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Mobile PTSD Winnebago – to help local combat veterans

| February 16, 2019 | 54 Comments
Mobile PTSD Winnebago – to help local combat veterans

With more than 30,000 nonprofit veteran organizations in this country, the Department of Veterans Affairs thinks it’s a good idea to spend a bunch of money treating those veterans who caught the PTSD in a converted roadside Winnebago. Combat veterans have seen and experienced things that civilians can’t even imagine. It takes a certain type […]

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Why Am I Not Surprised?

| December 22, 2018 | 9 Comments
Why Am I Not Surprised?

Planned Parenthood – the nonprofit organization that really cares about women. This is supposed to be such a caring organization, right? Sure, as long as you can pay for what you want. But for their employees? Not so much. Planned Parenthood: biggest hypocrites on the planet; they do not care about their employees at […]

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CBD is about to revolutionize the veteran community and PTSD, taking America by storm

| November 30, 2018 | 39 Comments
CBD is about to revolutionize the veteran community and PTSD, taking America by storm

Melissa Leon CBD is the latest product taking the United States by storm, and chances are you’ve probably already heard about it by now. The CBD market has grown so much that it has drawn in everyone from U.S. senators to multi-billion-dollar companies – and the veteran community, where it already has a huge following […]

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The Spanish Flu 100 Years and Counting

| November 10, 2018 | 22 Comments
The Spanish Flu 100 Years and Counting

This link will take you to a full article (not pay-walled) on the Spanish flu pandemic, which may have originated in China as avian or swine flu, but erupted in a virulent way during and after World War I. From the article: “The impact of this pandemic was not limited to 1918–1919. All influenza […]

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Trump Signs Law To Lower Drug Prices, Ends Gag Orders Against Pharmacists

| October 14, 2018 | 18 Comments
Trump Signs Law To Lower Drug Prices, Ends Gag Orders Against Pharmacists

President Donald Trump signed a law that ends insurance companies’ pharmacist gag clauses in an effort to lower drug prices Wednesday.  Currently, insurers and pharmacy benefit managers use the gag clauses to “forbid pharmacists from proactively telling consumers if their prescription would cost less if they paid for it out-of-pocket rather than using their insurance […]

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Veteran convicted of threatening N.J. congressman

| October 11, 2018 | 26 Comments
Veteran convicted of threatening N.J. congressman

A veteran has been convicted of threatening to kill New Jersey congressman Frank LoBiondo and members of his staff. Thirty-nine-year-old Joseph Brodie of Millville was convicted in Camden federal court on Wednesday of making threats to officials and employees of the United States. Prosecutors say Brodie was unhappy with his healthcare treatment from the VA, […]

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1st Lt. Katie Blanchard seeks $3.5 Million

| October 8, 2018 | 44 Comments
1st Lt. Katie Blanchard seeks $3.5 Million

We first wrote about Katie Blanchard HERE.   She has filed a $3.5 million case against the Army Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. One year ago, an Army civilian who tossed a water bottle full of gasoline onto his supervisor and lit a match was sentenced by a judge to 20 years in prison for attempted […]

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When they start pimping out the corpse of a dead veteran for votes…everyone should lose.

| October 1, 2018 | 24 Comments
When they start pimping out the corpse of a dead veteran for votes…everyone should lose.

The corpse of Jason Simcakoski seems to be popular fodder for political grazing these days.  Jason died in 2014 while in the care of the VA.  Now,  Leah Vukmir and Tammy Baldwin are using his death in their respective campaign adds. The parents and widow of a Marine veteran who died at the Tomah Veterans Affairs Medical Center […]

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