May 12, 2016 | 29 Comments
Gee.  That’s Too Bad.

Seeing this certainly makes me smile: Judge rules for House Republicans in ObamaCare lawsuit No, it’s not the final word on the matter; the decision will certainly be appealed.  But it’s a promising first step towards correcting that damnable, idiotic error called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – AKA “ObamaCare”.

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More “ObamaCare” News

| May 5, 2016 | 21 Comments
More “ObamaCare” News

Well, we have some more news about that       Plainly Pathetic Abominable Collection of Asininity       Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, AKA “ObamaCare”.  And as is usual, the news isn’t all that good for the US taxpayer. First, here’s an Item I apparently overlooked previously.  Remember those “non-profit cooperatives” that were supposed to provide much of […]

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Another Chapter In That Continuing “Good News Story” Called ObamaCare

| April 20, 2016 | 44 Comments
Another Chapter In That Continuing “Good News Story” Called ObamaCare

We have some recent news about that        Patently Puerile, Asinine Current Administration concept       current Administration initiative called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) – AKA ObamaCare.  And, as usual, the news isn’t all that good. A few weeks ago, news articles surfaced saying that insurance carriers were worried about ObamaCare.  Specifically, they began […]

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“. . . a passive approach to identifying and preventing fraud.”

| February 24, 2016 | 25 Comments
“. . . a passive approach to identifying and preventing fraud.”

Well, that      Patently Pathethic, Asininly Puerile Abomination      law called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA – AKA “ObamaCare” – is in the news again. And as usual, it’s not in the news in any good way. Essentially, it’s a huge fraud magnet. We already knew that, and I’ve written about that before. […]

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Another $750M Down the PPACA Toilet

| February 9, 2016 | 13 Comments
Another $750M Down the PPACA Toilet

Remember that law called the        Piss-Poor and Amazingly Convoluted Abomination        Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) – AKA ObamaCare?  The 1,000+ page law where, as SanFranNan put it, “we (Congress) have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it”? Well, today we have some […]

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