
TAH on Fox News?

| April 9, 2010 | 7 Comments
TAH on Fox News?

I just watched a segment on Fox and Friends with Steve Doocy, one of the Baldwins, Robin Givens and some comedian dude. They were supposed to be discussing Matthis’ flag burning theater and why the media isn’t covering it. Doocy said something to the effect that none of the media are covering it, that there’s […]

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The Media’s Dirty Little Secret About The Iraq War

| April 8, 2010 | 10 Comments
The Media’s Dirty Little Secret About The Iraq War

The coverage of the WikiLeaks “collateral murder” video continues to send my blood pressure higher and higher. Here is a choice article from AlterNet, in which the author repeats the “This is a horrible war crime” nonsense. A choice quote: This is definitely not Academy Award winner The Hurt Locker – where American soldiers are […]

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Eugene Robinson: what Left-wing terrorism?

| March 30, 2010 | 13 Comments
Eugene Robinson: what Left-wing terrorism?

Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson is the absolute King of Left Wing Adherence. Nearly every word that appears in his Pulitzer-Prized column is pre-chewed at the White House for easy consumption by the drooling morons who still read the Post. Today’s missive is equally digestible by the chirping heads; But for the most part, far-left violence […]

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Reuter’s proof there are Gays in the Military

| March 24, 2010 | 12 Comments
Reuter’s proof there are Gays in the Military

Jerry920 sent me a link the other day related to a Reuters Don’t Ask Don’t Tell themed series of photos. I wasn’t quite sure what Jerry was pointing to, but I kept going back to it. Finally today I got to this photo at the end of the series. I guess this is Reuter’s way […]

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The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

| March 12, 2010 | 9 Comments
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Howell Raines is the disgraced former editor of the New York Times who was forced resigned due to his involvement in the Jayson Blair scandal. He was responsible for the “diversity above all” atmosphere that inhabited the newsroom at the Times that allowed Jayson Blair to be continually promoted despite his shoddy reporting. Raines also […]

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Rob Diamond; another HuffPo hack

| March 9, 2010 | 9 Comments
Rob Diamond; another HuffPo hack

I wrote about Rob Diamond a few weeks back when he criticized Republicans daring to have troops in their audiences. Today he’s complaining that Glen Beck is stealing from military charities over at the Huffington Post; What is actually happening — and what is so obviously wrong — is that the rally is not actually […]

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J Patrick Bedell is really a tea partier, despite the best evidence available

| March 5, 2010 | 20 Comments
J Patrick Bedell is really a tea partier, despite the best evidence available

While I was reading my newest favorite non-milblog, Legal Insurrection, I ruminated about the lengths the Left will go to misrepresent these clearly Leftist suicide nutters. Early this morning, I’d read DrewM at Ace of Spades who pointed readers to Patterico’s dumpster diving in regards to Bedell. I actually Googled “John Patrick Bedell” “Tea Party” […]

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Getting the Kokesh story right

| March 3, 2010 | 15 Comments
Getting the Kokesh story right

I’m beginning to believe that Judge Napolitano is a useless hack. In the following video, he introduces IVAW’s Kokesh as a captain in the Marine Corps. To his credit, Kokesh corrects Napolitano and tells Napolitano he was a sergeant in Iraq – but he neglects to explain he left the Marine Corps Reserves as a […]

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