Liberals suck
Tuesdays with the Libs of Tik Tok
She seems really grateful for all her parents have done for her We live in a society that encourages people to intentionally upset their parents — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) December 23, 2021 Pedo #1 Never would’ve guessed by looking at it! — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) December 23, 2021 Pedo […]
Two “defund the police” Democrats car jacked in two major cities within 24 hours of each other
File this one under poetic justice, karma, or “Leopards ate my face.” As crime soars in most major cities, spurred by a unique combination of Democrat council and mayors politics of cutting the police and Democrat prosecutors refusing to prosecute crimes we find two Democrat legislators get car jacked within 24 hours of each other […]
Online thoughtcrime to be outlawed under new Pentagon policy
Well, as expected, the Brandon Administration has taken the fight against “extremism” in its ranks to an unconstitutional extreme. The latest Amendment of the Bill of Rights under assault is the First. Servicemembers will now be prohibited from liking or retweeting things online if their command thinks it’s “extremism.” From Military Times; Membership in extremist […]
Jesse Kelly: Type-A men needed in the military
Zachary Petrizzo took issue, on the Daily Beast, about Tucker Carlson’s nodding in agreement with his guest Jesse Kelly. They were talking about the military. Jesse Kelly provided Tucker Carlson his opinion on the type of men needed in the military. Petrizzo took aim at Tucker’s apparent lack of military service in response to Tucker’s […]
Da-Nang Dick helps communists celebrate centenary
Our favorite sitting US Senator who embellishes a non-existent war record, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), who we lovingly refer to around these parts as “Da Nang Dick, appeared the other day at an awards service for a group of communists. Poetrooper sends this American Greatness article; Senator Richard Blumenthal(D-Conn.) said he was “excited and proud” to […]
Tuesdays with the Libs of Tik Tok
Infant being taught consent This baby is adorable. Praying for him. This video is beyond parody — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) December 13, 2021 DeSantis was right Desantis was right. — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) December 13, 2021 I’m not sure he understands what a “lesbian” is… Change ‘trans woman’ to […]
Tuesdays with the Libs of Tik Tok
From the “Things that never happened” files This never happened — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) November 28, 2021 “I am so tired of humans” – Speaking for all humans, we’re tired of you too, Demi. Don’t do drugs, kids — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) November 28, 2021 Everyone wants to be […]
Your opposition to Joe Biden’s performance is based on feelings
Brian Stelter, of CNN, claimed that when it comes to how Joe Biden is handling both Covid 19 and the economy, Americans are putting their feelings over the facts. He claimed that he understood how people would go by what they feel despite the facts indicating an economy that is bouncing back. From Fox News: […]
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