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Matthis wants to slap you for saying you’re non-violent

| May 9, 2011 | 19 Comments
Matthis wants to slap you for saying you’re non-violent

Matthis is such a giant pussy he won’t even threaten you to your face; Somehow, Matthis thinks that all Americans are violent because we pay our taxes, yet he remains morally above the rest of us while he uses tax-payer-funded VA benefits. I wonder how he explains this picture of him pretending to be a […]

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The tortuous debate about torture

| May 4, 2011 | 4 Comments
The tortuous debate about torture

The CIA Director has admitted that, to a point, “harsh interrogayion methods” were used with some success in the bin :aden operation. According to the Washington Times, Panetta said; CIA Director Leon E. Panetta said some threads of intelligence among the multiple origins came through the use of harsh interrogation. “Clearly, some of it came […]

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Matthis the “Deather”

| May 3, 2011 | 22 Comments
Matthis the “Deather”

One of my ninjas sent us these screen shots of Matthis calling BS on the death of bin Laden – probably using his skills as a CSI – something else he’s never done. Why would they need to do an autopsy, Matthis? They know how he died – there’s video of him getting a pair […]

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Army gives tour of Manning’s new digs

| April 28, 2011 | 8 Comments
Army gives tour of Manning’s new digs

In an attempt to preclude criticism of Bradley Manning’s new accommodations at Fort Leavenworth, the Army conducted a tour for the press (USA Today link); The Fort Leavenworth prison, which opened late last year, was built near the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks, the military’s maximum-security prison for inmates sentenced to at least five years confinement, including […]

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Finally! Shepherd denied asylum in Germany

| April 5, 2011 | 12 Comments
Finally! Shepherd denied asylum in Germany

We’ve been following this for years, but it seems that the Germans, after two years of dithering have finally arrived at the right decision and denied asylum for Andre Shepherd, an Army deserter. They were supposed to hand down a decision back in June 2009. I’ve been waiting for this day. “The asylum claim was […]

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The people talking to your kids about the war

| March 28, 2011 | 31 Comments
The people talking to your kids about the war

As I’ve written a few times, Ethan McCord, who was one of the soldiers on the scene during the now-famous “Collateral Murder” video (which was filmed four years ago). Now he’s a man on a mission to “explain” the video to your kids and school children like them with the help of the rocket surgeons […]

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Matthis: I was an occupier in Afghanistan

| March 25, 2011 | 20 Comments
Matthis: I was an occupier in Afghanistan

Yes, he’s back at telling his lies. Matthis breaks down into crocodile tears over his “occupation” of Afghanistan for six days at the Bagram Baskin-Robbins. “That I was there pointing guns at [children]”. I doubt the Army even let him have a “gun”. His piss-poor theatrical performance begins at about 44 minutes into this video […]

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Manning protest at Quantico

| March 21, 2011 | 7 Comments
Manning protest at Quantico

I don’t know how they did it, but CNN was able to video the protest at Quantico without any shots of Ann Wright (I wonder how many videographers were hospitalized keeping her nasty face out of camera range), but she did get her dusty old ass arrested. I noticed that Jimbo did get a picture […]

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