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John Edwards; dick

| February 4, 2010 | 8 Comments
John Edwards; dick

The NY Post is reporting that former VP nominee and Democrat Presidential candidate John Edwards smacked his cancer-ridden wife around after he admitted to adulterous sex. I heard Geraldo Rivera call John Edwards a scumbag on his show the other day. Do you have any idea how screwed up you have to be to have […]

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Jurisprudential Special Olympics Winner! How you can help Branum defeat grammar.

| February 2, 2010 | 37 Comments
Jurisprudential Special Olympics Winner!  How you can help Branum defeat grammar.

Well, since my post yesterday went over roughly as well as a boisterous fart during the Thanksgiving Dinner blessing, I’ll hold back ridiculing the Birthers and World Nut Daily one more day.  Instead, I’ll go back to the standard classic of goofing on James Branum. This morning I thought I would look for something wrong […]

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Tony Camerino still clinging to his own lies

| February 2, 2010 | 3 Comments
Tony Camerino still clinging to his own lies

In his latest missive at VoteVet’s VetsVoice, Anthony Camerino (aka Matthew Alexander) dismisses a Washington Post op-ed piece by Michael V. Hayden because of Camerino’s perception of the Bush Administration’s policy of treating terrorists as terrorists; Jumping on the bandwagon of fear-mongering and criticizing the Justice Department’s handling of Abdulmullatab is Hayden’s method for shielding […]

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Do they even put locks on nursing home doors these days?

| January 29, 2010 | 9 Comments
Do they even put locks on nursing home doors these days?

Someone sent me this video of a protest at one of General Petraeus’ speeches. Apparently the only people they can get to go to these protests anymore are nursing home refugees. Most don’t even look like they know where they are, but that lends itself to type of protest – they merely stand and turn […]

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The bravery of anonymity

| January 27, 2010 | 9 Comments
The bravery of anonymity

Ever wonder how you can call yourself brave without having to identify yourself? Well, James Branum, lawyer to more imprisoned soldiers than anyone else would be proud to represent, has it all figured out. He puts a prospective client on YouTube wrapped up in some really snazzy duds; Of course, Branum begins the video with […]

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Today’s “WTF?” moment

| January 24, 2010 | 139 Comments
Today’s “WTF?” moment

My buddy, Bev Perlson, sent this video this morning. Fox News’ Judge Napolitano interviews Adam Kokesh as if Kokesh is just another guy off the street running for office without mentioning that Kokesh was/is a member of IVAW; Watch the latest news video at If Napolitano had done his research, he’d know that his […]

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Guantanamo’s last holdouts

| January 23, 2010 | 2 Comments
Guantanamo’s last holdouts

While Anthony Camerino and some guy who looks like Michael Scott from “The Office” were in the office of Bob Filner the other day trying to get Guantanamo Bay detainee facility shut down, look what the Obama Administration announced according to the New York Times; The Obama administration has decided to continue to imprison without […]

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OFA: Keep elections fair (for us)

| January 22, 2010 | 23 Comments
OFA: Keep elections fair (for us)

Organizing For America, the DNC’s front group for Obamabots, sent another BFF email to me this morning warning that corporations now have a free-for-all opportunity to pour their money into elections; Of course, they fail to mention that the Supreme Court also freed up contribution limits to campaigns from individuals and unions in addition to […]

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