Those crack reporters at CNN
COB6 sends a CNN link from his undisclosed location about an Uzbek man in Alabama who was seeking help in assassinating our president;
A 21-year-old man from Uzbekistan living in Alabama sought assistance to kill President Barack Obama, either by shooting him or potentially using explosives for a suicide attack, according to a government affidavit.
Ulugbek Kodirov was indicted Tuesday and charged with threatening to kill the president.
OK, so far, so good in the reportage arena, until CNN gets to the last line;
Kodirov faces four counts of threatening the president and other weapons charges — including possessing grenades and an M15 machine gun, the Justice Department said.
Oh, yeah? An M15 machine gun? COB6 speculates that Ulugbek is some kind of scary assassin from the future or more likely, the Justice Department and CNN don’t know what the hell the ass clown had for weaponry.
I guess it’s too much to ask CNN to report that it was an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, because M15 machine gun just sounds more intelligent.
I’m surprised they didn’t try to classify the grenades. You know, like the M203 high capacity grenades with fully automatic safety clips.
Category: Media, Terror War
CNN’s source was the Justice Department.
Isn’t the M15 the Mexican Narco-Cartel’s nomenclature for AR-15s? So, I can understand DOJ’s confusion.
Nah. It gets better. The M15 A4 is an Airsoft rifle.
I didn’t know that; I googled it.
Stephen King made the same mistake in the Stand. Annoyed the shit out of me.
Wait a second, this guy isn’t white, or anything. Cuz That’s what Chris Mathews said would happen. A white guy would be so pissed that there was a black guy in the WH that he’d try to kill him. He couldn’t be. . . Muslim?
Maybe he was going to load it with ultra dangerous BBs… You know those will put an eye out…
An AIRSOFT rifle?!?!?
Toooo funny!
I can hear the mullah lecturing this clown now: “You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!”
Gotta hand it to CNN to give us comedy gold on a daily basis, albeit unintentionally.
Those Airsoft rifles look pretty realistic. You don’t suppose he bought one and THOUGHT he had an AR-15?
M15 submachine gun? methinks someone misread “MP5” submachine gun.
There’s also the Armalite M-15A4 which is a semi-auto AR-15 type rifle.
CNN really thinks that it is news when someone in Alabama wants to kill the president. Hell, I have relatives in Louisiana and Mississippi that would jump at the chance.
#9: if the kid got a real gun, it’d be the only thing he did right.
@DaveO According to court papers he brought a Sendra Corporation Model M15-A1 rifle from undercover law enforcement agents:
It doesn’t say much for CNN’s reporting, it took me all of about a 1 minute to find that article.
Okay, for everyone who got their knickers in a knot.
The man in question bought a Sendra Corporation AR-15 style rifle. Sendra’s rifle’s designation is: XM 15E2. It is an actual rifle, not the Airsoft version.
#12 & 13: Thank you for doing the research. I like my version better – in fact, it’d only get better if DOJ reported the alleged terrorist had loaded multiple magazines with Preparation H “bullets.”
Well, it’s still not a “machine gun”, and the lamestream media and Holder DOJ are still doing their very best to blur the distinction between fully-automatic weapons and semi-autos.
@Major Kong True, in the liberal mind all black rifles are the same evil things.
The guy entered a plea of not guilty. That’s good enough for me. Next case.
Hell, for ignorant left/libtards, a Brown Bess is still a “dangerous sniper weapon.”
I’m surprised they didn’t try to classify the grenades. You know, like the M203 high capacity grenades with fully automatic safety clips.
After reading the AI report, I would tend to believe the REAL story is that Fed law enforcement sold a full auto rifle to an illegal alien.
lol, You actually expected FACTS from CNN?
Remember they are the ones that knew and witheld the info on sadams rape murder rooms. “Their motto is We dont need no stinking facts.”