The dumbest crap ever written
I thought I’d read the dumbest shit ever written at Veterans Today and from Gordon Duff, but this one from the Old Media has everything over there beat hands down. In the Minnesota Post is an article written by Doug Grow entitled “This week’s American Legion gathering is latest evidence that government does create jobs”; […]
Who cares what happens to NYC?
So this hurricane, a category 1 hurricane, basically a strong rainstorm, is headed to New York City and everyone who is outside will get wet. The horrors of broken window panes and storm tossed boats really hit home when you watch reportage like this from Fox News; Watch the latest video at Nanny-mayor Bloomberg […]
Newspaper retracts awesomest SEAL story
The Mountain News which published a story about a clown who claimed that he commanded SEAL Team 6 and spent 31 years as a SEAL which we discussed last week, has admitted that perhaps they’d been a bit hasty in trotting out this particular fairy tale; A Freedom of Information request to ascertain whether Carl […]
That retirement pay thing again
Several of you are upset with a CBS story about the planned changes to the military retirement system. I guess they shouldn’t have started the story the way they did; It sounds like a pretty good deal: Retire at age 38 after 20 years of work and get a monthly pension of half your salary […]
Those crack reporters at CNN
COB6 sends a CNN link from his undisclosed location about an Uzbek man in Alabama who was seeking help in assassinating our president; A 21-year-old man from Uzbekistan living in Alabama sought assistance to kill President Barack Obama, either by shooting him or potentially using explosives for a suicide attack, according to a government affidavit. […]
But, But… A Free Press is Supposed to be a GOOD Thing?
First this almost viral story: From Don Surber, and many others. That Vietnam hero John Kerry is saying: And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it’s exercising today. The media has got to to begin to not give equal time or […]
It’s easy to fool fools
The article started with a tear-jerking story about a soldier foresaken by his country…reporters love that shit; “Sir, I served honorably for this country. I gave blood for this country. And I lived in a hell hole as a prisoner of war for this country,” he told me, fighting back emotions. “But my government doesn’t […]
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