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Ann Wright lies

| June 11, 2010 | 18 Comments
Ann Wright lies

Mary Ann Wright, the scraggly old bag in the front of the above picture, is a member of several anti-war groups in the US. She made headlines when she resigned from her State Department job over the invasion of Saddam’s Iraq. Ever since you can watch the former Reserve Colonel populate the ranks of Code […]

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Army Experience Center to close doors

| June 11, 2010 | 5 Comments
Army Experience Center to close doors

After almost 2 years, $12 million, 40,000 visitors and 235 recruits, the Army Experience Center is shutting it’s doors at Philadelphia’s Franklin Mills Mall. Of course, the hippies are taking credit for the closure; Lepley said the demonstrations had nothing to do with the decision to close the center, but activist Elaine Brower, of Staten […]

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Elaine Brower, Matthis and Cindy Sheehan headed to court

| June 9, 2010 | 12 Comments
Elaine Brower, Matthis and Cindy Sheehan headed to court

Someone sent me this link yesterday from Cindy Sheen’s blog about the “Trial of the Century” in which Cindy tries to rally the peace troops to protest against her arrest and subsequent imprisonment for several hours. The most instructive part the post is the statement from Elaine Brower; “My son served 3 combat tours as […]

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Pelosi heckled by Teaparty activists

| June 9, 2010 | 3 Comments
Pelosi heckled by Teaparty activists

Oh, no, it’s Code Pink and some left wing activists heckling the Speaker of the House. Last year ahe whined that right wingers scared her, and that insurance companies were behind the protesters. Which big money industry is behind this; When the Secret Service advises he to leave because the protesters are throwing stuff at […]

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Elaine Brower calls the troops ‘Baby Killers’

| June 7, 2010 | 11 Comments
Elaine Brower calls the troops ‘Baby Killers’

You may remember that I introduced you to Elaine Brower, the Staten Island Blue Star Mom who runs the area’s Military Families Speak Out chapter, who stood with Matthis when he burned a flag, while shouted something about ‘this what we think of this country’ or something equally childish. She also pays for the blog […]

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Matthis: Vacation or jail?

| June 7, 2010 | 10 Comments
Matthis: Vacation or jail?

So Matthis is trying to make up his mind whether he should fulfill his obligations or totally blow off jail in favor of a Caribbean vacation in regards to his arrest in Highland Falls during the President’s speech there. Guess which way he’s leaning; I called the District Attorney’s Office this morning, but they said […]

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IVAW Convention at Huston-Tillotson University

| June 7, 2010 | 25 Comments
IVAW Convention at Huston-Tillotson University

Next month is the annual IVAW Convention. This year it will be held at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, TX. Here’s what they say about the purpose of their convention; All members of Iraq Veterans Against the War are highly encouraged to attend convention. In addition to building relationships with other members, we will be discussing […]

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Navy puts kibosh on IVAW-UXO concert

| June 4, 2010 | 85 Comments
Navy puts kibosh on IVAW-UXO concert

The latest money-raising scheme of the Iraq Veterans Against the War is their UXO Tour. UXO means unexploded ordinance – hinting that veterans back from the war are going to go off any minute now. Well their first concert was on a cruise ship in New York City and it was timed to coincide with […]

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