Kokesh and remake of Footloose

| June 5, 2011

This morning I was looking for reports of Kokesh’s antics at the Jefferson Memorial yesterday and our buddy Marooned in Marin beat me to it.

ADDED: The Code Pink version;

Looking at the video, it looks like a bunch of spastic nerds showed up yesterday hoping to be arrested but the park police disappointed them. At the end of the video, when the park police finally decided to crack down, they started giving the cops shit. The cops are just doing their jobs, it does no good to yell at them. Yell at the people who make the laws that the cops are only enforcing, dolts.

Actually, it’s pretty pathetic to see so many people show up for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial, but they won’t show up at the polls to vote for candidates that will get government out of their lives.

So was the protest really all that important? I’ll bet if you asked everyone who was dancing if they thought taxes on the rich should be raised, they’d resoundingly support that – but let us dance. Should we be allowed to smoke in bars? No! But let us dance. Ban transfats? Yes, but let us dance! Tax fatty or sugary foods? Yes, but don’t stop us from dancing!

They’ll vote for single-payer universal health care, but the government should let them dance.

Drill and refine our own oil and gas reserves? No! But let us dance!

Well, you get the idea. Silly, pathetic little trolls.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, General Whackos, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Libertines suck, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Jonn, you really have a great way with words! You put a smile on my face… =D I feel like dancing all of a sudden, hahaa…

Marooned in Marin

Thanks for the link, Jonn!


[…] This Ain’t Hell […]

Ringo the Gringo

How many times can Medea Benjamin get arrested before they finally lock her up for a few years?….Don’t they have 3 strike laws in DC?


They put Medea in a cell once, the hookers and druggies threw her back out.

Frankly Opinionated

Media Benjamin really thinks she has picked a turd up by the clean end.


Something tells me Kokesh isn’t gonna run for Congress again anytime soon, either that or he really IS totally delusional if he doesn’t think any opponent isn’t going to use these videos for all the comedy gold they’re worth.


The “Thomas Jefferson” bobble-head at 0:08 looks alot like the old Dick Cheney puppet used at protests during the Bush years.


Also, I don’t think Jefferson was a Redcoat.

Andy FMF

Where were the arrests? I watched all of their dancing, but never got the happy ending (seeing them hauled away).

Doc Bailey

do they not get this idea that they’re not being arrested for there “1st Amendment rights” (Which is NOT a license to do whatever the F**K they want) they get arrested because they’re annoying, and generally causing a disturbance of the peace (which if you look IS an actual crime, if a minor one)