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Kokesh and remake of Footloose

| June 5, 2011 | 10 Comments
Kokesh and remake of Footloose

This morning I was looking for reports of Kokesh’s antics at the Jefferson Memorial yesterday and our buddy Marooned in Marin beat me to it. ADDED: The Code Pink version; Looking at the video, it looks like a bunch of spastic nerds showed up yesterday hoping to be arrested but the park police disappointed them. […]

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Fat Mossad agent calls for US Muslims to buy guns

| June 5, 2011 | 5 Comments
Fat Mossad agent calls for US Muslims to buy guns

That fat US-born Jewish kid, Adam Perlman Gadahn, whom Gordon Duff has accused of being a Mossad agent, called on Muslims living in the United States to buy guns and begin killing Americans; “What are you waiting for?” asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that jihadis shouldn’t worry about getting caught, since so many […]

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Kokesh in remake of “Footloose”

| May 31, 2011 | 16 Comments
Kokesh in remake of “Footloose”

Yes, he’s finally found an issue that can get him back his former glory which he lost when he quit associating with IVAW. It’s right out of “Footlose” – Adam Kokesh is the new Ren McCormick and Suzie Benjamin will be at his side as the latest Ariel. I wonder if they’ll cast John Lithgow […]

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Kokesh, Benjamin and Diliberto

| May 31, 2011 | 0 Comments
Kokesh, Benjamin and Diliberto

Here’s Adam Kokesh and Medea Benjamin setting up for their protest at the Jefferson Memorial that Ponsdorf wrote about this last weekend. I think if I had questions about the G8 these are the last three people I’d ask; Jake Diliberto sounds almost rational compared to Medea and Kokesh. At about 10:20 into the video, […]

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Matthis in your school

| May 31, 2011 | 42 Comments
Matthis in your school

One of my ninjas sent us these videos. Here’s a Philadelphia teacher explaining why she thinks it’s so important for her students to hear Matthis’ lies. She explains that her students need to learn about what went on in Iraq…but if she’s waiting to hear from Matthis, she’ll be waiting awhile because he never went […]

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We choose hypocrisy

| May 23, 2011 | 13 Comments
We choose hypocrisy

One of my ninjas sent this video by Bobby Anarchy Whittenberg and his intellectually vacant song “We choose anarchy”. In it he complains about living in this country – about everything. I think it’s damn funny that all of this complaining about how he’s so liberated from the government, but the only money he gets […]

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What’s that say about the other guys?

| May 22, 2011 | 6 Comments
What’s that say about the other guys?

Jimmy Carter, probably the worst President in American history, tried to convince NBC viewers that he’s the best ex-President ever. (Picked up at Hot Air who linked to NBC – see how I linked to you there, Hot Air?) In an interview with NBC’s Brian Williams, former President Jimmy Carter, who has been a target […]

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Jason Lemieux: then and now

| May 16, 2011 | 8 Comments
Jason Lemieux: then and now

I was in the committee meeting room when Jason Lemieux testified to Congress at the Winter Soldier hearings. It was almost word-for-word what he said at the original WSII hearings in Silver Spring, MD. At the time I wrote; Jason Lemieux followed Kelly. He was discharged in 2006 – before General Petraeus took command. He […]

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