Usual Suspects
Kokesh takes a page from the Obama campaign
Remember during the 2008 election, the Obama campaign had to put up a web page to fight the so-called mistruths about their candidate? Well, former or current IVAW member Adam Kokesh thought he ought to do it, too for his campaign in New Mexico. Let’s take a look at it; 1. “Adam Kokesh never served […]
AWOL Mom gets discharged
Alexis Hutchison, the single Army Mom who went AWOL with her son to avoid deployment will get an administrative discharge and a reduction in grade as a result. She should get reduced – there’s no excuse for missing movement and going AWOL. But I blame her mother and the father of the child for the […]
Kokesh and Rand Paul – BFFs
TSO phoned me from the road yesterday about a Rand Paul/Adam Kokesh video. I hope I found the right one, because it appears that there are several on Youtube. This one is from last summer and filmed in Kentucky; It’s funny, but I agree with everything they said – but it’s what they don’t say […]
Crossing the streams
The grand queen of all moonbats, Cynthia McKinney has been deemed worthy of receiving the “Peace through Conscience” award from the European Moonbat organization Munich American Peace Committee, a group of disaffected Americans in Germany; Included in McKinney’s program is a meeting with the Munich American Peace Committee (MAPC – www(dot)mapc-web(dot)de) which will present to […]
John Edwards; dick
The NY Post is reporting that former VP nominee and Democrat Presidential candidate John Edwards smacked his cancer-ridden wife around after he admitted to adulterous sex. I heard Geraldo Rivera call John Edwards a scumbag on his show the other day. Do you have any idea how screwed up you have to be to have […]
Jurisprudential Special Olympics Winner! How you can help Branum defeat grammar.
Well, since my post yesterday went over roughly as well as a boisterous fart during the Thanksgiving Dinner blessing, I’ll hold back ridiculing the Birthers and World Nut Daily one more day. Instead, I’ll go back to the standard classic of goofing on James Branum. This morning I thought I would look for something wrong […]
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